They over-nerfed Yasuo Reroll a month ago. I tried it again with the Heavenly Buff, it worked.

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Berry Treasures one silver veale and B of theves one guys all right fine vintage or FF okay branching out is worth though branching out is worth I already got all the tubers for the next day but we're playing one more and I said if it's a Silverman start I'll just Al the four and play some Rog likes but there is two fun silver augments it's this one and fine vintage I think that's okay this story is not yet finished let's see what we get can I make 10 I can right nice I can make 10 and I can keep my re all right let's see we have a reforger as well oh no this gives you a reforger right does it give you yeah yeah it says after one player combats gain a random okay so I'll get another reforger I wasn't sure if I got it from this or if I had one already so we'll have two reforges surely we can get something fun right surely guys let's go he's also gambling also we are on radiant blessing as our portal so it's good to lose streak early I mean it's never good to lose streak early but at least we get something for it get in your I kind of want to buy this girl just in case I get a sage emblin I know it's stupid but just in case like who knows I mean porcelaine is good but it's boring right right it's good but it's boring guys we're not playing that it is obviously it's op right we'll be fine with these items as well I can go Ginsu I can just go even shroud but I mean it is boring and we just have we just had a six porcelain tuber right so let's just get rid of this I mean I love Heavenly emblem [Music] man okay ah you you know I love my heavenly emblem guys you do know I love that do you think we can go Heavenly Heavenly Silas what do you think about Heavenly silus guys is that good with the Heavenly emblem he's going to get a bunch of AP bunch of omniv Vamp it doesn't sound that good are we reforging this doesn't sound that good I'll keep it a stack this story is not yet okay we're playing yasu roll Heavenly yasu freak it Heavenly yasu roll yeah yeah right it's not that bad right like how bad is it how bad is it it's not that bad he gets AP he gets Health he gets resistances he gets omniv vamp like it's really not bad he can use a lot of the stats and he gets dualist from the girl he gets dualist from the idiot from the from the Kiana like it's really not that bad and then what's the what's the item other than that don't I want gargoyles I feel like gargoyles is the best whenever I try Titans is trash and they Nerf Titans it only gives half the AP now so I feel like that's just bad no what do you think guys we just go gargo so don't we reforge one of these items we could go Morel though we could play Kindred and play Morel ah Melo Kindred three star Kindred as well we we three star Kindred yasu I need my armor piece and then yasu is the Giga tank oo wait a second it's not even that bad like if we can get a fourth it's a it's a fun tuber right it is look and then who's who's my juicer man like I guess Ari and then later we go syndra or if we three start Ari we just go Ari but later we go syndra and then we definitely want to play her we obviously want him and then is this all the Heen no it's not even close to all the Heavenly units this is all the Heavenly units this is our team fate hunts you that doesn't sound that bad yes honestly speaking [Music] yes sir GG blue buff blue buff yeah and they get attack speed he he she gives him attack speed her Heavenly her fated bonus is attack speed 18% it's not bad because he has this on hit damage that scales with resistances what about exalted ah doesn't fit us okay uh I need to play this man why am I not playing this instead of the Mal fight because this gives me sorcerer as well or Arcanist yeah yeah Heavenly got rework guys Heavenly got reworked the Heavenly units get 70% more of the stats I'm not sure if it's good though I'm not sure if that's enough to make it worth low key it's not but you know I could also go uh thresh right instead of [Music] Ari I could go thresh but don't I need more damage thresh gives resistances as well I held the greatest blessing seems better to me seems better now okay is anyone contesting Nar if someone's playing Nar N I can play uh okay he's playing Nar freak I can't three okay lowkey he just dies right he just dies oh what okay who cares I have two star Kindred it's fine I have two star Kindred I don't even give her items just Morel call it okay sure just Morel do we play five fated no Ryan I I don't think I'm winning this am I oh man man I freaking just kill her just slap her down man nice good job this is I don't think we're playing Five fated right that doesn't seem wor compared to more of this thing of this stuff okay I need to sell some units um yeah I mean Kindred is nice right we play kha'zix the thing is we could also play without Kix and then we don't go Kindred carry because then we can play fed like more fed you know like without kha'zix yeah no I'm good man n I'm good I think we have to do this s this trash then we got a tier I mean two star Kindred is still decent two star Kindra is not bad this is uh reforge belt reforge belt roll for yasu coming through I'm bench locked unbelievable unbelievable ah bro H I think I just lock because honestly it's fine to lose here I'm going to reforge Belt I'm pretty sure I go shin but shun is so bad right shun is so freaking bad I'm just going to lose this fight I'm going to lock this freak it it's fine do I really want to lock it yeah I mean I want to play her next like I could sell an Eco though you and I don't have to lock because like it's fine to lose a little bit longer it's perfectly fine to lose a little bit here because we have radiant blessing so it's fine trying to drop low and chill a little bit wait he almost beat me with with freaking Fortune no man I gave him a good loss no one is promised tomorrow har assist is not bad I feel like it's not that good though Keepers is okay magic wand is fine magic wand is good you have my sword like har assist I mean UniFi resistance is so good on yasu but I feel like magic one is fine man it gives me it gives me a rabbit on I don't know bro seems okay all right now what I'm just going to chill I'm just going to slow roll on 50 because if I want to three star Kindred and everything as well then it's going to take some time and I'm pretty sure these guys are going to die because they're just playing Kindred roll they're just playing Kindred roll and they're contesting each other right so they will die before me and then I can just swoop up the kind later surely right surely I can just try to I mean I just want yasu three that's the most important I guess two star Kindred is fine ah it's annoying man I didn't expect to be P contested if it was just one guy it would be fine I can find like six kindreds and then he dies and then I'm level eight I can still find Kindred 3 after like three more is fine but now I I'll I'll struggle to even find a two star Kindred if it's two people why not roll for Ari because Ari is not that good in my opinion and doesn't use Morel well and I start a game with a morel choice of support items what do we want [Music] Aus has to be Aus right so who gets this this [Music] guy okay now what this guy is nice but not needed yeah I I'm just chilling I do need to level at some point I don't want to go blood thirster the omniv vamp of this should be enough it's going to be 10% it's going to be 177% omniv Vamp and then um okay low key if we don't find another Heavenly emblem we're going dead last right but if we find another one it's insane I mean I'm popping this guy not my fault they should have bow we have 50 it's not bad no one's playing yasu right not seeing any yasu not seeing any fated I'm not seeing any Fage should be fine we already have five right we're hitting very late but it's fine I'm going to take cloak if I can I need double gargoyles okay cloak is gone TI is gone I'm just getting armored then what the freak is this ah okay I'm just going to grab this idiot ah this is really bad now what uh gun blade on saraka I mean we can go saraka carry as well I guess oh nice this good Heaven's blessing okay that's good okay that's good lowkey the attack speed doesn't matter that much okay I mean just take it slowly like take it slowly it's fine just take it slowly here blue buff blue buff for Kindred I have four Kindred it's not [Music] bad take it slowly I mean this is probably not going to be a good game because I'm in a pretty bad spot right obviously but it's okay we can get out of it with some luck if I actually three star a bunch of stuff like I feel like I can be very strong if I have three star yasu three star Saka even without Three Star this I think I can be very strong then because yasu is so tanky Yu is so freaking tanky the and weave the Fate guides the Kindred is nice the Kindra is strong I just need uh yeah it's going to be hard hard to three star it uh what is this ailos calls down okay that's really good I get blue buff I got another Kindred that's big blue buff please nice nice actually nice and then I just go for I should have waited I mean okay I didn't get punished because if I had if I had a cloak and an armor piece in there I would get punished right I alone decide my fate I mean I could go for kha'zix 3 as well probably not though okay I mean if this works I don't know man like I don't think it's going to work right because the Met is like you're not going to beat freaking Ash roll right you're not beating H not Ash roll Ash you're not beating Ash you're not beating uh kaisa with this but maybe it's going to work you know freak it the enemies are crazy and play some trash as well and I mean I have a really good mid game with my Kindred this guy's trench coat this guy's freaking trench Cod splits his unit into M small ones the Kindred is pumping hard look at this insane damage wait what I wasn't even paying attention I was playing with my units and he he won I wasn't I didn't even see how he won whatever man you forgot to Bow okay I mean like I have no space on my freaking bench man okay I don't want Ari anymore I do not want Ari anymore I want thresh okay let me just sell this for now because the next unit I play is definitely uh Kiana for dualist I need some dualist on yasu it makes it much better for sure stay down holy freak I mean I'll take it oh nice uh who gets Bramble you forgot bow Heaven bless me ooh megusta okay you know what I'll do because I need the thumbnail this story is not yet finished I need the freaking thumbnail guys like a boss I need the thumbnail all right GG do you think a dualist is more worth than AP nah it's better to play this I think uh what am I playing as my additional tank like who gets these tank items Nico Nico Nico but I don't have space for Nico yet this is such a freaking weird team but I mean we're cooking so again like we're not rolling for three star Kindred so now we're just leveling we're going to keep these kindreds though so the enemies cannot find three star Kindred then they die and then I swoop in and get all the kindreds ah this guy has a thing from what from cash out he probably cashed out right he probably freaking cashed out no the west and we have fate guides I hope this works I love to see off metal coms work out yeah same man I hope it works bro I mean I'm not going martyr I'm not going this I'm not going this I'm not going R boss bro come on now threes a crowd gifts gifts right gifts gifts is really good on yasu this gives me another Kindred but this is trash actually it gives her omniv Vamp that she doesn't have but this is way better right it has to be way better oo run the enemies must be low rolling hard that I'm getting all these kindreds 32 to level I feel like it's worth I get dualist is kind of good right it is kind of good and then I sell these kha'zix garbage Lords I don't want to go gun blade I need more I need uh I want like Shen Shin Shin something on her and then I like I don't want to go this yet this guy has barely any kindreds barely any kindreds only three kindreds only three freaking kindreds I'm going to keep this Kindred forever my yasu is really strong right now I get the spike earlier than anybody else I'm just leveling now level 726 is a little bit low but it's fine I could sell Saka I could sell Saka I need Saka 3 at some point ah freak it I think it's fine to sell the thing is like if I'm selling I need to po pop my items at least if I'm being greedy for levels I need to freaking pop my items no all right so this guy also doesn't have any kindreds he already hit the three star but he still has two duplicators left and that guy also has no kindreds low key I could have hit but n it's such a losing battle roll for that I mean this is fine this is completely fine I'm just leveling I can just play around uh the guy as well right I can play edge of Knight for the Wukong I can play Wukong carry now I can just level and play for Wukong but the thing is I feel like I cannot reach level 9 before I start losing really badly that's the problem but look I'm beating three star freaking idiot it's kind of good no look it looks pretty good the Yu is super tanky the Yu is really tanky man 9k damage tanked 2.6 shielded looks okay should I give the fat bonus to the girl no right I think just the resistances on yasu are more important scales his entire kit okay so what we could go for is Magic Pen right ionic spark ionic spark here but this is going to get taken [Music] instantly I go Jewel gaet on Saka it's not bad right I feel like it is though like bro I I can't just sit with these items man I need to put them on somebody I go Bramble on the idiot and then jwel Gauntlet on saraka I could also just go steadfast and ground guard but he's in the middle he's not tanking at [Music] all stos Crown guard Jewel Gauntlet Bramble I think it's Crown guard bro I think it's steep ground guard like I feel like this Saka will do nothing with jeel [Music] gunet and then I just keep the sword force uh for the idiot for the Wukong and then I need um I I need I need thresh through man I can't go level 9 with thresh one right level eight I need to roll for thresh two maybe pick up another Kindred or something and then also pick up um pick up Nico but don't I have to just go level n is freed I feel like if I'm not going level 9 I I'm not doing anything I'm level 9 at F no I'm not level 9 at 55 right I'm I'm level 9 at 61 I'm level 9 at 61 at the earliest right if I want to have any reasonable amount of money to find [Music] Wukong there's a syndra I could pair syndra instead of and then I could roll for syndrome I don't know man so scuffed okay most enemies are on the right hand side there was one really weak guy with like Dives love on on Caitlyn or something okay this guy's pretty strong he's level seven with a two star kaisa he's level seven with a two star kaisa man I mean he has a lot of single Target so my yo just dies to it unfortunately oh y also is dealing damage though healing okay I think we still win nice let's go huge n we don't lose this we don't lose this bro nice insane the this guy's dying with the kindreds the chase he's dying with the kindreds and he has the three star Nar he's the three star Nar guy and he's freaking d dying oh but he only needs two more kindreds and he'll have it but he he's also 50 gold man ah he's going to be strong next turn and he's going to get three star Kindra so he might stay alive for some for some time but someone just High Rolls right someone just High Rolls and kills him someone just Giga highy rolls kills him hopefully hopefully no one is promised tomorrow I mean blood thirster blood thirster blue buff or something on the little dude I Herald the greatest blessing am I supposed to play five fated or am I supposed to roll a little bit I think I'm supposed to roll a little bit stand back I think this is enough coming I'm not going this idiot right blood [Music] thirster I can just itemize her for now with the Wukong items I'm not playing this I think might be a mistake but I don't think I'm playing any of this I just need thresh two but I need to go level 9 I need to find bukong man I think I should roll here man I should roll some more man but I'm just losing to Ash right like we we didn't expect to win against Ash I'm just losing to Ash I really need two star guy is empty without EMP I I think I'll just level I have 59 Health even if I sack the entire stage I'm not dead right because it's not like I'll lose every single fight ah it's so stupid though man like I clearly don't have a good late game comp clearly late game I just die right so I should just roll here man fix the plan we have a plan like the thing is I need Okay so this double Zia is ridiculous I need um two star thresh that's all I need that's when I stop rolling I just need a two star thresh bro that's all I need that makes my team so much stronger it's a three item Thresh but I can't roll too much it's super annoying is the guy dying with the Nar where's the guy with the Nar oh this guy this guy did he hit three star Kindred he hit three star Kindred man ah he needs like he's going to die soon though your ancestors will F you I mean I'm just mad now closer to the Divine I'm just mad now I'm not finding a single thresh I'm just mad I'm just mad I just roll down because I was mad that's crazy guys I'm about to have a three star Saka with blood thirster man surely we're not doing that we're not doing that right we're not doing that we're selling this right guys I'm not playing three star freaking blood thirst right I'm not playing three star Saka with blood thirster man look how much tankier I am with the thresh instantly much stronger I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to sell her no one promised and try to go level 9 fairly certain I'm supposed to sell her o annoying game uh what am I supposed to take here just take Archangel for saraka for now like that that is the that is the thing that can bring me to Next Level right without dying I think I just take Archangel or nasher's too like how bad is nasher's too it's a five cost as well it's fine I think Archangel is probably better I have such a tanky team like the Saka is fine but not with blue BL freaking bloodthirst right all right level nine and I'm happy level nine Wukong and I'm super strong like super strong right 30% more on the Heavenly stats as well attack speed on [Music] yasu bro these enemies are so freaking strong though man they all went fast nine and stuff I'm against the I'm against the Nar player I don't think I can beat him three star both I don't think we're beating him unfortunately sterox on Nar is not that insane though he does have mulch though okay also is tanking with gargoyles value insane gargoyles value I just don't have damage man if I had a three star Kindred I think I would be really strong all of these people would die right all these units would die like this guy actually just gets so lucky in hits at the end and then just doesn't die right my plan was pretty solid it just he didn't die he he found a way and then he printed his Kindred and with 10 HP left he just survives okay this gives 40 gold I'm back this gives 40 gold I'm back oh it's actually going to be kind of hard to get all the fishes right because we we have uh we have no uh [Music] we have no uh we we're only a couple units now everyone else died already oh I think we got all the fishes a base guys baste ooh it's a it's a tactician's crown hey it's a it's a to it's a to man if I don't get Heavenly emblem I'm dead if I don't get a Heavenly emblem I'm dead oh no it's this oh interesting I held the greatest I mean this is really bad for me right I think I'm just going to go tank items steadfast heart and another thingy I think this is fine bro just do this seems okay to me I mean guys we're almost to four though I'm just saying like this is like the the the comp is kind of okay like we're almost to four it's not really that bad wait he just forgot this baste oh he can't pick it up because his whole bench is full K and I fight him at the perfect time when his whole bench is still full let's go please win freak it just win go Saka do something man go Saka hello Saka man you have a blood thirster what did I give you a blood thirster for man I mean it's not bad bad man it's not bad like I need a Wukong man oh wait oh that's the that's the thingy cash out okay please Heavenly uh Heavenly emblem is it fated is it fated emblem and I just just ditch something bro I'm dead I think it's just a dualist emblem and I just get rid of this freaking idiot k no all right honestly I'll just go this man I'll just go this I'll just play her I'll play her instead of him oh no what am I saying no I mean I I just keep it yeah whatever I'm just playing three beho that is just sad guys man I'm just playing three beho [Music] man I mean we level here we level after this like I said 6 oh 62 62 we level this guy has one star one star kaisa one star kaisa but he's like level 500 man and he has really strong front line and he has two star uh two star unkillable silos yeah two star unkillable silos so we just take a big L I have 14 Health come on kill some people man I'm going to get a bottom four bro I can already see it keep that is just sad by our choices that is just sad two star any for what for what what I mean better than nothing I guess freak me man freak me bro better than nothing freak this game man nice I leveled to find the Wukong and I didn't find a Wukong I'm against Ghost though that's good two people could die two people could die theoretically I'm top three I scam a top three I scam a freaking top three please scam a top three win this somehow it's a ghost it's bug infinite bugs on ghost I'm not winning against freaking Ash bro please just kill some units man kill some units guys I mean I have 14 Health though I have 14 health I scam a third two people die two people die they're both in enemy okay but you know what I'm not even mad because I can still use this as a YouTube video because this is such a noteworthy ending and it's hilarious right it's funny for you guys so I'm still going to use this as a YouTube video because this is the only time you will see yasu with freaking Heavenly emblem and double gargoyles I can upload 50 freaking Ash videos right I can play Ash like this guy 50 more times where where is he wait he died wait what where's the ash where the freak is the ash oh this guy I can play Ash 50 more times right and just upload 50 Ash videos or we can have some fun and then we die because there's no fun allowed in TFT bubble's still take it guys we'll take it honestly we'll take it uh if I find thresh earlier I would have a little bit more money I could find Wukong it is what it is guys you know I can't go for saraka 3 that would do nothing with blue buff terrible on her bloodthirst are terrible on her no way right subscribe 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Channel: shurkou TFT
Views: 16,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gjl2sGP2RCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 13sec (2053 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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