Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing Stellaris!

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Stellaris! the epitome of a peaceful loving game where  you make friends and allies all the same! oh- OH NOOOOOOO ok, maybe not THAT "peaceful"... So here are Things I Wish I  Knew Before Playing Stellaris! >1. Auto-Survey is a thing! click this button here and set it to exclusively explore and survey systems this saves you a LOT of hassle having  to keep giving orders to your science ships this used to be a TECH you have to research, but you  could imagine how people would complained about “WHY IS A QUALITY OF LIFE  FEATURE LOCKED BEHIND A TECH” …oh yeah this applies similarly to  construction ships and techs you pick but those take much more discretion,  so i recommend NOT putting them on AUTO 2. Traders…are BAD like…COMICALLY BAD, they’re  SOMEHOW worse than CLERKS just to put things into perspective, Clerks  are quite literally “better than unemployment” only useful when you have waaaay too many  pops and not enough jobs for them to work in and these stupid things  somehow achieve worse than that the old Merchant jobs they replaced  actually produces amenities and   contributes to stability while having  the ability to pay for it’s own upkeep… YEAH, NOT TRADERS THEY BARELY BREAKS EVEN AND IN SOME  CASES DOESN’T EVEN ACHIEVE THAT!!! LIKE LOOK AT THIS, THEY’RE ACTUALLY  WORSE THAN UNEMPLOOOOOOYMEEEEEENT PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS JOB, CLERKS  OF ALL THINGS ARE “ACTUALLY BETTER”… i hate that i had to say that… >3. pick the build speed  tech if you get the option, since it’s arguably the  BEST early game tech in the entire game alternatively you can go for  Prosperity’s extra build speed why? because this can result  in a significantly faster start! usually the main hurdle for an Early  Game economy is not Minerals nor Jobs- BUT BUILD SPEED instead! setting up something decent can  normally take up to 15 Years,   with build speed bonuses  this can go down to just 10! now If only this video’s sponsored, that would be   kinda nice cause yknow youtube is  unreliable with it’s monetization- [COMAND AND CONQUER: LEGIONS] THEY’RE BACK WITH A NEW GAME IN THE FRANCHISE  WHERE YOU BUILD UP YOUR BASE, PRODUCE resources   and TRAIN AN ARMY OF TANKS, MECHS AND EVEN  NEW HEROES WITH THEIR OWN SPECIAL ABILITIES! MIX AND MATCH ALL OF THEM FOR THE  BEST COMBO TO DEMOLISH YOUR ENEMIES! WITH IMPROVED MOBILE GRAPHICS AND A  VARIETY OF PLACES YOU CAN BLOW UP- IT’LL MAKE YOUR MONKEY BRAINS ACTIVATE! OH MY GOD IS THAT THE ROCKET FROM THE HIT  GAME [COMAND AND CONQUER: LEGIONS]?!??!?! YES, IT IS, YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE GAME FOR FREE!!! BY SCANNING THE QR CODE ON SCREEN OR USING THE LINK DOWN BELOW TO ENJOY THE MIX OF LEGENDARY  FEATURES AND NEW GAME MECHANICS! OH DONT FORGET TO use my gift code  STRAT TO GET 5 FREE Golden Chips!- “time’s up” wait WAIT I HAVEN’T FINISHED THE AD-REA- >4. Going into a fiscal deficit  isn’t THE END OF THE WORLD at most you’ll just get a situation, while…BAD you can easily recover it by just selling other high value  resources such as Alloys and buying what you need BUT, do NOT EVER let it go out of hand because if you think the FIRST situation is BAD let it go on for a few more months and  you’ll see it gets progressively worse...and worse until you get the “alarm bells” telling you, you’re screwed BANKRUPTCY!!!’re broke... DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN AT ALL COSTS, THIS  CAN MEAN A GAME END IF IT HAPPENS EVEN ONCE >5. focus on ONE job type per planet with VERY FEW exceptions, this is  usually the best way to look at things production buffs from stability,  traits and you guessed it, more production techs combined  with things that increase a   job’s base production is absolutely  needed if you want a strong Economy do everything right and your planet  is suddenly twice more efficient! if you have the Overlord’s DLC for  Orbital Rings, this effect is amplified EVEN MORE! >6. Civilian ships DON’T COUNT towards Naval Cap because it only counts “Military” ships! so spamming 50 science  ships isn’t an issue! strangely enough though, Army transports  don’t count towards Naval Cap,   while technically being a “Military” ship nonetheless i guess it has no Weapons on  the ship, so it doesn’t count...? i...i actually don't know it's kinda weird... >7. the Caps for both Leaders and Ships are “SOFT” you CAN go OVER them, just with  some…increasingly harsh penalties for example going over Leader Cap has the abysmal  penalty of SLIGHTLY less XP and more Unity upkeep, while Naval Cap is…interesting because it increases the Ship Upkeep for ALL   ships in your Navy depending on  the percentage you’re Over Cap  for example if you have  100 Naval Cap with 150 used it’ll net ALL your ships +50% upkeep,  which is a relatively HEFTY price to pay… but alas, at some point in the  game you WILL have a flood of   resources and frankly, nothing to do with them sinking them into your navy by  significantly going over Naval Cap- is a genuinely viable and realistic  strategy once you get your economy rolling because remember, you CAN fund deficits  by selling high value resources >8. DO, NOT, USE, PLANETARY, AUTOMATION this tool is very powerful in the hands of a  great player, but lets face it, you’re not! it’s just a massive hassle to use,   requiring 10 clicks to set up properly and  requiring constant micro to work efficiently make a mistake in this process aaand  you’ll get an abomination that eats up- ALL of your resources, while screwing over your planets... antithetical to it’s creation  to help with the tedious tasks,   just creates more tedium in the process you’re better off just learning how to manage  your economy normally compared to using this hunk of junk! you know this button here? yeah, make sure that’s OFF >9. Hotkeys! CTRL does steps of 10, SHIFT does steps of  100, and CTRL + SHIFT does steps of 1000 this applies to trade deals, markets even the JOBS menu as well! (well…roughly) shift in this case limits the job fully and  ALSO limits any NEW jobs of the same type while left click or left click + ctrl  limits the jobs ONLY to a set amount, VERY useful in making your economy more  efficient and reducing excess upkeep >10. Hotkeys! Again you can hotkey pretty much any unit, starbase or planet- in the game by pressing  CTRL + the number that you want this minimizes the clicks needed  to manage a big fleet for example as you don’t need to click  stuff one by one anymore,   it’s all selected with just ONE click! if you somehow lose track of your fleets,   just press Q and get your camera  locked onto the target’s position! press Q twice to enter the  system the hotkey’d target is in! once you’re done, just press E and  get out of the system view quickly, honestly the Q and E hotkeys are likely  the MOST USED hotkeys you will ever have! >11. Defense Platforms are  BAD…with some exceptions why? because they can’t retreat or EVEN MOVE this is obviously a HUGE issue as being  destroyed even ONCE means it’s JOEVER! compared to a normal ship, which can retreat  in a bad fight AND MOVE in an emergency! it’s just inferior in every single way …except for…ONE aspect the higher value per Alloy you can think of military power as a concentration of Alloys,  but the very fact that the Alloys on a  defense platform can’t be moved-   means your concentration of Alloys is ALWAYS inferior  on the offense and HIGHER on the Defense OK SURE you can have the GODLIKE  CHOKEPOINT position and "defend" but you can’t exactly PUSH and WIN THE WAR! you can only get a staring contest as  attacking for both sides is a terrible idea BUT…again, they’re not TERRIBLE if you build a small amount of them on major defense points and have them deal extra damage over the course of upcoming engagements >12. too many or too little Amenities! the ideal number of Amenities  on ALL Empire Types are ZERO as any surplus usually have minimal benefits you can do this by restricting Amenity  production jobs or just not building any   holo theaters and relying on priests for example going negative have exponentially worse effects  on stability the more you’re on a deficit this applies much more severely on Gestalts as Amenities will be the BIGGEST drain in your economy >13. If you get the Cultist event which  spawns a hostile popup on your Capital DO NOT DO THE SPECIAL PROJECT it will spawn random hostile  ships which will block your   early expansion and likely kill  your surveying science ships >14. Crime is harmless…as long as under 30 cause any more and that’s where  the REAAAAAL bad events start normal empires can save themselves  by just dealing with crime lords,   which may forcefully use some of your pops for Gestalts? we replace Crime with Deviancy…and  again, as long as it’s under 30 nothing happens… BUT, this time the penalties and  solutions are much much more complicated not only is there literally no easy  way out like with Crime Lord Deals just ONE deviant drone will result  in -30 stability for TEN YEARS even if you fix it right then and there, there  is practically no way to remove the modifier worst part is this can happen pretty  much instantly once over 30 deviancy …so if you’re gestalt, put backup  police drone buildings JUUUUUUST in case >15. Make sure trade is ACTUALLY being collected when i started playing, i never  understood why trade is of any use because my economy seems to be burning  every time i try to use them turns out…my trade wasn’t even being collected... and even if they were, it wasn’t  connected to the trade network so it netted zero ZEEEEEROOOOO!!! NOTHING >16. BUILD, GATEWAYS! they are genuinely so damn convenient as it  just speeds up everything and makes moving fleets-  for an emergency defense so, SO much easier! BUT, do be careful with them because  when the starbase in the system is   captured by an enemy, they can use it this also applies for Crisises as well so if you build waaaaay too many Gateways,  it’s practically impossible to defend yourself   from the billion fleetpower ships as they can  teleport everywhere, anywhere, without delay… >17. All TRADE route modifiers  are applied through GATEWAYS This means, you can have overlapping  trade protection’s everywhere! OR COLLECT an entire galaxy’s  trade network spanning dozens of planets   with a single starbase in or NEXT to your Capital so it IS possible to have a trade  empire without even a single trade route! completely destroying the need to worry  about Pirates or a hostile Blockade! >18. if you don’t have the  Apocalypse DLC, AKA the "Colossus" you can practically do the same thing  by spamming armies and occupying the   enemy World with a ludicrous amount of them if you do this to an Enemy Forge World,  their industry is "shattered" and if they   even DARE to retake the world, they will have  to chew through MULTIPLE HUNDREDS of Garrisons resulting in a ridiculous amount  of Craters, Devastation, and Pop Deaths! effectively forcing the enemy  to NOT ever retake the world... >19. DO, NOT, RUSH, POP, ASSEMBLY... in the Early Game, a building slot combined  with the building itself is a MASSIVE investment lets not even count in the cost  of the pop working to assemble   in the first place which can very  much do literally anything else the ROI is around 10 years for an  assembly building, not even mentioning   the opportunity cost for investing resources  in something that takes ages to bear fruit this is ROUGHLY the same with Clone Vats... but in a different way they take no jobs BUT you would  need to have a dedicated Food World- to sustain them all across your empire which YOU GUESSED IT, means pops on FARMING so it’s practically the same thing combined with the previous costs just  make them REALLY bad for your economy once you’re safe with a good economy though,  THEN it’s time to actually build some… speaking of BAD ROI! >20. NEVER, BUILD, GENE CLINICS arguably the biggest noob mistake of all, this  thing is so expensive with barely any benefit it takes like 20 years or MORE to pay for  itself, which is absolutely ridiculous “BUT BUT THE POP GROWTH” yes, a very small number that  doesn’t even matter for the next, i dunno,   CENTURY?!?! yeah, that’s not a joke btw “i build it for the amenities!” JUST BUILD a HOLO THEATRE! it gives DOUBLE the amenities and some unity at the same time… “B-B-BUT THE HABITABILITY! 4 pops JUST FOR 10% habitability… unless you’re doing something deranged like making   your Tomb World a Forge or something,  this is not even a factor... BUT WAIT in a long game,   you’ll be met with the fruits of your  investments in the form of MORE pops! they’ll work which will upkeep your OTHER  assembly jobs which allows for even MORE assembly! wait wait, it’s not a pyramid scheme i swear! the effectiveness of Gene Clinics also HEAVILY  depend on you going for Budding AND Bio-Ascencion they are TERRIBLE if you’re not doing BOTH- at the same time as the bonus to Growth  only applies to ORGANIC assembly! basically if you’re a PEASANT  and can’t get Plantoid-   nor Utopia (DLC’s), you’re not gonna  have much use for medical workers… not to mention Gene Clinics being  useless for Cybernetic and Synthetics… ALSO ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THE OPPORTUNITY COSTS! those pops could literally be doing anything else   and especially in the Early-Game  where you don’t have many pops it’s usually a too costly investment…so for  the love of god only do this in the MID-Game… >21. before passing a law in the Galactic  Community, CHECK FIRST if you’re gonna break it you wouldn’t want an awkward  situation where you as a Robot   want to literally “Silence the Soulless” like cmon, can’t you see the issue here? yeah that’s you, you SOULLESS MACHINE!!! >22. with the Nemesis DLC, IF you pick the  CRISIS PERK, you CANNOT become the Custodian! be VERY careful because you can't undo this, so if you want to become a Custodian  but already have the CRISIS PERK, say goodbye to that dream  cause it ain’t happenin... the opposite is also true but in a different way,   if you’re a CUSTODIAN you  CANNOT pick the CRISIS PERK BUT after your tenure, you CAN still pick it! so you can be the galaxy’s protector in one  moment and become it’s destroyer right after! oh, how ironic >23. if you have the Apocalypse  DLC and wanna use “WORLD KILLERS” use Global Pacifiers instead! they do the exact same thing but have  SIGNIFICANTLY LESS opinion penalty on everyone! because instead of “CONDEMNING  TRILLIONS TO DEATH”- you “CONDEMN TRILLIONS TO ETERNAL PRISON” i would argue the latter is much more cruel,  ESPECIALLY IF IT’S A NON SELF-SUSTAINING WORLD... but hey! atleast you won’t get gang banged  as a result of firing just ONE shot! there’s also another sideffect of the Colossus! >24. YOU CAN DECLARE TOTAL WAR ON ANYONE  AND AAAANYONE CAN DECLARE TOTAL WAR ON YOU! you can still choose a normal war  if you think it’s too risky because in a normal war, planets that are taken are “occupied” while in a Total War…everything  changes hands...INSTANTLY!!! planets, starbases, even  MEGASTRUCTURES will be FULLY handed over- and controlled by the enemy (very bad) no occupation... no geneva convention... just, pure, CHAOS!!! sure, it may allow you to take  territory without claiming, BUT if your flanks aren’t secured,  you might just instantly capitulate! i was told this is a good idea so… “DID YOU KNOW THAT only  13% of you are Subscribed?” yeah, i didn’t know either…but you  really SHOULD Like and Subscribe though… thank you to Elijah West,  Jerbear and how could i forget- COMMAND AND CONQUER: LEGIONS  for kindly sponsoring this Video and no, i swear this IS my voice,  it’s just an accent alright? GOODBYE!
Channel: Strat
Views: 102,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meme, memes, stellaris, stellaris meme, stellaris memes, strategiser, strategiser meme, strat, strat memes, strat stellaris, stellaris guide, stellaris fun facts, stellaris gameplay, stellaris meta, how to play stellaris, stellaris how to, stellaris tips, Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing Stellaris!, stellaris tips and tricks, i wish i knew before playing stellaris, things i wish i knew, 24 Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing Stellaris!
Id: TufYLfmxSgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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