This challenge in Terraria is insane...
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: sockrteez
Views: 180,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria 100 days, terraria challenge, terraria spawn rate, terraria but I only use, terraria 1.4, terraria 1.4.4, terraria mage weapons, terraria best early game weapons, terraria best early hardmode weapons, terraria mage guide, terraria underrated weapons, chippygaming, sockrteez, terraria modded, terraria tmod loader 1.4 mobile, terraria 1.4 mods, terraria, terraria how to get zenith, terraria one hundered days, terraria vampire knives, terraria speedrun, terraria calamity
Id: OOGeJf0xnJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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