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[Music] [Music] yeah be rear viw T I agree e West Master is the same [ __ ] as any master so there's not a lot of difference Master is the same in every region yeah it's just like I think like Grand Master plus it's like difference yeah I agree super high e is a bit better I know barely same [ __ ] everywhere he is a fake server no we can work the Raptors together as a team if we care yeah yeah I'm do you need top here uh preferably okay I watch they can't contest they have Olaf Karma only the other champ is dog [ __ ] they might be five point just careful they might be top side you guys can go back I'm just going to drop for and reset yeah we are not going to win one L yeah we will that's all they have we have Kaa auan Nautilus you're trolling in a check I can hover as well yeah my I can't walk solo I cannot walk solo your Raptors may be warded your may be warded you have to check right now I have to check right now hello ghost so I can go back bot check I going back I'm going to start w three toward spot sure uh I might die here I'm taking the greedy path Karma walk through bot River so they might be on your blue he's on your blue he's on your blue he's dead he has no go I'm coming bro I'm coming bro I'm coming bro I'm coming bro let me get the kill let me get the kill no no no stay M stay wait i a g I didn't even get assist [ __ ] you Ben we're going to be down next though [ __ ] freak yeah we can't I can't really CH can level two bot by the way take out CH level two bot sure don't hit the wave you have to wait next wave I think yeah I'm level one okay they're walking a w now this is terrible but listen to your call I guess your's op never mind we're well play team so sexy so sexy I'm cry I honest if Rado just [ __ ] tanks he we never kill but good job yeah I mean if Rado would have like uh thrown her thing out I would have just flash it in so was ready for that good G yo if you can get mid prow here we can go invade Olaf tops side he's not on blue yet I'm done we need to crash this try to get mid now so I'm playing for cross out okay y one you can go back INE I'll just SOL him on there if he's there I don't know if you can we can oh he's not even there nice she might try to cancel you you want go Ruby or boot Ruby or boots you can go you can go now I want Ruby we're fighting you want me to come or no bro you talk to me reset no you don't need to you don't need to the only thing I oh you can hold yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm being one one jungle so op bro what the [ __ ] I'm beating him one V one oh my God tent are you ready to like not smile yes check number one to number five E West Le and is it Baron it's jungle roll's really weak Olaf where we he's probably going to respawn and G straight CRS so B watch out here I'm back in I'm back in he's got too I think sorry good job well play Team I'm so proud of against Master that's go kill him kill him hello bro we're playing for crash no greed my Q was down my Q was down that's all you good job I'm leaving oh [ __ ] my bad bro I didn't see I didn't see sorry all I'm resetting top we can maybe I think I have a new job for you you need to press you every minute to keep up the moral of the team got you why is why is T not playing we kicked him he's too toxic just go back to your lanes one wave just guys we can hit dragon or's on grubs I'll just do uh grubs here and then after that I'll try look for might get bought those only thing his TOS side just respawn he'd probably be around there oh my God fail go that's good TR good TR that's all good job okay I'm going to look for blue and then after that I hit six so I can look for dragon as well for mov red we can look for mov to he wants to reset you want to fight this okay I mean I can reset if you want me to I mean just we should play safer like we already got the kill we got the crash ADC is not on the map but if you want to solo que it we can I rather play consistent but okay we can go okay they know they know we need to check this though go on Kaa go Kaa no go Kaa go on Kaa go on Kaa uh yeah just leave just leave just leave I mean we just don't listen like I don't understand yeah I don't know I didn't even see Ben's base why have we not seen I said it 10 times hey chill chill chill chill chill chill chill when we use our Tempo to kill enemy bot Lane we have to crash reset we're not playing evade zero sense yeah no I know it's my bad it's on me I'll take accountability I mean this was a good play if like it was four versus four you know no no I know but I'm here yeah I got level up I'm level six up one way we can survive here nice good job oh I kind of need to stay from I can play fog if you can kill the wave and fog I can get six here want to kill the wave and fog two waves two creeps sorry I got six next creep look here they're hard hard to it's too hard it's too risky too risky really I can solo kill yeah no no no it's I have shut down yeah I'm not going should be getting dragon in 5 minutes like games like these you should playing for Dragon not grubs but it's fine why are you guys not fist bumping are you like stupid can you please do the dragon yeah I can come right now I Vol up I flash up any play bot as a kill let me clear this P cord if you want to farm let me know like tell forve we're diving next okay I can TP should I play it slow play it slow avoid using TP if you can I they TP I'm not tping I'm just walking I can e here pretty yeah guys not going to lie you for is a bit you can just play it slow just play it slow and the win yeah I mean I guess we don't need dive when we're like rning as I could have just played like reset grubs and we just like don't look for dive well we we don't need to do anything we can just have you r w and uh W it's really hard to kill them R still off map if we can get a deep word here I can TP later in here us or them I think we should try to get the B to it and then go top now them at this point is pointless i' rather just push this let me let me clear top wave you can you can bait a gank from all off and I can counter we just want to reset we want to reset nice if they push I can look one more time yeah go go go go go I'm not to penis maybe push M and catch top AR just go top so I don't think should be here yes I'm oh my [ __ ] God Focus all good all good we're good we're almost here well I can TP now now did they use everything did they use everything yes yes I just hey karma karma karma walking I'm one oneing her yeah I'm here she I need a reset one more wave B one more wave I think I'll hover you I don't know if you have time for this I guess we have I want I just want do raptors raptors [ __ ] off there's a one this push if you can clear it oh wait there's care timer for Harold we need ADC top now reset please b or or Tempo reset now okay what the [ __ ] just hit me huh they have a t Advantage right for this yes correct car car car from here yeah we can stay they probably get dragon the only play is on top SL uh Rift just be careful just take like kugs if you want or something I yeah I am I am we need to open up n though yeah they're top side for sure I like always slow uh if you want to CH out one wave and then I Shadow you and we can look for kill stop you can definitely do that yeah listen this is our goal right we're going to try to push mid lane detention get top side Vision one rotation reset go back mid reset and go back top uh and play for top Tower with you okay does that make sense okay so I'm going to push mid with detention we're going to W their top side go back mid one wave and then top side we're going to try to sink and try get the top Tower and gra okay so first I need to I need to reset after this wave all that's next rotation then let's play for reset first so I'll just work top side first rotation I'm just doing damage care Gras care Gras yeah heart push stop okay you can reset right y I'm going try to war SW side we're good yeah I take this uh no waiting for I want to play properly I want Ka to be part of the play if you got top Tower it's fine as well if you get tower for you I think now it's easier to play off your motto for this tier two or we just like have our side Lanes push and then play for Mid Tower can you guys push side I think I think mid yeah yeah dive yep all right uh after this wave maybe next wave I hit hookas is rotating as well TP TP walk up here walk up here I'm being walk towards me no no it's done it's done just look to defend this we don't just look clear clear we don't need to do anything crazy here clear let's try the same play okay we need this mid Tower they should not be working on us first ever so we have to like respect them mid lane or move up from SL Lane faster back yeah just catch midw and ball I think maybe we could look for something on Baron if G gets we're playing for no no no we play H maybe we could look for my [ __ ] in my ass Ian all why not we can play for the baron after we secure the Third Dragon that's a lot simpler the timer is way too close how much gold are you staying on Yamato how much gold I'm staying on yes how much gold do you have 500 okay oh they're fighting us M yeah I'm TP yes I think we can yeah there have two BS still you need to kill faster you need to K wait stop their backs stop their backs here if we can we just do Dr you just fight just fight them they have nothing okay oh he's the oneall just c m play for yourself play for yourself good good good good good good good good reset or yam go top y top I'm giving top Top's already dead it's fine here yeah yato should go top they're on reset timer they can't I'm here with you what do you say you want this yato short shift top your M short yes I'm going oh my God yeah I'm going to hover kaisa mid here oh I'm loing top side I'm top side I'm Waring top side run I got engage I got might start Baron I think should stay top cuz I have to kind of try yeah that's fine if you think they all low they all low if you like if GW like baits a bit mini bait I be selfish I think you yeah we can yeah they're all low jungler 15 seconds look howow are I mean on my respawn [ __ ] was still waiting waiting my God n w I'm coming holy [ __ ] that guy's good there bra one run from me that's like a mosquito we're hitting Nash we're hitting Nash right now I'm taking it yeah I'm going we we saw broken mid Tower it's been like 10 minutes go ITP go how the [ __ ] is mid Tower still up I got it we play Soul just one through one six try to try to give it to me try to give it to me don't kill it okay okay reset listen I want us to play Poler macro 131 okay you guys need to be as aggressive as possible when we're on the map pressuring okay wait why not play two lanes here listen to the call we I'm shot call I want you to s lane where are you going Gwen you should never be mid you want to look for a play mid wait for us to be on the map pushman push SL and then come M okay simple we want to play Simple I need one way for it yes yes yes we have one rotation away this guy has LD already flash right FL okay okay they're looking on me we play Slow maybe I'm wrapping around here there's four minut just keep pushing side we call to push side push side listen to the [ __ ] call There Yet the wave is right here unbelievable teesty keeping please get Tower just get Tower please only hit Tower only hit Tower your motto your mot waiting my red okay thank you listen the shot who's really strong let flash he Flash oh yeah we just fight this Soul we win I can hold my flash we got infinite gold on our soul lers that should have been done a lot faster but it's fine I thought you Lally walked into their team I'm fine I queued away you walked into their team stop [ __ ] talking about it after the game Jesus Christ we saw him broken mid Tower I [ __ ] it's possible but yeah now we can Clear Vision sure hit scryer hit everything you're not hitting scryer walking to the red buff we need to push bot one wave we one with b and mid again suit so early wait tent which click should I do the one to the right square of of P or the or the left one looks like a right click from you right now be ready to fight Dragon coming out of Base rewards I'm going to don't get engaged on don't get I I KN about Gwen this fight can you self PE or dive with us Kaa no just wait wait wait not he or not let me I'm not even near guys I'm not even near yeah we need Cas mid Cas mid we need to cash midwave anyways slowly slowly okay be juicing be juicing this could be go give her reset she hasata kfaf k Olaf oh [ __ ] good good [ __ ] y yep yep yep go go go TP when you have it so I'll explain it to you right now so you can understand how the game works right when I'm here hitting them I want them to come chase me they send numerous people then our side Lans win the game I run away with Q you're walking to their team dying you're not understanding the game from my perspective again okay what typ it that's the game's over that's what I'm telling him right now you understand like I'm here to tickle their balls you know what that means I just want I want to see it with the replay you walked into their team is what happens and you blame me which I like okay I didn't blame you I just asked a question yeah he he he wasn't he was asking um I think it's good if we get the visual if if we see the the V I mean I can I can okay Co yeah we just go fast next so I can like rest so here I see him clearing the vision and then the enem is like going in on him so at this point I'm thinking like he's caught I need to like go us right that means you think I'm bad at the game though that's the issue with the play you think I'm bad yeah it it's um the the a lot of issue is like yeah it's a lack of trust right but if Nautilus dies it's fine you know they don't gain anything from Nautilus dying so you can just let Nautilus die I will never die here I never die here yeah no I I'm saying I'm saying he never dies anyway I'm saying if you shouldn't die yeah yeah so what I was asking was would it not have been better just wait for kais and then we can like move as a thre man unit I mean sure but like it is fine CU like that's the reason why I walked around here was because I wanted to like be with kaisa because I was like if I can escort kaisa and then we're fine you know like you I I can I can like share system s and everything I'm say so you have to walk in and kill yourself there's no cor you're just trying to be hindsight and you're doing the same [ __ ] you said that I do hold hold the point is is is Fair here if yeah yeah so Tarzan because my issue with you is always like the communication yes but you're walking into their team that's not even clearing the point that's understandable that's understandable so you guys should be able to hear my sound so listen all right I help to clear the vision already so like when I hear I need help to clear their Vision that doesn't tell me like okay I'm that's what yeah he said you need help to Clear Vision that doesn't mean like of course engage but does he say like anything after that like it's a next thing he says that like matters okay they're looking on me we play Slow maybe I'm around here saying they're looking on me we can play it slow maybe yeah and look what you do like why is what is this hindsight [ __ ] just keep pushing but then here I'm just getting claps on and I die you walk into their team I'm saying play it slow your champ is a melee Bruiser we're 4 V3 or there It 33 yeah so this what I say it is understandable Dante that you like we in the area because you asked like I need help to to clear right um but it it there wasn't enough like onus saying like he's looking for can you put it yeah because that's the only thing that I was like wondering about yeah yeah um you guys kind of did roll over them can you like admit your mistake CU I've done that right at least take some accountability one time yeah so I mean what I'll say is that when you say to like play slow and stuff like that I should not be walking up as far as I am I'll admit that and then blame me for walking through their team and trying to fight as something I said and the voice comes to make me look worse because I mean at this point it's getting kind of childish no okay so I aced responsibility my demeanor was wrong a couple times but now it's just like you're trying to like victim point and like point fingers every single time it's just so [Music] weird fre
Channel: Tarzaned
Views: 15,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QrndnV6fvK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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