Built This Barrel Pizza Oven 2.0

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[Music] today tomato sauce mozzarella cheese and pizza dough in here to make the best pizza oven i've made yet ready spiker how are you yeah you want to help me with this just a little hammering [Music] okay let's proceed [Music] go to the store and get yourself the really long pieces of rebar okay if you buy the short ones it gets kind of expensive these are cheap [Music] [Music] ah perfect there we go so use the first one as your guide and you're good to go so the size for the size barrel i have i'm gonna cut eight of these and uh all right um i can't hear myself talk i'm jumping ahead of myself because what i'm i'm i'm doing a lot of assuming when i cut this and you know what assuming does to me let's set up the barrel what's up girls hi [Music] may i ask i love my cart i missed the beginning what are we doing here so if you've watched garden fork i've made all sorts of different kinds of things with fire and cooking and pizza ovens right right and i made one out of a drum and it people were really fascinated by it and they gave a bunch of different ideas and i've been thinking about this for way too long and i finally decided today today at the end of the summer season to build the best pizza oven yet out of a drum that drone yeah that's why we're here today i did not know surprise fries are we having pizza later maybe so what i want to do is i want to build a brick arch in here how do you do that build it upside down and then flip the drum upside down what about the gravity part that's why i got the rebar so i started to cut the rebar before i had measured the brick circumference is the word clay brick by the way argue about it in the comments so tired of the experts telling me what i'm doing wrong with clay brick so don't get me started so look at that isn't that cool so imagine that upside that as an arched roof right yeah i can imagine it what about the gravity i'm gonna build the first layer and then we'll see if it works because we're all about hey let's try this and see what happens ooh this might work hold on so then i i already cut the rebar this is right i i've been thinking about this all summer and it's been a crazy summer as we all know and i thought i'm gonna finally build this [Applause] don't know my own strength or measurements see there's two pieces of rebar for every brick don't stick your head in there so this is the arch [Music] gravity experts don't say anything no but just like okay so i got to make the rebar a little bit longer but if this works it'll be great [Music] that better all right [Music] oh that's heavy this is how they built civilization it is it is how they built civilization and look at us now yeah what a great civilization at least we're above ground so [Music] yep what's wrong look at that [Music] do you care that the wait we're not done oh let's go oh look at that wow it's like it's no you don't understand this is huge it's like the bell civilization oh look how that's kind of held itself so this is a brick arched pizza or bread oven now the fire is going to be below the heat's going to come up through the brick and off the back i'll show you this is our baking surface this is where the heat's going to reflect down it worked what if you tap on the top a little is that all secure [Music] we're not an earthquake zone did you see the side move a little bit yeah so i just wanted i didn't know if you saw all right so i'm going to build the whole thing out we're not in an earthquake zone and we'll see what happens i love that he really does this is like genuine happiness y'all unusual for me i haven't had a xanax [Laughter] thank you beryl [Music] all right start from the back and build it out we want a gap at the end of the barrel the solid end of the barrel for the hot air to come on you know the fire is going to be under and to swoop up and come across the top i've spaced these and there's like this much gap so i'm just going to cheat this brick a little forward like that i just want i don't want like a two-inch gap back there it'll this will all make sense maybe [Music] i'm gonna tap the um tap the rebar in so [Music] so i'm gonna put this here oh that one goes in better it's kind of hard to see but there's a gap at the very back there that's going to become important it's just you think about stuff and then so many times that it doesn't work or you didn't think of that thing and this this might actually work you know [Music] so all right let's see how this fits uh it's definitely tighter yeah much better much better so it depends i'm yelling right sorry it just depends on your on your drum but you might have to trim them a little bit i i in my dreams i'm going to buy a a metal chop saw you know you're probably yelling at the video right now eric why don't you have a metal jump so because because i don't i don't have everything i just use what i got and that's what i think i would hope you would do too because if you if you could buy i bought this at the farm supply store the barrel it's like 30 bucks and then the rebar was cheap the brick was free from a demolition site so don't get me started about the brick [Music] so just i'm gonna see it's kind of at an angle i'll just pull this out [Music] nice okay don't look at this mess but somewhere in here of this half-done project is this there you go nice [Music] uh you can't see it but the saw horses are kind of flexing in the mud [Music] [Music] okay that wasn't good um i don't know what happened here we go let's uh put it back [Music] all right i'm gonna think about this and we're gonna come back [Music] so what i like here is that when you grind off the rivets you've got built-in holes to put the bolts through right ow rebar falling on you so i just did um i just fine-tuned this i laid out the bricks and then if one brick was you know for brick was jutting a little higher to its uh next door neighbor i just some bricks are thinner than others it's just bricks are imperfect um if you make a garden fork joke about that but anyway um oh i see one i gotta fix okay but you want you want this to be a pretty smooth line as it goes into the back there i'm trying to figure out if i need another row of brick here is this [Music] that'll be a big fire area and then the floor of the pizza oven will be there and it's nice to have a short a low ceiling in a pizza oven i see that but i'm thinking [Music] does that make more sense structurally so i don't want to dare move this thing mosquitoes um i'm gonna i'm gonna add another row [Music] all right grinding cutting cutting success that's that's just kind of a an old chop saw i had and i put a metal cutting blade on it is not perfect i know but it works so i have all the bars in now we're going to lay well we're going to attach that bracket so the bracket has pre-drilled holes which quarter 20 screws fit in really nicely so this is going to slide in here [Music] and that is really easy to drill i don't think i can video that because it's pretty darn dark back there but i'm gonna use step drill bits we've talked about these in our previous pizza videos fire pit videos too um so let's do that i'm gonna see if there's a dimple on the outside let's go see [Music] no darn i get to stick my head back in there [Applause] okay [Music] that was easy not oh i could take off that i could take the ear protection off can i i dropped the lock washer [Music] it's on nice [Music] i love these this drill set i'll link to this in my of my tools below the video okay let go of the locking bricks as they were kind of like launching the saturn 5 for the first time again two people would really help with this [Music] [Music] oh wow that looks really nice [Music] [Applause] are you gonna help me start the fire kids ready all right let's go over here vegetable oil and cardboard worked pretty good [Music] so last night i did i call a primary burn initial burn this this paint when it heats up it's going to burn off so you kind of don't want your pizza smelling like paint um so i always just fire this puppy up and let it burn off whatever needs to burn off now pizza time hi i could be hand puppeting notice here all the white that means it got really hot that's good because we burned off all the paint and stuff all the way in the back the bricks are white and that is a classic sign that you've had kind of a super heat with the brick which is very cool we're down to coals here this is i can't put my hand in here without a glove on i meant to put this on a stick but [Music] oh wow they're even white up here spiker is uh spiker's looking the camera operator while she's filming she's eating the pizza um the rebar when it hits a certain temperature starts to warp so um watch out oh we got a maple leaf [Music] not the greatest pizza dough okay that's just that's just the world of eric because don is better than perfect and now we're gonna make the perfect garden fork pizza you ready oh there's some of that white that is like hot how long do you think not long oh not long because i smell it already oh it's smelling crispy oh wow look at it go i think we're burning the crust but it's stable i put a lot of uh cornmeal on the bottom of the dough so it would um slide off of here but maybe that was too much cornmeal because i think that's what's burning so wow but the top is going as well so the hardest part for me in the ovens i've made is the top heat because we can always we can bake the crust but enough top heat so that's why i put the brick arch in like this and the heat from the fire goes to the back and comes up across i'm excited as you can tell i can tell this is actually quite exciting for eric um will someone send me some longer tongs please we're making pizza [Music] there's these guys clearing the trees along the road they've been staring at me they're like what's that guy doing [Music] i always want to rush this you know and i'm like oh it's done because i've burnt them before remember the burning log that rolled onto the pizza that's a good one that we'll link to the ends i have a bunch of these pizza videos bad log incident you got a lot of background noise today i got the tree guys what's going on i was wiping up the fire and they were like looking and then they offered me some firewood because they're cutting the trees you want some pizza are you waiting oh this pizza thanks [Music] okay i think it's time no okay my whole body's quite warm so [Music] sweet oh yeah oh look at that crust not even burnt oh it just smelled burnt that looks like dollar pizza crust oh it was just a little corn thing oh geez i just dumped all the cheese over here okay that's a different kind of pizza so if i can do this you can do this all right there'll be more videos floating right here if you want to learn more about me there's text below with links to all sorts of cool stuff but if i can make a barrel pizza oven you can so you want to spend some more time together right there some videos want to learn more about you yeah [Music] see in the next video
Channel: GardenFork
Views: 949,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY project, Gardening (Interest), Home Repair (Interest), cooking show, Cooking (Interest), Recipe (Website Category), cooking, how-to (Website Category), Home Improvement (Interest), urban homesteading, cooking video, Do It Yourself (Hobby), how-to, erochow, gardenfork, Food, Kitchen, Recipe, Do It Yourself (Website Category), How-to (Media Genre), Tutorial (Media Genre), recipe video, how to, DIY
Id: 6cU1llHRNu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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