THIS Allergic Reaction Sent Me to the HOSPITAL!!

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everyone smash life in right now I can't believe I'm doing this voila check it out I got my ears pierced how does it look why are they uneven and why is your ear super red oh it is getting red Steven it's getting worse by the minute that's not good yeah there's something wrong with that one that one is definitely infected is it oh my goodness it's very infected Stephen check it out sharers today I'm here in Stone Harbor I'm about to go get my ears pierced that's right I've been wanting earrings for a long time and I feel like it's gonna go perfect with this outfit we got the brand new share the love hat we got the share the love tank and I just got a such a cool outfit on I feel like I gotta get my ears pierced so let's go into this store they have earrings they have a whole bunch of stuff in here I gotta get some cool errands I'm gonna get the biggest type of earrings I can possibly get they got a lot of stuff here they have tattoos comment down below share the love though if I should get a share the love tattoo oh I could get a Japanese one could say love happiness share share the love get happiness that's awesome all right we got a lot of options here but I think I really want earrings yes no way wait a second check this out I can get my tongue pierced no I I don't think you should do that Stephen do you think that's gross uh yeah maybe I won't do tongue today I'm just gonna go get my ears pierced they got a lot of earrings to choose from wait a second should I get my belly button pierced no I don't think I think we should stick to the ears you're right let's stick to the ears let's not get carried away this is my first piercing ever I've never gotten anything pierced before so let's see if I can get something big by the way share a shout out to Angela Matthias West Virginia for ordering so much swag from today's swag store order they got three items they got the back to school March The Lunchbox everything they are set for back to school if you haven't ordered stuff from the swag store make sure to order it right now at and get your awesome back to school merch right now before it sells out yeah let's do it you guys want some photos are you gonna say hi to the Vlog what's up we got some shares out here it's so good to see you guys I'm about to go inside and get my ears pierced really yeah yeah next time you see me in my ears will be pierced it's gonna be so cool there's so many options here hang on I can get something really cool can I see these ones that like chain things like those chains right there yes all right thoughts on these look at that I get my ears pierced with that I think someone might try and grab them though maybe they'll get yanked out you think you think it's a little too dangerous oh do you need to have two holes for these uh yeah they're two in the backs that means you have to have two piercings just for this one okay that's a little bit complicated I think let's go with something a little bit easier why don't we do like a stud like a diamond stud would look good let's see if there's oh there's diamond studs over here oh this is perfect oh these could be absolutely perfect diamonds studs check these out I think you need to go smaller why your ear tends as well if you don't get smaller earrings you have to start small yeah I want these though these look great I'm just going to try these all right sharers I'm sitting in the ear piercing chair but in just a couple seconds my ears are going to be pierced with diamonds they're gonna look so good everyone smash life and right now I can't believe I'm doing this oh darn it okay so apparently they sell the earrings here but they don't do piercings so I just did it myself real quick but maybe that was a bad decision yeah it's really swollen voila check it out I got my ears pierced how does it look why are they uneven and why is your ear super red what yeah they're uneven yeah turn on my Snapchat so I can check this out all right I just got my ears pierced are they on they're not uneven are they actually uneven I think the one on the right is a little bit higher than the other one this one yeah your ear is getting really red Steven it is yeah let me check the mirror on the golf cart I feel like you're messing with me they look good I just checked on Snapchat they do kind of hurt but I think they're supposed to hurt when you get them pierced right oh Stephen I think it's getting effective I mean I need to go home or go to the hospital it's an ear piercing how could I have to go to the hospital yeah my ear is infected let's see oh it is getting red Steven it's getting worse by the minute that's not good uh yeah why is this one so much more red than the other one it is right yeah Stephen I think it's infected cheers do you think this is infected comment down below infected everything's infected I don't know it could just be that it's like swollen hopefully maybe let's just get home let's get some ice yeah let's put ice on it all right let's hop in let's get back we gotta get ice I feel like if I put ice on I feel like you're supposed to actually I could put this on it is that any better um a little bit yeah this is not cold enough I think we need like actual like cold ice maybe we can stop at like Wawa or something we get a big bag of ice that should help a lot good to see you I can't stop to take pictures I gotta get ice on my ear I think it's a little bit infected oh perfect the Ice Park this place is busy I know this isn't a parking spot but I just gotta Whip and we gotta get some ice let's go we gotta get ice come on let's go let's go ice ice ice where do you get the ice oh perfect all the ice is right here perfect that's exactly what I need this will be perfect I definitely need this perfect let's go oh no there's a hole in the ice pack oh my goodness this is not good all right who sells a bag of ice with a hole in it good news is it's fresh ice now I just gotta stick it on my ear hopefully that cools it down does that look better uh a little bit yeah I'm just going to hold this along I'm gonna drive one-handed this is not the safest but uh my ear is swollen maybe I shouldn't have done that big on the earrings is that you you think that's what caused it yeah all right well lesson learned I shouldn't have done that but just get home I'm gonna elevate my feet it's gonna take me a couple minutes to get home but in the meantime listen to my song that I'm about to make a music video too this is called last forever can we take the summer and make it last forever all right let's go in oh the Ice is like half melted is it getting any better no no still Super Rad all right I gotta go oh I gotta go lay horizontal all right let's go stripping quick oh there's a fly in the house oh there I just killed a fly quick come on gotta get horizontal real quick let me just lay down I'm gonna lay down on the couch try the best thing to do right no the sun's probably bad for it okay okay feet up just like this I think that helps with swelling right a little bit does it look better no I'm gonna go like this keep them up even higher you think that's gonna help the higher the feet are the worse okay okay it's got to decrease the swelling maybe I should go even more how about this is that better the redness in your ears going now but it's all going to your face now maybe that's not a good idea keep the feet up let's just see how this goes out this ice is kind of getting cold gotta put the ice in like a basket thing looks great uh I think she went to the store I think she just rolled in maybe she got more ice for us let's see if Grace is pulling up can't wait to show her my new earrings all right let's see where is she oh perfect Grace is getting back from the store all right she definitely doesn't see us all right let's do a prank check this out I got these awesome water balloons let's fill these things up oh yeah we're gonna do a little bit of a water balloon prank on Grace real quick come on keep going keep going keep going we are gonna prank her so good yes get ready to prank Grace any second now Grace come on come on come on I wonder if she's like texting a boyfriend or something all right come on Grace hurry up by the way sharers while we're waiting if you have any ideas where I should film my music video last forever comment down below I was thinking about filming here in Avalon New Jersey I think it'll be absolutely perfect it's absolutely gorgeous here the sunsets are great it's so much fun here if you have any other ideas where I should film The Last Forever music video comment down below okay hang on here we go here we go here we go ready wait wait wait and go yeah let's go let's go let's go that was so good okay let's go get a reaction come on come on come on that was so good Bingo Bingo Bingo Stephen oh my goodness I'm gonna have to get you back anyways on a happier note check out someone left fan mail and it's so cool it's like a little maze you start here where it says open oh share the love subscribe which by the way if you haven't already make sure to hit that subscribe button let's get to 10 million subscribers we can do an awesome giveaway the next one down goes to this with the arrow then we got another share the love turn to the back open we gotta open this boom Stephen share I really like your shirt Guinea I went to your concert at the Keswick theater my favorite song is Tick Tock cutie [Music] thank you Tyler but there's even more we have a note here it says Stephen sharer you are so awesome I'm subscribing right now so you can get the 10 million subscribers thank you so much Don by the way if you haven't already sent that mail the link is in the description below you've got to send this family I can't wait to see everything you all send me yeah let's go hang this up oh wait oh my goodness what happened to your ear what wait Stephen um did you also pierce your ears yeah I just pierced my ears you got your ears pierced yeah Steven those are huge yeah they're diamonds how cool are they I can't believe you've got that big of an earring for your starter normally you have to get the small ones who don't get infected I've been putting ice on it so I'm trying to get the swelling to go down yeah there's something wrong with that one that one is definitely infected is it oh my goodness it's like just swollen all right I've just been keeping ice on it oh yikes that's bad yeah oh my ear is infected what do I do I don't know that's bad should I put some sanitizer on it I'm gonna put some first aid stuff on it maybe we can get some sanitizer on it yeah because I don't even know what to put on what do we put on maybe this antibacterial it kills germs yeah let's try that get all the germs out is it actually that bad yeah it's really swollen yikes this is not good this is not good I'm just gonna keep my feet elevated yank my feet higher pull my feet up really high when you prop your head up no it's the feet your feet have to go above your heart my ears swollen Grace it's gonna help you gotta lift the feet up high to the ceiling I can't you've got to try does it actually still look that bad is it going down honestly it's worse and it's growing out sideways this is not good Steven that is really bad your ear is swollen and it's purple we need to get you to urgent care that is very infected Stephen sharers everyone right now comment Down Below on a scale of one to ten how infected does this look how in fact do you think it is it's a 10 for sure this is not good oh it's like sensitive to touch too okay so you just keep that on and let's get you in the car and everything all right sharers we are getting my ear fixed make sure you're subscribe and have post notifications on I will see you next Vlog I think I'm just gonna take my earrings out I think this was a bad idea everyone [Music]
Channel: Stephen Sharer
Views: 1,489,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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