HOW SAFE IS ROME IN 2024 - Watch Before Traveling to Rome! I Rome Travel Guide I Rome, Italy

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I almost just got robbed welcome to Rome fabulous people now I will get back to that story at the end of this video because I believe that this is something that you should definitely be aware of if you plan on traveling to Italy and right now let's discuss how safe is Rome in 2023 today we will talk about pickpocketing things to know before you travel to Rome tourist traps and scams in Rome and of course some important safety travel tips now before we begin please remember to smack that like button and if you're new to my channel and my vibe and the vibe of this Channel resonates with you I invite you to subscribe all right fabulous people now let's begin let's begin this Rome travel guide by discussing where to stay in Rome and what are some of the areas in Rome that are considered to be safe now let me start by saying that if you are staying in Centro historical or what's considered to be the very heart of Rome the historic Center most of the time you will be safe but of course there are some areas that are considered a little bit safer than the others alright the first area is of course Spanish Steps Piazza del popolo area those areas which they're pretty much the same area they're very close to each other but around that area you will not only have the most Central and Posh location but also one of the safest locations in Rome so if you are wondering what is the most Central the most Posh fancy and safest area in Rome in my opinion it is Spanish Steps and Piazza del popolo now a second area that is also considered very safe is very safe residential area it is not as Central as Spanish Steps or Piazza del popolo but still you're in a very close proximity to pretty much everything and if you are traveling as a large family or as a large group of people party can be a very good option for you because their Apartments tend to be a bit bigger just because you are not in A True True Heart of Rome in a sense of the central historical so you will be able to find a bigger place there A lot of times and of course the third one is Piazza navona and Pantheon they're a little bit two different areas but also very Central and very very safe now one area of Rome that I do recommend to avoid at night is a Termini station area and if you're staying around Termini I recommend to just avoid walking around in the evening time or at night now I am walking right now around Germany hi Mom but you have to understand I am a local so I know which streets to take which not to take but if you are coming to Rome and you are staying around this area make sure that you are taking a cab to your place to a hotel or Airbnb or you're just not coming out during the evening time because it's just not the safest area alright guys the second thing that I want to discuss is purses or bags now it is very important when you go to a restaurant to a bar or to our Cafe make sure that you are not leaving your purses in the spaces where you cannot see them so don't put them on the floor don't put them behind you you have to make sure that you always see your purse and of course you can put it right in front of you you and you can also ask for a chair for your purse which is not as common in Italy only because the spaces are very very limited so my solution that I found that actually been working so perfectly is I got this thing that you can attach pretty much to any bar stand or a table and then you can hand your purse on it and it's just such a great and easy hack and it just helps me to make sure that my purse is always visible when I'm at a restaurant or a bar or anywhere else now the second thing that is very important for you guys to keep in mind when it comes to purses is if you're walking along the street via Via del Corso or any other busy street in Rome make sure that your purse is not on the side of a traffic because it would be very easy for someone in a car or on a motorcycle to just grab it from you and leave and unfortunately this kind of things did happen in Rome and in obviously other cities in Italy and the person a lot of time would really hurt themselves because they would try to run after the purse or they would just be dragged for a long time because the purse would be attached to that person's hand or shoulder so you can really injure yourself now it does not happen often of course I'm talking about very rare extreme cases but you have to be aware of that because obviously you don't want to be one of those cases my third safe to travel tip for Italy has to do with your appearance if you are traveling to Italy I would personally try to avoid bringing expensive jewelry with you also I would avoid wearing too much of a revealing clothes or any clothes that would attract a lot of attention and I would also try to avoid walking around with cameras around your neck or anything that would scream I'm a tourist because there are literally professional thieves that are looking for this kind of signs that are looking for something that stands out as a tourist and then you just become a way easier Target for them so that is why in all of my videos what to wear in fall in Italian what to wear in Spring and you tell them what to wear in summer in Italy Etc I always explain to you guys and I give you tips on how to dress more like an Italian and stand out less in a crowd so I will of course make sure that those videos will pop here or here or I will of course leave them in the description down below now if you do decide to rent a car in Rome which you guys know I always advise against but if you do decide to do that make sure and I mean it guys make sure to live zero things in that car so as soon as you leave the car take everything with you the next thing that you should definitely avoid is an interaction of any sword on the streets or in train stations and what I mean by that if someone comes up to you and offers you a rose a bottle of water to help you with something to give you a bracelet a friendship bracelet don't even get me started on those you guys have to keep on walking without acknowledging those people don't say thank you don't say no thank you don't answer their questions I mean it guys all of those things are scams to get money out of you obviously and I do go into great details on that subject in my video on things to know before you travel to Rome so of course I will make sure again that it will pop somewhere here and of course I will leave it for you in the description down below but if anyone approaches you on the street make sure you are not acknowledging them just keep walking and that also includes fake petition scams and I see them more and more frequently happening in Rome where someone would be standing on the street and approaching you to sign a petition of course it's a fake petition and they will be asking for a donation so make sure if someone approaches you no matter who that is on the street don't acknowledge them just keep on walking alright guys now let's talk about ATM machines if I were you I would not be trying to get money out of the ATM machines that are attached to a store or to a kiosk outside or those Standalone ATMs I would only use ATMs attached to a bank or better yet inside the bank and guys please make sure that you are not taken out too much cash there is honestly no need for it because in Italy most of the times you can pay with your credit card or debit card pretty much for everything so please make sure that you are not taken too much cash and if you're due you're only doing so at the bank ATMs now finally let's talk about public transportation in Rome and I'm going to be mainly referring to buses and Metro on the popular routes let's say to Vatican Museums or Coliseum you will find a lot of pickpocketing going on yes it is true especially during busy Seasons so that is something that you absolutely need to be aware of and in addition to that Termini station guys I cannot stress this enough termination unfortunately is filled with big Pockets because what happens is people arrive to Terminal Station by trains from all over Italy in addition to that you have tourists of course that are arriving from different airports to the terminal station so it's kind of that Central Point for so many tourists who are arriving to Rome and this way of course unfortunately you become subject to pickpocketing and if I can give you any tips guys is make sure when you are inside the metro station and if you have a purse or if you have a backpack make sure that it is always right in front of you and you do hold it with both hands and your eyes are always on the zipper the entire time but one specific moment that you guys have to be especially aware of is the moment when your train arrives and the entire crowd because remember you are at the terminal station so it will always be crowded and the entire crowd rushes inside the wagon and that is the moment when pickpockets are going to try to open your purse or your backpack so you have to be extremely careful and aware of your belongings during those moments and that is exactly what happened to me I was waiting for a train to arrive and I had a feeling guys you know that kind of intuition I could tell there were three to four women kind of looking at other passengers and you could tell that they weren't really trying to get somewhere and as soon as the train arrived and the entire crowd just rushed inside the wagon and of course I went with them but I was extremely extremely aware because I just had this gut feeling I felt that one of those women started to pull on the zipper of my purse and of course as soon as I saw that I pulled the purse away from her and she ran away it was crazy guys of course this is honestly the first time it ever happened to me in Rome so I went back found them and filmed them for you so please guys be very careful so guys if you do decide to take a public transportation in Rome make sure that you're always and I mean you're always aware of where you are who you're surrounded by and the most important your belongings keep your eyes always on the zippers make sure that everything you have is always in front of you so you can see it at all times and especially when you're going to be exiting or entering be it a train be it a bus any form of public transportation make sure that during those moments you pay especially very close attention alright guys and finally a few other very important travel tips to know before you travel to Rome is number one make sure that you never put your phone inside your back pocket let me tell you guys I am guilty of that I cannot tell you how many times I would put it inside the back pocket of my jeans and a lot of Italians actually stopped me and say don't do that the second thing is cash please make sure to not carry a lot of cash with you there is honestly no need for it and I know I mentioned that previously but I just want to make sure that you guys remember to not carry a lot of cash on you the third thing is make sure that you have copies of your passport or any important documents even if something happens it is much easier to get a new passport if you have a copy of the old one so just make sure that you have it somewhere a bit in a printed version or maybe just a picture on your phone but you need to do that guys okay it's very important and number four I think three four let's call it number four is make sure guys that you are leaving at least one credit card or a debit card inside of your hotel or Airbnb just in case just in case your purse gets stolen and just in case your credit cards or debit card gets stolen at least you have one extra inside your place so you can use it in case of an emergency and finally guys I'm going to leave you this important phone numbers that you need to know prior to your traveling to Italy and of course I will make sure to leave them for you in the description down below so you always have them on you alright fabulous people this is it I truly hope that you found this ROM travel tips useful and beneficial and before you go and start packing for Rome please remember to smack that like button and if you're new to my channel and my vibe and the vibe of this Channel resonates with you I invite you to subscribe Vibe and I truly hope to see you all in my next video
Channel: Stay Fabulous
Views: 350,520
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Keywords: how safe is rome in 2023, rome 2023, traveling to rome, traveling to italy, rome, rome travel guide, pickpocketing, pickpocketing in rome, travel to rome, italy travel, where to stay in rome, rome termini, things to know before you travel to rome, rome travel tips, rome safety tips, italy, italy scams, scams to avoid in rome, tourist traps rome, what to do in rome, wristband scam rome, atm rome, atm italy, scam city rome, tourist scams rome, scams to avoid in italy, travel
Id: N_IujrVRTpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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