things I don't understand about America

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when you think of America you might be thinking of Hollywood Cowboys that song about a party in the USA or the 9th of November wait 9th of November or anyways these are the things that I don't really get about the US a first up on my list are kitkats why do they look like this what's wrong with their logo why does it look like it's made in Microsoft Paint and why is there this pale yellow line next to the letters I I don't accept it I don't approve it this is how a Kit Kat looks in other countries I think it looks way more polished way simpler but in a better way also look at these colors that represent the added flavor to this specific Kit Kat it looks nice and bright inviting you want to take a bite you want to take a break what happened here why is it so muted I feel like they just stopped trying and you might be thinking why do I care so much well I am a graphic designer so I am somewhat qualified to talk about this so I the type of person that goes to a restaurant and looks at the menu and says is this is this comic sense the short answer to this question is why kitkats look different is because they're produced by two different companies one is produced by Hershey's and the other one is by nesle so both options are not that great the Mars Bar in America there's no such thing as a Mars bar but there is a Milky Way which is basically the same thing just named differently in a different package probably different ingredients as well but it is produced by the the same company but you might be thinking Milky Way that sounds familiar where there is a Milky Way in Europe it does not have caramel in it but it does have nougat and this Milky Way does not exist in America but there is such a thing as Three Musketeers which is very similar chocolate bar just probably a bit bigger with a bit of a different ingredients but it's the same experience to be honest I like the name through musketeer I think that's uh I would like to be a musketeer someday if I would have to choose a profession being a musketeer top three it is kind of a strange switch up happening here it's like seeing a movie poster translated into your mother tongue and you look at the title and you're like this is not how it's supposed to be translated the movie Frozen coldhearted it's not coldhearted it's frozen why not just translated like that next up we have an obvious one Fahrenheit you guys still use Fahrenheit while the rest of us switched to Celsius long time ago we can somewhat blame Europeans for this because the fahrenheit system scale of measurement was made by a German physicist so they when Europeans went to America they just were like hey use this we need we need you to use this and they were like sure and then later scientists came up with a better way of measuring things that's more precise and they were like hey guys we use this Celsius now so maybe you want to switch to and they were like sure we can try they tried they did not succeed so um now they're still using Fahrenheit because it's too difficult to switch and I understand but also why why why did this happen and in a similar sense it also applies to pounds miles and inches and feet the British the British took their measurements with them and they were like hey use this and they were like sure we obey I don't I don't know if that's how it actually happened but the British did bring their measurements to the US the British still also use these measurements which is confusing because pounds is like a way of to measure weight and also their money so I don't know why they couldn't come up with a better with a different name and here again Americans tried implementing the metric system and it just didn't work for them so they just stick to what they know by the way how are you yeah you I'm talking directly to you and only you right now well if you actually answered how you actually feel you're doing it all wrong why would I care what's the point of this question why can't you just say Hello nice to meet you hey hey great to see you again instead of hey how are you I'm good how are you I fully get that it's a way you greet people but it's just strange to me and I think to a lot of other people it just feels insincere I know if you actually care after you greeted each other you would say hey man how are you actually doing but what's you're asking a question but also not really and then Europeans are like yeah I'm actually not having a good day my piano was stolen by a cat so I don't really know what to do the police are not taking me seriously and they're like I I didn't really ask I was just being friendly moving on to the next thing you don't have WhatsApp what's up bro I mean honestly good for you why why can't you say good for you without actually sounding like an I mean we use this because it's free so it's easy to text people friends family that lives abroad you just need Wi-Fi or Internet for it to work sending text messages to each other would be way more expensive and it would cost extra so you know the fact that you don't use WhatsApp is completely fine I mean I don't know why are we using this specific app thankfully you don't have to pay for it yet from calorie counts to portion sizes we wanted to find the biggest differences between the UK and us food why is your food so big or more specifically why are the portion sizes so ginormous I mean these are the drinks that you can get in Starbucks a lot largest drink size you can get in UK and probably the rest of Europe is 590 ml which is 20 o in America it's 890 ml that's such a big difference I mean I know you guys love ice so probably this cup is like half ice but still like it's bigger than my head like it's so huge this not only applies to drinks but it also applies to fries well just food in general like McDonald's fries the big pack 130 G in America 190 G 46% increase why is everything bigger in America please explain and why do you need so many sizes of Kit Kats h i mean here it says that it's for sharing but do we actually share because I don't know if I even have friends that like KitKat this much or at least that live close to me so and same goes for these Oreos like in Europe I've never seen a bag like this like a ginormous pack of Oreos I mean maybe we just don't like Oreos that much we have our own cookies and stuff and look at all these flavors it's really tempting to buy one and try it the problem with something like this is that if I have it in my house I'll be munching on it all the time even if I don't necessarily want to but they're there so I have to kind of I grew up in the type of household where if we have cake it's going to be there for 2 days and then it's gone so you better have some while you can so I'm working on that plus the cookies get stale if you leave them out for long the real question is is do you also have these tubes of Oreos in different flavors I can imagine you have like a a pack of two or you know a pack of 10 but does the pack of 10 come with all of this assortment of experiences or is it just these because that those are the ones that I see everybody trying so let me know next up we have plastic cups and paper plates I feel like Americans use way too many of them or way too often if you're throwing a picnic or a party completely understandable why you would have them fully on board with that but my problem with this is the usage of paper plates and plastic cups for every day I've seen some YouTubers that I like and also YouTubers that I don't like anymore using paper plates for breakfast lunch and dinner and then just throwing them away when they're done with it and it feels so wasteful I understand that it's a convenience thing of like finishing your meal and then throwing it away and not having to do the dishes but it can't be good for the environment I mean we have to think about it just a little bit I feel bad when I buy like paprika wrapped in plastic and then I have to unwrap it and throw the plastic away I can't imagine myself just having plastic cups and plastic forks that I use and just throw them away even as a student I don't think I knew a single person that did this probably they exist but I feel like as this is typical maybe for Student Life which again I get it but it's just like plates are not that expensive I guess it's the doing the dishes part it's annoying plus I seen this video of a person being completely in shock that if you decide to have your coffee at a Starbucks inside instead of to go then it's served in a little ceramic cup with a ceramic plate and apparently you guys don't have that you just have plastic to go cups even if you want to sit there and drink your coffee I mean it probably is like that if you're in a like a little cute cafe or something but but not in a Starbucks speaking of red Solo cups the legal drinking age is 21 why why you can vote at 18 you can legally drive a car at 16 but you can only legally drink at 21 make it make sense in some ways I do understand why the drinking age is so high and it's kind of difficult to explain because like you have 16 17 year- olds driving to school driving themselves to school and underage drinking happens anyways and you don't want them to do that because they don't know what consequences mean yet and then people aged from 18 to 20 that are maybe in college and live close by so they don't even need a car to drive if they drink a little bit of beer at their friend's place they are more aware to not get into the car and drive off you know you know what I mean I'm not encouraging underway drinking I don't even like alcohol when I have a sip of wine my head hurts so I'm like this is not fun I just want to go to bed now it happens so we have to somehow deal with it anyways this is the map of uh legal drinking ages and 21 is is not a popular one most other countries are pro 18 and some countries allow like a small alcoholic percentage at like 16 I'm saying it's weird but also I kind of get it but also I don't know pay days off the US has no National requirements for pay days off or vacation days isn't that crazy isn't that insane I I thought they would have at least like five or 10 like not a lot way less than Europeans but none just none instead businesses rely on creating their own PTO policies and we all know how that goes 76% of Americans have access to PTO the US Bureau of Labor statistic reports that civilians and Private Industry employees typically get 11 days after one year of service 15 after five 18 after 18 years dude no no no in Europe workers typically have 20 to 30 days of payday off and here's a map of pay days off in other countries the gray part means there's no legal requirement there are probably tiny little countries that also have this thing but all this part is so colorful meaning they do have at least from 5 to 30 days off what's also so un understandable to me is that you don't have Sig days you're telling me if I break a leg that's my fault well technically it is probably cuz I'm bad at walking but I broke a leg I can't work I I need to survive I need to pay bills I need to get food like hello typically in the US you get like 5 to seven sick days so if you get sick you're like hey can I use up my sick days instead of like hey I'm sick I need to recover I don't care about working I want to get healthy honestly dude that's so crazy that's like I completely don't get it like if I'm sick with the flu I can't control how much time my body needs to recover and get back to work in a healthy State and if I start to stress that my sick days are not enough to cover my recovery then it's just going to take longer and then what happens if you have like a bad disease like I'm not going to give examples of any of them because they're all bad what if you need a month to recover or six months to recover what if you need to do medical procedures to feel healthy again the one thing in our lives that is actually important is being healthy because if you're sick and it's really bad that's the only thing you can focus on mentally and well physically so if I'm already dealing with a lot of things of trying to stay alive I can't focus on doing the grind making money getting dough and also the whole like Health Care System I'm not going to get into that I wish I wish you good luck if you're an American I'm going to be honest European health carees in like many countries is better in so many ways but also it's like not perfect at all usually they're underst staffed and overworked and if you're not dying but you have some kind of chronic pain it is really difficult to get diagnosed as to what it actually is um but at least we don't have to pay for an ambulance well technically we do have to pay it through taxes and all that stuff but come on you call an ambulance and then you have to pay like a thousand for just a drive to the to the hospital please I'm dying I need a an ambulance what do you mean in a lot of European countries you do get paid when you're sick some countries require you to go to the doctor and have a little piece of paper saying like hey boss I'm sick can I please have two weeks off well the doctor tells you how many weeks you need whatever so maybe the first three days you don't get paid and then later you get paid but only half of the salary you know in different countries and in different different schemes but in general you get paid at least a little bit for quite some time moving on to something else Stars why do they have such ginormous gaps on the bottom and why do they have such ginormous gaps in the door so that people can just walk by you and look into your soul while you're trying your best to not fart in a public bathroom the one positive thing about this is you get really funny Tik TOS upon my academic research or just Googling the main reason reason for this is just so the people don't do anything suspicious in those stalls so they just don't trust you which is fair why would you trust a stranger in some countries cities in Europe you will find public bathrooms that do have a gap underneath but you won't find the one that's like you know looking in type of Gap in a lot of places you'll find that the Stalls are just a little room with a toilet and some hooks to hook your bag and toilet paper and a trash can so I don't get it I don't get it invasion of privacy next slide moving out at 18 feel like I heard so many people talk about being kicked out or being forced to move out at 18 it's such a bizarre concept to me because Mom and Dad you had me you have to pay the consequences I don't have a job right now I'm looking for one so I need a place to stay maybe back in your day you can just have your printed out resume March into a company put it on their desk and say Hey you hiring anybody and they're like gosh darn it you got us see you next Monday and then proceed to have this job for the next 10 years now it doesn't work like that it is really difficult to find a job trust me I'm speaking out of experience nowadays if you have a bachelor's a master's a PhD and 7even years of experience you might get a job that just pays you enough so for now I do need your help and support and I don't get why parents just like disown their children and just like hey buddy you're on your own good luck huh does this happen in other countries and in other families probably but those families probably don't love you again I'm not saying that every American does that no there are many families that are great and lovely and nice and would never do that to their child but it is more common to see this phenomenon in the US maybe in Canada too I don't know I'm talking about America today and since we're talking about America why is is it called America why is the United States of America just as shortened to America America is this and this these both are Americas North America and South America but somehow when we say America we all know we're talking about the United States of America or the great USA make USA great again as they say and when you Google America the USA is what you get the name of the continents America is based on an Italian explorer that suggested that hey guys I we I think this is new land and then much later the British colonies decided to move away from the British Empire and they had to name themselves somehow differently and so they were like hey guys America Americans sounds pretty good so now we know them as Americans now let's go back and talk about food again more specifically supermarkets if you know me I love supermarkets they are so much fun why are they so big why are supermarkets so big so big too big don't get me wrong I do like going to like a big Supermarket or a hypermarket like cofund and like walking around exploring things that it has and looking at all the options but it's so exhausting like I don't really want to go there all the time it's just too big like usually how cant specifically designed is that you have to go like around the whole store to get to the cash register and if you forget to buy like some fruits or like an avocado you have to go all the way back around to get your vegetables and then you go all the way back to the cash register which is just kind of annoying and I'm the type of person that loves to walk loves to collect steps but sometimes after a long day of work I just want to go in buy my stuff and leave and not walk extra 2K steps just to find everything that I need plus again back to portion sizes everything is so big I mean yeah I guess they're family size but does your family need this much milk you can buy like a gallon of milk like a big jug of milk that's not really a thing here unless you like go to a cash and carry store or maybe one brand has that other countries also have families but we just don't find the need to have such big items technically I would like to see like a comparison of like is it better to buy a gallon of milk if you have a big family or two individual packages of one lers of milk because this option will produce more waste waste but this option might produce more food waste if it's not fully taken care of I don't know I'm not a scientist I'm just a person making YouTube videos and onions what what happened to the onions look at this one this one is the typical average sized onion and this one is an American onion oh my God I've seen one in real life and I was shocked I was like wow this is really what it is all about giant ass onions I do enjoy cooking but I hate cutting onions because most of the time you need to cut like three of them and so you need to peel three of them and so you have a higher chance that you'll probably cry at the end of it and if you have just one onion you have to peel one onion and you might not cry so I'm Pro big onion at least I would like to try and cook with it and also it explains why a lot of American recipes say like hey use like half an onion what do you mean half an onion it's like two slices of onion next up on our list fast food I mean I like fast food it's fast it's most of the time it's food I grew up eating McDonald's so it's my oftentimes go-to comfort food but my recent discovery was that well in Europe we have or well in EU not in Europe in EU there's F 55,000 fast food restaurants which is actually way less than I anticipated and we have 91,000 supermarkets and groceries stores which is also way less than I anticipated okay looking back I genuinely can't believe these numbers they seem too unreal and I only found them in one not so trustworthy Source but I still wanted to keep this segment since I do make a good point I think but just don't really trust these numbers I guess and let me know if you actually know the real numbers great thank you how is that possible the reason why I decided to look into the numbers of this is I remember remember seeing a video about someone explaining how it is to live in America is that you drive with your car you pass by five fast food restaurants Taco Bell KFC McDonald's Burger King Etc and then only then you get to a supermarket so you are basically tempted by these super fast and easy options that have a drive-thru instead of going to a grocery store it is way easier and more convenient to just go to McDonald's get your stuff and then go home and that's one of the main reasons why America's overweight is not because that they're lazy it's mainly because of their environment they're surrounded by so many options that are convenient and easy and tasty and delicious that is difficult to resist and we're just human if your culture is local fresh food and you're surrounded by many beautiful fruits and vegetables you're probably more likely to get those instead of you know unhealthy cookies plus when you eat fast food you're more likely to get hungrier faster even though you ate so much food and the food tastes so good you just want to have more of it and food addiction is a real thing and it's so difficult to deal with because you have to have food to survive you can't escape it so you have to somehow deal with it in Japan for example it's so easy to go to a 7-Eleven get something like relatively healthy or nutritious for affordable prices and you're good to go if a grocery store was 10 minutes away from your house and the McDonald's was 30 minutes away from your house you're probably more likely to go to a grocery store unless you're really craving fast food so you get what I mean it's bizarre the next b b the next big topic on my list is car culture this country is very car oriented I mean it makes sense because of the past you know they were like ooh cars are so cool let's make everything for cars and then they did and now it's not that great it's not really good for the environment or the people I've heard that many of American cities are not really walkable they come to Europe they're like wow everything is so walkable that's why they they're so fit because they just walk all the time time I know that New York is pretty walkable Chicago is pretty walkable so there are cities that are walkable maybe it's mainly the like the city centers some neighborhoods are also walkable but if you see in this picture I don't see any pavement or sidewalks so you can only drive somewhere with a car you could walk there but it's just unsafe if you're an American watching this hey I would like to know if your neighborhood is walkable or not or if you live in a neighbor neighborhood like this that's like Suburban I live in Germany in like a little town that nobody really knows about and I even have sidewalks that I can walk on and I can easily with my little two feet go to the grocery store that's like a 20 minute walk away buy my groceries and to go back where I belong which is in my room playing The Sims but in America to get to a grocery store safely you have to get into the car drive 5 minutes get your stuff and drive back that's the thing and you know let me know how it is to live there continuing on the car culture you also have a lot of parking spots like way too many parking spots in EU in the euu in the EU we have 253 million cars registered cars and 300 million parking spots which a lot of them are just on the street as in like not in a dedicated parking spot like this but just like on the curb or on the side of the sidewalk you know what I mean in the US they have 283 million registered vehicles and two billion parking spots two billion parking spots it's nice I I if you like visit a city you don't have to stress about parking or stress less about parking because going to like Paris or or Amsterdam with a car I feel like that's just impossible to find parking if you're like just traveling around in countries like Germany or the Netherlands it is way more convenient to just go there by public transport and then go to your desired destination by foot and then go back instead of going there by car and just like trying to find a parking spot because most likely you'll Park Way further away than you would like to and then you would still have to walk where you need to be so what's great about public transport is that you can just have your book and you can just read your book or you can do some emails if you want to or you can just stare at out the window and look at the scenery with a car you have to be engaged and drive you can listen to a podcast but you can't can't really do anything else in the meantime if you are the one driving and a lot of Americans do Drive alone so they are the one driving so they cannot just take a book and read it as you can tell by this map the really red color means that 8 9% of people drive alone so a lot of it is dark red this study also looked into how many people do car pooling and it is Pink So 5 to 10% is pink that do car pooling the orange one is 10 to 10 to 15 so not a lot of people do this which makes sense I mean I don't want to grab a stranger along maybe that we live in different areas I that makes sense and also what is this and public transit uh this is the map of people taking public transit to work again pink not a lot of people and it makes sense because public transport is difficult to implement in such a big country that is so wide and so what is the what is the word for it so urban sprawl many US cities and metropolitan areas are characterized by urban sprawl with a low population density and expansive Suburban develop velopment so it's just big yeah it makes a lot of sense why cars are so popular but also it's a bit sad so yeah I don't know I think it's a bit sad maybe you disagree I mean public transport does have its disadvantages especially if it's Deutsche ban because you're going to be always late if you're using deutche ban somehow it's really surprising every time the train is late or well every other time it's a gamble if the train is going to be on time whoopsies don't other train has priority whoopsie is it snowing guys we didn't know that snow exists so we don't know what to do we don't know how to be on time we are Germans but we have no idea how to be German punctuality who is she never heard of her last thing about cars eating in cars I feel like it is very American sln North American to eat in your car to just get your meal at a drive-thru and then munch on it in your car from time to time it is quite nice if you're on a road trip or if you're on a small road trip you can just get your meal at a drive-thru and continue driving while you eat your food while you get your body fueled with something not so healthy but delicious but usually what I do if I go uh to a fast food place with a car with my friends or family we park our car we go to McDonald's we get our food and then we sit at McDonald's we eat our food and then we go home because who does doesn't want to listen to the ambience of a McDonald's it's beautiful no but it's just nice to sit down eat the meal you know people watch complain about other people being too loud and then going to our car and then going by our day through our day along our day but instead what I've heard in America sln North America they get their food at a drive-thru they Park their car and they eat it in their car I think there's nothing wrong with that I understand it's nice it's convenient also nobody is coming up to you and small talking about your day because you guys love small talk for some reason again nothing inherently wrong with that it's just a bit I don't know unusual not unusual but isolating and can be lonely I'm not saying that if you're alone you're lonely but yeah you catch my drift yeah that's what I that's that's all next slide nutrition labels why are your nutrition labels based on serving sizes because serving sizes are subjective you can't tell me that 7 M&M's is a serving size we both know I'm going to eat half of that bag and then I'm going to regret it because I'm going to feel sick but I'm going to eat half of it and then I think it also makes it way more difficult to compare two products to each other because the serving size on the peanut M&M's is 7 M&M and the serving size on the caramel M&M's is 12 M&M in most European countries they measure it by 100 G Plus plus often times they also include the serving size so like so you buy a chocolate bar it says 100 G how many things you get and then the serving size of this specific chocolate bar is 52 G so the serving size and then the rest of the information so what I usually do if I want to for example buy a bucket of ice cream is I take two different ice creams that I'm interested in and look at the nutritional label and compare the calories and the proteins and added sugars and then from there decide which one I want to buy is it healthy what I'm doing do no am I going to still do it probably yes but that way it's way easier to compare them on the spot otherwise yeah I don't really get this serving size system the internet says it's more more convenient for the customers but I don't buy it the next thing I don't understand is credit score is this a thing in European countries because I've never heard about this granted I never took a loan from what I understand and from what I've heard from other YouTubers talk about it is that you are kind of encouraged to take loans and then pay them off kind of immediately to get the credit score high so that in the future if you want to buy a house and you get a mortgage you have a lower interest rate or something along those lines so basically you have to prove that you're a good paying little citizen that will pay off the loan you don't have to have this credit score to get like a loan but it is highly beneficial that you do does this type of system exists in other countries and if yes then which ones I think in a lot of other countries they just look at the income the employment the you know how likely you are to pay off these loans and if you have any previous debt back to food again we all have weird foods and some of them even I am scared to try fully understandable and what I recently discovered is these Foods well American food food when I first saw them pop up on my Tik Tok page I was like ow why are you combining marshmallows with Cool Whip Snickers and apples and also canned pineapple what what's happening take it away why why is everybody eating this after that I was like oh I think this is just like something that someone came up in the 70s or 50s so people were a bit bored during that time or more like they're exploring new possibilities with new ventions so this is what they came up with my biggest pet peeve with these recipes is that all of these all of them are called a salad this is a frogy salad a Snickers salad and and ambrosia salad why are we calling this salad I mean if someone asked me hey do you want some frogy salad I would be hesitant I would be well I never tried frog but it is a salad so I'm expecting it to have some vegetables so it must not be that bad so hey why not and then they bring me this I'll be like huh okay this is completely not what I expected it doesn't even look like frog eyes or a salad so I just feel like to why why do we have to call it a salad just call it a dessert or a little treat or a little concoction of some sort not a salad the one thing that you did phenomenally is Rocky Road I mean not only does it look like a rocky road it is so addictively good it's like a mix of everything thing covered in chocolate it sounds not that appetizing but honestly but if it's made right it's too good it's dangerous it's dangerously good but hey who am I to complain about this since my culture has this thing called MAA zupa which is literally translated to Bread soup and is actually translated to Bread soup it basically looks like this unappetizing I know it is not a soup but it is made out of bread I do like it I think it's a nice little dessert but until the Agee of 16 I was convinced that Bread soup was just a soup made out of bread because we didn't have enough ingredients back in the day and so they came up with this no it was a dessert I was uh disappointed also we have salads that look like this which is like covered in mayo at least it has vegetables okay but it is covered in mayo so you know uh give me a minute uh here you go could just could you s next one The Tipping culture in America it's interesting to say the least typically when you go out to get a meal you are recommended to tip from 50 to 20% Which is a big percentage the thing is is that servers are basically living off of tips they're PID $2 to $3 an hour and the rest is paid by tips from customers of course uh different states have different laws so maybe some are more generous and they actually give the minimum wage um plus it also depends on the restaurant but usually they are paid very very very little and the tips are their livelihood of course the employer at the end of the month has to make sure that they do make the minimum wage from their tips which is like dude this is bizarre let's just stop tipping as in give them what they deserve and just not tip in many European countries it is not required for you to tip but it is really nice if you do sometimes from 5 to 15% if the service was really good and also in different countries they have different etiquette in Germany for example you tip while you pay but in France you leave a tip on the table after you pay and then you leave I think people are not really happy about this situation themselves it's not really a good system I think I think a lot of Americans would agree to that as well so that's it for today's video I hope you enjoyed it feel free to leave a comment what you like about America like genuinely like about America in the comments if you did not enjoy the video feel free to roast my country in the comments and be creative I don't want to hear oh your country is so small and unknown nobody knows it yeah duh I know been there done that so I think that's it for the video I have 5 minutes left on my memory card and I can finally play my Sims four game feeling guilt free so uh yeah bye-bye I want to say thank you for anybody watching subscribing and enjoying my content that's really cool of you recently I've been reflecting about my channel to be honest I'm not too sure what my channel is even about still but I'm just making videos that are fun and interesting to me and might be interesting for you so I'm glad there's people out there that think this this is the content that they want to see also I'm sorry I can't upload more often to be honest I really wish I could but I just can't I just physically can't do more videos my videos usually take quite some research and editing and if you see me making like a video a week you can assume either I'm unemployed or I hir an editor which one of them is more plausible than the other one good luck with whatever you're doing and uh see you next time for e I'm tired dude yapping on camera for hours exhausting who knew also how do you how do you like this tie I really thought this video needs a tie and I could not find any tie in the house so last minute I just made my you know little like a belt thingy from a dress into this makeshift of a tie and I think it kind of works it gets the message across
Channel: hello erika
Views: 18,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what foreigners think of americans, strange american habits, italian living in usa, living in the us, how us is seen from outside, comparisons between cultures, what a shame mary jane, italy vs usa, american culture compared, usa weird things, usa, america, america vs europe, why is the us called america, americans
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 1sec (2341 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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