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yo Dolly thank you for the 16 months they PE from CaRu bro I'm being blocked bro oh their movement is so ass dude okay can you stop peeking like I'll fight them just I'm being blocked every time I [ __ ] peek it's insane oh you're so cancer holy [ __ ] my teammates are so cancer someone CLI it and posted it and I see repats of it again and again can you find it I'm so curious [Laughter] yeah counterterrorist win that's an interesting pick I mean the way they fought banana is very interesting oh H oh I think this might be an uphill battle hey yo welcome to the you still have the KN I do I [Music] do time to for again I'll try sh it's going to be [ __ ] hard though did I just smoke themselves off weird [ __ ] play okay smile my team Smile Smile great team smile also they go out banana they don't take control at all the moment I leave they suddenly take control no but you're so bad even with walls though this Wast perfectly with the name that knif is beautiful I know right Black Pearl yeah I still have the gloves why just not using them right now I planted the bomb bomb has been planted he's going to hard clear this angle wi 25k talking no faceit account talking drunk driver 64 being a menace Smurf XD murfs free fire don't they every time I [ __ ] hate people like him pretending oh I [ __ ] hate them pretending bro FL I wasn't holding my GS lucky thebomb has pled it's still here though now terrorist win oh bro what's he shooting at R you have no mercy of course I [ __ ] don't now he's cheating but it's just really [ __ ] bad on it he's going to go rage sooner or later in this game I don't think the a players are eating though the boys just do not want a whole second M huh I smoke CT we go flash one oh are playing with these people are it's a bit cancer I can't lie it is a bit cancer playing with people that just cannot move to save their lives but here we are bomb has been planted last is in Ruins I think last is in Ruins I think okay I cuz my teammates never think the enemy cheats when it's so obvious if you're good at the game yeah same I just hate the cheating I don't really care what terrorist my team believes or not uh listen my friends if you want to win this game they have a guy cheating really hard on B you should go a a lot okay so go two people mid and go two people second mid I will hold banana for us okay just take a site but don't go too much apps just go mid it's better must these two solo Premier cancel by itself yes that's why we're undertaking the challenge brother ah hey we we wait with spring until we got a perfect kill don't we the classic all I'm not going to play smokes with them anymore not noted close banana one 100 300 gain lost right now I have no idea I'm on like a an absurd win streak right now look at this this is a cheater loss and then we're on six games win in a row and I'm still on like [ __ ] minus 300 plus 100 something like that all good man have you ever assumed someone was cheating and they weren't uh I have said a couple times that like someone I think they might be and then they weren't but if I'm like decided that they are they are I have really good intuition when it comes to cheating terrorist win you found him ah good read hide and seek is easy with glass walls isn't it do you think is the one cheating yeah yeah yeah he's moreing oh [ __ ] after this I go face it it's a good idea brother every time I I'm like one I try but is De one more banana I could have gotten the spray there I was skeptical about the P guy but the smoke pre fire was insane ah he's been cheating the entire time like you can tell by Reaction Time reaction time is often like the the easiest thing to get and he's been pre fireing almost every fight and most of the fights he's been taking he's been taking them like perfectly like if you play Someone Like blame F blame F will often make mistakes but it's related to info it's mistakes related to he thinks he has a read or he thinks he has info and then he makes mistakes or someone makes a bad call and it baits him out right it it happens when it's Pro players it doesn't happen when it's wall hackers like Dead series with wers it doesn't happen first game today yes first game terrorist win listen can we try something uh try something here buy whatever you can buy Mac 10 and Tech 9 okay don't buy deagle don't buy deagle buy buy something you can run with please just buy a running weapon and we go we go fast r a fast r a straight up mid okay just rush up mid straight up don't throw grenades I will throw um I will throw flash up mid I will smoke short and I will flash up mid again and we just rush along take aite flash out don't peek I got blocked bro guys you are blocking like crazy wow guys we lose this round because you are stopping you are stopping and you're blocking me so my grenades go to [ __ ] [ __ ] this is why we lose this round un [ __ ] lucky it's okay it's okay MH got they do have info counter terrorist we probably deleted the Tik Tok I can't find it as well damn unlucky she still stand by just yeah it is what it is it is what it is let's rip it not much you can do about it though you just have to play and then hope you end up in like a better trust I guess [Music] damn thanks for the resub welcome back big true I only Celebrate Home cheating should be a federal crime change mind I [ __ ] agree bro in my like in my [ __ ] utopian EU country in my utopian EU country you have to tie your social security number to your steam profile and if you get banned you get a prison sentence and then you never got to and then you never get to play online games again that's that's that's my utopian European country you're not carrying anymore why brother because I'm playing [ __ ] gig of wall hacks over here didn't set up TTS I kind of forgot about it second means they're going to throw everything on banana maybe going to P banana if if you if you for go a I can hold them on B but then you have to try to take a bro and not stand still dude throws the green know that I say this with love and respect but I'm sure you have cancer you have to go to a doctor as soon as you can bro The [Applause] Flash dude he decides that this is where he should throw the bomb this is where he puts the bomb and now he's been sitting here for the entire round not a word to his teammate just walks up banana alone with the bomb doesn't say anything hey I go for the 2v2 when we can walk around the banana now penny is going to go back to B he's going to be ready for this watch counterterrorist win it's so [ __ ] great dude don't throw grenades up mid okay thank you bro how come they get [ __ ] wall hacks and I get this [ __ ] like I have le in my team like it can't be real you think penas should do it now I think he should do it now I think now it's probably too late I think you should have done it a while back one on short one HP they have four on a this round as side one HP bro and one on B stop holding mid last be player holy cancer bro road to rehab this guy should just keep doing drugs bro hased this guy should just keep doing drugs for like as long as possible hey did demo WR anything else what you want your teammates are just confused bro SMX is save my [ __ ] ass you want to go play next maxy I could use someone that doesn't have like stage 10 cancer enough now terrorists win hello noodle good morning Peppe ah happy home brother let me know if you want to meet at D for some car shopping anding oh maybe maybe how long you in all have you already an tin no before encounter cancer boss not enough no this p with it's not legit I know counterterrorist win is he hacking yes very much so nice to know people in High ELO are just as useless as people in five kiles uh want to go play faet we must win Flash The Flash The Flash out throwing flash bomb has been planted was that on fa finder it doesn't have an account [Laughter] oh oh it's [ __ ] amazing theb down terrorist win that's [ __ ] funny bro is Def not going face it I know he isn't of course isn't let's go fellas okay my friends I have suggestion okay trust me go four people play I go solo B okay thank you thank you yo the fine what good go go go wow 25k rating lose 20K go go away go go go grenade if we're going to have any [ __ ] chance of winning this we need we need the Four Musketeers K me Heal Me heal me give me a heal is he saying heal me valant play one on B lost the banana he's coming M are you ready Penny here Penny Penny Penny counterterrorist win going through support to get my Prime game activate when I do free sub to me streamer yippe I don't really got any rage hackers in 23k plus mostly soft wers yeah I mean same it's mostly those [ __ ] but uh I have seen both it's [ __ ] time I'm going to play the [ __ ] yellow bro just go a just go a leave leave B to me bro thank you broor I see their both [ __ ] I'm better he that one in banana here [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] he sure us want to Peck huh counterterrorist win oh oh [ __ ] funny as [ __ ] bro you have been Walling the entire game shut the [ __ ] up oh this [ __ ] guy to them go bro go a hey hey green green Green go a no bro you're on the wrong bomb hello I'm getting such cancer like we can actually win this game if he can just [ __ ] stay on aite bro I swear oh cheating thren one more [Music] mid St wall hacker still alive bro the no bite is open this is also the problem when you play against Traders you have to realize stuff like this but like they will just be like oh b side is open we can just walk over there [ __ ] L how do you lose that with walls go spin Maybe that's [ __ ] incredible well played stepan Flash everyone dead Stan diffuse bomb everyone dead diffuse oh [ __ ] bro welcome back [ __ ] say hi to the lion in the [Applause] closet BR your account doesn't have face attack send me your face attack I'll do let's go bro what the [ __ ] please go a I swear to God please just go iight just leave B to me just please [ __ ] bro no no no don't talk like that to me please no but bro I'm asking you everyone the entire game this guy's low for sure of course is don't die bro FL side default bomb has been planted nice oh you're so bad bro you're so bad bro even with all the [ __ ] help in the world counter if I look demo are you staring into the box the entire time be honest oh there's no Universe man this is a real game bro I would be so [ __ ] embarrassed if I was that guy I would be so [ __ ] embarrassed if I was that guy holy [ __ ] you me bro [ __ ] you out one go be one go be please out smoke I'm watching One More Shot long long long they're not going to come B bro I'm leaving I'm going a nice l there a wall there bro there's no Universe bro counterterrorist win us oh this is actually really [ __ ] fun oh thank you bro don't watch this demo it's going to really [ __ ] with your ego move it move it oh this guy is [ __ ] angry though that's so good y what's good smoke throwing Gren I shouldn't be opening now I should be rifling just so I have more agency with where I move and what I do and the amount of fights I can take at the same time has been planted [Applause] flash wait where's the bomb ohing yeah ah fists win unlucky he just goes for the spray did I hit them on the tag you think CH do you think I hit on the tag can I have please of course bro thank you I probably hit him on the tag let's finish this I agree stop pushing middle yeah just hold boys just hold you're four on oh my I wasn't ready it's BOS it's B maybe good if you save maybe good if you save I think H I was really ready for the rush I didn't think they would I really didn't think they would you can bang that you can with OP you can and auto sniper this is why they should be saving because against the guy with wall hack and a smoke in CT there is no universe that can win the retake how is that [ __ ] losing with W because he really really bad at the game can you bang me only your mom I'm sorry floke I have a policy that I won't do more than one family member at a time terrorists win damn he's still on sight what a read what a great read from the Boy Wonder okay guys listen listen listen me okay don't buy P EO and you play Four on a i play B okay okay uh I buy shotgun but don't buy okay trust trust me they going to you are never born I can't really get a good buy next round but I'm hoping that I can get a weapon off of one of them this round fire ah [ __ ] me that makes the round a fair bit harder two two man one is low unlucky ah I could have won that round bro I really thought it was the wall hacker on logs yeah low HP low HP ah nice try bro banana low HP low HP banana one bro you can win this I think you go plant it's taking too long that's a really bad flashbang by him you should use it to underhand with the smoke not do whatever the [ __ ] this is but hey both low nice tro 56 in one on the other guy ah damn it it was AFK no I was in second M oh 94 in three this [ __ ] unlucky bro uh okay I'm just going to pretty sure in CS go you'll be able to pick the AK from theist I think I would yeah I think I would yo R is super Play 2 Worth to change from Super play one no I wouldn't say so I have a hard time recommending the superly two over the One S face it man nah throwing I don't really have the need I'll be honest two banana up banana fast throwing smoke laying down smoke I think you roted back bro that's my teamate flashbang by the way I think you go back to a bro orange bro trust me go back to a this is fake bro I'm telling you this is fake I boost you I boost you yeah yeah rot oh Bomb b theuse fast I think diffuse fast I think what bomb has diffused counterterrorist win excellent no back window I wanted this [ __ ] AK oh yeah that is so good people think it [Laughter] cheats okay that was a body or some [ __ ] yeah you heard the [ __ ] thing um go away bro Stan bro wrong bomb site no go a go a bro go a site bro shut up but this guy is giving me cancer bro bro like we win rounds when they [ __ ] listen like dude has a giga cancer and he doesn't even know oh okay has SP under control God bless ow why me counterterrorist win uh-oh [Laughter] oh my God can someone please [ __ ] tell green to go a like in his language wait he can speak English Stefan I'm trying to win the gameo blue come here bro um green what yeah but you you are kind of griefing me bro you're flashing your teammate no I didn't flash my no the green gued don't die don't die bro don't like bro I'm holding that [ __ ] with a [ __ ] Iron Fist and he flashes me dude they're both in banana bro your teammate house behind just hold bite you're good don't push don't push behind bro don't push don't push they're going to go behind if you die behind bro we lose game one more kill counterterrorist win God [ __ ] bless we win this game [ __ ] dude green really wanted to lose though holy [ __ ] he wanted to do his most to lose doesn't exist yeah of course bro of course hey boys do we want the do we want the [ __ ] demo surely we watch demo for this this is too fun right it's too fun we have to we kind of have to watch demo for this one no it's demo time I think it's demo time it has to be demo time it's too fun not to have demo time for this one [Music] it hasn't shown up yet there we are okay just wait a little bit and we're chilling demo review I just I want to watch the round where I W one on asite specifically that's the one I like really want to watch because that round is a certified [Music] Banger have you only played face it and C us for 4 years uh no I played for six I started in 2017 you should invite neok for what I want to see if wallbanks you with up through a pillar that's also funny as [ __ ] yeah like we could watch the city Side for him how does feel R you don't exist now yeah I mean the guy has to tell himself a lot of stuff to be okay with losing like brother I would feel so [ __ ] bad if I was this guy like don't Don't cheat chat don't [ __ ] put walls on your on your [ __ ] thing like like you're going to have a bad time everyone is going to have a bad time but you're also going to have a bad time okay first time to figure out which one he is he is number five cool is this around like X yeah yeah yeah yeah bro I think I think he got stun locked here oh wait I want to watch the last CT round in thren Flash I wonder know what last C round he was so stunlocked in this round so many cheaters in Prime in Australia went from 22k to 17K in a week damn okay has beened and now he holds the teamate I have on my on my right side you see like like he immediately changes targets because he know he knows I'm not moving bro bro that PRM that PRM goes crazy good player PRM by the way look at this that goes crazy hard bro he needs them badly I mean yeah he really does doesn't he I want to see how STL is on on B here he does not want to fight that shotgun like at all bro has 40 HP he does not want to fight that [ __ ] shotgun also look look at this pre-m it's subtle but he's aiming for me to peek close wall if I was peeking behind like like all the way back like the the wall my head is lower counterterrorist win so he knows he knows how close I am to the wall he knows which like part of the wall I need to peek next to like he does not give a [ __ ] about short like in his Universe there is no way there's anyone short here like it's just not happening Pi on perfect timing runs here there's no in apps we don't need to check that at all but let's walk here everyone has heard us but let's walk right here makes sense right I want to I want to know how he lost this duel to step on because that is crazy did he just like not pay attention to the side oh yeah but but how you're Walling bro bomb [Applause] hased how the [ __ ] not worried about anyone pushing apps pre- AIMS in the middle of the stairs pulls the knife to do one jump pulls out his deagle again not worried at all about pit like like this is funny as [ __ ] hey best actor award hey let's let's just walk out visible to pit and then I'm like ah [ __ ] I should probably check this shouldn't I is this the one one yeah it is it is oh this is going to be so good bomb has planted have youall ever seen someone play a one one like this yeah is Afra going back to library yeah I'm sure you are [Laughter] dude it's so [ __ ] cringe like what the [ __ ] dude bro he's trying to pretend by pre- aiming Library dude oh that's got to be rough like no fear for CT again like like very willing to jump out and just pre- a sight h i I know gam I know it's [ __ ] it's it is what it is some people when they get told what to do they just like their OS flare up and they just can't deal jumps through smoke into mid holds the right angle again of course perfect Peak I did that on purpose because I want to see if he was going to shoot if I can [Laughter] shoot [ __ ] bro it must feels so bad to be toyed with this [ __ ] hard dude it's got to be feeling so [ __ ] bad dude oh dude how do you lose this game you're rage hacking like again like look it's just perfect angle selection how do you miss a shot like like when you're trying this hard with walls how do you miss a shot he only dies to this guy because he isn't looking at him through the wall for once a bro it must feel so bad to be this guy holy [ __ ] it must feel so bad
Channel: more renyan
Views: 11,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: u7h_7rPnm7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 1sec (2881 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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