How To Improve Your Darts Practice

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welcome again to the mission YouTube channel I'm joined Again by Matt Edgar and today's topic Matt I want to ask how long should I practice for fantastic question it's a a question that's asked so so many times you see so so many answers but there is actually a correct answer to this as well a lot of people think practice makes perfect practice practice practice and then practice again no no I like the expression if you take the word makes out of it practice perfect that's how that expression should be for many different reasons let's imagine now me and you was going to train to go do a marathon that's an interesting question believe or not I think I'll stick to the darts but yeah go on so we're trying to do the marathon and you go out and you go right and today Matt we're going to do 10 miles and you go out you do those 10 miles and you're back within an hour good good good 10 miles I come back 8 hours later cuz I've walked walked I've took a stroll I've sat on a bench I've stroked a dog I've chatted to somebody I've helped someone across the road and it's took me a lot longer now I come back and I go I'm more ready for this cuz I've been out there active doing things for eight hours you only did an hour but the intensity of which you did yours is going to be much more beneficial to progression than what I did mine I see where you going with this so first of all we need to make sure that it's not just about the length of time that we're practicing but actually the content that we are doing is worthwhile to the practice that we're doing not just standing thrown at a board the next thing is that we don't learn lazy habits so a lot of the time we're practicing for games of best of seven best of 11 so that is the window of time I need to be able to get concentrated for now as people some of us 15 to 20 minutes is too much of that attention span but studies are suggesting we've got a maximum of a 90minut window of concentration without a 10minute refresh time yeah now if we take that as a guide we should say the maximum we should ever be doing is an hour and a half without any form of break I would reduce that even more significantly if you're not training for a marathon you not running a marathon why train for a marathon if you're going to do a Sprint train for a Sprint so with this I would say small intense bursts of up to 30 minutes a couple of blocks a day is the way forward one thing I just want to put together with that though is we must remember always to warm up a lot of people have said to me you know I've got a dboard up at work I have 15 minutes in my lunch hour that's not really a good use of practice is it just a quick 15 minute burst if you haven't already warmed up you need to get that arm going you need to get the the wrist muscles and the arm muscles going so like you say maybe for a half an hour 45 minutes is a nice session but make sure you've had a 10 or 15 minute warm-up first I can guarantee you without you even telling me those people that say are 50 15 minutes at lunch will also tell you they've got a really good practice game and they struggle when they come to the match day yeah because what you're doing is essentially just throwing at a dartboard and you're just turning over a technique for no Rhyme or Reason and then when you get to the match it's all different cuz it all means something now so that's why we've got to practice with that meaning so that we can transfer that practice actually becomes training small play on words but it makes a big big difference now that's interesting so what sort of thing should we be thinking if I've got half an hour now I've warmed up what should I start off should I not just try and hit 180s for half an hour well when we start with the practice there's a couple of things I always say you have to have within your practice hit this criteria and you're on a winner a start Point how many people go I a nine da in practice no you didn't you threw for 30 minutes and you at 218 is and 141 it was a pattern of play it wasn't a n da cuz it didn't start at 501 start Point have a finish point be able to win your drill all the drills have that out there but you have to have the ability to lose that is something that majority of darts drills don't have once you get that ability to lose we're talking now a psychological factor and the biggest thing the most important thing and the thing that doesn't exist out there at the moment until we put it right here on the mission YouTube channel it's progression do the same thing over and over again you will get the same outcome if I was to teach you maths right now and I said to you I'm going to teach you how to add up 2 plus 2 2 plus you units next week do it 20 times week after do it 30 times that's what we're doing with a lot of our drills and a lot of the information that currently exists and how many people have said to you in your coaching sessions I'm practicing five hours a day but I'm not getting any better set to put non progression in get nothing Progressive out so Progressive make the content harder do units do units in 10 units tens and hundreds units tens hundreds and thousands and you will get better at your maths the same way that with this progress the content make it harder progressively harder and realistic I don't want to go from round the world to round the world on doubles I don't want to go from throwing at 20s to all of a sudden I want to be hitting a treble every throw and some of the different drills and games that exist like 21 or Bob's 27 sometimes they can over ch where we're looking at the moment so stick around here and we'll be giving you plenty of practice drills in the near future
Channel: Mission Darts
Views: 17,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Darts, Mission Darts, #TeamMission, #ForTheWin, Dart Board, Dartboard, Darts Flights, play better darts, how to play darts, practice, darts practice, throw better darts, how to train darts, how to practice darts, darts tips, darts coaching, how to hit a 180, darts training, throw darts, better darts, best darts, darts 2024, be good at darts, how to throw darts, practice tips, darts drills, darts coaching tips, darts practice routines
Id: ZXsZhBY1zZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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