This 10 Minute Darts Routine Will Make You Better

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hey welcome back to ironman darts this is dave and today i'm going to walk you through in real time a warm-up routine this should take about 10 minutes or so in real time i'm going to use uh seven darts last are always going to save for the bowl just one of those kind of things where depends on how where i am in the game if i have one extra dart let me go for the bowl it's gonna build my confidence that that's the last start i have so i'm gonna go for the bowl but i'm gonna use three darts for a specific number move on to another one and leave one dart for the bowl but this is real time no do-overs no editing i'm gonna have a split screen with me in the dart board and go through what i do in a 10-minute warm-up routine and here's how it goes so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go and practice stacking which you've probably seen in a previous video stacking up to the treble if i hit the treble i begin with great i'll just go for it again but i'm gonna go 20s 19s and then go all the way around the board as if i'm playing cricket but in this type of a warm-up routine again stacking so three at the 20 three the 19 leave one dart for the bowl in real time i haven't thrown for i don't know a while today so actually i threw five hours ago for 20 minutes so i'm gonna go go again and do what i would usually do just to get the routine get the muscle memory going and practice a little bit every day so 21st that's a good start and i'm just working on stacking see how i did that so i don't really i'm not looking to hit the treble the first time i'm looking to go below it on purpose and then work my way up and then just one last start at the bowl just for fun all right now go to 1817 and so on oh jesus that was awful it's kind of hard to stack on an 18 because they would be at an angle all right okay all right that is uh the first set i'm going to skip the bowl because i'm kind of having a bonus bowl at the end of these darts that's why i'm using seven so i'll go through it again and this is my routine i'll do this a couple of times and then i'll do something else that i find helpful geez that was terrible okay so the 19 was good 20 was not good that's a good stack right there it's a progression that wasn't bad and bowl see with that last dart being the bowl it's also a rhythm and a confidence builder that i'm just gonna extend and do a nice little follow through and throw through the number and if i'm ever in a game i have that dart available oh jesus not the right stacking i want to do but there it is say two moved up but was off to the left in the treble and i just shifted a little bit to the right and i got where i wanted to go this over here i was thinking i was going to say it to you if it gets too crowded go for a double just for the practice of it all right one more time through i'm okay with this 19 even though i was in the 3 because i worked my way up i should have had a trouble though because i had a good lead dart ahead of it so that was a 20 19 okay looks like they hit the dart where i'm at 17. look at all the reps i'm getting as well so i'm getting a lot of play here with my throws rhythm muscle memory and i'm not really thinking about it i'm thinking about it but it's it becomes so easy because of the the constant throwing now i've got 16 15. that was a grip issue that's why i changed now i find for myself that my 15s are more successful if i shift over to the right i actually did a little experiment on my own of what's going on why am i not hitting the 15 maybe i'm i was hitting the treble way too many times and i was going why am i over shooting it how come am i overshooting it so i went to the right and then i shot down where if i'm in the center i found for me that i was going too high and a little bit of lob so i went to the right and i threw down at the number and for me that worked let's see if i can do it now i think the second dart was in the right spot all right in real time like i promised real time darts now this is what i like to do after i got a nice little warm-up routine there i like to practice some outs in the order that you would do them in a game so i'm going to go 40. so no matter what with my three darts 6 darts i'm going to go 20 a double 20 double ten double five and do it again and leave my last start for the bowl now that was bad but i haven't worked my doubles for a while so i'm gonna do it again oh see i'm not too worried about right now because i've just thrown at those numbers now four times i want to get the confidence that i can do it and that's why i'm doing this in practice just in case every once in a while i'll do i'll hit all three i'll hit double 20 double ten double five and do it again but it reminds me if i'm in the game that i've done this before and i'll go a little high i'll go a little bit on the outside that was on purpose and then i'll go for the five didn't make it now do it again hit it didn't hit it missed it hit the bull but that's what i'll do and usually when i'm not talking to somebody i can hit those so nearly got yeah just one hole out one hole inside one hole out two holes out and one hole out in the bowl all right so can i get the idea now i'm going to do 16 8 four and i think this is also good because it lets you know statistically what are you better at on your outs i don't generally like to go for a double 20. i like double 16. so do i want to set myself up with a 16. oh my i'm talking to you or a 20. what am i good at what are you good at obviously i can hit some double fours normally i hit 16 is no problem we'll do a couple more times that's what i want to do see it's all rhythm i got everything but one so six out of seven darts one more time so i'm okay with that last thing i would do i was doing the uh the 12 6 3 combo which is pretty hard if you get stuck in the double three but i'll do it here again a confidence builder i don't necessarily have to hit him but i have to know that i can hit him or i have the motions prepared to go for it that way it's not a surprise and i know where i am on the board so and then just as i've finished up a routine i'll finish off with the 20s that's what you know stacking [Music] oh i could have gotten bold anyhow there you go that is in real time what i would do i forgot to time it in a a practice warm-up routine and i find it very helpful for the confidence for the muscle memory of the throw and just getting familiar with the board triples and doubles and also the bullseye so you hit everything outside inside in the middle thanks for watching ironman darts i'm dave please subscribe i'm uploading new videos all the time there's anything i can do to help you with your dark game whether it's mental physical mechanical let me know i'd love to help i'm a adult dart player who's been playing since uh 2018 i love the game i'm studying the game i'm studying how to be a better dart player myself where i need to be on the aukey what i need to do physically to be a good thrower and what works for me if i can pass along anything to you i'd be happy to have a good one throw them straight adios [Music] you
Channel: Ironman Darts
Views: 510,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soft Tip Darts, GRAN BOARD 3, Tungsten Soft Tip Darts, Viper, VDarts, Online Darts, Electronic Dartboard, Dave Erickson, Ironman Darts
Id: gElNpgGcktY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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