I carve a Fairy house from Cottonwood bark

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(Distorted Voice) Oh. Today, we are going to try and carve this piece of cottonwood bark. First let me tell you a story. The story begins in a little place called Atlanta, Georgia. Where I went, last year, to a woodworking convention to meet up with a bunch of friends and just... have a good time. While I was there I met this sweet lady. She told me all, about her style of carving and how she typically used Cottonwood Bark. It comes from Canada. It's Super Thicc. We have Cottonwoods down here in Texas but it's much thinner bark. Basically she said she thinks the reason it's so thicc is because of the cold temperatures there. I guess the trees need more insulation? (Wood autopsy) This is just a chunk off of the bark like it's just, bark. *Barks* Anyway so what we're gonna do is carve... this, area. Carve it like you know, some little houses little... houses. I think I'll put a ladder here maybe a waterfall, some stairs and stuff let's give it a shot, oh. For me this is always the hardest part of any project is starting it because I've never carved a tiny house. And I've never carved this type of wewd so I'm always like, "How do I start this thing? Do I start at the bottom? Do I start just roughing out the whole thing, and then slowly adding details?" The best advice I could tell you that always gets me started, "Just start." He he...oh. That's so deep and so, uh, so helpful thanks, Bobby. I'm think I'm gonna try and listen to my own advice and just (accent) start. Just start it I say and the rest will come. Let's do it. (Music) All right, now that we've got it to this point, I'm gonna go ahead and remove this area right here with the... scroll saw so... let's do that. (Yaaaaaay) (Music) And now even more deep thoughts, with Dookie. Okay, another thing that I've been thinking about recently is, expanding into new mediums. If you feel like you're stuck in a rut with just drawing or sculpting with clay or wood carving or whatever, don't be afraid to try new mediums. Try new things involving art. Most of what I do is the first time I've ever done it. I never carved a rock until this channel, I had never sculpted with aluminum foil, I mean I've done wood carving and clay but that's what's so fun about art is venturing into new mediums and seeing if you're any good at it i mean just give it a shote, I think you might surprise yourself, just don't be afraid to try something new, go outside your comfort zone and explore art and all that it has to offer. Okay, enough o' this, oush And thus concludes deep thoughts with Dookie (Music) Oh shot I jumped ahead a little bit, sorry about that, sometimes I just kinda lose myself. As you can see I've done (accent) zis pawt and the steps and basically all I did, well, (accent) let me show you. First started, by just outlining the door, very carefully and slowly using a little flat tewl Once i get up high enough and I do not need to start, making the curve i come in with My tiny little baby micro tool, and add the curve which actually you know, what you know, what do you know? What do you know? what Exactly basically i've got these little Rocks kind of like i do around that door also around, this, door and Then and literally just just random sort of both you know rock shape Doesn't have to be that's what's cool, about these little things is you can You could, make it however you, want I mean literally I'm Totally going bob ross on you but this is your world and you can totally make it however you, want I mean Come on that's just a happy little rock Put it in a little happy little rock, oh? I like that i like that a lot, makes me happy oh You got me currently respecting whamon What, we have here is a little totes adorbs wewden house and I've decided to change up the original plan a Little bit before there, was gonna be stairway going this way and this way? But there's not really enough material there to make that make sense so the plan now is well just have a stairway go to here To, another little wooden door and you can, imagine there being like another interior stairway leading up to this door so then the tiny hobbit dwarf fairy creature can, walk Along, this little path around the waterfall up the ladder up these little stairs and then into the little Little house, so left us putin the stairs and door Oh, my, gosh guys look at the snake, oh my, gosh Whoa, yeah just kidding this is my snake What's up girl sometimes i use her for a belt. Oh shot? We're almost done. Okay, all the rocks are painted. I'm not gonna paint any more color on this other than Zee blue on zee waterfall so lettuce tomato *crunch crunch* If you, ever start wood carving, you have this to look forward to Yay! oh (accent) Oh, I love it. I love it so mush-a. I just want to live here! The only thing left is to have the lights Hey, what are you doing in my camera? I see you in there!
Channel: Bobby Duke Arts
Views: 2,313,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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