Deathrun BUT every level is IMPOSSIBLE

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guys today's death run might just be the single hardest thing we've ever attempted this death run has ten levels and these ten levels are taken from various death runs i've attempted over the last two or three years and all of them are the levels that i've struggled with the most trapped tunnels that have made me rage then even though you get a little bit later the previous trap resets and you die and if you screw up the bait you die and if you walk forward too quickly you die impulse door jumps that have made me break my own mouse every single one of those grenades is a testament to me failing this level everything you're going to see in this map is a level that has made me lose my own sanity and we're going to be trying to do all 10 of them in a single attempt and obviously yes bang energy is going to be coming with us but all right without further ado let's jump in and let's kick this off hello contender welcome to the ultimate museok death run this was made specifically for me oh so it's literally levels that i've struggled with in the past this is gonna suck for the past two years i've watched all your death run videos like five times oh thank you you might think that's a girl okay but it means that he knows everything i hate in death runs bumpers hate him resized objects ridiculous the hitboxes never line up round-shaped objects to jump on stupid because you don't know when you start sliding and storms but that's that's mainly just because it ruins your run but mostly oh i wonder what's coming next yeah those all right love it i'm so excited i remember this level this one right here looks easy right and just like these we've done them a thousand times but you would not believe how much harder a tiny bit of ice makes these levels it is insane how much more difficult they become oh there's ice on the ground it's gonna be really hot i can actually tell right now this is gonna suck can i like bait it without going on the ice oh dude i just want to get past the first trap i feel like once we're on a roll i'm gonna be able to do this but here's the thing if my memory serves me correctly by jumping can make them easier but maybe my memory doesn't serve me correctly i actually i already remember that i lost my mind playing this one yes all right stop [Music] oh my god bro oh we're gonna go insane all right all right i gotta figure this out do i like put my foot right next to the barrier no okay that just gets you killed all right there we go [Music] no that surely counted that's surely counted so here's the other interesting thing traps on roofs have much larger hitboxes than traps on the ground traps on the ground you can dodge really easily some reasons traps that are on the roof they hit different literally don't know what to do i actually think i'm gonna need to come back to this one later we're not even making progress i'm skipping this we're gonna deal with the other levels and then i'm gonna come back because the craziest and the funniest thing is of all the death run levels that i've ever done in my youtube fortnight career this one that looks like the simplest easiest thing is actually the hardest this was i believe level two of the one life death run here's your chance for redemption oh i remember this all right so we're gonna beat this really easily but like so what you can actually do is just jump like that but for some reason i don't know why i just okay he's put this one in as a joke just to make fun of me but for some reason i struggled on that level so much and i'm really embarrassed by it pov it's early 2019 this is 3.0 and you stumble across this bad boy oh my god this level was messed up this was the first level that i think the community as a whole mutually agreed was insane it can't get worse than that right that's got to be the limit what is this no it it apparently can it it can definitely it can get worse all right guys we're going to start on the one hour mark here we go let's find out how this one works and one eternity later i've i haven't i literally haven't improved at all we've look at all the grenades down there every single one of those grenades is a testament to me failing this level oh god the storm's here it's all over guys look at all that look at all that failure on the ground and you know what it's kind of like you either get it first go or you don't get it at all you have to literally impulse through that door and then you have to do it again oh my god and the best part is every time you fail the impulses that you through drop there so you get a really good accounting of how many times you die if you throw it too close you don't go high enough you throw it too far you go too high basically this combines everything i hate i swear your feet don't have any control and doors i had to figure out a spot that was like okay no when i i throw it when i hit a certain trap yes like that oh my god i remembered maybe i've remembered how to do it maybe yeah no i knew i screwed that up that's good yes yeah i actually remembered that in the original scissors one you had to go through three of those doors so honestly as evil as that is it's not the most evil thing oh all right there we go the traps won't kill you what that seems like a lie and why do i have an impulse i'm suspicious oh i was trying to bait them all right yolo oh oh my god bro i can't deal with the anxiety on these man this is a level i designed myself it includes all the stuff you love as always i'll be here if you need me wow that's so nice oh great neo jumps my favorite wait can i jump on these ah i thought i was smart all right here we go easy oh yeah great ice thanks bro um and then you slide off the edge neo jumps off ice and not fun because that happens i think maybe it's gonna be better if i actually run in an angle and then strafe back in oh yeah we don't want to do our normal strategy of just that for this one we're gonna have to run out and then add an angle and then strafe back in yes like that all right and this is evil we're gonna go max distance oh my god that's gonna that's gonna suck that's gonna suck that's that's really gonna suck this one i think i can do that up unless i slide off the edge like that oh my god bro that that's hard oh but not for your boy because your boy's the death run king ah yes the good old days of death runs just being jumps traps and ice they actually were the days man death roads used to be simple remember this one the last time i did this i did it with fresh fresh doesn't do death runs anymore he's a coward luckily he's not gonna be in my way now ah fresh you're doing so good wait no don't kill the soul oh easy i love these and we jump we bait and then we jump i remember when i used to struggle with these these used to be actually difficult now they're easy easiest thing in the world and there we go oh i remember this i want to say i beat fresh let's give it a go though oh my god wait what do i do here again what okay wait i know how to do that bit at least we just got to take a pause after i bait that trap [Music] there we go all right come on bro what is wrong with me actually what is wrong with me it's like an easy impulse throw to not be messing this up come on dude just let me make it through the next part yes oh my god oh my god this really does pick the levels that trigger me man it's also worse knowing that i did this level like years ago and now i'm struggling with it which would kind of indicate that i haven't improved even though i know i have improved there's just certain death run levels that hit different doesn't matter how long you do death runs for they're always gonna be like the bane of your existence oh my god see wait oh my god okay so we need to b-hop that hit that bounce pad it's kind of like you've gone to a restaurant and you're like where do you want to go for dinner tonight and someone's like we could either go to a delicious restaurant where you'll have amazing food or we can go to this restaurant that contains literally nothing but all the food that you hate the most in the world which one you want to go to and i'm the one who said oh that one that contains everything i hate okay here's my idea oh my god bro huge huge i'm a genius screw you map makers you could try and hurt me you could try and make me hate everything but i am too smart for you and big brain oh my god i remember this level jacob made it my editor made this level and um it was i i think literally one of the most angriest i've ever been i think i spent two hours on it initially and then gave up i'm pretty sure i don't fully remember it was very sad though and wait surely you should be able to do this level now right this is only the second hardest trap bait in the game and you already completed the hardest one which one's the hardest one well either way i reckon i can do it now wait wait do you guys remember as well jacob had this thing here that was like a level skip but it actually killed you at the end does this do the same it resets you to level one oh god all right i actually i love that he put that in the game all right here we go i wasn't i i knew that that was a cheat i wasn't actually gonna do it all right oh my god oh my god okay okay okay we need to remember the rhythm these things always have a rhythm and i think i can figure it out so i think we got to go base and then jump and then duck and then oh my god yeah it's the ones under it's the oh my god it's the ones at the bottom of the ramp i remember these are the ones that would always send me crazy okay so i go bait and then i jump and then i go i don't remember how to do the ones at the bottom i literally can't even get through the first one and i remember we have to get there to like deactivate something we bait that then we jump here we come down we jump that face that and then i just need to not screw that up but the thing is we need to do it so fast if we pause for a millisecond because there's three trap baits to do each one if we pause for a millisecond on any of them the trap before resets and kills us do we need to be so seamless it's crazy and i can't mess up like that we literally haven't made it past the first square and look how far we have to go this is the level that will probably send me insane but it's also a level unlike the ice one the thing is with the ice one that we skipped at the start right like that one you can always kind of be you can always go insane on wait i gotta focus i hate these the ice one at the start you can't really figure out what you're doing wrong this one is going to be the one that i get stuck on because i also won't quit it because i can see where i'm going wrong and i hate i hate that i know where i'm screwing up i just need to get into a rhythm and then we'll get it easy the sound of traps haunt my nightmares see i didn't go far enough down and that one didn't bait see see sometimes it just doesn't activate come on come on oh god no no no i was there there i made it no i spun up again one oh my god yo come on one off yes it's there it's right there come on yes this is it yes you're kidding that's not in the actual recreation of this level that's the ending you just get there press a button and it opens the exit in this one we have to make it all the way down that's he that's equal you can't do that all right i need energy to keep going we're gonna energize and i'm gonna keep on doing this i will defeat this tunnel and the thing is like once we've done oh my god see look like we're doing it invade it did it fade it out and go [Music] please we're so close what up one oh oh my god now i've got so much like adrenaline going through me like i literally can't move properly i can't move properly my body is like actually too adrenaline charged no no why not again brag hunt there was a reason that the finish for this level is normally at that midway point he's doing it for this long is actually insane please i feel like i'm actually getting quite good here furthest we've ever been please please there was one at the bottom i've got a good rhythm we can't we can't stop we can't stop there was one at the bottom i actually like i've never experienced this in my life when people say they have so much adrenaline they can't see i literally like my my brain i physically can't whoa this is wild this is actually doing things to me that i've never experienced in my life that is actually dude i did it i've done it oh my god where do i go oh my god i've done it oh my god ah that was awful i actually didn't tweak this one at all it's just as painful as it was in late december of 2018. any guesses on which one it is i actually don't i actually don't i i don't oh my god dude i don't even i don't think i ever beat this one this was a scissors death run level and i'm pretty sure the way that we ended up beating it was glider redeploy was glitched on in the map and you could do a thing where you would go like that and you would jump and glide you know what i'm tempted to go for it again but i'm not gonna i'm out of here we're going to the next level screw level five this level's actually going to be i think worse than the last one i don't know maybe i've improved enough but i'm pretty sure it's just a series of perfect jumps like this jump right here very difficult because you just walk off okay there we go i'm just jumping on every one of them and then you walk off again if it wasn't depressing enough and the thing is you can't rush it and the amount of times you just look like an idiot and walk off the edge is insane bro every time i just walk off what if i just try and do a short sprint nah you literally have to do a curve jump it's actually peak sadness when you just like when your character just walks off all right there we go faded how how do i do that how am i that dumb no yep love it love dying another one another one please more death yeah just walk off again if i walk off and just die one more time i'm gonna have an aneurysm okay okay oh my god we made it further than we had before and we made it to this one i'm pretty sure this has to be a perfect jump and then i'm pretty sure you can't even pause you need to b-hop immediately onto that and then to the finish otherwise you don't have enough momentum oh my god i'm a genius eat that video game oh my god after all these years after all these years i did it oh my god oh maybe i am actually improving at death runs oh what's this oh a trap tunnel acting acting like you're like what i literally knew exactly what i was gonna do i know you can do trap tunnels i just wanted you to get a confidence boost by crap talking the map come on man come on ah yes this is fun run never thought someone would just flat out lie in the name of a death run anyway yeah good luck pal i feel like i didn't struggle too much with this one right oh my god what is this level do we do like a what is this what is this do i go through the door come on come on okay i'm gonna guess that's not what we need to do wait i know what we need to do i'm a j i'm literally 5 000 iq give me the balloons are you joking scissors is this is this is this a mistake did you make a mistake i refuse to believe even the satan spawner himself scissors would create a level with a door where you get one attempt what do we have to do again [Music] i couldn't hit you with that bro you've suffered enough oh wait i actually i fully didn't even i forgot that level that was fun now some simple yet painful door jumps this is the worst simple yet painful because these are the ones where you feel like you should be able to do them oh my god i am a god wait that's not the whole level are you did i actually just do it first go and then die because i freaked out [Music] man maybe i'm even getting better at door jumps this death run is making me realize that i actually have improved as a death runner look i even predicted there'd be a bait trap do that oh this one that's gonna be annoying [Music] hey oh not bumpers it's all right i feel like i've actually got this i weirdly am feeling very confident now after we beat that trap tunnel and the scissors level i just feel like nothing can defeat me oh come on come on lady hey we did it [Music] [Laughter] this guy actually knows me too well he has guessed every time what i'm going to be doing before i do it i'm just so suss oh my god all right i'm getting a vibe this could be the last level let's energize one last time and let's finish this map i will not be defeated before there were actual portals in fortnite this is what we used to make i actually built one in my first troll death threat wait what is this whoa oh i remember this i played one of these like early like portal maps that makes it look like you're like going through a portal when in reality hey easy easy easy easy easy and now what here we go oh boy oh boy okay we've got to start streaking this way yep crouch oh no no no oh wait reset me and now where do we go we're going up oh my god it's a fun level it's a fun level we love fun levels yes straight through the rips oh my god it's just gonna keep resetting me till i get it right now what holy crap oh wait jesus too low oh come on yes eat my dust hey thank you for giving us great creative mechanics word andrew we love you oh my god the gg room oh my god dude that was so fun i actually i enjoyed reliving all those levels and you know what i've decided there are certain death run levels that i actually don't want to be able to beat again and that is level one we beat every single level except level one and i am happy with that because i revisited some of my biggest fortnight death run demons and i defeated them so big shout outs to fortnite because that was a uh or sorry or revived is uh what i believe his name is because that was a uh that was a seriously seriously fun map now can we hit the bottle flip okay you know what i'm just gonna i'm gonna quit while i'm here
Channel: Muselk
Views: 892,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnitebr, battle, royale
Id: qz3kpxtFV-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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