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[Music] [Music] we should look for coming level one I think yeah wait no flash let's get a hook count in ch hook count yeah I'm down to just hook from here to here you want to what do you mean Hook from overall this guy might be sitting here sure bro he has no flash you're right free kill if I yeah yeah he probably is sitting here normally they sit all the way back ping them TF play ping them ping them all I got you baby [ __ ] wor a shot happens all right I'm going to play for uh three cam towards bot here three cam towards bot if bot gank is possible I butt gank if not I reset for top fantastic I don't have hex flash cuz du said it's useless okay so don't play like I have hex flash why would that be used why would that be useless oh he said boots are better a kns f faster Maximus if I I don't have yes tenacity and uh the Mana one I mean just like go in a bush we can't lose you have e level one what do you have level one you should have e if I'm playing Blitz no way that's I'm I saw Samir to you go e but it's fine any ball AFK it's probably remake no I think they X XP nice Q hooks 15 just back off just back off it's fine they lost xped don't yeah they can't play We can probably dive B if you want on your three crash just slow push this but don't let h two I Zone hook up in four we hit a bit faster one more wave I think we dive next wave like this wave this wave do you want me to look because I could s we go for or I just reset no we said dive they don't hit level two they miss three Mele all this I don't think that's possible I can just kill myself if you hit Q yeah but I think we can dive they don't hit Level bro we should dive this just let me die come on go do it then let's try have to push s here here I didn't it's okay what's it TR did he base maybe that Jan is actually High he L didn't try to Juke wait yato you know what's worse than Capa jungus Deluxe professional Capa jungus Delux that's not a thing bro stop inventing stuff stuff no you're going just steal it now CU you j r timer j r timer all right I'm going to play for can you just come in I can come mid maybe as well actually I have to push yeah I'm coming too kind of only only Janet can be she has no she has flash she can TR to come just need to clear the way I'm going M on this you push way too slow I'll stay actually have not crash this bro come on no I'm here I'm here yeah we could have with a d [ __ ] Bro JX random ass Ro can probably hook under Tower maybe all right I'm going to play for uh fer towards SP now so everyone just know that I won't be on the it's going slow push don't hit please Samir please okay guys guys uh Yamato can you the try because I'm telling you there is a chance that uh ons we play pass yes I'm going to let me hitel four winning I they're playing kind of Agro chance B I mean he can't be topid it's his only play Just L gang B if you want or sorry I think SE flash right also mid's pretty open for kill they have some no did Jenna Flash no she only is he just push okay just push I think Max is near yeah I can go mid one time here maybe I have no boots though I think you and V should both to kill X oh there's a word on me probably hard I'm about to be six we could probably kill no I can't there I can't walk past it they warded like River uh Jinx house pink I'll TP she pinks or not now Jinx held her pink nice good job I can try hook play Dr here we can play drag we try Hook's here is here I don't see I don't's dead maybe have a chungus can you help me crash bot help me crash bot help me crash bot help me crash bot help me crash bot help me crash bot please J no SS we have to crash it bro you have to walk up okay good yeah this Janet is not Juke Juke hooks so I'll just shoot him at him yeah the thing is you don't need to come up for grubs though by the way because we're going to have mid pressure and we have alt advantage on Mid and uh blade has like P top so you can just like go straight back B you don't need to come I think Vex down we can look for something you're the only one that can innovate meta's professional C guess Maxim you can Auto in between your q and then e wait really you q auto let's ready up let's ready up they they just [ __ ] started they're like R and they just go not SL slopper box no nice he's a noob bro you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me uh s might tag Dragon here so just go grubs I guess honestly can we 34 the gr or the dragon I think we can you want to limit test this or no detention I mean check check if they're on it we can back can I reset here can I reset you can reset I need to W the dragons on it if they're on it I'm coming if not just go sh I think they're on it they're on it for sure it didn't even back but that's Ultra troll just stop them I'm coming too L that's insane doesn't stop that's first dragon is really squishy maybe like proxy Zone them here can AR push a wave and come you can play side I know that's BR it's impossible from this angle you know that right well I was just killing the minion maybe I'm looking is any this uh no he's about to work he just work right now TR has if he go too crazy have a dive okay they're all B wa wait do you want top dive is kind of hard he's trying oh you need to try to hold this wave as long as possible you think I can I don't think tank a bit Yeah you can tank a bit your wave is so [ __ ] far there's no way no try dive next rotation legit I need like double kill look no okay yo I can come look for WX too by the way slowly if you guys find it just just look for YouTube because the thing is I'm going to probably look for something bot YouTube no it said YouTube like a to go back to yeah I'm going back to up fast ping 200 on night I'm half Health but if you want we try here bro this gu I'm going come in I'm coming let [ __ ] Swift We can't we can't I'm we Di's m m just di just di can you T the power or no I don't have E I don't have e okay don't see anymore I reset 5 Seconds they're all going I can't help you I'm going to come I'm going to come at we can't help you we cannot help you man I have item though I want to stay B can you rotate it's a little hard for me an she you did no no it was her Q it was her the top is a little strong now maybe I'm almost have so many WS holy [ __ ] man cleared [ __ ] 10 Wards I'm resetting for Dragon forwards I mean dive this hello dive this dive she's alone she's literally alone no no I don't have any abilities I don't have don't I want before dragon you don't want to listen to the call I have nights fou for Dragon we just want to fight I have all sus you have all sus win the game accomplish bro nothing we lose tempo for Dragon free kill for Sam I mean that's pry nothing I guess we lose tempo for Dragon killer it's a [ __ ] call I have this guy I mean if you want to do dragon now bot and then we can just play this I think s might die tough here though I mean blade if you want to say them what we could do is after Ari and Zack claps on bot and we can look for something Twan bot even Twan we can do it I think it's just going to T back do you have passive yeah I have passive I have all two I have everything but top side like the is going to collapsed here I think by J and TR careful tops some you going eat their b side jungle here maybe or can just B was after I could look for something walls are up I me Vex can't what the [ __ ] if we can but she's a tank I feel like hit the blue buffer yeah hit blue buff and let her walk in there yeah sweeper I'm looking I'm I'm coming in part I'm walking too I mean if you guys got this is fine nice my bad yeah this says ran in front of my hook unfortunately it's okay they're pushing St crazy here yeah B just toward towards H and we can play for Harold no I think our adk disconnect from the game guys he's a bit uh oh never mind he's trying to win this my support uh yeah unlucky guys we can talk about out I'm I'm a bit massive two items z i I think what we do now is we just play for five man Herald out of Base Lally just five man heral like I'm down to fight yeah like vex's forover Sim here even even if simar resets it's fine then we just play as for I want to play with Sim though my chance sorry I need to check my item I haven't played BL you want to push him I can come hover or you want to place let me just fight no whatever like I okay just fast shove mid and then we just play for this five on they don't see me they don't see me I want to go in a area that they don't see me you want a if you want a hook I can you have a huge engage look look look that's massive engage I have the back Lan to again I'm just out here let's get it baby I can eat soon you want to go top maybe you want to go top good enough or someone someone go top I'll go top I'll go top I got it I got it oh you got I'll go perfect see that's good that's good like calling for a fight and then actually like falling perfect um Ben you know what I want to do I'm going to hover top right after I take Harold and then we're going to look for kill to uh turret see no it's telling me how much gold do you have right now okay don't tell me I someone to catch M Maybe I want give Tower I come I can Bluff wait can we get a f TP actually can we get Zack FL TP yo yo can we get a I got you baby I got you I'm coming we got a kill this [ __ ] for yeah go for Tower I'll hover you almost L I'm just [ __ ] with him oh he [ __ ] up I'm playing for the I'm playing for the I'm holding for the yeah we're going to make your TP worth it don't we're going to make it worth it I have TP as well I need to over Force yeah just get this and run oh that's huge tanking Tower tank one more up 20 [ __ ] bro I'm drifting away reset for for drive maybe we can't drift I'm waiting for Ari maybe she got some range I may bait this yeah I can ba back nice no spells for four good okay I don't that was worth but whatever sh I came in from downtown bro look at this look at this 8 car nice I think uh [ __ ] play I'm coming to you already wait stay on the map uh Ben if you can find reset then you can TB for drag but just stay on the map cuz I want to play uh I want to play Dragon right away cuz has so yeah so you can like shove out a wave do whatever you want to do but we just see be on this dragon as soon as it spawns holy [ __ ] night is disgusting oh this kid got [ __ ] movement 700 yeah I mean I'm just going to start I'm just starting it they blue size up as well yeah there's W over there I can't swe after I take Dragon I'm going to look to uh enter enemy b side by the way are we taking blue hello I saw went for a sweeper you want to look for this I mean there's someone that can help him yeah I'm going to go here in the bush yeah I got him get him there I'm going to reset for WS unless we can really play for top you want to play for top without Vision detention or no you want me get Wards do you want to get Wards cuz our jungler I have two have two controllers I have two controllers I'm getting Wards anyways cuz you're on the map yet all right I'm going to play for uh three C top side and then after that we can look for we can look for a pick and Sid lane or we can look for something Med but I think care Tempo they can look on you real quick I just think right now we should only be playing for top I'm hovering s right now I'm like lagging this game like I don't know like I'm still B by the way do we go tough yeah I have to go back but I'm going have to tbot actually you guys okay with that I'm T here if if anyone walks up to it we just s to kill them wait do you want to play for a hook you can hook anyone even sge hook at literally anyone nice all right play if you can find it oh not this stage of again where he goes the other way um ch's resetting with no if you hit a charm I can chain if you see an angle no I think I think right now here oh nice you really want to die I have no stalls n you guys got it tr's coming with Noir TR Noir he's based right now [ __ ] me in the ass f y come here yam come here walk left walk to me yam walk to me Yamato yam walk me so I can hook them Yamato walk to me okay I move bro yes cuz you're walking into the enemy team no [ __ ] you yeah yeah I saw that I saw the attempt I saw attempt um I'm telling you guys I think right now we literally just play on Baron cuz we can Lally just take it if they get close and we just get hook over while we ino in the game like we lit just force bar right now I'm telling you yeah once you respawn I can start pathing let's do it everyone just bar sh out of Base there's no reason not to just like in for this sure I on same time or a couple seconds later go bar just hook them I think they're going to come I mean there there's no one but press yeah we just pressure Ferrari right now pressure Ferrari pressure feri I think we should catch another wave look here I'm T behind T behind yeah no it's it's already one fight nice just come on perf I good ho [ __ ] this champ always with the Quadra yep you can play on 50 million P Mighty Car his handless than [ __ ] cap End by the way we go TOS he's he's actually one v9 I'm not going to lie like he's one v9 on 120 B my God that's what I'm telling you like Taran you're going to be shaking your ass for him in Brazil when he's on like five ping yeah on five ping like [ __ ] space yo we can't then we can't then this wait you know we need to we need to learn twitch Lulu bot L the Anton AR I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I don't think we should fight no I know I'm trying to feel yeah just let die we're going to be losing uh we're going to be losing here but it's fine inhibitor what did you just say that so we're going to be oh I meant we're going to be losing Dragon we're going to be losing inhibitor here wait Ben I could actually come with you look for a pick on what do you B the champion enemy has been SL how the [ __ ] is level 15 is weak oh my God coming coming coming running me running me we're good we're good play Agro I have all actives for you go crazy nice soon dragon's oneshotting them bro holy [ __ ] plop plop plop you got this don't die baby I'm coming I got you coming [ __ ] [ __ ] me bur B I have one HP yeah you're [ __ ] one v9 holy [ __ ] just start it just start it start on way just start it instant please start it don't hover my night spell guys it's [ __ ] damage yeah I told you night was [ __ ] broken S is doing more than me with her night she better team broken dragon or we just going to end yeah I they see me by the way I don't rob it on we can play for resets but we're we're already all on the map so we might as well just keep Comming you look for some look for flank with the I'm not going to hook sge okay I'm not going to hook sge I'm want to go y oh my [ __ ] God there we go still tanking the [ __ ] I can jump there if I get this do I die no I don't die nice I job good job nice bro I'm telling you we're actually getting so much better why you go Titanic though like please tell me why you go Titanic I don't understand Auto attack reset plus gives you a [ __ ] ton of health and opens up worst it in the game go thund Sky instead second [Music]
Channel: Tarzaned
Views: 15,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nFs60P9eZAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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