this Deathrun took me 2 MONTHS (impossible)

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ladies and gentlemen the time has come for the ultimate death run test now I've done a lot of hard death runs in my day but what you were about to see is I believe the single hottest death run that has ever been made for fortnight other than creating something that's just literally impossible now to give you a bit of backstory I have been trying to beat this death run at for the past month here in the background right now you're seeing some clips from from my first attempt at going through at which point I couldn't even make it past level 5 I managed to get to level 5 but even that took me four straight hours I've been attempting this now for a month straight and I'm determined today is the day I am going to conquer this sucker and yes if you haven't already guessed this is another map made by a [ __ ] but my editor who knows all the kind of things I hate knows how to make me rage and also zoom YouTube Japanese check that out link in the description but without further ado guys let's get in there let's tackle this death run let's defeat it once and for all alright guys here we go we can peek we can see how far we have to go oh my god that's really long especially if all those levels are really hard I've read all this before I've been here level number one let's bait the trap oh my god oh no oh no okay we got the next one they pick the next one come on there we go again come on oK we've added another one what oh my god alright so it's literally being like 2 weeks since I did my last playthrough of this let me tell you I totally forgot how it works I'm pretty sure yeah there's this there was an invisible bumper an invisible bumper you need to use to get up to level 2 okay so it's not only a normal death run it's also a troll death run from here though I remember there are no more tricks from here it's just from here is relatively normal just use standard run-of-the-mill really freely triggering death right level 5 is where we need to get to that's where that's where like the real the real challenge dots to begin oh my god no all right it's fine it's fine I need a little bit of a warm-up gotta get back in the groove and jump over that one oh my god I'm literally forgetting where the corners are so right we literally need to speed run towards these the early levels mouse I need more mouse space I'm literally the content burger burger bro good roll good hey we got it we got it give me guard get me yards yeah now this is level three level three the first time I did it took me about half an hour or 40 minutes so you guys might remember in the previous set run that Jacob made for us there was that level way you had to do these like strafe jumps around these things but obviously we made that one look really really easy oh my god oh my god I made it Jacob Abby you made a level that's gonna make me mad and in reality so this time he's added these poles on the outskirts but not only that the poles get gradually gradually bigger and even though you can't really see doesn't look like much trust me so you can see at the start it's basically like the pole the pole stops at the beginning of the trap but if you look all the way down the end there and do a little bit of an edit so you can see it comes out all the way to the edge now that might not seem like a lot but trust me these jumps are already really really finicky to make happen so adding just an extra like a centimeter or two can be an absolute bloody nightmare I'm pretty sure the first time we did this map I did it with fresh it took him literally I think two hours to beat this level and honestly I think I got lucky when I beat it god it's so annoying cuz from like an audience perspective you probably figured what do you mean me so I can barely even see the pole getting bigger that extra centimeter is everything on a jump like this oh my god your thang lag I'll take it we lagged on come on all right I screwed up I screwed up no no no what some of you were thinking music you'll be in for like eight hours and even they're not a know if I'm gonna beat it how are you possibly gonna get through it and well let me tell you the power of energy drinks baby every death runners best friend listen to this oh yeah that's good alright let's keep going I forgot how much I hated this level I really do hate it just because it looks easy all you guys watching I just give you a oh well me don't see me use jump out and then straight back in with it what's wrong with you it's not okay go to the mat for yourself you're gonna lose your mind here we go here we go ah come on come on yes I'm gonna hit the pole hurry tell oh my god I didn't one more to go come on come on yeah last one oh my god I made it you need to like start from in there and curve out land there B hop on that B hop on the next one and then you through let's go come on made out the trap here we go let's try it come on so I I'm actually a but I'm actually a but I'm a ball from a ball from the part on the bottom aboard how did I do this the first time come on and I'll screw her up again come on come on yeah how how how how how what you're not seeing is every time in between these attempts is about 30 deaths of me not even getting there in the first place and dying on one of these things let's go let's go this is level three come on come on come on yeah baby suck on that now this is the last level that I've actually managed to complete show you how this one goes first things first you can't just try and do a job because the roof is one level above so if you do that you will instantly die what you do need to do is check that down and do a crouch jump and hope that you'll land on the pedestal so you do that except ideally you don't die and okay off to the side god it's the one baby it's the one I got at least get on the first one dark Thanks all right we made it now we just need to do this for a second time in a row and then also do it through at all epic this is gonna be easy once we get a first guy alright I made it to the second one yeah I sort of get through that door and I bucket it all right I'm getting consistent with the first job second job that's another story I do love impulse levels because every single one of the impulses on the ground marks a time when things what thought oh my god we made it come on Dora I got this in the bag you guys know I don't like doors but this one's about to be my little [ __ ] baby second go I told you level four in the scheme of things isn't that bad now it's taken us about an hour to get up to level five and this is where things start getting serious now this is level five not a normal trap tunnel yeah that's right and incredibly incredibly incredibly depressing trap tunnel and here's the thing Jacob we cooked this this little side pasture chain you can skip this level going down here but you won't have officially beaten the map if you do now I didn't go down that pathway but he told me I should explore it all the same after I failed the first attempt and it turns out if you if you do you're gonna see what happens here and dead that's right it kills you right before level 6 so turns out the freebie hallway is actually just an evil troll we now need to do what I think for me at least might be the single hardest trap hallway that I have ever done however if you look all the way down the bottom you'll see this like a little thing cut into the side right there and I'm pretty sure that there's gonna be something in there which means really have to get halfway down the hallway the last time I've tried it I was stuck here for three hours and I got one away from getting in inside that little alcove and and I still didn't make it so long story short you actually can't afford to screw up a single trap late on this one because if you do like that then even though you get a little bit late up the previous trap resets and you die and if you screw up the bait you die and if you walk forward too quickly you die long story short this is the worst level I have ever done in a death run ever and it's only level 5 all right here we go oh my god I cook ok we go through the first one and the second one oh my god oh my god am I remembering how to do it I'm remembering how to do it I'm room it still gets you I failed this level enough there I've literally spent hours on this level and I so can barely get past the first bit and oh my god okay we made it past that one come on I went too far no I didn't I got it oh my god come on come on come on no I didn't bake the floor no oh my god oh my god I recovered somehow we're here just the end come on ah there is something in there come on one more oh my god oh the nerves dude they get to me every time oh my god I'm getting surgeon system here and the previous one we sex they took too long that's how quick you have to be on this it's insane yes yes one more no I pray what am i doing what am i doing I jumped like an idiot babies babies insane all right no more mess around I'm feeling it yes ready powering up one last time let's get in there this is it let's go let's do a boys oh I delayed I delayed them a little bit delayed oh my god I made it come on last one again don't buddy out join bud out turn what out get me through oh oh I knew it oh thank god you didn't think I make you go the whole way I'm not that mean go back and and through the freebie we're all so we can go down the freebie right now we beat level five wait let me just check oh thank God we can go through now oh praise Jesus oh oh you could do the whole level legit I'm guessing that'd be kind of insane that would actually I'm guessing in a speedrun be a time skip if you could make it all the way down all right here we go boys level six we got a good old grapple level I'm good at these the good thing about grapple levels is you just figure out exactly where on the door you need to aim and then you use go for it every time and that is not the right spot to aim on the door for anyone wondering gee aim above the door god it's been ages since I've done a graph low level okay okay this one's got weirder spacing maybe if we jump forward okay then the trap kills me okay here we go level one oh god no it's all the way down here okay this could be hotter than a normal grapple level and then we drop all right oh my god where am I going where am I going where am I going where am I going oh my god that better be the final word through the next one and up and I should have got that I love death runs yes I do cuz they don't drive me completely insane alright here we go oh no I screwed it up I screwed it up I made it through what do I got what I got oh I see it it's down there I need to go over here ether dah I can't wait some pro deathrun player to come and do this and just absolutely smashing some guys just gonna like get this and make me look like a boss okay here we go I need your down traps with floor traps that you can dodge like that if I stand here nope that kills me alright guys so apparently Jacob made in Group C and that trap isn't actually supposed to be there so he's given me a new version of the map that apparently hasn't removed like it's supposed to be so we're gonna go through and we're gonna see whether or not it's possible because now without that thing there it means I sure it oh here we go Oh Mike alright we're back again here we go come on I need to land on that edge let me through let me there here we go come on door even with this change this level still sucks alright here we go take me down haha alright we're in the final room here we go aim high go here we go come on oh my god what that's the one oh my god hi guys my name is meesal could I be shooting grapple hooks for the past hour with no progress okay come on ready to jump back oh my god yes I did it ate my dust you stupid trap level seven up baby oh don't tell me that's the whole level I see a respawn pattern man literally just using a quad crash to go through not even a whole door like a big old fat square Jacob Jacob Jacob taken tough I can get a first guy but I'm gonna get this in like my first three attempts watch this ready attempt number two we line it up and we gone for it and I made it wait what is he calling me trash you calling me trash take it I'm literally your boss I can fire you I could demote you to junior editor I don't I don't actually think I can do that your call your boss trash I'm guessing gar oh we have to use that what if I don't use the trash what if I use this I never expected well ok icon alright how does this work it's a death run level as a prop this is actually kind of sick wait ok alright it killed me let's try this again hey yeah what do I just die is that the level oh all right there we go and alright I died again I gotta jump further this time hey yeah oh my god we made it all the way ha ha ha watch it watch it watch it oh it's the one it's the one oh it's so weird because when you're a prop you're still like off center of the screen so it's really hard to figure out where you need to go if you want to try and fit through come on come on oh that's where you need to go oh my god wait that's not the end of the level I'm gonna I'm gonna die when I go down there I know it's like my granddaddy always said hashtag Yolo oh wait what is this a joke this is 100 this is 100% a troll nah nah nah this is actually level 1 this is it actually level 1 because then you'd actually be fired Jacob then you would actually need to find a new employer you would actually need to find a new employee if this is actually level 1 like you're actually out of a job and that'd be certified ha ha wait why am I still bite oh yeah shut up shoutouts why am i boy alright so it was a troll and this time I'm guessing we just need to try and go through as many of these as I okay so it turns out the rooms are different god damn it I just I just ran into that my brain is not working I mean more bang energy baby palate at up all right let's keep going what do I got oh my god like bro we already did this in the last cetera and then in Susa yeah I've done this so many times I don't want to have to do it again I don't want to have to do it again come on come on come on come on come on the suspense for bane no no I didn't oh oh oh oh holy crap bro I was so scared right there because I I didn't hear the trap on the far wall get baited and I thought I'd screwed it up and that's because there was a no trap on the far wall level 10 boys okay I'm not I'm not gonna read the tip so I need to get through one of these doors what happens if I go inside all right the whole thing is just ice basically and we need to try and get through the door left or right make your choice I'm going right but right side is right here we go come on come on hey get on get on oh my god can you even do any weight to the strafe out jump alright oh this is so hard oh I hate this level already and I hate that I might spend half an hour getting this jump right and then I'm gonna go through the wrong door here we go let's try and jump door get update your stupid psycho alt Sonia oh my god oh my god I had it looking down 100% helps oh there we go I got it now what laptop okay so part of me thinks that's not the way with the other part so that thing that I could have left up oh right there you guys see on that side that's where we got to go for sure right let's go for it come on get pissed on dude oh this jump is finicky but it's so doable all right here we go oh hi died again oh there we go all right and I'm through oh my god what is this wait is the scarf I'm really scared oh we made it I am good at this dude all right I gotta get the box and leave we need to turn into each prop as we go the first one was a box you see the pole down there holy crap this level is sick I mean I'm sure I'm gonna hate it I'm gonna go insane but this level is sick nope okay I can't wait can Network and oh my god I'm actually genius I'm a genius get your level burger can't shake ever the numbers are the secret all right I'm gonna do I'm gonna stay so actually that looks smaller that's even smaller than number one right here we got both all right we didn't get the speed thing you want to get the speed thing look Jacob I'm not saying that your your trash level isn't working properly but what if I do it as I'm going okay that one kind of worked Oh God turn to the Snowman turn to the strobe and now the fireplace let's go again a number one bar I will get through that hole okay and we're off let me third Oh the hole is so small I'll keep you fit out of context that's no great come on come on so I made it first one keeps me keeps it keeps baby Sandman time and I'm through that now fireplace time oh my god I was so far off and you that snowman go on a freakin diet and lose some weight I know you've been dieting you got this you don't got this you fat it's just the Snowman the sewer man is the one I got to figure out okay I got hell of speed oh my god made it let me interrupt fireplace this really reminds me of that Japanese game show where they have to like try and fit through really weird shapes all right there we go on three and now with the fireplace come on come on come on yes oh my god we have to keep going what I really really really hate this sir man I rely hate the Snowman I hate it and I want I want him to burn I want him to burn can you is is is making snowman hole hole too small reasonable grounds for Ferb firing someone to suck out if I fire Jacobs will edit the video alright Jake if you're not fired but I still hate you I'd be doing this to threaten for about five or six hours now and I gotta say I'm hating every minute of it it is a testament to how ridiculous this is that I'm managing to get this finished pole through this thin [ __ ] literally every single time without failure almost perfectly but no matter what I do the snowman white bag all right come on on the fireplace I'm a fireplace I made it oh my god from the looks of things all right there there's two doors there we need to jump go right through the middle of the doors become a door and I'm guessing there's something down the end that I need to try and fit through come on please let's do it up loosen screw it up a guy let's guy I hit the door why is there a door on that side please don't make me hit the door again please please please please please oh my god we got it we got it we got it okay we need to turn sideways turn sideways I made it oh my god I made it oh my god I can't believe we got that one first car all right so we got two levels to go hang out there what is this cuz let me tell you this does and not look fun that's the exit right there so we need to try and look what like lat you don't let's go let's go out alright so that uh that's about as bad as you could get where is that dead barrier is it up what if I go to the side I'm discovering a bit of a trend yet way no no no no no no no this I'm over complicating the way I'm thinking this right oh my god no way bro no way okay and then I need to Flint hawk Oh God well even if I hit that I got no idea where I gotta go am I am I missing something here am I like a lunatic I just I don't really get it oh you know what anyone who tries to SMAP later thank me for doing the hard work for you this whole line is a death barrier that whole line is a death barrier but if you jump straight down the middle then you can make it so we need to jump straight down the middle shoot the orange thing and fly into that room easy peace watch it first guy second go first go it's all the same I'm trying to like account for the momentum we already have been the Flint knock just puts you in whatever direction you should Oh eat that sucker we baited it here we go the final level I completed the last final level in five minutes yeah but the final level on the last map was easy we need to land on that little Pole then that little Pole and then go through the door that teeth yeah that's it that sounds easy all right we're pairing up one final energy voice one final drink for the final level let's go I'm going in hey okay I thought I could wait can I cheat let's try that one more time what if I try and cheat here oh my god that's almost possible imagine if I did made it in five minutes again there okay and I went too far come on Oh slide off that and shows how ridiculous these levels are oh okay oh there we go I feel like that jump is doable you know I'm gonna go for it haters said that it couldn't be done okay okay the advantage of going from this one instead of that one is that one would be on an angle to go through the door come on oh I feel like with enough run-up I can do that we trap my wall fit I'm literally trying anything Oh honestly I think any way is gonna be really hard ah come on that's it that's it that's it we're gonna imagine if I got it though right like imagine if I actually got this one again in like five minutes all right here we go oh I do not line that up at all I need more height like that yes there we go all right I'm we're back diamond literal boy i'm a boy i'm a boy when the hardest part of the death run is defeating your own stupidity and oh my god I'm getting good at that job okay I gotta move it here dad I'm a boy getting through that door is gonna be really tough I'm gonna be able to keep getting back to that pole but that door is gonna send me insane Oh Oh what nobody say anything come on ah can I eat that technically hey ain't my fault you got a broken map oh my god I can so use it I could serve I just so use that he screwed up the barrier he screwed up the barrier you idiot Jacob you fool oh my god Oh Jacob Oh Jacob Jacob Jacob first you forget to put a death barrier in the tiny spot underneath the door and then you actually think you're gonna get me with that trap you actually sorry if you fell for that trap breath like come on come on use card moves out baby what did I accidentally collect the coin out of the stone or try the bonus level I gotta beat it again quickly we're gonna beat the final level again and get back there that's alright I know how to do it now it's easy and then we stick along the wall yeah there we go I've beaten the death run again all good boys don't even worry about it sorry if you fell for the trap here we go blame the infinity blade oh yeah baby let's go it's mine alright so apparently there is no bonus level it was it was just the secret trap which means we win that map is ours and most importantly I said another death run down boys you know what there was an incredibly painful experience so pay I think that took me God it took me a month to beat that now but even this one session alone I think was like eight or nine hours I want other people to experience the pain guys I'm offering 1500 to whoever can get the fastest speedrun of this map I'm gonna put an updated code in the description with with with the code that you would need to beat the map with cuz I'll add some coins through it but long story short let's say from the date this video goes up you all have one week to get the fastest speedrun of this map you can whoever gets the fastest speedrun from level 1 to where they collect the final coin will be declared the ultimate death run champion and you'll also win $1,500 all the info on that one will be in the description good luck everyone but right now I'm going to bed bye bye [Music] do that use currency use up be a legend [Music]
Channel: Muselk
Views: 6,432,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnitebr, battle, royale
Id: C4csgnjJiKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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