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all right guys looking at this job real  quick lady called about this is all so   she's not sure what she wants but there's  a ravine that comes down out there about   halfway out into that field she wants it all  cut down here uh she was originally wanting   it excavated to dirt and then they were  going to do some rock or something on their own but this is this is really soft  like this has not been here very long   it's a new build new home construction all of  these the like none of this was even on the map yeah you kind of see this is what's in there  big old wash out here coming down through here   big old wash out spot so all the way down to the  creek here's still the fence in in here too lot of rock man and G down there looking at that   area she said there was a pipe  so they were trying to locate that so she wants a price to cut it down trim  it all to the dirt and then her husband's either   going to weed kill it all or they're they want  a price as well to take the top off and then   they're going to do the rock themselves and you're talking two way  totally different prices but I'll work   it up for this is going to be a hard  area here this I know it's hard to   make it out in the video but you're not  going to keep a machine on here very easy so good morning everyone how are you doing on  this beautiful sunny Ohio day ton of rain came   through it's been super cloudy but today looks  like it's going to be beautiful until probably   about 2:00 and then the rain storms are supposed  to move back in G is going to get started trimming   he actually asked us this week you're going to  notice he really hasn't been on the mower much   he asked us if he could just trim this week and  kind of pay attention to what we're doing on the   properties mowing wise and then you know pick up  some mowing next week I guess you could say so   we told him that's perfectly fine we obviously  don't mind and uh yeah it's really cool that   he's wanting to learn that side of things as  well we're here bright and early the gate to   the business isn't open just yet but uh yeah  we're going to do what we can they should be   showing up here in a little bit before we leave  and yeah we'll get inside and get it knocked out n this one actually cut a lot better  than what we've been dealing with   because tell you what the stuff we've  been cutting it's been super wet o landed hey right now I'll take it right I'll take  it oh you finally got one I got it think you used   the uh the wood nah what do you guys think  drop in the comments let us know that the wood   help TQ get the cone Flip or not just my  skill just her skill hey real quick the GE   just crossing the road oh yeah they're heading to  that pond wanted to answer a few questions I saw   that were repeat questions uh we do not have the  golf course house anymore uh believe it or not in   the fall she told us she wanted us back so we  sent her her price for 2024 and she said that   you know she was going to go a different route so  that was and dandy uh you learn in this industry   guys that people come and go uh I've seen people  in the past that own businesses and they lose a   customer and it like devastates them uh I've  never personally dealt with that I've had ones   that were kind of like man you know long-term  custom yeah exactly you like the yard you like   the people but you can't take it personal it's a  a business it's service you know and yeah it is   what it is uh I know we did the best job that we  could she was always happy never complained all   year long and uh yeah so I'm okay with that and  knowing that if there was something there that we   could have done better I would have addressed  that immediately and got that taken care of no maybe not shut off huh thought it  was stuck on again oh yeah I couldn't   tell what the mower though H we'll  get this G you can put that backpack away what's hitting pin go ahead good good to go very good very good I'm  assuming you check the gate and it was locked   yeah it's locked anyways there was another  question that I was going to answer but uh   totally forgot what it was so I'll come back to  you whenever I uh remember what it was anyways   this is our 2024 unexpected Lawn Care setup  so uh yeah we're going to rock it for now hey   I just wanted to say we appreciate all of your  recommendations some are good some are not so   good just because of the way this transmission  uh was designed so it is a sealed transmission   uh it also has a programming that goes to it for  so the way we understand even if we do uh swap it   out with a used one and I have found a few used  ones uh one is in Pennsylvania one was down in   Tennessee and I think we found another one in  Indiana and yeah I'm still searching anyways   you have to make sure it's the right model uh  because believe it or not there are different   uh transmissions for these units this one is  actually an Isuzu transmission it's called I   believe they pronounce it Asin uh but yeah it's  not a cheap one it's sealed extremely hard to   rebuild uh not saying it can't be done if you  find the proper you know shop or mechanic that   can do it but we're going to keep searching  and we're going to get it figured out one   way or another this thing was tall and wet so  took it down a little lower this week couple   extra passes but trying to get it in order  so looks good this weirdos in front of my camera pure weird you trimming sure okay I us your motor better treat it right he m m m a all right we got this one all knocked  out I did have to double cut probably   the first I guess 10 Stripes here because up  by the house it was like super super thick   and it was leaving some clumps behind and I  didn't like that so got it all taken care of so this is Dar near almost a Hayfield um we were  here I think it's been actually less than a week   since we've been here and this is a fertilized  wand so with how much rain and cooler temperatures   now it's starting to heat up some like today  it's is pretty warm today but this is this   is stting at a 4 and 1/2 I'm definitely going  to have to go over it again but it's thick and   it's still wet too from from the rain and stuff  from the Dew but we're over here knocking it out not good sunlight good sunlight it is here's way all right guys I wanted to show  you real quick if you remember I   moved that Nest during the multing  video the eggs are passed now they   little babies little babies in there  they're doing good Mom's right here   to the left watching us I think she likes her  spot anyway figured I'd show you guys we're   moving on through we had some crazy growth this  week my goodness everything took off with that rain I don't know sensor I  don't know sent is a defective cone I helped it I think it was pure  talent on my end you're welcome I helped it left hand good job guys good job sweet
Channel: Spencer Lawn Care
Views: 27,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R1LFRcYx4o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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