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graag stop warus I have one I have a barrel with knockback 255 what would be your offer I am the what would you trade your what would you trade for it you can either trade or give me something or we need a gag find my left nut that's not valuable funus yo where did half of my HP go already where did half of my HP go already let bro we need the AI epsin voice L for the action skin anyone up to the task do it I will give 100 Subs if it happens and play action all day I bring the Fus he does not listen to Bad News Captain Alex this gr skin soly ah Cactus got double kill and I'm K lar this might be a rare B bans for [Applause] game excuses do not concern me on the microphone we love you we love you [Laughter] is us if I was against wal Rus I would be dead already like 20 times but I'm like out farming him a scale I'm about [Music] I for the glory that sh get pregnant good buy my HP oh yeah oh yeah he does not listen to Bad News I'm stop coming [Music] he realized he realized that this is how it sounds on my on my side Bounty check zero letting D kale be 11 10 CS per minute what can go wrong pu [ __ ] your mother B they will break against my stalwart heart I'm going to M I am the and the glory your I salute look I'm basically full HP now what you know I impr it I am B from the flame of their we love you we love you he by you are finished sttion is in the yeah I love the fact that he can get damage reduction twice and that this item is still in the game Tiny Kern nice kindy Kern damage right there guys I'm a champion I think I exist in Cera how about you buy an item let's see how much it costs 2.9k gold 400 health 8mr and a huge Magic Shield and base Health Region oh oh that's balance oh that's balance I think oh and he and he also gets damage reduction K basically becomes Immortal when he holds W twice see other face K over scarner I'm be honest Kant W should not reset on UL it's so [ __ ] I hate it the wicked shall fall I don't have TP but having a kale will pay off my brother is in the no the moment missed level 15 I am your salvation I'm already Tov oneing them te you just got a win 34 it's not hard we love you we love you why did half of my HP go where did half of my HP go why is that a champion in this game do not look CS per minute D B would be proud my swordies I'm really one me on away team just don't fight of their to B we love you we love you hello Captain Alex the right SL by I am get the worthy survive mantion it's dead the I just quickly one shot someone flame you got e yeah we just won what a VI gameo [ __ ] your mother give me give me give me give me give me give me give me almost level 18 how is GRE stanking free item kale do not problem to be human is to be imper no way they chasing that would be stup either they are do you have [ __ ] cancer enemy team or what fck your mother fck your mother bro you can't die on gragas you can't die you literally cannot die on that champion B manages to do it to do it 13 times a game yeah that's impressive like you have to be [ __ ] to die on this champ like genuinely surely now with four items I just blow him up you should F more yeah I'm trying them with for the and then go another Comm on the Move give me give me give me give me let's I must reach be H Dr the [Music] B give me give me give me give me no don't end yes watch just lose L more X9 kale I agree only the there we go 400 CS K Sant still taking zero damage no joke I just [ __ ] myself I wanted to do a f and a wet fart came out my pants are ruined I shall Pur the dark in glory for wait toilet I just Sho myself wow I'm not thring by the way I actually shot myself only with oh my God I'm blooming let me end this game the [ __ ] incident Penta Penta Penta Penta we go [Music] please no [ __ ] HCK seven pairs two days no I need to go to the bathro for For the Rest bro oh my [Laughter] God 100 yes [ __ ] himself more the Kaiser got ner this P bro cuz now people will stop buying qss against him and his win rate will plummet people will stop rushing Qs into morera I'm going to get away with it we love you we love you so far seems like another zungle 1 v9 bro if you can play zeri and you're good jungler this Prince ELO by the way like granted this is Master your so imagine like if you're a decent Z I mean it's a rare combo to be a good jungler and somehow your Z mechanics are like good I don't think playing jungle transition well into Z it isn't like you know every Lulu Yumi main is crack rangar kazik isn't similar case but if somehow you got those skills this speak is pretty good V jungle is decent but nothing amazing Dr but whatever what can you do we win uhhuh support troll we are not contesting grabs got the very top is fine but not blind Pi it says you need a tank support and you need a engage jungler so you need good jungle champ good support champ and then you also need a match up not wored they know yeah this Lulu is cancer ghter yo Lulu how does it feel that your mother is getting [ __ ] Ed by a plumber right now but is using the plunging tool to extract all theing female juices out of her [ __ ] we love you we love you what the [ __ ] silence against Z silence is a stun basically but whatever work you know why like what can Z do for a silence what was V cooking there surely catchup XP doesn't let vgo just catch up to me right he is down like 25 CS why is she C captain tell me why shling is so op I can vaporize with no ICD now this guy is getting so gued on Jungle why is this all so easy man I could lightning crush this oh my God no Mana no Mana no Mana remember when I said a I lied the very junle just gapping everyone what can I say I really should have been 100% win rate on it oh my God yeah t is balanced I think the guy is not even shooting at me and he killing me randomly Desair let what give me give me give me give me ho GG team G bro you're getting styled on Happy Chim is incoming he actually made one on Z jungle there was a z jungle guy he has ahead of all of us this guy pinging me I sto Canon little bro you're taking my [ __ ] on Jungle nonstop at least trying to I'm stunned oh we there a master from Southern Hemisphere over you got is in the we run bro I have lightning crass 8 seven get now ldr holy this CH is taking so much time to kill I mean honestly collector would go hard here Z jungle works yet that ER refusing to play twitch jungle she just FS the jungle so fast it's crazy especially Nai uh-huh war war war war you know why soda okay he's buying time call him blue why can i k Why can't I kill why can't I kill did he swap to nasus and wither me has panties this is really bad damn that's really bad we might lose wow which is just such an OP champion again I die once the entire team just is like let's chain in I do I really have to play Flawless those games am I not allowed to make one One Singular mistake one mistake news he does not need Wings to I'm back to farming V is same level as me do not oh wait he's not I'm [ __ ] I can watch Captain Alex jungle gapu okay I got ldr do you have a car Mr Dr I have a card but not a car okay what do I want to go honestly I just go BT it I'm still not CED wow I'll just go this so I can spread my seed to everyone is in the C be anyone to make y okay now bro zilan keeps pressing e on theing Z instead of me would you rather eat the six item are feathers what is Katarina bro we love you we love you the B man just go Nash yeah why why is she one shoting me with the combo stand steel l he guess what Focus this is going to be so scuffed I mean they don't have twich how do they kill us think I stand on the that care o run at her dog so D huge jungle up I hope you enjoy ldr damage good ,600 700 good job nasus you pressed the W really well I'm proud epin would be proud holy d
Channel: Drututt
Views: 130,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drututt, Drututt Guide, Camille, Best Camille, TheBausFFS, League of Legends, Challenger, Riot Games, lol, Camille Montage, RATIRL, LEC, LCS, drututt rage, drututt akshan, drututt camille, drututt announcer, drututt custom skins, drututt vex, drututt sylas, drututt baus, drututt and ratirl, drututt kayle, league, msi, league of legends tips, drututt stream, challenger camille, grandmaster, camille coaching, camille top, Season 14, league of legends season 14, 1 hp league of legends
Id: rQeisS06iQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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