E-bikes Are Being Banned All Over

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so can an ebike band be on the way to a town near you well stick around that's what we're going to get into today all right guys we want you all to know we're going to do our very best to make sure you stay aware of all the new laws that are coming out any of these Bannings things like that so if you want to keep up to date on that hit the like hit the Subscribe we really appreciate it and hey thanks we'll see you out there well hello again internet welcome back to the Channel yeah I'm supposed to be on rest right now but I figure sitting at this computer is kind of like rest uh and this is Saturday morning but some things happened this week that told me look I need to really put this video together you know I had some other things ready they were in Hopper that we were going to put out for Monday but this this showed up this week and I said we've got to do something about this so what happened well a town in Florida by the name of ke biscane Florida they just announced yesterday that there is a 60 60-day ban on all ebikes what happened well this past week there was an accident in that town and it was an accident between a young boy on an e vehicle of some type I'm not sure if it was an ebike or an e scooter and a 60y old woman on a regular bicycle tragically the 60-year-old woman did not survive um yeah you cannot imagine if un unless you've lost somebody very close to you through an accident where it was totally unexpected you cannot imagine the pain that her loved ones are going through uh so I would not wish that on anybody but is this the right response to this from what I understand the young boy was wearing a helmet and the uh woman at passed was not you would think they would come out with something that says you have to wear helmets for the next 60 days on all bicycles would that have made a difference I don't know was it the E vehicle's fault or the acoustic bike's fault or a combination thereof I really don't know and I don't know that that's really important towards what this discussion is going to be addressing today and that is what I have been talking about is these ebikes becoming banned uh yeah I I thought and I'm I'm not on top of the world right now guys so I've not done extensive research into this this just came up yesterday where when I really couldn't do much of anything uh and this morning I started looking I did a search on ebike bands and well I'm running into things like more college campuses Banning ebikes and E Scooters this fall when students return to campus many colleges and universities announced their ebikes and E Scooters are not going to be welcome Port of San Diego bans ebikes E Scooters most Petty cabs the Port of San die Port of San Diego Board of Port Commissioners is limiting where people can ride motor Mobility devices along the San Diego Bay waterfront on Tuesday uh the board on Tuesday approved amendments to the San Diego unified Port district code SE code section 8.07 adding a new regulation on electric bikes scooters Petty cabs skateboards and hoverboards citing pedestrian safety is the reason for the changes now it does say in here the Riders will be allowed on roadways parking lots and streets we're going to tackle that question there in just a little bit of course New York City has banned the sale of any uh electric bikes that do not have UL certified batteries with them so you know there's that Ocean City New Jersey an electric bike band could be the next addition to the latest rules and restrictions in Ocean City an ordinance prohibiting the use of ebikes on the boardwalks is set to be introduced June the 6th of last year I have not looked into if that became the case or not of course we all know California is really restricting I believe it was Gary of Gary's ebike adventur spoke about uh New Hampshire is trying to pass some laws they're trying to have us register these ebikes well my complaint the whole time along this has been and I've spoken about this I did a video on will ebikes be banned about nine months ago and my whole message I'm trying to get across is there are class one class 2 and class 3 ebikes out there that's already been defined we need to keep those separated from these other bikes that are coming out that are undefined ebike uh because do you notice every one of these articles not one time did they say they are Banning undefined ebikes they're banning ebikes period is there a difference between a class one e bike that goes to 20 M hour with pedal assist I think it's 20 mph maybe it's a little slower for class one do you think there's a little bit of a difference between that and a siron you know you can put a set of pedals on a siron is there any difference there yeah there is yeah there is so what do we do about this what do we do you know okay Blain that's great you've defined we got a problem so what do you suggest we do well I started doing some searching around and I found an advocacy group that is called the people for bikes. org and they are in I believe it's Boulder Colorado and they're president and CEO is Jen dice okay and look them up on the internet I have signed up for their newsletter they do advocacy work on let's go over to our mission statement here and I'm going to give you what their mission statement is and people for bikes is making biking better for everyone by in millions of Americans thousands of businesses and hundreds of communities to make every Bike Ride Safer the more more accessible and more fun the people for bikes Coalition has more than or 325 Supply me supplier members and 1.4 million supporters in its Grassroots Network when the people ride the bike great things happen that's their mission statement but what I noticed as I was doing my search on this is they do have an entire uh section on electric bikes they are advocating for electric bikes as well that's why I signed up for their newsletter I have not donated to them yet uh and I'm not saying anybody should or should not Michelle and I look into very close anything like this that we donate to um I want to make sure it goes to a cause not to an Administration so we're looking into that and like I said I just found them but I want to get this out there let you guys look at them and see what you think of them as well they are an advocacy group and they are a lobbying group that lobbies for our rights so that's one thing that can be done right there what else can we do about this well you know we just did that video on the laws at the national parks the videotaping and we told you right there call your representation and and tell them what you expect of them this would be the same scenario right here call your politicians tell them we expect for the class one class two and class three ebikes to be left alone period um yeah I think if they would leave those alone and leave them as still no you know with no changes to that I think maybe a lot of us will be unaffected by some of these regulations that are coming down you know I advocated for calling these things something different these ones that are undefined calling them an e cycle or something like that and I G to be honest with you I think that ship has sailed in North Carolina uh our ebike laws they consider anything CL class one or class two to be the same as a regular bike where we go here class three is is not pulled out here it is what it is would I like to see a class three bikes left alone as well I certainly would I certainly would but if I got to go on what they're already defining I'll go with that rather than something else that's coming down the pike uh what else could be coming down on the Pike well there's already talk about having ebikes registered how do you like to have to go out and register and get insurance because the next thing is going to happen when they start registering bikes they're going to tell you well you know we need to we need to know who's riding these bikes out on the streets and on the Greenways and everything uh how'd you like to go out there and and and register your class 2 ebike because you know what's coming next you're going to have to have liability in Insurance hey if you go out there on the road and you cause a problem you need to be able to make that person whole if you injure somebody whether it's their property or their person you need to be able to make them whole and you can't afford to do that maybe so now you're going to have to have insurance can you see where this is going to exactly what I said at one point if I wanted to ride 35 miles or more on the roads I'd go buy a motorcycle might as well go buy a motorcycle and a lot of people said well yeah that's good but you know then you have to have it registered you have to have it insured well guess what you're going to have to do the same thing with your bicycles and what I would like to see us do is everybody contact your politicians and tell them that leave the class one the class two and class three alone if you're going to be if you're going to be doing this I would like to see these headlines reading up here you know more college campuses are Banning undefined ebikes and E scooters this fall Port of San Diego bans undefined ebikes or undefined scooters E Scooters uh you know Ocean City an undefined electric bicycle ban could be the next addition to the latest rules I can see them doing that they've already got rules in place for the class ebikes let's leave them rules where they're at and if we have to have more let's go ahead and keep them to these undefined ones I know that's not going to be real popular with a lot of people because they want their 50 m an hour and I'm going to hear all about how well you have to be able to go more than 28 miles an hour because you have to keep up with traffic and it's more safe that way I'm not even going to address that kind of thing uh because I think it's unimportant I think it's unimportant I think if you have something that's going faster than 28 miles an hour you're going to to end up with more regulations falling down on you period I don't want them regulations to fall on everybody though I want them to be kept to where they apply kept to where they apply uh that's a fight for you to fight I'm wanting to fight this fight right here leave the class one the class two and the class three ebikes alone I guess I heard one other really good argument on would be no throttles on an electric bike and then you could leave them alone I know that wouldn't be a very popular one but honestly aside from leaving the class one class two and class three alone I think the next best thing would be if it has a throttle and that was one of my subscribers Pedro that actually made that suggestion uh if it has a throttle it's no longer a knee bicycle it has to be powered by your feet I can see the next problem that would come up there is we would then be getting things that you can pedal you can ghost pedal them to about 50 mil an hour by just pedaling very very slowly that would be a fight for another day because they haven't developed that yet so yeah yeah I'm going to wrap it up on that right there I just really wanted to get this out here and tell you guys about what happened there about how it is spreading across this country about the advocacy group that I am looking into I'm not going to say that I have found because I don't know how good of an advocacy group they are but I would encourage all of you to look into it as well uh and what I feel like we should be saying to our politicians I will remind everybody again I've reminded you of this before I will remind you again politicians are our servants they are there to do bidding for us not to Proclaim what we will be doing for them let's remember that I think a lot of politicians forget that and I think a lot of citizens have forgotten that I'm here to remind you hey there are servants let's put our servants to work because they can't do nothing for us if we won't let them know so I'm going to wrap it up with that right there I'm headed back to the couch now uh yeah till next one internet this is Southern eiking and I'm telling you all stay safe God bless keep the wheels rolling and contact your politicians hey till the next one and I'm sure hoping I'm out there on the next one we're out
Channel: Southern E-biking
Views: 152,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MNgrtO302hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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