This Bentley Limo Was the World's Best Luxury Car 20 Years Ago
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Channel: Doug DeMuro
Views: 1,313,577
Rating: 4.8669167 out of 5
Keywords: bentley, bentley review, bentley limo, bentley mulliner, old bentley, old bentley review, luxury limo, limo review, doug demuro, demuro, doug de muro
Id: jaeI8lX6yRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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I'd say the "cupholders" with the strange glasses in the rear are actually vases for flowers like old Mercedeses had on the dashboard.
1 of 1? I can only imagine the bureaucratic red tape you have to deal with to get something like this registered.
Also it looks a lot older than 20 years. More like 30 years.
My car also has that "alarm was triggered" dashboard light. Fortunately, I'm the only one who's ever triggered it, but it's still a little anxiety-inducing.
Side note: the aging luxury car reviews are my favorite. I love seeing all the weird shit that must have been cutting-edge at the time.
Doug setting himself up to corner the limo review market on youtube
No demonstration for the intercom system? Boo
Wondering if it has more road noise than a normal luxury car of the time.
The electronics stand out to me. Even in 1999, JVC and Audiovox were pretty widely regarded as low end electronics.
It's kind of strange to think that in 1999 I had a better head unit in my Mitsubishi Eclipse than the most luxurious Bentley of the time.
At 8:55 he calls it attention to detail. I would call it a design flaw :P Nice review anyways!
Is this the first time Doug has been in the back of a car being driven around?
Before someone says the F1, he wasn't in the back! There is no back to that car!
Doug, did you stop the colaboration with autotrader/oversteer, if so, why?