This could cost me $10,000...

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- Hey, everybody. I'm Linus Sebastian and welcome to "PC or No PC." We've got a fantastic show for you guys today, and the rules are simple. There are 26 briefcases behind me, each with a random prize. We don't know what's in them, but what we do know is one of them contains an ultimate gaming PC valued at 10,000 U.S. dollars. All our contestants have to do is choose the case with the ultimate PC in it on their first try. No pressure, right? Just like I never feel pressured to tell you about our sponsor. Intel is sponsoring "PC or No PC." Thank you guys for making this a reality. Intel's 11th gen core desktop processors offer great performance while gaming, multitasking, or video editing. Check them out through the link in the video description. Now it's time to meet our contestant. Yum, come on out here. (audience applauding) - Hi. - Welcome, welcome to the show. Are you excited? - Yeah, I'm super excited. I can't believe you're real. So yeah, I finally here. - I am real, and I'm not even the best part today because you could be walking away with a $10,000 gaming system. Pretty freaking incredible, but that's not even the only prize. Now, are you familiar with the rules of the game? - Yeah. - Perfect. All you need to do then is pick the case with the $10,000 gaming rig in it. - Yeah. - No pressure. There's tons of pressure. - I'm gonna pick 21. - Perfect. Maya, could you please bring up case number 21? Do you have a good feeling about this one? - [Yum] Yeah, I do. - I've got a good feeling about this one too. Now tell me, did you pick based on, what, the picture, the number, why do you like it? - Because that's the day that that I came here in Canada and I got married the 21st as well. - Wow, okay, so that's a really special number for you. I hope that it continues to work out well for you. Now it's time to start our first round. So what you need to do is you need to pick six more cases and once you pick them, they are going to be eliminated from our board of prizes. Oh yeah, that's right. Even if you miss out on the ultimate PC build worth $10,000, you could still walk away with a fantastic prize, like a MacBook Pro, PlayStation 5, or Digital Storm gaming PC that's actually valued at around $8,000. So those are, those are all pretty good prizes. The bad news is that if your case contains, say for example, gamer snacks, which is a single bag of chips and a can of Mountain Dew, then you better hope that you get a good offer from the scalper and you trade away this case for something that's worth a little bit more. Without further ado, Yum is going to pick her first case. - Okay, number two. - Teyoni, please open case number two, and remember, we're hoping for something garbage in here. Nanoleaf lights. Okay, that's around the middle. That's not too bad, that's not too bad. Next case. - Number 17, please. - Lauren, can you please open up case number 17? Ooh, Yum. Now tell me something, are you a Mac person? - Yeah. - Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Okay, what are some of your consolation prizes? What don't you want to see in the next four? Because remember, if you open them up there, they're not in here. - I don't want to open the ultimate PC build of course. - Yeah, of course. - And the digital storm wallet Velux veil looks yeah, yeah. - So you're liking the high value items. Okay, please pick your third item for this round. - 11, please. - Allie, can you please open up case number 11? (Yum whimpering) There goes one of our gold tier prizes. The Corsair One a200 is out of the running, but don't worry. Don't stress because remember, if you have the $10,000 computer in here, all of the other ones, you have to open them, right. Do you believe it's in here? - I believe. - Okay, please open three more cases for me. - Number 16, please. - Lauren, please open up case number 16. Okay, okay. Gaming subscriptions for XBox Live, PlayStation Now, and I believe Nintendo's also included, but that was not one of our higher value prizes. Two more. - Number nine, please. - [Linus] Please go ahead and open the case. - Yay, whoo! (audience applauding) - Okay, the Linus blanket is out of play. I got to tell you, Yum, I wasn't feeling too good about your chances after that first couple, but I, I'm back onboard. Here we go, one more please. - Number four, please. - Number four, please, Tris. There goes the Sega Dreamcast. So you weren't into the Sega Dreamcast. You want that out of, out of play. You're not a retro console gamer. - No, no. - All right, see you later Sega Dreamcast. - [Yum] Bye. - Now, speaking of buy, we have to go through an unpleasant hello here. (telephone ringing) Scalper, I love the, I love the Adidas jacket. Don't love you. What is your offer for Yum? - [Scalper] I got to tell you I've been listening along. I couldn't see you before, Yum. I didn't know there'd be allowed children on this show. This is, this is really fun. You seem like a really nice person. So I'm going to let you stop embarrassing yourself by opening these cases with high-value items. I'm going to offer you $200 worth of stuff, two things. I'm going to offer you a Corsair ST 100 headphone holder. RGB, you look like you like RGB, and a PlayStation classic. Now you're probably too young to remember the PS1 since you look like you're about 14, but let me tell you, there's some good games on it and this, this one's really small, just like you. So that's my offer. Headphone stand and some PlayStation stuff. Bye bye, Yum. Nice to meet you. - What do you think? Is what you have in here worth more than a headphone stand and an old game console? - Yeah, I'm going to keep this. - You're sure? So if you like the scalper's deal, press the blue button. If you want to reject it, press the red button. - I'm sorry again for calling me small and 14 years old, but I'm not gonna take it. (upbeat music) (audience applauding) - That's good. We made it through the first round. The top three prizes are still in play, worth $10,000, $8,000, or $5,000, but what I want to know is let's say maybe you don't have one of those. What's your bare minimum you'd settle for today? - I'm going for RTX 3070. - 3070 Ti, that's your minimum bar. - [Yum] Yeah. - [Linus] You don't want to see anything below that? - Maybe, yeah that's my minimum. - I really need you to do me a favor then. I need you to start picking orange prizes here. Otherwise we're going to be in trouble. Let's have your first pick. - Number 25, please. - Bray. Wow, what a handsome looking man on that case there. You're handsome too. - Oh, thanks. - [Linus] Please open it up. (case clicking) - Yes. - Okay. - I'm so good with it. - Not bad. There goes the $250 budget used gaming rig. Big shout out to Free Geek. Good people, but it ain't the best prize we've got on the board today. Your second pick. - Number eight, please. - Number eight, Allie. Wow, I think that one's even handsomer than the last one. Let's see what's inside this package. Ooh. I'm so sorry. There goes the Digital Storm Velox, the $8,000 gaming machine. Again, remember, if this is the $10,000 one, it had to come off the board. Okay, I need you to do three more for me though. First. - I need to pick the, the most handsome photo maybe because that's, you know. I, I'm picking 24. - 24. All right, Maya, please open up case number 24. Hey, there we go, the MadCatz $15 controller. (Yum laughing) The part we don't even tell you on the board is that thing is like 15, 20 years old. We're lucky it's out of play. Two more. - Okay, number one please. - Number one, Teyoni. Please open up Duke Nukem's package. There it is, the Nintendo 64 is out of play. - [Yum] Yes. - We had that one rough one. But you are on a roll. We have cleared a lot of the orange bottom segment of the board, but you do need to pick one more for me here. - Oh my gosh. Number 18 please. - Okay. Maya, could you please grab number 18 for us? The free stickers, the free stickers are out of play. Wow, that was a great round. How are you feeling, because I think the scalper is sweating right now. He's going to have to offer you something pretty sweet based on what is left on our prize board. Scalper, where you at? (telephone ringing) I actually want to talk to you for a change. What's up, jackass? - [Scalper] Hey, not a bad turnout, but thanks a lot for letting me sell that Digital Storm Velux. I'm gonna be able to buy a lot of Yeezys with that. So thank you so much for not winning that, but I'll tell you what, if you stop playing now, I will give you a $400 value. ROG 1,200 watt power supply, a Thor power supply. You like Marvel movies. Thor in your computer. That's my offer to you. Bye bye. - Now that's a pretty valuable prize actually. The scalper, he's a cheap piece of (bleep) quite frankly, and I've never seen him offer anything this good, but you have a lot of way better stuff in play. How are you feeling right now? - I'm really confident with this one. So I'm not gonna take that. - That's it? - Yeah. - You, you, you, you don't want the power supply? - Nope. - All you gotta do to reject the power supply is press the red button. - Sorry. - Sorry, scalper. (audience applauding) - Bye. - Now at this stage in the game, we've actually got a little surprise for you. We brought along a little bit of emotional support for you. Come on in. (audience applauding) Jordan's here, your husband is here to cheer you on at this stage. Did you feel like you needed the moral support? - Yeah, I need you. Help me decide. - And Jordan, you are absolutely our participant in the game at this stage. You, you can influence the outcome here. If you think that Yum has too much confidence based on how special her wedding date was, which if I recall correctly, you were involved in. - Yeah. - Then, if that, if you think maybe that date wasn't that special and this case maybe isn't that lucky, you can try and talk her out of it. - No, I'm really confident it's, it's 21. - You guys are both ready to let it ride. All right, then let's choose four more cases for our next round starting with. - Number 12, please. - Case number 12, if you please, Geneva. I like that smile. I knew something to smile. Three more. - Yeah, number 22 please. - Number 22. 22, if you please, Maya. Go ahead and open it. Okay, all right. You know what? - That's too big. - That's not too bad. That's a big prize. The HTC Vive Cosmos valued at $900 is now out of play, but you didn't want that anyway, right? I mean, VR gaming, it's not that cool. It's pretty cool. - It's cool. - It's pretty cool, but you don't need to worry about that because it's not what you want in here anyway. Pick me two more. - [Yum] Number seven, please. - Tris, number seven if you please. Okay, okay, that's, that's below, you know what? That's below the middle of what you have left. PlayStation 5, cool prize but I think, I think we're feeling good about that one, right? Did you want the PS5? - I already have PlayStation 5. - Okay, okay then, hey then we liked that one. Can you find the gamer snacks? - That's what I'm trying to do. Okay, I think by the look of the picture, maybe I'm basing, maybe number 26 because of that face. Look at that face. - That couldn't be anything good in there. 26, if you please, Bray. - Okay. - [Yum] Gamer snack, please. - Nice work. - There goes the second lowest value item left on the board, our Raspberry Pi 4, just a $50 value. How are you feeling? - I'm feeling good, but I want the gamer snack to go, to leave. Just please leave. - You don't want $10 worth of Doritos and Mountain Dew? - [Yum] No, no. - You don't like Doritos? - I like Doritos, yeah. - You just don't want to leave here with a bag of Doritos. - Sorry. - That's fair enough. I think you are about to get the biggest offer we have ever had from the scalper. You are in a very strong negotiating position right now. Hey Scalper. (telephone ringing) I've never been this happy to talk to you. - What's up, Yum? You just keep opening cases, eh? Well, there's only three prizes on the board that are up to your high standards and there's a lot more than that that aren't, so the odds are still in my favor of keeping my money, but you know what? I'm a nice guy. I'm gonna offer you $700 value. The Corsair suite of peripherals, mouse, headphones, keyboard, and you know what? I think that's a good fit for you because you already have a PC. You can use these new peripherals with it. You don't need a new ultimate PC though. You probably wouldn't even use the computer to its full potential anyway. So I think the peripherals are just fine. It's a good deal. You should take it, bye bye. - How dare you. He said that I have computer already. Actually I don't have a computer. I'm just using my husband's computer. So I need my own computer. So no, I'm sorry. I still have good stuff here. So I'm not gonna take it. I'm sorry. - See you later, Scalper. I think that was the right choice, right choice. I mean, you agree, you support 100%? - Yeah, I really think that's the ultimate PC build. - Okay. Well, the only way to find out is to keep opening cases. Three more for this round, and are you planning to share some of the glory? Are you going to let your husband pick one or are you gonna do them all yourself? - I'm gonna let him pick one. - You're gonna let him pick one. - Yeah, please. - Now let me tell you something. One married man to another. Don't (bleep) this up? - Oh my God. - [Linus] But no pressure. - No pressure, but please, I want that PC. - So I think I'm going to pick briefcase number three. - [Linus] Briefcase number three. - [Jordan] Gamer snacks, please. - [Linus] Tris, show us the gamer snacks, will ya? - They're not gamer snacks. - Titan gaming chair. All right. - But still. - Oh, you're, you're below the fold. You keep picking off these lower value prizes. You're gonna get a better and better offer from the scalper. - Yeah. - You got to pick two more. Now, who do you want in the driver's seat? - I think I'm going to pick this time. Sorry, no offense but. - If you've gotten the gamer snacks, she might've given you another shot at it. - Based like on the pictures, I'm gonna pick number 15. - Now, hold on a second. I'm gonna let you open that case in a minute, but tell me something, Yum. You picked your winning case based on the number, but you're picking your losing cases based on the picture. I'm noticing a distinct lack of consistency in your strategy here. Are you just realizing this now? - Yeah, I'm just realizing it that. - Okay, well you stick with your choice? - Yeah, please, number 15. - Number 15. Scott, let's see what's inside it. - [Yum] Oh, no! - Oh, Yum. Oh, Yum, the ultimate PC build is off the board. - How dare you? I should have. - You should have trusted them. - Yeah, yeah. Sorry. - [Jordan] It's fine, it's fine. We can still just bring in this one. - Okay, I need one more before we finish this round. - [Jordan] Gamer snacks. - Okay, I think number five, please. - [Linus] Number five, alright. Hey Yoni. - [Teyoni] I think you made the right choice here, Yum. - [Linus] You like this choice? - I like it. - Never buy me a lottery ticket, Teyoni. - [Teyoni] I'm sorry. I'm sorry I had to do that to you. (Yum groaning) - The Vizio Quantum X 75 inch TV is off the board, but don't fret. You still have a good number of high priced items on the deal sheet. So Scalper, (telephone ringing) what are you going to offer us? (Scalper chuckling) - [Scalper] Yeah, you should've quit when you're ahead. You got greedy, and now that ultimate PC build is mine and I'm going to sell it for way more than $10,000. You know what? I'm a scalper, I know the value of things. So let me tell you what's a good deal. $600 value, you walk away now with your very own, very futuristic looking, Dyson hairdryer. I think that's more your speed. I'll take care of this super fast gaming rig. Bye bye. Thank you. - [Audience Male] Don't listen to him. - [Jordan] Don't take it. - I actually like it. - You like it? - Yeah, I like it. I need it for my hair, but I'm still hoping for the 3070. - Okay, I mean, the Storinator, that's a $5,000 value. Okay, it's a, it's a storage server. That gaming monitor. I mean, maybe you don't have any use for it without a PC, but maybe the hubby wouldn't mind a monitor upgrade, just saying. - You want the 3070 Ti. - So you guys got to talk amongst yourselves. Do you take the offer or do you say no to Scalper's? - Don't take it, don't take it. - No, I'm not going to take it. - You're not gonna take it. Make it official. - Sorry, I'm not gonna take it. (upbeat music) - There it is. Okay. Are you okay? - I think I'm okay. - You think you're okay. Okay, okay. How are you feeling right now? Are you gonna, are you gonna ride it out to the bitter end? What if this is the gamer snacks? - Oh my God. - What if 21 is not your lucky number? - Wait, let me see the face again. - Kind of awful face. You might want to stick with the face strategy. I need you to pick me two cases. - Okay. - Now that you've rejected the offer, there's no going back. The Scalper never offers twice. - Can you, can you help me this time again? I trust you now. - Maybe I'll take briefcase number 13. - Number 13, lucky 13. All right, Geneva, open it up for us please. Amazon peripherals, worth only $75. - [Yum] Yes, yes. - Are you going to take another crack at this, or you just going to let him drive? - You wanna, do you wanna try? - [Jordan] I want to try one more time, last time. - Just don't get that RTX 3070 Ti, please. The Scalper has enough of them. - Yeah, or else you're going to sleep outside. - [Jordan] Oh my God. So maybe I'll pick briefcase number 14. - Number 14, Scott. Scott, briefcase number 14. I would never take a deal from that guy. It's probably terrible. The Elgato stream kit. - [Jordan] Still fine, still fine. - But still I want the gamer snacks out. - You want the gamer snacks out. I believe you, I believe you, but there's nothing I can do about that, Yum. You have to pick the gamer snacks out if you want the gamer snacks eliminated. Now there are only six more cases left in play, the five behind us and the one here. We get one more offer from the Scalper, and then we start eliminating cases one by one. - Okay. - Scalper, you got the floor, (telephone ringing) and I want to see a better offer than last time. - [Scalper] I feel for you, Yum, I really do. You're in a tough spot. So I'm going to offer you something that frankly, I'm just having a hard time selling. It's worth more than the her dryer. This is a $900 value. I promise, you can use your imagination, find a way that this thing is cool. It is the Jackery power thing you plug into battery thingy. - Okay, now hold on a second. Do you guys know what this is, 'cause I don't think the Scalper has any idea what he's on to here. - [Scalper] Whatever, man. I'm out of here. I can't wear it, I don't care. - Are you guys outdoorsy? Are you outdoorsy? - I think I know this one because my, my, my uncle used to like, go camping, but I don't think I need that. - You're not a camper, you're not the camping sort. - We don't need that. - Then I think there's only one clear choice. - Okay. Sorry, but I'm not going camping. (upbeat music) - Sorry, no camping. That's not trademarked, right? We can say, sorry, no camping. (audience applauding) Okay, who's picking the case? No offense, but I kind of think your track record is not great. - [Jordan] But I'm scared. - Yeah, dude, you don't want to sleep on the couch, right? - [Jordan] I don't want to sleep on the couch. - Okay, but then tell me something, you know, what's the dynamic like in your family? If he chooses wrong, he sleeps on the couch. That's pretty clear, but what if he refuses to choose, and he makes you do it and you choose wrong? That's still his fault, right? - Yeah. - No, no, that's not mine. - [Linus] He's still on the couch, right? - Definitely not mine. - Who will choose the case? - Who will pick the game? - You wanna pick? - I will choose one more time. - [Yum] Okay, one more time and then it's my turn. - If you don't get the gamer snacks. - You need to get it out. - Oh, I'll get the gamer snacks. Maybe it's briefcase number 10. - Number 10, okay. Number 10 please, Geneva. - [Jordan] Gamer snacks, please. - [Linus] Come on, gamer snacks. That's not a good face. - Oh, sorry. - That's a, okay, okay. Okay, that's not too bad. That's not too bad. Second worst prize. I feel like. - [Yum] But still. - I feel like we're gonna get a good offer. I feel like we're gonna get a good offer. This button's going to look pretty tempting. - I need to pray, yeah. - I wouldn't recommend against it. - [Scalper] Okay, um. - Yeah, you're sweating now, aren't you buddy? - You know, it's really a shame that you're an Apple person and you lost the MacBook, but I'm a nice guy. I will give you a Mac Mini. You can still have an M1 and a Mac. You know, that's a good deal for you. I think you should take that deal and leave the rest of the stuff for me to flip. Okay, nice meeting you. Bye. - Help me, please. - Don't take it, don't take it. You only need to remove gamer snacks, then we'll win. - Okay, but what if this is the gamer snacks? - It's fine, I'm hungry. - No. - Now normally I don't want to insert myself. I want this to be your decision, but I should clarify something. It's not as simple as taking out the gamer snacks and beating this offer. Both the monitor and the GPD WIN are actually worth less than that M1 Mac Mini, and as you said, you're more of a Mac person, but the Storinator is still on the board. That is a $5,000 value. Xeon processor, okay. Five G's. - My husband? - Don't take it, don't take it. - Okay. Sorry again. I'm not going to take it. - Are you really sorry to that guy? Are you really? (audience applauding) Okay. - [Male] He called you a badass. (Yum, Linus laughing) - Why don't you show him just how badass you are? Please pick a case. - Okay, I'm going to pick number 20. - Number 20, all right. Bray, case number 20, please. - Okay. Ugh, I'm so sorry. - Oh, Yum. - What if this is the gamer snacks? - I don't think so, I don't think so. We can still win. - It might not be. Remember, you did say at the beginning of the game, RTX 3070 Ti, that's one of your preferred prizes. - [Yum] Yeah. - There's a one in four chance that it's in here, but it's also a one in four chance that this has a single can of Mountain Dew and a single bag of Doritos. I mean, that's not even enough Mountain Dew to wash that Doritos dust off your throat, you know? - Yeah. - Let's have a look at what the Scalper has to offer. (telephone ringing) You're on, Scalper. - I mean, I was starting to really like you there for a second, but now, I don't have to so. (Scalper laughing) Look, okay, here's what I'm gonna do. I'm going to give you what, $550 value. That's what I'm gonna give you. Nanoleaf lights, mounted keyboard, mechanical keyboard, and some cat-ear headphones. Why not, and I think you should really just call it a day, Yum. It's not going well. - The cat-ear headphones look cool. They don't sound very good. - Oh wow. - Don't take it. We still have a chance. - Yeah. - Now are you saying that for you or for her? - I think for him. - For me. - [Yum] I think for him. - He can advise you for his own selfish purposes, but you have to make the decision. PC or no PC. - I'm not gonna take it. (upbeat music) (audience applauding) - Okay, well then you know what comes next. You need to pick me another case. - Just one, right? - Just one. - Okay, I'm going to do this. I think number six. - Number six. - [Jordan] Gamer snacks. - [Linus] Okay, number six. - [Tani] I want gamer snacks in here. - [Linus] It's time, Tani. - I'm so sorry. - Oh no. - The RTX 3070 Ti was not in your case. - What am I gonna do? (telephone ringing) - All right, Scalper. Scalper's on the line. - I mean, yeah, these offers are going down, Yum. Frankly, I'm pretty sick of talking to you. The Thor power supply again. It's back, (Scalper laughing) yeah, that's it. Don't call me again, bye. - You're the one who called us. - That's true, so. - We'll fight, we'll fight to the end. - I don't want, I don't want to bring home gamer snacks. Like, I can buy my own Doritos. - But can you buy your own ROG Swift 360 Hertz or GPD WIN 3? - No. - Can you buy those? Those are still, I think, valued at $600 and $900. There are a lot better, do you have anywhere to even put this power supply? Great power supply, but what are you going to do with it? - I know. We don't have anything to use, so. - Don't take it, don't take it. We'll fight 'til the end. - Fight to, to the bitter end, to the bitter end. - It's fine, as long as we're here. - These are still worth $700 and $850. - Can I change my, can I change my? - Yes, at the end. Once you're down to two cases, you get to decide to keep your case or trade it for the final one, but you'll need to pick one more case to get there. - No, I'm not gonna take it. (upbeat music) (audience applauding) - I'm, I'm impressed. I would not have made it this far. I, boy, wow. I would have taken the Mac Mini quite frankly. Do you have any, do you have any remorse so far? - I think it's his fault. - Why me? - I'm with you. - Because, I'm not gonna blame myself. - I'm with you on this one. - We still have a pretty good chance of winning. - Winning what though? - Those two. - But those are things that you want. (Linus laughing) - [Jordan] Exactly. - Okay, well think of it this way. At least if you're going to be cold at night, the consolation prize could be that he is sleeping on the couch, but also happy with a shiny new toy to play with. Okay, do you want him to feel better about his exile? - Yeah. - Then let's pick another case. - Can you, can you do it this time? - No I can't. I don't want to sleep outside. You can do it. - Hey, you're lucky if you get the couch at this point. - Okay, I think number 23. - Okay. This is a big moment, Bray. Please go ahead. - [Yum] I don't want to look. I don't want to look. - [Linus] You have to look. (Yum cheering) - [Yum] Not in here. - You found 'em. The gamer snacks are out. - Finally. - Now there's one more call from the Scalper. (telephone ringing) - Okay. Good for you, okay. (Yum snickering) I'm gonna, I know you don't want to go camping, but honestly, this is just the hardest thing for me to sell to people online. So I'm gonna offer you the Jackery thing again. It's actually worth $50 more than either of the prizes you got on the board. I think it's a good deal. You should take it. You can charge your phone. That's it. The other things I want to keep and sell to nerds, so I need the money for all the Airbnbs I rent. Please, please take this Jackery thing. It's a good idea. You can spend more time with your uncle. Bye. - Could that guy be any more of a piece of (bleep)? - Yeah, I know. It's like saying that that's my power bank. - I mean, it is. Okay, even if you don't go camping, it can be useful. If you're, you keep it in your car. You know, if you break down somewhere remote, having some power couldn't hurt. Honestly, though, the vibe I'm getting from over here in the peanut gallery is hold out for one of those. I mean, you're happy with either of those. - Yeah. - [Yum] Yeah. (Linus laughing) - I don't want to go camping. - I love the honesty. What'll it be? - Sorry, no. (upbeat music) No! - I cannot believe that you made it all the way to the end. So now the only question that remains is do you open up case number 21 or do you trade it for case number 19? - I'm gonna keep this one. - You're gonna keep this one, and what are you hoping for? What do you want to be inside, or should you just ask him since we all know who the prize is for at this point anyway? (Jordan laughing) - The monitor. - You want the monitor? - Yeah. Let's do this. - [Linus] It's the GPD WIN. So, I mean it's better than gamer snacks. - Oh, sorry. - Thanks, Maya. There was the ROG Swift 360 Hertz gaming monitor. How are you feeling? - I am feeling okay, because just being next to you is a good thing, I think, but. - You know, what's funny about that is you didn't even have to suck up for me to invite you to the bonus round. - Ooh. All right. Let's wipe the board and bring up the wheel. Here's how it works. In this case is a GPD WIN 3. It's yours, if you want it, but you can also wager it for a spin of the wheel. Let's have a look at what our options are here. On the wheel, you will have a one in eight chance to keep your prize, get absolutely nothing, get the Scalper's choice, or things start to get very interesting from there. We've got VIP tickets to LTX, an RTX 3060, Xbox Series X. The ultimate PC build is back in play, ladies and gentlemen, and the grand prize on the wheel, a signed pair of LTT underwear. Do you wager your prize? Are you going to stick it out to the very bitterest of ends or do you take a one in eight chance at the signed LTT underwear? - I'm going to leave this to myself, sorry. I know you want me to decide. - Do you? - [Jordan] Yes. - Like the ultimate PC is just next to nothing. - It is. - So I'm like really scared to like, go home with nothing except the shirt. - That's a nice shirt. - Yeah, I know. It's a nice shirt. - You could also have underwear to go with it. That's great for like a lounge day. You throw on the LTT shirt, the LTT boxer briefs, just chill. - I'm going to keep this. - You're going to keep the prize. All right. - Oh, no. - Wait, can I change my mind? - Oh, hold on, okay. She didn't press the button. She didn't press the button. There's backsies, do you want backsies? Do you take the case? - Please spin, yeah. PC build. - Do you take the case or do you leave the case? - Do you want me to spin? - [Jordan] Spin again. - Okay, I'm gonna spin. - It's gone, the case is gone. See you later! Here it comes, ladies and gentlemen. - Oh my gosh. Please, please. - Come on, here we go, here we go. - Please, please. - Here we go. What are we going to get? VIP tickets to LTX? Hold on. That can't be quite right. That can't be quite right. Hold on a second here. Is this thing working? Hello? I don't think it's spinning properly. Can you just, guys, can you check the back here? What's happening, what's happening? What's happening, what's happening? - Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. - [Linus] Oh my God, you won. (Yum screaming) - Oh my God, I can't believe it. Oh my God. - Congratulations. - Oh my God. For real? - Of course, it's for real. The only thing that was fake was everything else. - Oh my God. - Oh congratulations. Thank you, thank you. Thank you so much. Thanks for coming in. Come on in here. Congratulations, you guys. You are the big winners. You know what? Honestly, I have never seen stones of steel like that in my life and you guys absolutely deserve it and we're going to throw in an extra. You did spin LTX tickets, so when we finally get LTX back off the ground, I want you guys there as our VIP guests. I will see you again next year. Congratulations, and thank you. Thank you to Intel for sponsoring "PC or No PC." We are going to be right back at you with round number two. - Oh my God, I can't believe it.
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 1,822,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ya3hZQgwHds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 12sec (2472 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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