This 2nd Level Spell Broke D&D...

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healing spirit is a second level spell that conjures a five foot wide spirit which heals players for one d6 the first time they pass through it on their turn the design is meant for it to be used in combat healing a few players for a few hit points if they use their movement to pass through it however it was completely broken out of combat you could line up a bunch of people and just have them sprint through the spirit every turn this second level spell could easily give out 200 hit points to a party just conga lining through it each turn and it could give out thousands of hit points to a properly coordinated larger group in fact it was so much better than literally every other healing option in the game wizards have to publish a correction to fix it now it can only heal a number of creatures equal to one plus your spell casting modifier still good but no longer broken
Channel: DnD Shorts
Views: 519,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YBKnZ6DkvHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 50sec (50 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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