The CAR WIZARD shares which Porsches TO Buy & NOT to Buy

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welcome back to the wizard shop and it's been a long time since we've done a buy this not that that's what we're going to do today with porsche let's get started [Applause] [Music] so we've had a lot of projects going on in the shop the ferrari project and also the trojan yacht project which is pretty much finished by now we've got a lot of little things to do on it but the brunt of the project is done we took a boat that was not able to go on the lake and made it go on the lake and it's happy it's been beautiful so but we have been skimping on by this not that a lot of you have made comments about that and now it's time to do another one one of the makes that we definitely have not done is porsha and although i'm not a porsche connoisseur i do have some very strong opinions there's a warning ahead of time for you guys that are porsha purist i'm probably going to piss you off the opinions i have or just that opinions they're not based on motor trend track times they're not based on motor week magazine or numbers or engineering documents i'm not going off of that i'm just going off of what i've seen by running a shop what i like and what i don't like i'm also not basing these opinions on the reliability of your car this is the ones that i've seen in the shop and the ones that i would buy and the ones that i would not buy before we get started just remember on the weekends we're changing our video from a saturday video to a sunday video which really isn't that big of a change but just to let you guys know that that change is happening mrs wizard just starting school again she's back on the job well i guess she's been on the job all summer just a different job but so keep that in mind so we're going to do this by decades 70s 80s 90s and whatnot we're going to choose one to buy and one not to buy of a particular decade so we'll start off with the 1970s and the reason being is i've not seen a lot of 1950s and 60s porsches in the shop those are so expensive and they're usually out in california or something they're not running around in kansas and the one i recommend to buy is 1974 porsche 911 rs 3.0 this is arguably one of the best porsches of the 1970s extremely powerful and it's not turbo it's naturally aspirated one of the really cool features about this car is during the 70s of the cars that were available in the 70s it would outrun most of the ferraris and lambos and didn't need a turbo it didn't need a supercharger it was a very cool car the zero to 60 was 4.8 and the quarter mile was in the 14s now it was just barely in the 14s but for the 70s that was amazing like i've mentioned before in the past most of our cars that we thought were so fast ss 396 and this and that and 428's and 429 really they weren't that fast this porsche could outrun a lot of them especially in zero to sixty one articles i was recently reading made a comment that as far as naturally aspirated goes it was the highest horsepower that porsche had made during these years you guys know when when it comes to porsche even though there's the 911 there's like 50 different 911s and i mean it's just this one and that one and this one and this special model and this and that and of those models it was the highest horsepower naturally aspirated it's also very sought after car so if i was back in the 70s and i was swimming in money i would definitely go plunk down the cash for an rs 3.0 911 the one i recommend not to buy is any of the porsche 914s these things are horrible they're hideous they they look horrible and they're not fast they're really really bad 85 horsepower that's not very much power guys a 1987 ford escort has that much power i know because i used to own one they have very low resale value porsches right now especially some of these are just through the roof the 914s have never been through the roof they still are very expensive to repair they have a very uninspiring design to me it's a reminiscent of a lot of the 70s vw kit cars kind of like the myers manx idea where you put a fiberglass body onto a volkswagen frame or a structure and they had all kinds of weird fiberglass body kits during those years some of them looked like a bank some of them looked like a sports car to me it reminds me of that just just like no that's not a porsche and i'll ask a question to you guys do any of them run because everyone i've ever heard of or ever seen did not run i've gotten phone calls or i know a friend of a friend or my uncle or this has one of those cars it's a 914 it hasn't ran in 10 years can you hook them up it seems like all of them i've ever heard of are parked in a barn somewhere not running i never get a chance to work on them because the people know they're not worth a whole lot they don't want to put out a whole lot it just really is not a very good car from the 70s guys so let's go ahead and move to the 80s we are finished with the 70s come on wizard oh well thank you yes yes let's get out of here there you go i had to move down here because i definitely wanted to get this sweet car in the shop before it leaves i think it may be leaving today it still has the plastic on it waiting for the customer to pick it up keeping the dust off of it so we don't want to remove the plastic right now because the car is done i don't want to mess with it so are you porsche purist ready for another gut punch from the car wizard i've got another one for you not necessarily with this car but the one that i will recommend not to buy but let's get to that in a minute in the era of the 1980s again if i had swimming in cash if i was swimming in cash the car that i would plug down the cash for is the 1986 right there porsche 930 turbo it absolutely obliterates a standard 911 i mean it's not even funny it obliterates a standard 911 it is very fast 911s are getting up there these air cooled ones 60 70 80 90 grand with this weird economic thing we're in these are could be up for over a hundred this is really to buy even right now it is it is very fast like i mentioned zero to 60 and 4.5 the quarter mile 13 flat now with today's cars obviously that's not like oh my god fast but for the 80s it was blistering fast it was like whoa fast these have very beautiful lines they have a little bit differences in them from a standard 911. in fact you really should go back and watch the video of this it'll be in the link below in the description and you will get to check the underside the engine all the different angles of this car you really should go check it out it is beautiful i mean a 911 an air cooled 911 is beautiful but this one's even that much more beautiful some of the changes they did to it it's it's wonderful they're actually not that hard to work on you just have to have an open mind so there's there's no antifreeze there's no radiator the engine's in the back as soon as you can get past all that stuff it's time consuming but it's not super hard to work on now if you can stomach 12 miles per gallon then this is the car for you because you're going to get that or lower all the time but this is not the car to buy anyway for economy this is the car to blow your neighbor's iroc z out of the water these are really sweet guys the ones i recommend not to buy porsche 928 all of them they're all junk i don't like them they don't look like porsche well they kind of look like a porsche but and again they don't and again that's a strong opinion that's not based on lap times it's not based on engineering design that's based on my opinion i don't like them number one the engine's in the wrong location for being a porsche it's in the front like a nissan 300z which could probably outrun any of them it wasn't fast when it was new and it still isn't today definitely not fast today the several i've had in the shop i take them out after they're fixed and give them the beans because the customer says i want you to give it the beans i want you to drive it like i would drive it so i do as they ask and i'm just like this is like a 5.0 1989 mustang fast it's okay it's kind of fast but i'm not impressed i had more fun driving my turbo s beetle or tortel it was way more fun again they look hideous they look like a frog especially when their little pop-up eyeballs come up they look like a frog ready to jump in the water and of all the cars i've ever worked on in my life it is the most requested barn resurrection request from customers it seems like all of them are sitting in barns broken not running they're usually guys that are in their 50s or older because that was a sweet car when they were younger so they finally got the money to buy one they buy one something goes wrong and it sits i think the prices are kind of high on those because there's so few running on the road anymore most of them don't run i don't i don't understand it and they're also the worst porsche as far as customers wanting to put money into their car you mean it's going to be twelve hundred dollars i don't have that i'm thinking what in the world are you doing with a porsche they're really hard to work on because of that reason and usually they've been sitting in a barn for five years can you get it back on the road for me and i have got several on the road and all of my customers that i got their car back on the road after the money they seen that they spent on it they have all said the same thing you did a good job car wizard i'm happy with the results but it wasn't worth it if i could go back in time i would not spend the money it's not worth it so based on those experiences any and all of the 928s just don't buy one there's your gut punch guys now let's move on to the 1990s all right man there we go so now we're going to move to the 1990s which is just like the silver one apollo 911 that's above on the lift albedo doesn't no longer have a porsche engine but that is the style of car we're going to talk about i'm also going to deliver another gut punch this is the third one it's going to turn you guys world upside down i hope you're ready the thing that i'm going to bring forth the information i'm going to bring to you was a problem even with porsche 911 owners when they bought 90s vehicles they were really really pissed off about this now let's get started the one i recommend to buy a 1999 porsche boxster s and you're like come on car wizard it's just a boxster hear me out if you buy the boxer you get 90 percent of a portion 911 for 70 off the cost this really pissed off the 911 owners in the 90s because from the rear of the door all the way forward it was an identical exact porsche 911 you could take the doors off you could take the dash out you could take the strut you could do all kinds of parts in the front of the car and it would bolt directly to a porsche 911 it essentially was a porsche 911 just with some reconfiguration and some changes in the back the 911 guys were furious they were like i just paid triple what that car cost and i got maybe a little bit better of a car i'm not happy about this and of course porsche made some changes after that they're decently fast 0-60 and 5.6 and a quarter mile and 15s now that's not super fast i said it was decent fast it's enough to have fun in and the handling is amazing in these cars the porsche 911 is faster but not 70 percent faster as in the 70 percent in cost you're going to spend to buy one to me the boxster handles better than the line 11 because the engine sits forward of the rear wheels not behind so it's less apt to do a fishtail or wipe out or oversteer i guess during hard cornering if any of you have watched car issues hoovey's show that's actually on motor trend right now a lot of the episodes are airing there and there's another season coming you guys need to get ready it's going to be on motor trend he actually drove a black boxster s that was mine i actually ended up with that car but at the time it wasn't mine but he wanted to do a burnout with the car for filming and hoovie's a pretty good driver he really is he may make himself to look crazy or goofy on his channel but he's actually a really good driver and he tried everything he knew to get this thing to do a burnout he ended up almost burning up the clutch it would not do a burnout and it wasn't because of lack of power is because it gripped and handled that good he was amazed he was he actually got out and slammed the door he was like i'm amazed i cannot do a burnout on this thing and i can on a 911. it's not and it's not because of power it's just the way this thing is set up it's amazing the only downfall is it costs the same as a 911 to fix because it's basically the same engine same parts 911 is basically a 911. so based on that information i can easily say the one not to buy is any of the 911s in the 1990s and it isn't because they're a bad car it is because the option is there for the boxster that's almost as good for 70 percent the cost you mean i shouldn't buy a 90s course you know swap it no you shouldn't because it would decrease the value obviously this car is not worth what it could have been as a 911. if money's not an option you just want performances just to have fun that's what this car is that's what upon line 11 is it's a fun car tyler has lots of fun with it the power is amazing he didn't do it for resale value obviously he didn't and when he originally bought it it had over a hundred thousand mile it had lots of miles on it guys so he didn't harm the car he didn't hurt the value so don't worry about that both the 986 and the 996 911 or boxster share the same ims bearing problems and rms seal issues they both share that issue you're not going to get away from that with either or so you're going to have to bank if that hasn't been done on either car it's going to have to be done at some point once you buy the car one of the downfalls of the 911 is like i just mentioned 70 increase in price and double or possibly triple the insurance depending on how old you are or your driving record and if you're going to have to deal with those ugly front headlights which they call the runny eggs they look like eggs that have been fried and they're running down you might as well go with a cheaper option which is the boxster so if i offended you guys i'm sorry but based on what i've seen in the shop and driving these cars the my money goes towards a box during the 90s every time now i move to the 2000s and at this time i don't have anything from the 2000s as far as porsche goes in the shop although i regularly do i just don't happen to at the moment the one i recommend to buy is 2009 porsche cayman s pdk 320 horsepower and 275 pounds of torque that's a lot of power for a small porsche lots of power 0 to 60 and 4.5 quarter mile in the low 13s that's as fast as that 930 turbo we just looked at and way less money it has amazing looks to me my opinion is it looks better than a 911 it just has amazing flowing lines that go all the way to the back better than a boxster it just looks amazing to me i've been to a few porsche meetups and i see the 911s it's like okay i've seen five million of those but when i see the cayman it's just like that's refreshing it looks so nice in a sea of 911s they look so nice they're cheaper than a 911 which are going to be really high in the 2000s and i know you guys say wizard i would go with a manual my personal preferences i don't like shifting manuals i will have to in the ferrari 308 but i'm not going to drive the 308 five days a week it'll be just for short excursions for fun or go to car shows go out for a quick drive i can handle a manual for that but for everyday driving and be driving up it came in a lot i don't want to shift the manual i get pissed off no more tiptronic which is pretty junky the pdk though is really nice i've driven lots of porsches with ptk and if the option says do you want manual or pdk i will choose pdk every time that's just my personal opinion the one not to buy any of the porsche panameras i just wouldn't i just don't like them a four door porsche and the styling is really bad to me it looks like a dog that's squatting and pooping like it's hind quarters are up and it's doing its business i just i don't i don't get i can't flow with that i don't like it the v8s are kind of hard to work on i've actually had one in here in the shop that it had oil pump problems the oil pumps are electrically controlled and it's a major teardown to get to it and it's like all for an electric valve the oil pump still works fine the oil pump is not failing it's just an electrical valve that's going out and it's going to be thousands and thousands of dollars and i've i've seen troubles with the v8s in the and the cayennes and different vehicles that use the v8s and they are powerful and fast but every single porsche v8 i've ever set in at a red light never idle smooth they all just it's like it's misfiring it's like i just don't feel like this is a refined engine that's ready to i mean tear up the roads at the same time cruise to the country club and smooth refinement it just runs really rough i never thought they were a very good engine and if you buy a panamera you will always be that guy that has a panamera somebody will mention so-and-so have you met so-and-so before he has a porsche panamera and then you can watch the frown on their face they're like oh god here's a panamera okay and you immediately get knocked down a few rungs and coolness points i don't know why that is but i definitely would not own a panamera so don't do it guys again we don't have any of the 2010s or newer so we're just going to sit right here where we're at with apollo 911 behind us because i really like apollo 911 that project's coming up next we've taken care of a lot of hooves projects that one's going to be pulled off the back burner and get to work on it this is going to be in the fourth and final gut punch for you guys that like porsche's or really any gas engine car you're really not gonna like this one the one i recommend to buy in the 2010s or later the 2019 porsche tycan tycon s however you say it however you say it you can say it that way to yourself that's how it's said that's the one that i would buy i know it's fully electric but you guys know that i am very firmly supportive of electric cars and i know eventually that will be sending my career to the wayside but i think even magic mike will be retired before there's no more gas cars on the road there'll always be some gas cars to fix but i really am happy about the ushering in of the electric car the electric era now we've always had electric cars and even in the 1900s and 20s and 10s we had electric cars but i'm talking about the type of electric cars we have today extremely fast ludicrous speed fast zero to 60 and 2.4 quarter mile in the low tens that's almost dragster times top fuel drags i mean obviously there's some that are way faster than that but that's getting into funny car times and it's electric to me they're very gorgeous they're a beautiful car when we bought mrs wizards maserati levante they actually had one on the lot and we kind of drooled over it we're like wow this is a sweet looking car they really knocked it out of the park with the styling of this car we actually kind of thought about buying it but that's the next step in electric cars is just as well as there's a gas station at about every corner even in the small town of newton they're going to have to have a charging station at every corner of small town america big town america is going to have to have charging stations more than five places in the middle of wichita it's going to have to be a lot more so we weren't ready to buy an electric car yet because of that that's the only reason why no more gas fumes no more oil changes and as far as speed goes there really isn't very many gas power portions of any time any era that can keep up with this thing maybe some super duper high-end multi-million dollar porsches but for the money that you spend to buy one of these there really isn't a gas powered option that can even begin to keep up it obliterates the competition as far as gas power goes the one not to buy any of the porsche macans me and mrs wizard actually look to possibly buy one of these and we were just astounded how tiny it was inside it's so small the back seats are almost unusable type small they're very cheaply built in fact the interior is very reminiscent to me of a volkswagen tick one it is that low level i mean it's low guys it it's not for the money you're spending you're not getting what you paid for it's overpriced for what you're getting you're just buying the emblem the porsche emblem on the front and it has the audi 2.0 t which has been very troublesome with timing chain troubles and just like the q5 that was in here there's actually a video on that we put a new turbo on for the lady it was very expensive that's a common problem with those engines they're not good engines guys they're really not good engines so if you're on the market for a porsche suv or car and you're in this year range just don't buy them a con it's really not a good idea and lastly if you're looking for 20 20 and newer i don't get those in the shop because they're still under warranty why would you take it to the car wizard when you can get it fixed for zero money for free at the dealer so being in that year range by anyone you want it's still under warranty you don't have to worry about what it's going to cost to fix it unless you buy one with high miles and it's expired the warranty because of the miles don't buy any of them just buy that model you want with less miles but still has a warranty on it there's going to be a lot of parts on a 2021 or 2020 porsche that really aren't on the aftermarket yet you're not going to get parts for it other than only the dealer if it has to be repaired and it's no warranty so make sure to keep that in mind if you're looking for a 2020 and it's under warranty it doesn't matter which one you're going to buy really just make sure it still has a warranty so it's been a long time since we've done a buy this not that i thought why not just do one that's going to throw you guys for a loop some of you guys and girls are going to be really excited about what i said some of you are going to be so angry you're going to make a paragraph long comment really it doesn't matter to me because that's just my opinion on what i've seen in the shop not based on driving it on a race track it's based on what i've seen as a shop owner or mechanic in a shop those are my opinions and what they're based on so got many more projects to go we have still have the ferrari as soon as we can get back to that we've been super busy in the shop we will be having a ferrari video coming soon if you're curious what kind of tools we use to work on these cars check my amazon affiliates link in the description below and make sure to hit the subscribe button because there's many more cool videos to come thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Car Wizard
Views: 232,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car wizard, david long, hoovies garage, tyler hoover, car issues with tyler hoover, omega auto clinic, car repair, car maintenance, Hoovie, mechanic, Car issues, BendPak, Car trek, Porsche, 911, 914, 930, 928, Boxster, Cayman, Panamera, Taycan, Macan, Turbo, Buy this not that, car recommendation, Cayenne
Id: W_CmDK5m8yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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