this boss costs 7,056 tiles | tileman #28

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this is mgtail over a year ago now I had one tile to stand on and every 1000 XP I gain unlocks a new tile I can't use Banks or trade other players and I'm unlocking RuneScape one tile at a time the goal runescape's biggest challenge The Inferno [Music] we finally did it after five months we beat the fragment of sarin completed song of The Elves and used nearly 37 000 tiles in the process but before we enter the tile man end game we have one final roadblock for as many hours as I've played this game it's funny to think there's an area I've never been in this is my first time in prefinus and well it feels good this city is so unique in this game it's so pretty it's just everything feels so modern in here oh yeah I forgot there's a house portal there uh before I go any deeper into the city I want to get things back to normal because I did do a lot of different things for the song of the elves boss fight and I need about 50k cash because we're moving house money well spent our house is now in priff and I can't even teleport to it right now so let's go change Spellbook great news we can finally play the game again Welcome to our new home and there's no time to waste because we have a massive problem on our hands let's go put our gear away and talk about the main roadblock that we have now that song of the elves is done but first guys ordering expensive takeout every night which makes his tummy feel like it's on fire and he's spending lots of money do you have anything to say for yourself just make it stop please oh hey it's today's sponsor hellofresh let me put this real simple for you hellofresh's ingredients and recipes in a box that gets shipped straight to your doorstep and you just cook it into an amazing meal because let's be honest who wants to go to the grocery store and figure out what they're gonna make and exactly what ingredients to buy and how much and then drive all the way back and it's just exhausting even talking about all that but instead I just open up an app or use the hellofresh website to pick out some meals that look good and I get pre-portioned ingredients sent right to my door along with super simple and easy to follow recipe cards that even me who doesn't know anything about anything can follow I made this it was so easy it made me feel accomplished and it was so good and it was so easy to follow no more takeout no more grocery shopping for ingredients for meals go cook yourself a meal the easy way with hellofresh and use is my code POG settled jun16 to get 16 free meals plus free shipping link is in the description go click it you will not regret it okay it's time to unlock a path over to without a doubt the most vicious and unforgiving grind of the entire series but this is one of the last mountains I have to move and it is a big mountain it is a very big mountain The Gauntlet this is what the last five months have led to this 7 000 tile dungeon holds the most accurate bow in RuneScape and the armor that goes with it but a little bit of bad luck can turn the gauntlet into a multi-month prison cell even with average luck you're gonna have a long stay here but what could make it a multi-month prison cell are the seven highly RNG dependent items I need to get my dream armor and weapon that's not the roadblock I'm talking about you may remember a few months back I made an unfortunate discovery about the gauntlet I found out that the tileman plug-in isn't entirely compatible with it the room layouts are copy and pasted throughout which means I can unlock the whole 49 room dungeon with just a couple hundred tiles this doesn't really fit the spirit of Thailand for me and so to remove all doubt about breaking Integrity I've decided that to unlock the gauntlet and begin the most brutal grind of the series I need to pay 7056 tiles up front as a fee that's every single tile I could possibly step on in The Gauntlet this way there will be absolutely no doubt that I'll be walking on tiles that I've earned fairly I have a little over 300 tiles right now and the goal is a little over seven thousand uh probably around 7 300 is what I actually need because I do need some extra towels for something else but so far in the series history we haven't even broken 3 000 tiles available at one time and now we need to rack up over 7 000 and I have absolutely no plan to do it or do I okay not exactly it's less of a fully fledged out plan and more like a couple scattered ideas and goals I have one thing that I want to do for sure and that's hunt the black dehyde van braces I unlocked by getting 65 Slayer for dust devils these band braces are gonna be my best glove slot for The Inferno and my little Slayer Journey has mainly been about getting them dust devils also have this one in four thousand dust battle staff drop which would be insane to get and who knows we might end up hunting it for a good portion of our tiles but to start the week off I didn't have any strict plans so instead of waiting around I decided to work on fishing for a few days to get my tile collection started I think it would be really nice to get 82 fishing for minnows at some point so I'm gonna spend some time here working toward that I bought ten thousand feathers minnows are the best way to get noted sharks and those would be really useful for my plans after I finish the gauntlet so I'm gonna set a goal over the next few days we're gonna go for 80 fishing right now first level down 77 fishing uh honestly this is a lot slower than I remember let's go 70 fishing okay two days and around 14 hours later and we are all done and honestly finish off 82 normally but I don't feel like getting more feathers I only have 100 left and I'll finish this up another time I think we got ourselves a nice starting amount of tiles for the grind ahead we're over a thousand 10.88 only 6 000 to go this was also just a really good time to think about what I want to do next and I have my plan for the next 500 tiles or so as you can see I've got some box traps in my inventory we're gonna revisit the guap Discovery Zone and by that I mean the red chinchampas because I want to get myself one Hunter level because at 84 I get to catch ninja implings bare-handed I've seen so many of them over the last couple months I've missed out on money and range supplies and prayer pots all this time I could have just been catching them but I never had a net on me so obviously I couldn't but if I just get this one level I can catch them at any time and then I can take those red chains over to Temple spiders and cash in on more range XP and supplies it's just the best thing I can possibly do in my life I think right now before I do any of that though I need to get my drum and staff back for the 40th time because I dropped it to have an extra piece of food for the sarin fight little did I know I did not need to do that at all and I still can't believe I finished that fight with like nine pizzas left over but I was about to say we're reunited but I forgot to bring a knife and I can't cut this with anything else okay now we're United let's go get some Hunter XP wait guys look it's the guap Discovery Zone I'll see you guys in like three hours that actually went by pretty fast 84 Hunter we can now bare hand ninja implants but it doesn't show you the uh the actual unlock message because you technically already unlocked ninja blink so I guess it doesn't want to show it twice but we can now do that I would love to go for 89 for Lucky implings but I'm gonna stop it right here and we're gonna take these over to Temple spiders I'm actually really excited to go to Temple spiders I love Channing over there it's so much fun you get so many Clues so much money so much XP and of course we're at 1402 tiles about 5600 to go boom 95 range nice I just got here too I was really close to this level but I'm gonna go for 96 Range I think before I start the gauntlet I haven't really talked about it much but range and Mage are gonna be carrying me through the gauntlet so even this one extra level helps me a lot because my melee stats are so bad we're gonna be in the gauntlet for a while so even one percent differences makes such a massive impact over a long period of time still have these 10 000 bone bolts along with the rest of my chins I could get 96 Range that would probably take me two days days but sounds worth plus that would get me what like 1200 tiles it's been a slow slow day but there we go 96 Range and 95 combat we're up to 2600 tiles and I probably have another four hours left of bolts that I just kind of want to get rid of at this point not going to be entering The Inferno without 99 range so it's all useful why yes I did spend over 30 hours here over the last four days but we're halfway to 97 Range and we've got over 3 000 tiles now and after I use all these chins we should somewhat be closing in on 97 Range and that'll actually give me another Max hit in the gauntlet so that's a pretty important level just got 400 death runes from these grubby Keys which is exactly what I wanted those are going to be so nice next week I'll explain why later but go finish up these last 200 chins should be pretty quick oh is that 40 million experience points there we go that's the last one all out of chains which means I can show you guys the updated loot log from Temple spiders even though I'm pretty sure it's missing some kills but what the who's is this my glop wise why are you out here buddy what's wrong it's officially been a full week since I started this 7 000 tile climb when I had an amazing idea two grinds that together finish off the goal while simultaneously getting me three things that massively buffed the account the current focus is getting 2 million GP from blackjacking that should get me right around the 5 000 tile Mark and give me the funds that I need to finish off the last 2 000 tiles with this oh my God don't look at that I meant this dust devils the best way to farm dust devils is using ancients bursting them nine at a time with ice burst and if I have enough money I could buy tons of death and Chaos runes and hopefully kill enough of them to not only get the black dehyde van braces which I absolutely need but also get the dust battle staff this thing is the single best utility staff I can get my hands on for the rest of the accounts lifetime I'm literally always carrying around air and Earth runs in my pouch and a dust battle staff is both of those runes in one stop so I get to free up two Rune pouch slots if I get my hands on this thing but one in four thousand could be a bit rough luckily I'll need 2 000 more tiles at that point so maybe just maybe I can kill enough of them to get it plus I'll be getting a ton of magic XP from this which is perfect timing because magic kind of decides how miserable I'm gonna be in the gauntlet so it's time to start phase one foreign [Music] 92 thieving halfway to 99 we're about six hours in and we've got a little over 4 300 tiles I probably will get this skill to 99 just to have the uh the trim skill kit for The Inferno I think that'll be such a massive boost so this might be the skill this broke through 5 000 tiles I think we're gonna stay here for probably another 20 30 minutes just to get this 93 thieving we're not quite at the two mil GP gold that I set but 1.8 mil call it 1.84 by the time I'm done maybe should be enough especially since I already have some runes in my inventory not a single person doubted me and I did it anyway 93 thieving which means we're all done here I'm actually so excited to hunt this dust battle staff I haven't gone for something this rare in probably like three or four years thank you very quick wardrobe change and we are ready to go the prayer potions I saved from the herbler grind are about to come in so clutch I'm probably gonna burn through 70 80 of them on this grind I mean we're going for 7 000 tiles whether I get the battle staff or not that's the main goal and I hope I really really hope I can get the battle stop that's the thing I'm gonna want something just to tag all the dust devils with something to aggro them onto me so I can burst them and getting bronze knives is a really good way of doing that these things are super cheap over at the rogue's Den okay A little over 500 bronze knives that should be good okay 200 water runes to go with my 12 000 chaos runes I may have forgotten that I actually need water runes this is a problem I'm so broke I can't buy any more I have 200 GP I don't know what to do we gotta hit the reserves guys we got 16k in this Coffer I guess that'll do I'm gonna go buy a water staff with this which means I'm not gonna be able to Auto cast I'm not gonna be able to use the ancient staff but I mean it's the only thing I can do I'm just too broke now the nice part about dust devils though is that you make a lot of money back the drops are really good it's like the first Slayer monster you can actually profit on I don't know how much money I'm gonna make back during this grind but I'm hoping it's at least half of my initial 1.8 million investment well we're back on ancients which means we're not gonna be able to go anywhere a little unfortunate part about this is I have to go and lock the dust devils that are kind of deep in the current catacombs so we kind of have to spend tiles to make tiles around 300 I'm guessing to get over there and I should get those back within two or three hours of bursting but still sucks to see them go Welcome to our new home for the next few days at least probably gonna end up unlocking almost every tile in this little circle space because I need to continuously tag these guys with a short range weapon so there's really not much I could do about that oh run energy is gonna suck for this I literally just have to wait don't I um okay I take it back it's possible with low run it just takes longer and this is why you do it these XP drops that's that's that's the money shot right there look at that we also get chaos runes back from the drops so I might not even need to re-buy any chaos runes depending on how common that is is that a black dehyde van braces I mean it was inevitable that we get these because I'm gonna be killing like two or three thousand dust devils but still it's it's nice to see them it's nice to know I have them done now we're gonna try to get this dust battle staff no way what that's one in four thousand by the way one in four thousand drop rate I have been here for 25 minutes what is this there's no way I got it that fast that's insane black dehyde van braces and the dust battle staff both within 30 minutes after getting both items I was looking for in the first hour there was really only two goals left here reach 7056 tiles and get magic XP and those are both extremely correlated the plan was to continue to reinvest all money made here into more runes and continue funding the grind the only teleport I have is to The Dig side this is so unfortunate pretty good haul all things considered I'm gonna maybe even break even or profit during this now that we have the dust battle staff I can just keep my death and Chaos runes in the pouch instead I love that for me that's so nice [Music] 85 magic looking good 5 200 tiles roughly [Music] I'm doing a resupply and it's honestly looking like I might just be breaking even or maybe even profiting bursting these dust devils which is amazing news and I'm turning These mythrow Bars that I keep getting into darts free smithing Xtreme and I get to use them to add dust devils oh 86 magic nice 5700 tiles right now it is very very late I don't know why I started this trip but I'm at six thousand tiles so we're kind of on the final stretch in a way if you don't consider the fact that we have over a thousand tiles to go [Music] don't think I haven't been hearing you guys say that I'm not gonna hit 87 magic because I just did and I have 6 500 tiles gonna be awake for probably another five hours so maybe I can finish this off get seven thousand tiles I don't know we'll see it might be close I always tell you guys good things come to those who Fletch and that was such a good trip another beautiful trip in the books all right let's rack these guys up I have spent uh almost three weeks going for these seven thousand tiles and man does it feel good to see that number I'm literally one tile off okay I'm gonna get it like right here oh it feels so good nice nice I'm gonna finish off Ada magic just because I'm more than halfway at this point I feel like I might as well and I'm also gonna need a couple hundred extra tiles and you'll see why but yeah we are Gauntlet ready officially technically I could leave right now okay now it is officially over 88 magic oh we're so ready I have about 200 death runes that I'm just gonna finish off at this point because I don't know what I'll do with 200 death Rings otherwise but I'm gonna be going into the Gauntlet with much better stats than I expected to even have so that's very very comforting plus I can show you guys my final dust devil loot log and I guess that's what you can expect if you do this for as long as I did I think the craziest part about it is I ended up getting three dust battle steps you can see I literally have another one in my inventory right now after finishing off this trip I ended with just under 7 300 tiles I put my gear away cleaned up the inventory and headed straight for my new prison cell the time has come to pay our 7 000 tile fee for a ticket Straight to Hell the most brutal vicious grind of the series begins now [Music] foreign
Channel: Settled
Views: 404,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Swampletics, Mory, Morytania, Area, Maxing, Max, OSRS, UIM, End, Game, Ultimate, Ironman, Old, School, Runescape, RS3, Settled, Settledrs, Progress, Video, Tricks, Tips, Bossing, Skilling, 2007, 2007Scape, Dream, Gear, Items, Boss, Episode, Settled UIM, UIM Settled, OSRS Settled, Morytania UIM, Morytania Ironman, Mory Ironman, Maxed UIM, UIM Maxing
Id: uFtb9v4256A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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