Why I love commuting by bicycle and how you can too

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[Music] hello I'm probably riding my bike I'm finally getting around to putting fenders on this bike it's raining tomorrow and the wet Korean summer is coming up most people people seem to be taking their fenders off at this time of year but here in Korea need to put them on putting fenders is maybe my least pleasurable thing to do because I find it so stressful quite a few people have asked to see my workshop and the reality is I'm just in the basement of my apartment building with some quite cheap tools but I get the job done pretty well I'm quite proud of how good they look ready for a rainy commute even in the rain commuting is one of my favorite parts of the day I don't think that many people can say that they enjoy their commute but I do almost every day sorry to brag but I don't know if you've noticed but riding bikes makes me happy I've been carfree for about 15 years now and most of my commuting since then has been by bike back in my hometown a car is a necessity to get around but since I moved to Manchester for University and then to soul and then Frankfurt in Germany back to so and London in between I haven't needed a car because public transport or getting R by bike is good enough if not better for these wet days I'm lucky to have a changing room on my work to change into some dry clothes and also I'm not going to cycle in a shirt and tie at previous jobs I would just wear the clothes I cycled in or if I got too wet I would bring a change of clothes and just change in the toilets with no changing room I think for a lot of people cycling to work can be kind of daunting with the weather cars traffic maybe it's not such a cycle friendly City Souls no Utopia but it's got quite good infrastructure compared to others I used to not ride every day and I kind of had to force myself sometimes to but now I'm in the mindset that there's no other way cycling is the fastest most fun way to go and if I get the bus I always regret having to get the bus on the way home and I'm sad when my bike isn't waiting outside for me I think the number one most important thing to get yourself into commuting my bike is having a bike that you want to ride a comfortable one that works well and it certainly helps if it looks nice too you don't have to Splash out as much as I did cuz I'm obsessed with bikes you can get a pretty good deal secondhand with an old mountain bike or something put some wide tires on it some upright bars and customize it to make it your own it's a new day and it's less rainy today so I'm excited to ride in the sun riding my bike to work definitely makes me happier in the rain but especially in the Sun I always feel more energized when I get to work I'm pretty lucky that my commute the fastest route is only 20 minutes so if I want to get to work quickly I just can just cross the bridge and I'm there pretty quickly and it always takes exact same amount of time never stuck in traffic never waiting for a bus or a Subway or having problems with public transport if you keep up the maintenance of your bike well enough you shouldn't have any problems with that either where my favorite tie from Drakes I'm conscious of being a 30s something year old who's made cycling the whole personality but I think I'm too far gone with that oh well I really enjoy my day job but I'm always looking forward to getting back on the bike to cycle home I like to mix up my commute cuz 20 minutes isn't really long enough for me now and in Soul is so big I have so many different options and different ways I can go home exploring the city I've lived here for a total of almost eight years now but I'm still finding new things on my daily bike rides and I just like feeling the changes in the season throughout the year seeing all the different flowers that are growing I'm feeling the change in the weather I feel more connected to my surroundings when I'm traveling around by bike cycling for daily life can be quite unforgiving in all sometimes because there aren't that many people who do it so the cars aren't really used to that many bikes on the road and there's very big multi-lane roads that are quite unfriendly but there's always These Quiet back streets with much nicer roads to cycle on even though it's a bit longer it's still very enjoyable I like to stop off if I have time and just watch the world go by and take everything in I'm taking it easy on my bike too no rush easy do easy does [Music] it and occasionally if I'm feeling brave about my sleep later on I like to stop off at a cafe for a delicious coffee today I'm heading over to Pier coffee in Hanam they've got a few locations one of them is in my other video peer coffee guangan but this one in Hanam is an espresso bar so they need do short espresso drinks I always like a cafe with lots of natural light and this felt really open and Breezy really nice place to be they roast their own coffee and I usually pick up a bag but luckily I have plenty at home because of some lovely people I met last week gifted me some coffee from Australia thank you so much you know who you are I got a cortado with this extremely chocy flavored blend was almost like eating a Dairy Milk the espresso is great too this s B mango sbet with a little bit of espresso was quite a unique flavor it worked very nicely I'm definitely going to struggle to get to sleep tonight after the extra little iced coffee that they gave me at the end feeling shaky after too much coffee I'm heading up to a different part of Hanam towards itan to meet my wife for dinner does it still count as my commute if I'm going the long way around and meeting eating for dinner I think it probably does we're stopping off at Nano which does really nice kind of modern classic Korean food they make all their own pickles and kimch and things and I just love their dishes cabbage rolls with kenang and some raw fish with spicy Co noodles an added bonus that they're extremely friendly and they said they' keep an eye on my bike outside as well always extra points for that there was a clean ball Club of course but I forgot to take a video of it did it happen if I didn't take a video who knows only I do another day another morning commute I got up extra early this morning at 5:30 because I wanted to go for a longer ride I want to make the most of this Mayweather before it gets extremely humid in the summer just look how amazing the weather is when you want to ride a bike this early in the morning [Music] you got to take it easy you got to take it easy baby you got to take it yeah take it slow I've arrived at nolam Nole Island which is basically My Own Private Island this early in the morning I think I saw like two Runners got my hitch mat my little coffee cup it's time for a coffee outside I made it at home in my mocka pot I didn't have time to make all the coffee outside here in the morning and I'm not sure you're allowed to use the gust stove in the park anyway nice strong cup of coffee to wake me up in the morning give me some energy for the day I slept okay after my caffeine overdose the night before surprisingly maybe I'm just building up my tolerance I could have had more and more coffees but it was time for me to head to work I don't want to be late if I could be paid to ride bikes and drink coffee all day I would but I don't so I got to go to work but I'm going to have a good day anyway I get paid to do something I enjoy already usually in the morning I do take the quick route to work but on the days like this where I choose to take a longer route and go exploring enjoying a coffee outside I feel even better at work it's just hard to wake myself up that early to force myself to do it by definitely going to do it more often during May while the weather's this incredible I've noticed so many more people on the bike paths commuting in the morning this time of year which is really nice to see checking the time some more coffee at work I don't just sit and drink coffee all day but it's the only chance I have to get footage of me in my tie back on my commute home I'm going to pick up some dinner with my wife again we're heading near the express bus terminal to chungmu Har kimab in Korea you got to look up and down in the buildings to find some hidden gems there's loads of stuff on the floors up and also there's plenty of places down in the basements I think this restaurant's been around for quite a while it kind of looks like it has as well but it's one of my favorite places to stop off after work because the food is quite unique this table proud members of clean bow Club probably looks like they are anyway it's a marinated squid with a radish kimchi and some kimat rolls really nice and spicy and they match together pretty well we didn't only get that we got some classic dog POI this one has a nice thick sauce and the sauce was a pleasant contrast to this Kamas s jebi so jebi is basically the the same dough as noodles but they break break them off by hand and put them straight in the boiling water nice kind of chewy texture clean ball Club anyone's welcome when I started making this video I thought I was going to give loads of advice of how to commute by bike but I'm not sure I was that helpful basically you need a nice comfortable bike take some different routes to work some quieter Roots put some fenders on your bike wear some normal clothes or clothes that will dry off quite easily and most of all just enjoy don't treat it like just as a way of getting to work treat it like the best part of your day pick up an ice cream and stare at your bike or watch the world go by with my channel for the time being I'm still trying to make a video every weekend they'll come out between Friday and Sunday whenever I'm ready I was a bit busier this week so it's a little later but it's still on the weekend so I made it let me know if you have any ideas or anything you want to see in the videos and like subscribe if you want to see more see you later like And subscribe see you later
Channel: Probably Riding
Views: 35,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IzYSqKLosEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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