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what's up guys have you guys ever noticed that your Asian parents do things a little bit differently around the house that your non Asian friends parents here's a few weird things that we noticed our Asian parents did around the house especially our moms because that's mostly who was around the house dad was always at work here's the list of weird things that our parents did every time they go on vacation they would always come back with a bag full of little shampoo bottles yes taking a shower way I have new shampoo here Caesar Palace tape one Asian moms never use the dishwasher nope dishwasher the dishwasher you're just a chef Asian mom's never throw away plastic bags mom can you give you a plastic bag please okay yeah good bad mm-hmm Asian mom's never have to say please to get their kids to do something Jimmy can you make your bed please Cody can you please take out the garbage thank you very much Tyler don't play with your food please Wow I wonder what it's like to be talked to that way about your parents okay thank you very much you have a nice day okay okay bye bye and take out the trash okay Asian moms use chopsticks for everything even if there's better utensils around Asian moms don't use the oven to bake things they use the whole pots and pans mom are you baking cookies no that's just pots and pans Asian moms love reusing paper towels as long as they're not really dirty rapp no don't waste use these people Hallows Hey okay two Asian moms there's no such thing as turning up the heat in the house what's that thermostat hey mom is cold yeah can you turn the heat on no don't waste money just wear more jackets and last but not least Asian moms love keeping things looking as new as possible even if that means keeping the little plastic wrapper on this ah okay okay thanks for watching this video if you think we missed anything leave it in the comment section below be sure to subscribe to our channel like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter do it now peace
Channel: FUNG BROS.
Views: 8,586,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asian parents, asian mom, my dad is asian, fung brothers, fung bros, asian parent meme, asian parents be like, asian parents expectation, asian parents reddit, fung bros asian parents, fung bros asian mom, asian parents are the worst, andrew fung, david fung, andrewjfung, davidbfung, asian american, wong fu, sneakerheads, basketball, on the street, asian identity, let's talk, streetwear, fun bros tech, music videos
Id: eqeiHIl3XY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2013
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