Thinkercon, Meet My Pets and Mail-time!

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this video sponsored by Skillshare you dankus i'm literally driving to the airport to go to thinker con and my subscribers are right there oh shot I actually missed when it rolled over to a million I will not miss it this time it's pop Bobby Bobby do carts this guy's gonna help me get there let's watch it go up one in real time oh yeah one closer thanks man these guys are helping me help me get the two million let's see there goes oh crap two to go we went down ah it was their work it thank you guys you can guys so bad Chris yes yeah thank you seriously thank you all all of you so much for 2 million like I never never thought it would get this far you guys are amazing you're the reason I'm doing this thank you it's also bestowed make sure you see that guys i brainy would like to invite you to relax and enjoy the flight okay I am here in Huntsville out of Alabama here in Huntsville Alabama to attend something called thinker con what it is is let me show you okay thank your con was held at a place called a US Space and Rocket Center and it was a place where people who loved science and learning came together the festival of the spoken nerd was there and they were hilarious a dadgum saturn v rocket it was also the place where I did my very first solo talk ever and yes I really did the silly walk out on the stage and you know just talked about cool art and stuff so way to the you guys probably be in one of my future videos thank you very much for your time I also met so many cool people and made tons of new friends but especially this guy this is Barnaby Dixon he is incredible go subscribe to his channel for real he hand makes these puppets this one is called dab chick I mean look at dat chick he's amazing fully articulated he's not only incredibly handsome but very well-spoken brilliant beautiful refined well thank you very much mr. Bobby Duke and might I say what a treat it is to hear such positive and unsolicited support from someone of your caliber oh my pleasure tat chick I mean but seriously you are a beacon amongst the darkness you are poetry in motion you feel my soul with meaning and longing for what the future may hold no seriously cooler mister babadook people gonna know that I paid you to sail who even cares seriously dad you weren't supposed to say anything whatever huh also he makes these bug puppets that are incredible they glow in the dark and he doesn't just show his puppeteering but he also like creates these little stories using them I can't even just just watch his channel go to his channel subscribe Barnaby's amazing he's he's not only amazing at what he does but he's amazing person to just super super awesome nice guy oh my goodness thinker Khan was amazing thank you so much to everyone that came and said hi to me and watched my talk and thank you so much to Destin for putting it on and YouTube for sponsoring it it was amazing it was a home run you guys did it without further ado I need to get my giggles boot here back to Texas so I can get back to work shall we overused transition alright I'm back from vinkor Khan but before I get my beauty back in gasps let's go check out my pets what do you say okay okay this is my sort of my pet room it's an unofficial pet room at thought ow fudge dadgum ow anyways what I was saying was Oh short hello well that's one of them that's Patrick hey Patrick [ __ ] bit okay he doesn't love me apparently let's get to the snacks this is called a rack system I will be putting them in actual cages sort of like this in the future oh now you come hi buddy hey this is mr. Patrick you've seen him in my videos he's awesome he's a good boy okay this first one what I'm gonna show you is Thorg the Dark Lord he is a piebald black pastel pinstripe ball python and ball pythons come from Africa typically a Ghana area of Africa Africa he is what you call a designer mutation different mutations all in one snake and that's what gives him all the cool color and pattern and whatnot so we'll let him go back he's a he's a good boy but he's a little bit shy good minutes house good boy this is the Red Queen she is a blood-red corn snake whoa yeah she's really cool let's see if she'll not freak out on me she's can be a little bit squiggly come on come on let's go say hi that's the head of our friends there you go there you go she's a really good girl she just gets a little weird when you first get her out now let's put her back in her little house she thinks she's a rattlesnake sometimes and this one is a GH you see he's squeezed between his cage and his little hide this is Donnie Darko he is a GHI mutation I love him I love him so much he's a good Bowie look at that look at that pattern in that color whoa aah no no don't do that ok let's put him back up he's getting crazy ball pythons are super easy to take care of all you really got to do is make sure they have clean water and feed them a rat once a week that's the appropriate size ok last ball python button definitely not least please don't jump out at me sometimes when I open the tub they just are expecting food they will launch out at me thinking I'm feeding them and yeah I've been bitten a few times ok this is the childlike Empress leave a comment tell me what movie that is from the childlike Empress who needs a name she is an ivory ball python she actually does have a tiny bit of color but you can't really see it very well there's a faint yellow stripe down her back she's one of my favorites she's just so cool she's super friendly that lets Peter up and you know mr. Edgar now he's looking down at us he's uh he's got kind of an attitude he's he thinks he's better than everyone you know him and his crazy eyes and his cool paint job sweet cage with all these climbing things on it yeah he's a little waterfall thing that he drinks from this is kind of starting to sound like MTV Cribs reptile edition you know MTV Cribs yo check it out yes yeah I got my waterfall inside it's inside my house that waterfall man is so good I drink from it all the time it's awesome got a little bit of Dookie down but don't worry about that I got my own window look at that view oh yeah full spectrum lighting keep telly check out that stick you know how much I paid for that stick nothing that's right I wanna get the best the best sticks up in here I'd like to just you know use my crazy hands and walk around walk around all over these sticks yeah just take it easy he bugs and stuff man things big yo look at my tail it's crazy my tail's way crazier than your leg oh yeah he is super cool he eats bugs especially roaches yeah this next guy down here this is dragon and he lives in here this is a leopard gecko at my worms getting away oh sorry let's see if he'll come out and get a little little nibble oh I see I see something come on Jerry Patrick's all excited cuz he thinks she's gonna get a meal worm dadgummit well anyways let's get him out so this is dragon he is actually kind of fat right now dang boy you think anyways leopard gecko from you know I can't even remember where they're from but they live in an arid climate kind of chunk stir at the moment he likes to eat his super worms and heats roaches and crickets and all kinds of stuff oh he likes to lick the taste of my finger you like that you like knife at all he's kissing me what do you think about him but it scared him what do you do oh my gosh oh my gosh what is this doc what is this thing oh my gosh it's a crazy dragon go back home in your little cave one of the last reptiles that I have is Sheila big girl she's about 90 long she is an Australian coastal carpet python and a collar Sheila because she's from Australia let's open up her whoa she's hungry she actually might try to eat me she's looking like she wants a piece of my finger what's up dude girl do that yeah so that's Sheila she's super cool and then my fish this is orange e this is blue B and this is dingus actually I haven't named them well I guess I just did and another one of my pets that you guys don't see very often or ever in this cave do I doze I'm on staff usually if I disturb the whoa [Music] there she goes that's Bertha she is the second largest tarantula species on the planet s I'm gonna put my hand kind of next to her so you can get a size reference she's a big girl also she's got a huge but I mean not fat shaming or anything but come on she's extra thick with three C's anyways let's see if she wants a worm it's just burrowing itself see I touched the up touched her arm and she thinks it's food so she tries to eat it her or attacking she protect and she attack well okay I still love her I have another dog in this house Tito where are you Tito yeah here he comes Tito what a good boy this is the baby alien deer rabbit he's a good boy and you're a good boy and you're a good girl I love dogs they're the best you know what's up Tito he's perpetually scared of everything he actually was a stray where we live out in the country a lot of people dump dogs because it's easier than taking care of them or something it's how we got Patrick that's how we got Tito we actually got Gidget from the pound imagine gives it all alone in the world and Patrick and Tito what good puppies if you have the opportunity to adopt it is the best way to do it I mean who would throw away a perfectly good dog now let's go out and say hi to Joanna yay there's the shed the shed that I've done everything in not gonna show you what I'm working on well I'll show you show you that much that's it I'm sure you remember Joanna she's a good girl well she's kind of hiding right now but she is an Australian Argus monitor as far as I know the same species as Joanna on the rescuers down under this is her big cage in the wild they would burrow you can see how she's burrowed in there underneath her little heat lamp she eats rats just like the snakes but she also likes roaches and other insects basically anything that moves she will eat it she's a good girl she's just misunderstood even though she doesn't love me it's okay I still love her I think she's beautiful she's beautiful on the inside full of hate hate and anger now she's just kind of grumpy you know but that's okay I will give you one more sneak peek this is all you get no more now let's go back to the house and open some mail but first a big THANK YOU to Skillshare once again for sponsoring another video if you've not heard about Skillshare well then you're just kind of like Edgar and a big dingus Skillshare is an online learning community that has over 21,000 courses to choose from and I know last time I suggested checking out Stephanie kill gas but really her page is so cool and so full of interesting things to sculpt like check out these little mushrooms that she shows you how to sculpt beetles all kinds of interesting things and she breaks it down really simply and easily they're really great I think that'd be a great introduction for anybody getting into sculpting the first 500 view - click the link in the top of the description we'll get your first two months of Skillshare premium for free also it would really help me and my channel so there's no reason why you can't start learning something new today oh yeah now let's do mail time first of all thank you so much scribble I can show this this is like one of the cutest things ever thank you so much for the letter I appreciate it you're awesome okay thank you so much Deon eight off for the cool postcard it says that you're from yeah Canada thank you the price I pay for beauty next one Louise Calvin um your letter I guess it was written with some kind of erasable ink or some kind of magic ink something like that but your entire message kind of disappeared thank you for your letter I'm sure it was wonderful sorry I couldn't read it thank you Cory White I really appreciate your letter I'm not showing letters just because they're kind of personal and some of them have addresses on them yeah hey presents this one is from Jeff Flanagan Oh bad things huh ah cool man those are beautiful thank you so much Jeff Flanagan I really appreciate it truly I'll try to turn them into some groovy art movies Lee was still a thing right yeah god Nicole up on the camera she's actually more like my caretaker like William Osmond doesn't say who it's from but it says it's to the great big Dookie I don't want to break it if it's something fragile cut away oh dude dude look at that Damascus that Damascus steel and then oh wow dude that is amazing Alan Beasley curiosity Forge just getting his channel going go check him out thank you so much this one is from Dan the Maker man he does some really cool stuff he is a youtuber as well wow look at this thank you so much that is freaking cool I will put a link to his channel in the description at I'm Big Dave too on Instagram dude look at that that if you don't recognize it is a drawing of the fairy house that I carved look at that it's got all the little detail and the colors and it even says Duke right there oh my gosh that's amazing check him out Instagram at I'm Big Dave - thank you Dave oh my gosh I'm framing that now I'm gonna frame the frame it's a smaller box Tom tavern Tom Havard please open on camera well my cameras being used right now so I can't open it on the camera my family has to deal with this all the time yes I do respect women but not t-series thank you for the rock I appreciate it if you've sent me something and I haven't opened it on camera yet don't worry I actually did open stuff a while ago it will put it in an upcoming video whoa no why did I put this back on it's too hot oh cool that there's petrified wood oh that is so awesome it's from Alison Lucas two favorite things rocks and wood both wrapped up into one petrified little bundle thank you oh wow that is crazy good that is so cool like some little antler cut offs shiny Thank You Angie that was super awesome of you I'll read this holy crap this is full of all kinds of stuff whoa there's like a bag of antler pieces that's cool what oh my god the freaking ostrich egg that is so cool imagine that going through your Chloe good oh my got you another one a third holy crap was it Robert wheats dude awesome thank you man I appreciate it I'll definitely be putting these to get use this is all amazing stuff that I can turn into all kinds of art thank you so much for sticking around to the end and watching thank you for all my presents even though it's not my birthday I don't feel like I deserve it I don't feel like I deserve you guys you guys are amazing I love you check out Skillshare it'll really help me out link in description bye no I mean it looks hilarious [Music]
Channel: Bobby Duke Arts
Views: 1,836,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thinkercon, recap, Pets, mail, unboxing, Snake, chameleon, Python, Arts, Art, handcrafted, handmade, handmade things, dogs, thinker con youtube, barnabydixon, barnaby dixon, how to, Hunting Knife, Steel Bolt, I turn, i make, hunting knife making, hunting knife sharpening, woodworking, metalwork, Workshop, Hamering, metalworking, tools, power tools, work, machine, diy, metal, tools for metalworking, cutting saw, drill, welding, hand tools, metalworking tools, Bobby Duke Arts
Id: WvpId7G2SgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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