Things to Think About, For Older E-Biikers

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[Music] [Music] H good afternoon guys just out on a quick normal neighborhood run nothing special today but after my last video I did want to talk a little more about bike safety that's some interesting replies to my last video didn't realize how many of us over 50 people like to actually go real fast I'm talking 50 Mi plus and we're talking 70 years old and older so I thought we'd talk a little bike safety today yeah like I mentioned before I feel ebikes are meant for people over 50 actually I think they're meant for anybody but not for kids I don't think kids under maybe even under 15 16 maybe I don't think they should be riding ebikes number one they're probably as heavy as they are most of these [Music] kids excuse [Music] me if you people who can't handle the hills anymore you know whether it's a physical impairment age whatever it might be safety on ebikes is a definite thing you should think about before buying any bike I mean don't get me wrong they're they're [Music] wonderful but young people like I said I think they're a little too [Music] heavy and older people uh and me working in the hospital I can tell you by experience not necessarily from ebikes but from bicycles period older people coming in with broken hips and I tell you if you break a hip that's pretty much your downfall from there especially when you're over 60 70 years old so a lot of things to consider and as we get older don't forget we do slow down mentally so our reflexes aren't as fast as they used to be you got to realize that that's why I do recommend for older people especially with mobility issues to do get a step through no matter if you're a man or woman that's why I got it I don't really Bend too well my joints hurt like I said I walk a lot at work [Music] so that's why I really consider a knee bike just because I know when I get out here I do want to Pedal but you know when I don't I have an option you run into a little Hill like this I have [Music] Help U but going fast on these things I don't see why I mean if you're on the street with other cars yeah maybe up to 35 just to keep up with traffic but fashion in 35 I don't really see then you're talking class three anyway lot lot for people to consider buying an ebike and when you do get one you do want to be safe about it I'm currently wearing gloves purpose of the gloves not only cuz it's cold but how you doing thank you yeah but if I fall when we do fall we tend to use our hands to ease our fall so I have padded gloves which will help and then when you're you're out on the road with other cars I do have the does come with a headlight tail light brake light I also added the flashing headlight just a little more obnoxious so people can see me um but I really see no reason to go fast guys 20 M hour I mean when you're on the road 25 like I said 35 to keep up with track traffic just stick to the bike trails your local neighborhood roads you know where you know there's not much traffic but I have to admit some of my favorite videos are these guys down in La driving around on their bikes their ebikes through some of the scary neighborhoods down there makes an interesting video but yeah be careful guys you get on one of these go too fast you fall break a hip you might not ever walk again especially over 60 70 years old I'm talking from seeing experiences most in instances at my work are from uh people falling off ladders especially over 50 but then once you get over 60 it's more than the people just falling period I mean it's usually on cement or their stairs I just warn People You Take a Tumble that's it unless you want to rehab it strenuously I mean don't take me wrong these bikes are a lot of fun you just got to be [Music] careful yeah don't be that guy on the trail if you know what I mean [Music] how are [Music] you and of course other people on Trails you got to be careful of them that's what I mean don't be the other guy warn people when you're coming if they don't think looks like they might get in your way make sure you have a bell of course check your tires make sure they're at the desired uh inflation for whatever activity you're doing all tires are different just read the side of them they'll tell you what the recommended inflation is PSI pound per square inch I do recommending getting an easy portable uh inflator I mean cuz you could use them for your bike for your cars they come in handy for all types of things and also once you plug it into the bike it automatically gives you what how many pounds it's in there [Music] currently so instead of having to buy a a bike measure just to see how much pounds are in it and then put the air in it it's all in one few B few brands on Amazon that are good there's one I'll recommend maybe I'll put it on the screen here the one that I have also bought an attachment to it so I just instead of having a screw it on you just you know like a normal Tire adapter you just push the lever down and it attaches easier on and off but yeah tire pressure is important check the weather before you go out don't want to get stuck in a rainstorm think I've seen this lady before how are you seen her before um helmets that's always an issue I mean I hate my helmet I spent a fortune for my helmet and I hate my helmet when I was at the store you I was looking through a medium felt too small large was too big but the large had an adapter in it you so seemed to fit a little more like an adjusted a little snuggler and loosened it when I needed and but it's not perfect now it looks bigger than on my head than I think I really need I'm think it's getting just a little those motorcycle helmets the small ones I think that'd be a little more convenient they're not cheap either I hate having to spend money on this expensive one I have on my head already and have to go buy another one thank you yeah be courteous on the trails guys like I said and don't be that guy that guy is always dangerous and you know what I mean by that guy if you're not that guy already follow the rules stops it stop it stop signs or slow down but I know we all don't do that I got to tighten my mirror I said that last time yeah but helmets are most important I don't know nobody likes them you also wear a yellow vest I said I want to make sure you see me I'm pretty big I'm over 200 lb so it's no excuse let's make it a little bit easier [Applause] here like I said I'm always trying to get this light up here I'm going to miss it though I know [Music] you and another safety thing is mirrors especially a left-handed mirror you want to see what's coming behind you like right right now mine's not tight enough so it keeps wiggling around so I do have to fix that also things to consider bike bike [Music] maintenance and when the bike's new you kind of want to look at it make sure all the screws are tight and then maybe know 400 mil in that's why you would you really need an odometer just keep track of your miles time I found this Trail I missed it last time we'll go this [Music] way yeah keep track of your miles so you know when to do your maintenance around 400 mil you want to go over those all the bolts again make sure everything's tight add some lube to your uh chain maybe give it a good wash just make sure your bike's washable too there's no electrical components that could get damaged yeah just make yourself visible on the trails and on the road especially on the road and just remember cars sometimes aren't paying attention so it's not really you that have to pay attention even though you are paying attention the car might not be so just be prepared for anything you know yeah like I said I don't I don't mind if you go fast I just want to warn you you do get injured especially over 60 and 70 even in the perfect shape you heard a hip that physical therapy is not easy recovering from that will take a long time hip replacement yeah and I'm just warning people here I've seen it it's a downfall of a lot of people that were good athletes before yeah you just get B bedridden it's is hard to get back from that the main purpose of this is to get extracise anyway not to go out and hurt yourself trying to prolong your life not shorten it I would think this [Music] way and then you might be spending a lot of money on this bike you don't want to be sitting somewhere not used anymore cuz you can't use it so I mean I do know a lot of people that use these bikes who are going through rehab say like a knee replacement or you know leg or surgery something ebikes help but you also have to remember getting on and off you may only have one leg available so I have heard of them falling because of it [Music] [Music] it's kind of like a car though you know lot of people like Porsches and Ferraris and you [Music] know it's just nice to have I guess when you need that extra oomph but legally you can't go faster than the posted speed limit or a little bit there somewhere around there yeah I just want everyone to be safe out there they'll just go out and think it's going to be easy to drive one of these remember they do have a lot of power this car behind me get the lighting yeah a lot of power and they're heavy you want to consider that and interesting story when I went to get my first ebike I went into the rad store and I was petrified to even try one of these I mean you hear stories of people just crashing and losing control so I wanted to get in my own environment and test the bike out myself I basically bought the bike without even trying it I mean I did my research what's the best bike out there I did want a folding bike and and rad had the folding bike so that's what I went with [Music] [Music] but yeah just a few things to consider I mean I was scared to jump on one at the store but I do recommend you testing out one before you take one home don't be scared like I was they actually at the rad power store in Berkeley they do do outings with the instructor take a group of people out give you a chance to test drive one you have a lot of options I like the accessories you can add to their bikes like I said there's an issue you just bring it in I mean they have ebikes for off-roading and I I guess if I have good shocks but I'm just afraid to go fast I'm not a fast person I have a car that go can go fast but I still I baby it I'm not into the whole speed thing I like having the power when I need it excuse me with those idiots on the road I can just get out of their way real quick thank you yeah but yeah I guess that's why I can see people wanting to have a bike that can go fast just to have it when you need it I'm sure it'll help on the Hills having that extra [Music] power yes so I just want to get out and talk safety like I say working in a hospital I see things maybe that's why I'm more precautious than most but number one I don't want to end up in my uh facility as a patient so that's another reason that enough having to work there I would hate to be a patient I mean don't get me wrong we treat people well but still it's not the best place to be you basically got to do what the doctor tells you to do or else they're not going to let you out of there you can leave on you against Med a CL advice but I highly don't recommend [Applause] that yeah just a nice leisurely stroll in the neighborhood today talking bike safety cuz I really didn't like the responses I got from my last video of how fast people like to go at age 70 years old I'm sure he knows who I'm talking about well like I said I'm from the Bay Area so I'm very happy that our Niners are going to the Super Bowl yeah I mean I've been for around for most of the Super Bowls since uh what was it 80 83 something like that 86 81 80 somewhere around there when they started good with Bill Walsh and Joe Montana yeah I started watching maybe 2 3 years before that I think they were like three and what did they play then not that many games I don't think yeah but go ners I'm very [Music] happy yeah so I recomend ebikes to almost anyone like I said do you research know your restrictions your capabilities but yeah don't be afraid to try one do your research [Music] but yeah be safe out there that's the biggest thing I realize most of these bikes are heavy and yeah if you have to stop quickly it's not doesn't stop that quickly some of them do pretty well but if you don't have a a step through and you have a bar there just remember that you're going to have to lean to the right or left to stop it or to get off so it's another thing to [Music] consider yeah I can't believe how many Daredevils are out there so people want to stay young at heart I completely understand that I'm trying to do that myself nobody wants to age especially lose any capabilities we might have so yeah just be conc consider out consider it out on the trails be considered in the Life period we're all here just to get alone we need each other to survive don't forget that this world uh relies on each one of us whatever our whatever we're put here on Earth to do helps make this Earth go around yeah like uh you'll figure issues on your bikes too that could be um hazardous like mine's folding so sometimes when I fold it and if I fold it the wrong way some of these uh wires become un clipped from each other I they have easy attachable that's why they detach so easy easy attach able wires but they do tend to come off so just check your wires all the time if you have a folding bike even if you don't sometimes you'll be pull on a wire you don't even realize it if you put in in and out of a car even on your uh bike rack and your car hitch yeah just be safe guys but go and have but do have fun that's for sure make sure you have fun get out at least once a week especially in your neighborhood if you have the neighborhood for biking no definitely definitely get a bike think we going a little bit different route this time let me go up and around instead [Music] yeah prepare for or anything I do carry a tire kit with me whether just to inflate the tire if I get a big flat or whatever just so I can get home me make sure you have your phone something happens you run out of battery and you can always hopefully in you're in rain for an Uber if you have a holding bike that'll work but I don't know if you have a um a regular bike an Uber anyway just some things to consider guys I don't want people getting hurt out [Music] there especially breaking hips like I said that's your that'll be your downfall know your limitations realize our reactions might be slowing down another issue if you're driving on the streets going by cars look for signs of people about to get out of that car cuz they open that door that's that's very very dangerous you don't want that to happen anyway guys just wanted to get out cuz I had some concerns sorry it's nowhere luxurious luxurious but today's probably the only day I can get out and have some other things I need to do it's going to rain for the next week I believe starting [Music] tomorrow anyway thanks for watching please like And subscribe if you enjoy these videos I'm going to try to make at least one a week it's my goal try to get out more often anyway have a great day guys good night
Channel: EBiking The Bay with Joey
Views: 7,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rad Expand 5, Rad Power Bikes, Biking Safety, Over 55, Test Ride, Accessories, safety equipment
Id: jWW51XtHqAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 58sec (2398 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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