5 WINNING Attacking PLANS in the Italian Game for White

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today you're about to know the top five best attacking plans in the most common chest opening the Italian game the Italian game comes off the first move Pawn to E4 as your opponent respon symmetrically you then go Knight to F3 hitting the Central Pawn black defend it and then you bring your Bishop out to C4 to this active Square where it possibly targets your opponent's king now in this position your opponent will usually either go Bishop C5 or Knight F6 but it doesn't really matter as the position remains to be more or less the same and the plans will be the same just as well let let's say your opponent goes Bishop to C5 and you continue with Pawn to C3 getting ready to play Pawn to D4 somewh in the future now there are different ways for black to go about this sometimes they play a move Pawn to H6 cuz they're worried about you going Knight to G5 and targeting these weakness on F7 somewhat similar to the Fright liver attack in fact H6 is a waste of time but still it allows us to see one of the interesting plans of white which is kind of underrated and overlooked by many we know that C3 is preparing this move Pawn to D4 and of course in many variations you will indeed play it but on top of that you also have one more idea which your oppent is very likely to overlook the same Pawn on C3 also enables you to push in the queen side with the move Pawn to B4 where you start to drive away this Bishop from here plus as the bishop goes back you can then keep pushing pawns forward and keep chasing these Queen side pieces you can either push the a PA forward and from there we can attack one of these two minor pieces on the next move or you can just keep pushing forward with a B paw right away with a move Pawn to B5 this time you're attacking the Knight has to go and like the inconvenience for black is that so far the Knight defended this Pawn on E5 and as the Knight goes away you'll be free to just pick up the pawn for example if the Knight goes to A5 I mean it's already quite a good thing for you because you push these species to the queen side to the edge of the board where they're not very active and now you can actually transition to the quick attack on the other side of the board on the king side and you can knock the door to the black's sking with Bishop takes F7 just calling the king out and as the King goes out then you continue with Knight takes C5 you pick up that Pawn Plus you deliver a check to the king and all of a sudden you actually win within just a couple moves with this strange Queen side push which your opponent totally unexpected now what can your opponent do if the King goes either to f8 or E7 one of these two squares you can follow up with Knight to G6 which is a fork to the king and the Rook as you picked up this Pawn on E5 on the next move you'll grab the Rook on h8 and you keep attacking his vulnerable King so that should be easily winning by white so let's take it back and if the King goes instead of these two squares somewhere to E8 then you follow up with Queen H5 check and you end up with something similar to Scholar's Checkmate if the king moves somewhere he can continue attacking in various different ways it's easily waiting for white for example Bishop A3 another way for white to deliver a check and after D6 you finish it off with Queen to F7 indeed something very close to the Scholar's Checkmate okay we're moving on to the plan number two this time black did not play H6 but played the the correct move Knight to F6 developing Knight plus attacking these Pawn on e4 and although the main move is Pawn to D4 it leads to a complicated game with a lot of variations that you need to memorize so I actually recommend that you opt for a bit modest looking move Pawn to D3 but there are still very aggressive plans that you can employ later on we're going to cover them in today's video and sometimes your opponent will be deceived by you know seemingly passive nature of this move Pawn to D3 he'll think that you play passively and he'll wish to strike in the sah himself with Pawn to D5 it actually turns out to be a big error after an exchange on D5 you can strangely not follow up with Queen to B3 and this is something that your your opponent totally overlooked now you're attacking this Knight on D5 as it and it can't really go away as in this case you'll grab this Pawn on F7 and attack his Keen which will be deadly for him so he's kind of left with this really unpleasant situation where he's got to do something with the Knight but it's clear what to do if black moves his knight from C6 somehow either to E7 or A5 trying to you know hold on to the s or to Counterattack doesn't matter in both cases it lose because you've got a strong counter Queen to B5 this is a check to the king attack of the bishop and in this case even an attack of the Knight so definitely on the next move you'll pick up one of Black's sper pieces getting a winning material advantage so let's take this move back what else can black Possibly play here if black plays Bishop to E6 trying to defend the knight in the most normal looking way this is actually leaves this B7 Pawn undefended as there is no Bishop on C8 anymore you can go ahead and grab the Pawn Plus attack this Knight on C6 and once again it's inconvenient for black to defend it because they can't move the queen away the queen has to keep guarding the Rook if the queen moves they're going to pick up the Rook there in the corner so what do they do with the Knight if they ever move the Knight anywhere either to E7 or A5 once again it fails to the very same tactics Queen to B5 you slide back still with this double attack and on top of the pawn that you grabbed on B7 we're going to gobble up this bishop and once again gain a winning material advantage moving on to the plan number three which is my favorite one actually I mean you can win countless games especially in bleeds just following exactly the moves that I'm about to share with you and the nice thing about this is that this is a plan meaning it doesn't matter like what exact moves your opponent is going to try because the plan will be the same always so you don't rely on memorization you just understand the plan and you execute it so here let's say our opponent plays some normal looking moves such as Pawn to D6 in this case I recommend that you play a move Bishop to B3 it's a bit m serious looking move but it makes sense so first off you want to save this bishop it's a pretty active piece which is putting pressure you know longterm against these squares where your opponent is likely to Castle and it's quite a powerful attack and piece in the Italian game so you do want to save it and the problem with black here is that quite often they want to go Knight A5 and go after this bishop sooner or later and therefore once you drop the bishop back to B3 you always have a nice Retreat Square so if your opponent ever tries to attack it you can always slide back and this attack was pointless pointless so that's the first reason for playing Bishop to B3 secondly you don't have to worry about defense of this bishop if your opponent ever goes Bishop B6 tries to attack it or anything so you kind of overprotect it in advance and lastly it's also a very evil awaiting move because lots of your opponents are leing with the delusion that Bishop G4 is really great way to start attacking you on the king side but we really wait for this move to happen we welcome it to happen because that allows you to realize a super aggressive attacking plan on the king side what if your opponent just doesn't play Bishop G4 well then you can use the best Italian plan you just drink your cappuccino and chill sooner or later they will and then you'll beat them so as soon as they go Bishop G4 I recommend that you play H3 our plan is to actually gain a lot of nice tempos by attack of this bishop so play H3 pushing it and in most cases they're going to drop it back cuz that was the main idea of putting the bishop right there to pin your knight down to the queen if they trade on F3 that's actually quite cool when your queen comes out and it's helpful for your future attack against the king inside as your oppon is likely to Castle there you can follow up with your own move Bishop G5 counter repeating his Knight and generally speaking this exchange of your opponent's Bishop for your knight is a favorable thing for you so there's no problem for you it's it's actually quite good in most cases they'll bring the bishop back and then what you do is you play Knight to D2 notice that we don't Castle what we have in mind is to maneuver the Knight over here to F1 followed by G3 and to chase this bishop but on top of that you actually just keep up adding more and more more pieces to the king side because you want to attack there and that's what your opponent doesn't know so far so he just castles playing normal moves you play KN of one this plan looks kind of weird at first you don't develop pieces you horse around with your knight you play you played your Bishop twice looks like white is playing some dubious moves but in fact it's all very strong because you've got a very clear plan of attacking opponent's castle and your opponent doesn't know what to do sometimes they'll play H6 trying to stop you from going there Bishop G5 if they don't play this doesn't matter and then you've got two options you can either just continue your maneuver with Knight to G3 attacking this bishop we're going to talk about that in a minute it's also very strong or you can just go all out in your K set attack by starting to Marsh your pawns forward G4 in in both cases will win another Tempo attacking this bishop on H5 which your opponent believed to be an asset for him turned out to be that it's the opposite it's liability it's weakness of his position the bishop was pushed back and here again you can develop your attack gradually just reposition the Knight here to F5 and kind of gradually keep adding more and more pieces to the king side or the the quickest way is just to push forward with G5 straight away since this attacks the Knight as well as the pawn and also let's not forget about our Bishop from C1 which is adding more pressure there it kind of forces them to take then your Bishop comes off and it's pretty cool cuz you also now PE the Knight down to the queen and you start adding more and more pieces closer to his King now we've got this one Bishop standing there let's not forget about the Bishop from B3 which is also putting pressure and indirectly but it's still helpful our Knight is ready to jump there to G3 on the next move after almost whatever black does this pen is unpleasant there's not much play can do about it if they try to move the queen away you can always take it and disrupt their pawns or you can just not do anything and keep playing like your main moves Knight G3 after that you have plenty of attack and ideas you can take over here and you know destroy his castle you can push the HM forward H4 H5 attack this bishop once again then keep pushing forward with H6 your Rook from H1 will join the attack straight from its starting position and is deadly you can also start to jump with your knight such as Knight to H4 for example if your opponent moves the Knight somewhere instead of taking there you can just go Knight H4 very common move for all these variations very strong from here you attack this bishop plus the Knight is possibly ready to jump to F5 just to stand closer to your opponent's can now also this Knight on H5 is under the fire and if he takes here again I mean the beauty of your position is that you have such a strong dominance on the king side is that almost any logical move will win like you can take here and you still have your winning attack you can take here and you still win it's even stronger that's also something that your Pawn is highly likely to overlook because they somewhat forgot about this bishop on B3 which was standing there for a long time not doing anything but it was kind of in an ambush it's still putting pressure here and it is peining these pawns so it can't move and therefore Knight cannot be captured there and if your opponent does something with this Knight you just jump out with your queen forward and queen h8 the next move is Unstoppable you're going to Checkmate him his Pawn is still pined and it kind of makes sense because if you look at this position you see that white has a bunch of attacking pieces basically against these lonely King on G8 so it makes sense that your attack worked out so well and that's how you gradually develop this kingside attack and your opponent clueless of what to do and you just Checkmate him all right here's the plan number four in this classical position which you can reach via different move order we play B Bishop to B3 which is a useful move to save this Bishop from any kind of attacks and also it's an awaiting move we rely on your opponent to be aggressive to try to be aggressive and to play Bishop G4 what if he doesn't what if he just castles well then you castles well and you kind of keep waiting for him to still play Bishop G4 after you castled it feels even better for your opponent to do so because it feels like he can now try to attack your king side somehow because your king is standing there so you really rely on your opponent to go there and in most cases they will once they do Play Bishop G4 you tell them what I know many of you guys tell to your every girlfriend I've been waiting for you my entire life and you play Pawn to H3 attacking this bishop so you basically realize the exact same plan just with your king castled so it makes a little bit of a difference but not that much now the bishop comes back to maintain this pin and then you start to relocate your knight through the very same route so you play Knight to D2 aiming to go through F1 to G3 and to chase this bishop your Poland can do basically whatever he wants once it doesn't matter you still realize the same plan if he ever tries D5 guess what even that doesn't change anything you don't take there you ignore it you just proceed with your own plan now we want to our Knight to move there but this core is taken so we move the Rook here to E1 and then we vacate this Square for our Knight plus The Rook on E1 is also doing a good job supporting our pawns oh it's still nice let's say our Pawn trades in the center of the board and once again guess what that doesn't change anything in your plan then he plays some move let's say Pawn to H6 now normally would wish to move our Knight here but the problem is if he do it right away he can trade queens and we do not want that want to attack and Checkmate your opponent and after Queens come off the board it's usually hard to Checkmate your opponent so we do want to save our Queen that's why we just move it here to E2 then your opponent does something let's say queen E7 and now you play Knight F1 and after your opponent plays some move you play Knight G3 and now our maneuver succeeded and we attack this bishop Plus or Knight is ready to jump there to to F5 which is also a really great outpull Square from a F5 your knight will attack like putot pressure to lots of squares in her OPP's position is monstrous Knight but right now we're putting pressure to this bishop if it goes back to G6 now the very standard continuation of your attack is Knight H4 as we know this actually threatens to capture this bishop for nothing your opponent cannot recapture because the pawn is PE down to the king therefore they need to save this Bishop from being taken and if they go Bishop to H7 you then keep marching to F5 and finally you landed this beautiful monstrous Knight on F5 and you attack his Queen on E7 he can try to trade it off but it doesn't matter because we have the brother supporting us so Knight takes still attacks the queen after Queen goes somewhere in these kind of positions once you landed your knight to F5 plus you have this bishop active and you have this Bishop from C1 also ready to join in the Pary you see that you have a lot of tactical ideas here quite often you just you can just go ahead and SA attack the bishop right there for a couple pawns open up his King completely and then Checkmate him another standard way for you to go about things is to bring the queen closer because usually you finish the attack with a queen you Checkmate your opponent's skin with your queen so you can play Queen to F3 and from here you start putting pressure here and you're possibly ready to play Queen G3 threatening Queen takes G7 Checkmate so adding your queen usually adds a lot of power to your attack and if your opponent plays something sometimes they'll try Knight E7 trying to trade off your knight of course we do not want to just trade it off for nothing you know we want to attack and here you have a lot of ways to keep attacking one of the standard ones is Knight takes H6 it's not even a sacrifice CU thanks to our Queen we are picking up this pole on H6 destroying his castling and as he recaptures we grab his Knight on F6 so we didn't sacrifice anything in fact we just want this Pawn on G7 Blas is now completely exposed so with bothur Bishops ready to join the party it's all over for black for for example Knight to G6 you can play Bishop takes H6 and followed by Queen to G7 check mate that's one thing the other thing that which they often Overlook is once again that you can actually just capture this piece on G6 with a check to the king because the pawn is pinned anyway because they forget about this bishop they often blunder in so you can win this way as well you can see just how strong your attack is and what I love about this is that you kind of make your opponent feel like a fool cuz he seemly plays All the Right Moves you think about black he castled he developed his pieces he played Queen and Rog to the open file he seemingly played by the book did all the correct stuff but he was destroyed badly and he's completely clu of what happens it's just because you had this clear plan of attack plus your opponent did a a big mistake by playing his Bishop out to G4 earlier in the game which gave you a lot of tles for the king side attack all right finally what if your opponent never gos Bishop G4 at all he's smart or just by Sher luck he avoids playing that move well then you can just play the Bishop G5 yourself and a lot of your opponents still don't know how to handle it properly if they don't want to play a bishop G4 in most cases they will play Bishop E6 now there is one thing that you got to know here you don't take there if you're part of the eagor nation you know that to take is a mistake and basically you should always think twice before executing an exchange yourself so if you take there which I don't recommend you make a couple good things for black so these Pole repositions to E6 which first of all covers these two squar so your knight can never go there in the future and we know that possibly repositioning our Knight to F5 is always one of the good attacking plans for you in the Italian game but no longer and secondly once the pawn is there his Rook is active along the file which is quite nice for him you kind of helped him to activate the Rook plus this pen is no longer a problem because the Rook is defending the Knight so the queen can easily move away so by taking there on E6 you actually helped him quite a lot so I did not recommend this so instead what you do do you just ignore it and you keep playing your moves you play Knight to D2 you still keep in mind that you can possibly reposition the knight in the very same fashion and quite often your opponent will take on C4 breaking the very same rule to take a mistake helping your knight to go forward to a more active Square so we can thank your opponent and know that now you've got some decent Advantage if your opponent ever tries to push your Bishop away with H6 that doesn't change anything because you can always play back and maintain the pain and if your opponent ever goes bold and plays PA to G5 saying hey I don't worry about my king safety I just want to break the pin then what I recommend is that you stop being a reputable member of society go CA nostr mode and just say hey The end justifies the means I'm going to be bold and achieve my goal whatever it takes so Knight takes G5 I hope that my critics won't take this quote out of the entire lesson you know separately so Igor smov recommends that you stop being a reputable member of society yeah Goa an Nostra so as you crush here on G5 you maintain the pain plus the king is now completely exposed yes you had to sacrifice a piece for two pawns but that's not such a big exchange after all you're just down a pawn if we assume that a piece approximately equals three pawns and now he's in Pro in troubles cuz what can he do I mean the Knight is pinned it can't move the queen away cuz then you'll just take the Knight for nothing if he tries to defend it somehow you can also add more pressure by playing Queen to F3 putting more pressure you don't want to trade there you just want to add more and more pressure until you actually win this Knight so if your OPP plays some move doesn't matter what Rook h8 whatever you keep bringing this Knight to E3 we know that these F5 squares and sometimes D5 squares are just great for our Knight and we do want to land it there but our Simple Plan is like this we have this Knight pined down to the queen so we do want to bring our Knight there to D5 and then just to take the Knight with either a knight or a bishop and we'll be totally winning and there is not much your opponent can do in fact he's defenseless if he ever takes on E3 we know that this exchange is actually pretty cool CU you can recapture with a pawn which adds your Rook to the attack and now he's completely defenseless against this whole pressure on the next move you'll take the Knight attack his King attack the Rog attack the queen and you either grab half of his material or you Checkmate his King so you win with just covered how you can Crush black but in case you play this opening as black then you may be wondering hey but what do I do is it all hopeless of course not you just got to know the right way for black so if you're curious about that I've got a separate video about the right plan for black which you can check out right here or if you want to improve your positional understanding overall because that's the essence of Chess feel free to check out these free Master Class by clicking the link over there keep crushing it ciao
Channel: Remote Chess Academy
Views: 299,535
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Keywords: italian game winning plan, italian game white, italian game for white, italian game traps, italian game traps for white, italian game trap chess, best italian game chess, best italian game traps, attacking plans in chess, italian game attack, italian game giuoco piano, italian game giuoco pianissimo, italian game giuoco piano main line, italian game two knights defense
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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