This crop will give us a better vegetable harvest. HOW?

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good morning everybody how you doing today my name's andrew i'm daniel i'm matt i'm ralph i'm lauren i'm beautiful i mean grandpa i'm joel and we're some of the veggie boys and girls and we'd like to thank you for stopping by if you're new here consider subscribing because we can grow a lot of things on the farm but one thing we can't grow is this channel without your help welcome back everybody we've been off to a great start this morning i've been disking i've been vibrating and i've been feeding animals and also the cows are out this morning but don't worry the cabbage is fine the cabbage is fine something that we really wanted to get started on today was our hay ground however we are expected to get thunderstorms this afternoon and it is drizzling a little bit right now the reason why we want to get started is we have about 80 acres of hay that we need to get down the next four days it's supposed to be hot and dry so we're hoping that we can get to hay sooner than later literally just looked at the radar and there wasn't anything here [Music] have you guys ever seen how upset someone can be when they walk into your farm market and they see that you don't have sweet corn i have and it's a fearful sight we need to get this corn planted you guys could be thinking oh it's not a big deal just wait plant sweet corn tomorrow get all your hay equipment ready we plant sweet corn every single week the reason for that is because we always need a new planting coming on because we picked the sweet corn so fast and as joel mentioned you do not want the old ladies coming in for sweet corn and them not able to get it cause they let you hear about it it's not good [Music] we just finished up planting utopia now we're moving on to montauk i like montauk it's very tasty and it makes a nice big sized year of corn we're going to be doing 18 rows of montauk so while the boys plant sweet corn we've got to take some plants out of the germination greenhouse even though we have the heaters off and the germination greenhouse completely open it still gets pretty warm in here one thing in here that i'd like to show you that you haven't seen yet is our latest planting of tomatoes now it's important for us to have a late late planting of tomatoes because a lot of people in our area like to buy green tomatoes and we also had this in the germination greenhouse we had our middle planting of zucchini pickling cucumbers and regular cucumbers right now dad and i are going through each individual tray of tomatoes that we're going to be planting a little later on and making sure there's no double these are going to be in the greenhouse at the hottest part of the year and you definitely don't want these tomatoes fighting for water so this is a new variety of tomatoes that we actually seeded i didn't tell you guys about it it's called red snapper now i'm not telling you to plant red snapper yet this is our first year trying it so we want to see how it works for us now all these tomatoes that we're working on we won't be planting till june 20th around there so they won't be ready till about september in our area and it really isn't that big of a deal because we want those green tomatoes and we do need a lot of light tomatoes we got a few trays finished but it's lunch time and it's starting to rain again so we're gonna head down and eat after we got done with lunch the girls asked if we could help them fill up some more pots for the greenhouses now we're gonna be filling up pots for the girls we have to move everything to the front so all these pallets are getting moved and then all these plants are getting moved up to the front and it took us a matter of 20 minutes and we've got the greenhouse completely cleaned out we're ready to start filling pots all we have to do is bring the cookie monster over and set it in here and then we can get started brian what the heck that's a bit close don't you think this is efficiency i'm putting dirt in the machine you want to see efficiency go out and see what he did ralph had one job stack the pots hi andy how are you i'm doing good how many mom pots have you watered already today i don't know all of those those i have no idea how do you get your job stolen oh brian shows up this is dad's first attempt at camera work i don't think he knows what he's doing got the cart in the way so we're here in the number five greenhouse everybody's filling pots down there with the cookie monster and we're putting them in rows for rhonda and the girls to plant later they won't stay like this they're just lined up this closely so that it's easier for the girls to do all the planting and then once they're planted we'll space them all out thinking lefty put the cart the wrong way it looked right to me we were operating at such an efficient level that we jammed up the machine let me tell you what actually happened andrew had to make a stop and then the machine jammed i didn't know we ran out of pots it wasn't my fault it's going it's going nope turn it off you just got it broken up the soil was just so packed from adding water to it look at this they're already planting we better get started again the girls are already planting and we haven't even finished filling pots yeah but that's not going to be a whole nother line hey we got problems yeah cookie monster's done for the year i don't know how many is in here it's more than the boys wanted to fill pots for not true it is too true it is too you why we will hold on we were bamboozled we were bamboozled she's like oh phil feel like 500. and we filled 500 and then i told you i need another i need another 300. go back through that camera must be running andrew you know how i know hello let me look and see what time it is that he just got out of bed 213 when ralph shows up i don't know what to tell you how come when i show up and start working matt shows up and starts working what is going on here i've been here all day sure you have just like i've been here all day this is a site that you don't see too often germination greenhouse is completely empty [Music] so we uh do a lot of straw last year we did 3 600 bales of straw and we ran out of straw already and our plan was like we're running out real soon so we had this field and we knew we weren't going to use it for early instead of like rotary chopping it get rid of it we're going to blow it down and dry it out and use it for straw and then we're going to plant lake cabbage or sweet corn in here [Music] it looks like daniel just got finished chopping down the rye and now he's gonna start working on the clover so we finished the ride now we moved on to clover and uh we plant the clover after as we plant wheat we see clover in the spring and then we harvest the wheat and then the falling here grows so we've moved on to clover we have 16 acres of clover to mow then we're gonna round bill all this and wrap it clover's falling over a little bit but standing up it's almost up halfway up my belly after we finish harvesting this clover and baling it all we'll come in and plant sweet corn so we planted weed in here last year and c under seeded it with the clover so now we'll take a crop of clover hay off and then we'll come in and plant sweet corn because we plant sweet corn every week up until the middle of july so that we have a succession of sweet corn coming in for the farm market so this ground would have sat idle for a number of months uh with no crop on it now we'll take two crops off of it and we're able to do that because the the clover adds a ton of uh nitrogen to the ground so we'll have to add less nitrogen to our corn that we plant in here now because the clover naturally puts nitrogen in the ground there's a lot you have to think about because when we go through we seed the wheat and then we underseed the clover the wheat will pull nitrogen out of the ground the clover adds it back to the ground when you're planting you have to think about this stuff so that you can get the best crop possible oh we just got the farm market closed up i think daniel is still out mowing down clover but everybody else came back to the farm we got finished closing everything up and as you can see no food on the table so that means it's date night hey everybody i got something special for you today the area we live in has a lot of local farmers and one of the farmers actually invited me over to check out one of their operations we potted them early spring and now they're starting to root in you can see the nice white roots starting to form and then they'll grow about 6 to 12 inches by next spring when we plant them in the field they'll be 12 to 18 inches now this farm we're at normally specializes in doing like ornamental trees but they've actually moved on to trying something new that's been coming to the area tree farming's definitely not like vegetable farm and that's the only thing i can tell you hey guys my name is todd from sugarloaf organics just out here getting some trays ready to plant some seedlings in the greenhouse today right now we're just pressing down some dirt so we make some room to plop seed down in these trays johnny is this one done yeah anything that's there is done oh no that's not those two yeah thank you andrew well don't put them here this is only finished get in a rhythm you think you guys harass each other hi i'm john from sugarloaf organics today we're planting our cbg white hemp seed we'll be growing these from seedling to field and then we'll process them into a distillate which will go into our our products we have all kind of topicals we have some teas we have dog treats and we have some tinctures we have a wide variety of products that help with pain and relieve stress and help you sleep so if you'd like to go on our website sugarloaf organic check us out thank you so they kind of have like a similar process to us they have someone filling up trays and then they have a group of people that are seeding now with this crop they're doing right now they've got a packet of about 5 000 seeds and they've got these 50 cell trays they're going through and they're planting each seed into the 50 cell trays and they have a few greenhouses that they'll then transport all these seeds into the germination rate for these seeds are about three days the wolves have everything now they've raised a few different types they've raised cbd and cbg and the seed that they're planting right now is actually a cbg variant and the whole point of the cbg variant is it's better for anxiety it's better for pain relief and this whole planting process is so that later on when they harvest it they can turn it into pain pain management tools and they can use it as anxiety management tools now tell me a little kid could do that a little kid could definitely do that i have my cousin ralph does that ralph does a really good job look at how i fluffed that dirt right on there so it's nice and loose so their farm is very similar to our farm when it when we come to the aspect of like a family farm they have about 15 different family members that work on their farm at a time it's a little different with them for the trees they do a lot of trees here and they're only doing about seven acres of the hemp should say your cream with a little coffee oh tea i don't even notice if you fluff good oh too much why do you need to fluff what are you crazy yeah you're too much look at how heavy that is i don't know see like andrew made it there he doesn't have that yeah this is my first time working there's more scenes these were seated today they should germinate in three to five days in about two to three weeks based upon their germination they'll be going out into the field we'll plant about seven acres this year they do take a lot of fertilizer this plant is very aggressive in its nutrient requirements so the fertilizer will be going down and we'll be doing liquid feeding throughout the season now when it comes to the hemp is there like how far apart do you plant everything we change our distances up every year at the beginning we started about i think uh two feet this year we're going to spread them out to around three feet so they could grow more bushy instead of just up because when they grow more bushy essentially you're going to get more buds better harvest we will be harvesting this late september early october so basically the reason for me coming over is they have a product that they want to get out it's super helpful for a lot of people they want to help people with pain management they want to help people with anxiety so i'm going to give a link to their website down in the description so if you guys want check them out but yeah this is all organic hemp that they're going to be raising and selling jimmy wanted to bring me out and show me the trees that they had planted now all these trees they just planted this past week and these are going to be ready in about four years so they're all ornamental trees and they'll go through and they will literally take all these trees and they'll sell them out but it's gonna take about four years for them to get to the size that they need so hemp is one of those newer things in our area that is really starting to take off and our family's never really been like dealt with it or gotten involved with any of it we're vegetable farmers we're busy enough raising vegetables i was just so interested and if you guys are interested in seeing more of the process we can come back so let me know down in the comments if you'd like to see maybe how they harvested at one point or even them planting it something that made me happy about going over to that farm was just showing you we're not the only family farm in the area there's still a lot of family farms out there and there's this there's a lot like ours all right guys so this is where we're gonna end the video today i want to thank everyone for watching and i hope to see you next time bye bye bye
Channel: The Veggie Boys
Views: 32,247
Rating: 4.9699354 out of 5
Keywords: vegetable farming, the veggie boys, theveggieboys, vegetable farmers, family farm, real farming, how to farm, farm vlog, farming vlog, homesteading, homestead, farmers, day in the life, my day, day on the farm, a farmers life, farm life, farming life, american farmers, life on the farm, veggies, vegetables, mulch, plant mulch, farm mulch, drip irrigation, big vegetables, growing tips, farm hack, garden hack, amazing, amazing agriculture, amazing farms, big farms, fancy farms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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