Throw Darts Like a Pro - Dart Tips

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and welcome back to iron man darts i'm dave iron man darts on graham boards if you want to play a little one qriket or medley hit me up and we can play otherwise click subscribe and thank you for watching today how to throw like a pro or at least better than you're playing right now i'm constantly watching dart videos i'm taking notes mentally also on paper on what are they doing to be so good at throwing darts and there's a lot of mechanics involved there's a lot of other things is the it factor as well but i've got five different things that will help you play better at dart and throw better than you ever played before little tweaks here and there to make you a better dart player so let's get started number one is stance and balance finding the right spot on the line every single time and then holding your body position as the foundation of your throw so there's different ways you can put your foot on the line or on the aki some people will go toe first but i don't like to do that because i'm farther away from the board other people will square their body up completely so their toe is facing a 90 degree angle away then they can lean forward right here this is the closest you can get to the dart board there's also people will do the the 45 and i gotta do a combination in between but once you find your stance then it's a matter of getting a good balance a balance that you can repeat every time so get your balance and i find that if you put your weight directly over your hip down to your heel area around here just enough to where your left back leg is your kickstand where you can put your toe in the ground if you lift it up you're not going to waver too much just enough to hold your position so if you bend your knee you've got a little nice little balance right here so the first thing is stance and balance number two is having a still body dart players don't do a lot of bobbing up and down they don't do a lot of rocking back and forth or left and right they have a still body a very composed posture so after you've found your stance you're balanced and they're going to throw once they throw there is very little head movement or if it is it's subtle and it's the same every time so people will lean into it and their body position is the same every time so they have a very still body for the most part and that goes down from your shoulder down to your heel holding that position your head will not go up and down because if you do that you have to reset and the odds of finding that same set every time are harder and harder it's like doing a golf swing once you get up and get squared and you want to swing let's say you step away and go back it's hard to find the same exact spot if you start over all the time so if you find yours your stance your balance you have a still body you can repeat this motion and all you have to worry about is the throw so keeping your body still and not leaning forward and having to rock back and try to find where you started from the beginning with so being still as possible number three is lining up on the dart board what i find is that after you've established your stance your balance and your body position is to find a line directly down and you can just use your hand to point to 20 bowl three all the way down to your thigh or the mid part of your foot this should be i think your center line once you've lined up now you're ready to get the dart in position to throw so from here people will also once they get up here and they've got their line they will bend their elbow and now they are set so you've established a good line of sight and line your body up so your stance is good your balance is good your body position is still and now you're lined up correctly one more thing with the elbow as you see here i'm pretty much i think i'm about 90 degrees whatever i am i always hold the same position but if your elbow flares out between throws you cannot be consistent i cut try to stay straight up every time that way when i'm pulling back it's the same every time establishing your line through your elbow and being 90 degrees as much as possible is good some people and that's just their style they'll start back here and throw either way it's the same every time they'll start here and throw whatever your throw is it needs to be consistent and that'll be the theme throughout this video is consistency and a repeatable process so i'm holding here with the elbow which is lined up to 20 the ball the three down to my arm versus elbow out and then it's harder to throw consistently and straight so elbow is lined up number four is the throw itself now there are four different elements to this three main ones and the last one is the follow through but i've got my stance my body position my balance i've lined up all the way through here and now my arm is in position this is the first step aim pull back fire and in that fire is also the follow through it's important to have a consistent follow through that way it too is consistent versus a short throw where your elbow does not fully extend if you don't want to fully extend don't fully extend every time but i encourage and i have learned and watched that there's a follow through with every throw that you do aim pull back follow through aim pull back follow through follow through and pull back follow through where people get screwed up with their consistency is the follow through is not always there sometimes they'll do a follow-through in the 20 but they'll short stroke a 16 and their arm is not always followed through they might be able to hit it but it's not consistent whereas the way you throw the 20 and the 16 i think from what i've seen and learned and experienced needs to be the same needs to be consistent aim pull back follow through like that last but not least is having a positive attitude this is a real thing if you are negative if you let emotions get the best of you and i am guilty of this your darts won't be consistent you need to be relaxed need to have fun don't take it too seriously don't expect perfection this is not a game that is perfected this is a game that is about consistency and doing the best you can but to have fun with it if you notice when someone knows they're too far out from winning the match they relax and sometimes they'll hit their 1080s or 1040 or they're hit exactly what they want to hit but by that time at that point in the game it's too late and they've kind of like relaxed if you can maintain a good attitude a relaxed attitude and have some fun you will throw better darts trying to find and stay in that mindset the entire time which is the challenge of this game mechanics can be repeated you can do all the practice you want but the mind's not there you're not going to play good darts and when things go bad that can really snowball into a negative game and you're going to be out soon after that what i like to think about is you've got three darts every dart can count you hit a five you hit a one you still the possibility of hitting a trip twenty maybe you hit you're going for the uh double six team out out you still have a dart don't give up and this is a thing that we all have to struggle with is the importance of having a short-term memory forget about it you still have a dart and when you're playing cricket what's still available so what they start off with the white horse boom boom boom crap you're down you still have 17 16 15. hit a nine mark stick with those numbers what you have available think of the options think of the glass half full not half empty so the last thing and this will put everything together is having a positive attitude these are things i believe that can help you play like a pro at least a few darts here and there that you know i hit the right shot i threw it just the right way it's like that golf swing i nailed that one shot that one drive that went way out there you want to repeat that and the more you practice the more those shots will come into play and you will play better and more like a pro and get better than you were yesterday and that's what this is all about isn't it have some fun hang out with your friends throw some good darts win a game or two until next time i'm dave with iron man darts please subscribe and thanks for watching see you next time adios i've been getting some questions and i love the interaction and the questions i'm getting below my videos is uh someone was telling me that 90 of their darts are left of their target and they were asking me why that may be the case i'm thinking gosh i'm not sure exactly why because this person who left this comment averages a 3 8 in cricket and i think they said 33 or 34 on 01 and those are some impressive numbers so i'm thinking well if you you're off 90 of the time just to the left either adjust your throw just a little bit to the right because you're already doing very well or maybe send me a video or i need to see what you're doing in order to know whether or not your form is where it should be if you're interested in some individual coaching or evaluation maybe a dart throw analysis i'd be happy to do that you can email me i'll put a link below this video take something with your phone in horizontal uh mode or landscape mode the wide view like this set up your phone like this on a tripod somewhere and at the angle that i'm showing right here and show me what you look like when you throw a clip of throwing i don't know throw for a couple of minutes straight so i can see a rhythm i like to see your your stance and i can look at what you're doing to see if there's anything obvious glaring in your form one of the things that i really want to push in dart throwing that i've learned over the times of studying the last three and a half years or four years is the importance of follow-through and finding some kind of consistency in your throw so i'm not throwing that hard they're not sticking because i don't want to ruin my board so if you're looking for a dart throw analysis i'd be happy to give you my two cents give me an email or send me an email put a link below this video to my email address and then you can send me a clip of you throwing and then i'll use that clip and i'll make a analysis video for you and put it on the channel if you're good with that i'm good with that and we all can get better at darts and have fun this game which is uh you know so exhilarating so frustrating but still fun and a community of dart players that we can all relate to so there you go all right thanks for watching have a great one throw them straight and i'll talk to you soon adios
Channel: Ironman Darts
Views: 899,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soft Tip Darts, GRAN BOARD 3, Tungsten Soft Tip Darts, Viper, VDarts, Online Darts, Electronic Dartboard, Dave Erickson
Id: 5bmXuxPc560
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 23 2021
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