Combining Calamity with Other Mods is perfectly balanced.

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in this video we'll see how well Calamity works if we combine it with other mods there is nothing wrong with combining content modes like Calamity with other modes like mode of redemption I don't understand why some people think it is a crime to mix content mods with each other it is a perfectly acceptable thing to do if you mix and combine big content modes with each other like Calamity with audio mode granted you take the rest of your teammate load refreshing and a broken balance on your game progression and in this video I'll explain why but if this video were to be summed up combining mods can be awesome and give you a whole new experience imagine fighting Calamity bosses as Iron Man this is only possible if you combine mods but before we continue a word from our sponsor call of dragons call of dragons is a game with a world cup of fantasy races with three factions to choose from the cunning humans the strong orbs or the magical elves in this fast beautiful Fantasy Realm tame and 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Call of dragon style using my link in the description thanks Hall of dragons for sponsoring this video alright back to the video let's first start with World Generation ah Calamity mod possibly the most enormous mode in true area but have you ever wondered what will happen to the World Generation when it is combined with other mods will it work well or would it be chaotic the candidates for testing in this video will be thorium mod Moto 11 function and Remnants mode with overhaul also coming in a bit later let's first start with generating the world okay looks good so far I can join the world looks like the zulfurusi is perfectly fine and is located on the right side of the world so that means the authorium mods aquatic depths is located on the left side of the world let's take a peek and yep nothing's wrong with it I can perfectly access it fun and the generation did not screw up here at biome is okay though it did much useful for a sea a bit but it is fine I dare to even say that it looks cooler fighting the Lich boss feels much more awesome this way too especially with A Soulful receive background and the green acid rain and yes I am using overhaul more too but we'll talk about it later Calamity Sun can see is perfectly normal and fine not to be confused with thorium's aquatic depths now let's move on to mode of redemption and it looks like everything is going quite well most notably the famous Avenue lab it is perfectly accessible at the usual location honestly a bit surprising because back then I somehow vividly remember that any World Generation mods would up with the left generation going great so far though it looks like that calamity's office is interfering a bit with some of redemption got the caves but it's completely fine nothing too out of the ordinary motor redemptions have Castle on underworld is fine too it did not interfere with Calamity Dragon Labs King's latest fresh spaceship is completely fine you could say that the spaceship did not crash I failed at making that joke ignore that out of curiosity I decided to enter the soul dimension and yeah you can still enter it fine mixing mods did not interfere with any sub worlds and by the way sick and spooky Dimension I can't wait for the full release just out of pure cylinders and curiosity I decided to blow up Redemption nuclear bomb on the sulfurusi biome in the process I killed myself but the result is a background changing to fit the waistline volume so the air is filled with gamma radiation but as you can see from the explosion crater it looks like the sulfuricity itself isn't affected much huh is a worse Wasteland in the Wasteland biome now let's beat the kid named Wall of Flesh and try to Nuke the astral infection biome huh the bomb is too close to unexplodable tiles maybe let's blow it up slightly a bit further from the astral infection ok now it is working the timer is ticking looks like the surrounding biome and air are filled with nuclear gamma radiation perfect but it looks like the Astro blocks and background did not really change which unironically looks oddly impressive fighting us from the use in here feels like the player is trying to survive when nuclear space Apocalypse in the retroaria world very cool okay now let's take it to the next level by adding in remnants mod also known as the biggest world generation mod in true area and also The Inferno mod because why not I was so afraid that my team mod would crash it took 5 minutes to generate a world but luckily it did not crash already the first glance the world seems much more exciting and field remnant's mod is a terraria mod that is purely dedicated to expanding and adding tons and tons of new structures and exploration aspects into Terraria and it is in seeing how good the structures are I was so afraid that remnants would up Calamity regeneration but nope it did not for example the brimson crack biome is totally fine it did not merge with remnant's health structures calamity Labs did not Collide into any of remnants cave structures or mine shaft it looks like that inferno's profane Garden biome replaced mode of redemption's hair Castle but hey I'm totally fine with that if you didn't know Prophet Garden is a biome that in front of us that we can use to fight the profane cross meatballs and also a big beautiful and decorated small temple with a huge Arena to fight Providence in so yeah I think it is a bit more important than helca currently now let's see how thorium aquatic depths reacts with remnants regeneration it is safe to say that I am very impressed with how it looks remnants underwater Castle as an entrance to go through the Aquatic depths is just chef's kiss and looks visually magnificent one thing that I love about remnants mod is how they change the pyramid into something much more interesting filled with tons of exploration aspects and mummies however it looks like due to the pyramid generation the sun can see biome is unable to generate a little bit disappointing but it's the risk we have to take for cross modding and not to worry the temple to enter inferno's desert support is fine it didn't get erased by remnants pyramid there are a few structure Solutions here and there but it's a really fine yoga should take a look at remnants more dungeons by the way in my opinion it looks so much damn better than the vanilla one and I was surprised to see it not colliding with calamities dungeon Arena mini bio in fact they support each other very well the sulfurusi is also perfectly fine and the abyss underneath it is also fine which surprised me because back then the abyss would be so buggy the cool Calamity Dragon labs are still there Remnant structures did not replace or delete it but it looks like calamities main planet to it won't generate with remnants mod in a boat making a full playthrough impossible so you might have to generate a new world for that finally I don't have to make an arena to fight jungle Dragon yaron because remnant's jungle Sky Garden serves that purpose ok so we have reached to a conclusion while building in mixed mods is not too bad in my opinion the pros outweigh the cons some might say it is perfectly for lunch now how about gameplay mods let's use the overhaul mode as a prime example and oh my oh my it is very safe to say that this is the most fun I had in a while it feels so awesome I absolutely love the the gun recoil effect from overhaul mode is just absolutely phenomenal when combined with Calamity weaponries against other modded bosses look at how much I was able to knock maze project using onyxia it literally slammed itself meat in the air it is totally possible to fight Supreme kilometers instead of the ebony lab but it's not the most effective nor efficient way to fight her but it does look awesome though so there is that you can even use Iron Man 2 to fight against Calamity bosses using the Marvel thrower universe mode it is very much possible to fight Inferno bosses using Iron Man Arsenal and weaponries suit up and explore Calamity biomes with a suitability to fly across steroines shooting and obliterating Calamity boosters with Iron Man's uni beam is truly satisfying and if you're wondering how I was able to turn throughout and Calamity into 3D like this check out this video I made on true warrior 3D mode yep it is now very possible to turn your throat and Calamity experience 3D the possibilities are endless when mixing mods but again combine them wisely the teamwork Community is absolutely wild sometimes but I still vividly remember that one time someone told me to off myself because I would mix and combine mods I was fully aware that combining much could potentially crash my game but hating or telling someone to off themselves just because they mix mods is by all means definitely not okay like bro chill during the process of making this video surprisingly the mod loader only crashed like three times I honestly expected more but I still highly suggest all of you to have a breakup of your Terraria files before you mix mods with each other and of course you do have to take the risk of having a much like your gameplay broken balance in your game progression and much more but I'm willing to take the risk because I'm having tons of fun mixing mods with each other are you that's about it thanks and see ya [Music]
Channel: GitGudWO
Views: 279,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria calamity mod, calamity mod, calamity mod perfectly balanced, calamity mod combine, terraria mods, terraria modded, combining calamity with other mods, calamity remnants mod, calamity world generation, calamity mod of redemption, calamity iron man, modded terraria, calamity balanced, calamity, terraria best mods, terraria top mods, terraria thorium mod, calamity thorium, terraria mod of redemption, terraria combining mods, terraria content mods, tmodloader
Id: ahGJvWU3Dcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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