Things Amish Preachers Share in Church

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we got to make ourselves ready we got to be ready for when jesus comes back so that we can go to heaven in the previous video i talked about what an amish church service is like from start to finish the layout of it the three-hour service and a few videos before that i explained how a church district decides what they can can't have and why there's differences between you know how a church district is structured and why there's differences between amish people and amish communities so go ahead go back and watch those two videos and maybe if i remember i'll put them in the link below but today we're going to talk about uh preachers and ministers in the amish church and kind of what they teach and what they share so let's get into that [Music] so like i've shared in the previous previous videos you do not choose to become an amish preacher or deacon you are chosen randomly and how that works is if is an open spot for a church district to have a minister or deacon um the church will all the the baptized members of the church will write on a piece of paper i don't know if they can only put one name down or a couple more i've never been a part of this but they will write one of the men in the church district's name on a piece of paper and they will give it to the ministers who will then count them up and if you as a man um a married amish man if if you get two or more votes then you will be put into a group of um candidates right so then what they do is they take the number of candidates see there's let's say there's eight of them they'll take eight song books and they will put a bible verse on a piece of paper in one of those psalm books they will mix them up and they will hand them out to each one of those candidates and then one by one they will go through and they will open the book to that page to see if they have the paper and and if you open your book and that verse that paper is in there then you are the new minister deacon when they choose a bishop it's done a little differently so let's say the bishop dies of old age in your church district you now only have two ministers and a deacon so what they'll do is they'll make another minister the way i just explained and then they will make a bishop out of those guys maybe it's just the three ministers not the deacon i'm not sure but they will just hand out books to the ministers and whoever has that paper isn't now the bishop it's not like um you know outside of the amish community in the in the english churches where uh you have the gift of teaching and and god lays it on your heart to teach and then and then you become a pastor out of that desire or that urge from god right so it's it's random amish people do it this way because they believe that then god chooses who preaches and not man personally i think scripture says that you know we are each giving a gift a spiritual gift and and i think you know some some have been given the gift of teaching some have been given the gift of prof prophesying some have been given a gift of just simply serving right you know the uh cleaning is a gift cleaning coming cleaning the church every you know saturdays that that's a gift that you may have been given and it's no less worthy than the gift of teaching it's just we all have our part as the body to do what needs to be done so what do they preach on sundays or how does that how does that look so like i shared in the previous video uh when you show up to a church on sunday so amish people only have church every other sunday but ministers preachers usually go to church every sunday so when their home church doesn't have church that's they'll go visit another church on sunday mornings when the congregation starts their songs and singing the ministers will leave the room and then they will decide uh who preaches that day and the way they decide is by who went the longest without preaching so if everybody you'll sit there and discuss it and if everybody has already preached um since you have then you will be up that morning to do the sermon and and every you know if as a minister you you'll have to study uh before he goes on sundays in case you have to do the sermon uh and and amish people do they have bible scripture that they teach a certain scripture they teach on every sunday so i think it starts over the beginning of the year they'll have a certain set of scriptures that they're going to teach that sunday and then and then the following sunday there's more scripture and and so on throughout the year but then when the next year comes around they'll start over on the same scripture and they'll start teaching now so so the the first sunday of every year has the same scripture that to me is is number one very problematic uh i don't have i wish i had ordered that book um they have a what they call a register of what scripture is to be teached on what sunday um and as like i said is very problematic because only certain scripture is taught and they skip a lot i was recently talking to an ex-amish minister he read off he happened to have one of these little booklets the register and he he wrote he read off all of the scripture they taught and i think the scripture that's read is kind of works based scripture or supports that they're missing quite a bit of uh legit important scripture so very problematic and i'm not sure i think i think the preachers um they prayed for uh it'd be filled with the spirit or the holy ghost or something so that when they stood up they they believed that they were preaching that god was preaching through them right so they didn't they didn't necessarily you know go like i love our church because it's it's book by book uh chapter by chapter verse by verse teaching amish people didn't do that necessarily they just kind of shared what was on their hearts and they believed that was from god right so uh i i don't know how i feel about that i guess i'm not sure i'm not going to get into that more i will let you guys form your own opinions around that they teach with fear mostly so you know your whole life you're brought up oh you you want to go to heaven you don't want to go to hell you know when hell is to them is a lake of just a burning lake of flames and you will be in those flames and burn forever and ever and ever and never die you know you don't want to be thrown cast in the lake of fire they take that lake of fire literally now what is hell like i don't know but it's going to be void of anything good i believe i don't know that it's necessarily just a a leak of fire we don't want to be there obviously so growing up amish you're always your parents and and the ministers are always teaching that you know oh we have to be good we have to be ready for when jesus comes back because we don't want to go to hell you know don't sin too much or too badly you'll go to hell you know that's that's the they they try to recruit people by the fear of hell and to the point of even where i was asked well does my church teach about hell because i guess you know when we come up to these outs outside of these non-amish churches the non-denominational churches what they're teaching more so is the love of christ and and how he forgave us of our sins and you know hell isn't mentioned nearly as much do we believe in hell for sure are we do we believe that we will go to hell if we don't trust and put our faith in christ for sure and and we don't want to be there so amish people rather than rather than focusing focusing on the love of christ and and his forgiveness they turn more towards um trying to trying to get you to come to christ because of the fear of hell it's not i don't think it's the right approach because then because then you're just doing it you're you're doing it for the wrong reasons you're coming to christ for the wrong reasons you know we we need to come to christ because we realize that we are sinners and that we're broken and that we will go to hell because we are not righteous and we can never be righteous and we need jesus christ sacrifice his righteousness we need that that gift that he has given us we need that to get into heaven so the main message is that they preach is that you need to come to christ come be a member of the church out of fear of going to hell you know it's they do know uh that god is full of love um they see it all the time it's just their method of of i i guess getting people saved is by fear of eternal death and torment um i will i will do a video hopefully this weekend this next weekend where i i share what they teach as far as salvation message against and compare that against what is the scripture actually says i'm i'm procrastinating on doing that video because i know the critics will come out of the woodwork and let me know how wrongfully i'm teaching other things i remember hearing in sermons is is they kind of they they brag up the amish religion that that yeah the amish religion right they make it sound good and if you ask an amish person they'll say no no we're not doing that but they do and to the point that we as amish people even after we've left uh kind of think we're special like we we're just special and and better i don't know um joe kyme i never noticed it until joe kime said something uh that we think we have something nobody else has right and i think that is a lot because of uh some of the stories and and some stuff they share on sundays so a preacher will for example he'll stand up and say hey yeah i was you know we were out on vacation in colorado and we have some friends out there so we went to a non-amish church with him and and uh you know we we sat in the congregation and i just noticed that there was no children there um it was just adults and and oh people you know let's just be so glad what we have here in this amish church that we can have our kids here with us and they can be learning the things of god and let's just be so thankful for what we have and and this tight community how we work together let's just you know we're not better than anybody else but let's just be thankful that we're blessed with what we have right what he probably didn't realize was while he was visiting that you know these kids were in separate classes learning at their level maybe there wasn't any kids at that church maybe it was a church with just you know some of these churches that are dying have nothing but old people in them that the kids have moved on you know maybe that's the case and their kids are attending other churches but it's not like he made it sound like the adults don't care about their kids and aren't bringing them to church because what parent isn't going to bring their kids to church right so or what what parent is going to want want them at church and on the side note of that is as as people will talk about like well look at our community it's so prosperous and it is like they say this is so prosperous and that that's obviously god is with us right um now i got some problems with that it is prosperous they are hard working people and maybe god is blessing them i don't know it's just just because you're prosperous doesn't mean that god is with you it doesn't mean that you're walking in with god right it doesn't mean that you are um necessarily have god's blessing there's people that you know are struggling financially that get hit financially time after time or they have health problems and they but yet they are so filled with christ and they shine christ's light so much you know so that is a false that is a thing that they say and it's false and and you know the when they when they say that in the sermon they say it in a humble way yet it's still in subliminally subliminal subliminal subliminal yeah we take that in and we think we're better and that we have something really good better than anybody else right and they'll and they'll also preach things like you know that that we we know we we we are a biblical church we follow the bible you know the outside churches the world churches in the world they don't wear head coverings and and the women dress like men and and um like they might get to heaven because they don't know any better they weren't raised any better right but we who are amish we know the truth and and when we step away from our amish community we are denying god's way of living and and is so dangerous and we can't do that you know that's that could mean hell fire for it it could mean the lake of fire for us you know that that that type of stuff is shared uh they always have stories of um rebel men boys whatever at 16 they'll leave and they'll go out into the world they'll move away and you know 20 years later you know they'll move away and they'll they'll be getting into drinking and drugs and stuff and 10 20 years later they'll come back humbly to their dad and be like dad i'm so sorry i left and i just life out there sucks you know and i just i wasted all those years dad can you can you take me back in you know will the church take me back in you know and of course the church takes them back in and that person becomes amish you know so so you hear that stuff where as a kid you know well the world is dangerous we you know there's you don't want to go out there you're just going to get like the prodigal son right you're going to end up living in the pig pen and you're going to come running back and have to humble yourself to be brought back into the church and that's the stories you hear and and it's and it's a misconception you know along with that they'll teach that amish people they'll start studying the bible a lot like start have going to meeting prayer meetings and they'll start going we'll just start doing bible studies with other people and there's a danger in that like there's a danger in studying the bible too much i've talked about this in a previous video and the reason they say there's danger is because these people that do that they go to these prayer meetings bible studies they end up leaving the amish church so you know they end up leaving the amish church and obviously for most of us we know that they leave because they've found the truth in scripture and and and what the amish are teaching is not the truth so when you start reading scripture for yourself you see the truth in it and you're like well now i can't i can't do this anymore i got to follow the truth and what and the truth of christ and so that happens and but in an amish church service you never hear the stories about those people like you never hear the stories about how an amish person left and and now is so much happier because he isn't burdened with uh the idea of a work salvation that they're they have this peace and this joy that they would if you ask him they would tell you they will never be able to come back to the amish church because of the false lies or the false teachings you know you only hear about the stories of of the ones who leave and are caught up in drugs and drinking and in the worldly things and then they come back because they don't know anything better that's kind of some some of the things that are taught i'm sure in an amish church service i i'm sure i'm missing some stuff uh it's been a while since i attended their services i know i was sitting there as a youth listening to some of these sermons and i would just i would struggle it would bug me how they were kind of bragging themselves up in a humble way and and it makes every amish person believe that what they have is the true and the beautiful right the good and um anything outside of that is is not good is not biblical and and you ask an amish person that and they will probably deny that outright if you uh just ask him like is everybody else wrong and you're right they'll say well no not necessarily but that's kind of what they're saying you know they're just beating around the bush you know an amish person is is raised and only thinks there's two two different world two different worlds right one one world is the amish community religion where everything is safe and good and right for the most part um and then we head into that room spinning a thing and and some of us amish kids who who experience room spinning we see the world you know we go out and we're out there in the world and and that side of it is drinking partying you know uh whatever else there may be and and as we all know that stuff gets old so so what do we do when we get so sick and tired of that what do we do we come back and we join we come back and be part of what we knew as good and beautiful what an amish person never sees is the third side is is the is the church the actual church of christ like you know the the saved people the christians out there the the ones the ones who are now a part of the church christ church not necessarily a physical church here on earth but the saints the the born-again ones the ones who are going to be caught up and go to heaven that that's a side that amish kids amish people are they never really see fully and i think that's unfortunate um we will get into more of that later so guys i know it's i'm dogging on the amish church here and and their beliefs and stuff but i think it's important that it be said i think it's important that the truth is revealed and i'm hoping to do so in these videos uh not all that they preached and not all they taught was bad a lot of it they there's a lot of positives right that came that that i grew up with that i i don't regret growing up amish i there's a lot of positives that came with me and a lot of you know good stuff i was taught it's just some of these things aren't true and and we always need to um follow the truth we always need to seek the truth and follow the truth thank you for watching as always keep us in your prayers make sure you hit the like button comment below share the video and we'll see you next time
Channel: the amish potato
Views: 9,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amish, church, minister, pastor, mennonite, deacon, false, religion, bench, benches, Hutterite, brethren, sermon, share, teach, gospel, Jesus, God, Christ, salvation, hell, fire
Id: nLQoFp9v5a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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