쉬움! 초슬림 쿠키! (No색소, 시간이 지나도 바삭, 우유, 말차, 초코, Thin and Crispy Cookies Recipe)

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30g melted unsalted butter 10g milk 1 yolk pinch of salt mix well 45g cake flour 40g milk powder 40g sugar powder put it through a sieve Mix well with a spatula clump together into a lump This is milk flavored dough 45g cake flour 36g milk powder 40g sugar powder 4g matcha powder (or green tea powder) This is green tea dough 45g cake flour 35g milk powder 40g sugar powder 5g cocoa powder I can't miss the chocolate flavor. Put baking paper on top and bottom Roll out the dough thinly (2mm thick) Place on a tray so that it does not wrinkle. Chill in the freezer (1 hour) 1 hour later Remove the baking paper clinging to the dough. Cut the butter quickly so it doesn't melt (if it melts, freeze it again) Place it on a perforated silicone mat I used 6cm diameter cookie cutters Knead the remaining dough, roll it out and use it again. Cover the dough with a perforated mat again Press lightly, then bake 160°C (320°F) for 7 minutes done! When the cookies are cooled, separate them from the mat. how is it? I like it more because it's thinner I like the rough surface too. Crispy and thick milk taste met It's not too sweet, so it's more delicious The green tea taste is also bitter, so it suits my taste. If i eat without thinking, i will end up eating it all.
Channel: 식탁일기 table diary
Views: 1,695,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 쿠키만들기, 홈베이킹, 쿠키 레시피, 간식만들기, 베이킹 초보, 전지분유 베이킹, 탈지분유 베이킹
Id: hcf2WnOLEiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 37sec (217 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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