FAMOUS GRAVE TOUR - Hollywood Forever #3 (Vampira, Chris Cornell, etc.)

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Welcome to Hollywood Graveyard, where we set out to remember and celebrate the lives of those who lived to entertain us, by visiting their final resting places. Today we conclude our tour of Hollywood Forever Cemetery, where we'll find such stars as Vampira, Tyrone Power, Chris Cornell, and many more. Join us won't you? For this last stretch of our tour of Hollywood Forever we'll be visiting the lake on the east side of the cemetery, and the grounds surrounding it. This 1-acre man-made lake is the centerpiece of some of the most beautiful and coveted real estate in the cemetery, and offers a home to living creatures great and small. The private mausoleum in the middle of the lake belongs to William Clark Jr., founder of the Los Angeles Philharmonic. If you haven't done so already be sure to check out parts 1 & 2 We'll begin our tour at the Garden of Legends, or the Soundgarden of Legends, as it was temporarily renamed in honor of Chris Cornell who was laid to rest here. Our first stop is a short walk in just next to the road. Here is one of Hollywood Forever's most iconic monuments to musician Johnny Ramone of the punk rock band The Ramones. Johnny was the lead guitarist of the band which formed in the early 70s. The Ramones are credited for helping to define the punk rock sound and influencing generations of artists to follow. [music] Johnny ranked number 28 on Rolling Stone's 100 greatest guitarists of all time. He died in 2004 of prostate cancer. After his death Johnny was cremated and his wife retains his ashes. Upon her death both their remains will be entombed here. A short distance east is the grave of another rock legend, Chris Cornell, one of the most iconic musical voices of a generation. Cornell was the frontman of the band Soundgarden, a cornerstone of the 90s grunge sound. Their hits include "Spoon Man," and "Black Hole Sun." [music] Cornell struggled with depression and on May 18th 2017 was found dead in his Detroit hotel room after hanging himself. He was 52. Linkin Park frontman Chester Bennington sang "Hallelujah" at his funeral, and tragically took his own life in a similar manner two months later. Toward the lake as a Cenotaph for trailblazing actress Hattie McDaniel. She was the first African American to win an Academy Award for her role as Mammy in the 1939 film Gone with the Wind. It was a milestone for African American performers, certainly, but the evening was not entirely devoid of racist practices that pervaded the era, including a no blacks policy at the hotel where the Academy Awards were being held. She was let in as a favor but still required to sit at a segregated table. Even in death in 1952 the despicable laws of segregation kept her from equality with her peers, being denied her final wish to be interred here at Hollywood Forever because she was black. And so she was interred at Rosedale Cemetery. When Hollywood Forever came under new management decades later they did what they could to honor her wish and erected this monument to her. In her Academy Award acceptance speech she expressed hope that she was a credit to her race and the motion picture industry. She certainly was. Back toward the road a short distance is the grave of filmmaker Tony Scott. He's the man behind some of the great films of the past three decades, including Crimson Tide, Beverly Hills Cop 2, and Top Gun. [music] He committed suicide in 2012 by jumping from the Vincent Thomas bridge in California. East from here right along the lakeshore is one of Hollywood's more tragic losses in recent years- a young man in his prime, and a star just beginning to shine: Anton Yelchin. His family moved to the United States from the Soviet Union after receiving refugee status when Anton was just an infant. His parents are figure skaters, but Anton was destined to be an actor from a young age. Some of his early roles include Delivering Milo and Alpha Dog, but he is perhaps best remembered for his role as Chekov in the Star Trek films. "Russian whiz-kid, what's your name? Chanko? Cherpov?" "Ensign Chekhov, Pavel Andreyevitch, Sir." Fine, Chekov, Pavel Andreyevitch. Begin shipwide mission broadcast." "Yes, sir. Ensign authorization code 95 wictor wictor 2." "Authorization not recognized." "Ensign authorization code 95 victor victor 2." "Access granted." He died after a freak accident when his Jeep Cherokee rolled down and pinned him against a pillar in his own driveway. He was just 27. Tributes poured in from those that knew and worked with him, lauding not only his talent as an actor but the quality of his character and the caliber of his spirit. Further east is the tomb of Harry Cohn, sometimes referred to as King Cohn. He was co-founder and president of Columbia Pictures and was one of the most tyrannical and loathed studio kingpins of Hollywood's Golden Age, a reputation Cohn actually enjoyed. He was a notorious casting couch producer, often expecting sex from female stars in exchange for employment. Despite his unsavory character he led Columbia Pictures in 38 consecutive years of profits with films like It Happened One Night and Platinum Blonde. Upon seeing the large turnout at Cohn's funeral, comedian Red Skelton famously quipped - "It proves what Harry always said: Give the public what they want and they'll come out for it." Continuing east, right at the foot of a large black memorial, is the grave of Nelson Eddy. He was a popular singer and actor who often starred alongside Jeanette MacDonald in musical films of the 30s and 40s, like Rose Marie, and Maytime. In his heyday he was the highest-paid singer in the world. He died after suffering a stroke on stage during a performance in Florida. Back toward the lake is the large book-shaped monument that marks the final resting place of Tyrone Power. He was one of the most popular actors in the 30s to the 50s, and one of Hollywood's biggest box office draws, known for action and romantic leading roles in films like The Black Swan, Witness for the Prosecution, and the Mark of Zorro, a remake of the 1920 Douglas Fairbanks film. "I'll make it short, and save you fatigue." While in Spain filming a fight scene for Solomon and Sheba he suffered a heart attack on set and died shortly thereafter at the age of 44. Immediately to the left is the small Douras mausoleum where Marion Davies is entombed. She was a comedic actress of the 20s and 30s seen in films like The Patsy. She was also known for her relationship with newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst who financed many of her films and managed her career. They lived at the Hearst Castle where they played host to lavish Hollywood parties worthy of an F Scott Fitzgerald novel. Their life partly inspired the film Citizen Kane. Also entombed here is Arthur Lake. He was an actor best known as Dagwood Bumstead, the bumbling husband of blondie. He played the role on film, TV, and radio. his wife His wife Patricia was reportedly the daughter of Marion Davies and William Randolph Hearst. Just north of the mausoleum is the grave of Hannah Chaplin. She was a British actress and the mother of Hollywood legend Charlie Chaplin. In the late 1800s her health began to deteriorate, so much so that she had to quit performing and enter an infirmary, leaving Charlie in an orphanage for a time. By the age of 35 she was admitted to an asylum. When Charlie's film career took off he brought his mother out to Hollywood to be with him for her final years. Following the lake around to the north, at the base of a tall tree, is the grave of Virginia Rappe. She was a model and budding actress of the silent era, and tragically the subject of early Hollywood's biggest scandal. On the afternoon of September 5th 1921 Virginia attended a party at the hotel room of popular silent star Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle. The exact events of the evening are unclear, but reports are that Arbuckle found Virginia sick on the floor in the bathroom. Booze flowed freely at the party and believing she was merely intoxicated Arbuckle brought her into a room and placed her on a bed where she began moaning and writhing in pain. A doctor examined her and she stayed in the hotel two days to recover, then was taken to a hospital where she died on September 9th of peritonitis caused by a ruptured bladder. Virginia's companion that evening, Maude Delmont, immediately pinned the blame on Arbuckle, claiming he raped her. Newspapers ran with a story that the portly Arbuckle had sexually assaulted her, rupturing her bladder and causing her death. Medical examiners found no evidence of assault whatsoever and Delmont was deemed an unsuitable witness, with several inconsistencies in her story and a criminal record of extortion. And witnesses later testified that Virginia had a history of cystitis, which could have been aggravated by excessive alcohol consumption. Three manslaughter trials later, Arbuckle was cleared of any wrongdoing, The jury went so far as to apologize to Arbuckle, stating 'Acquittal is not enough for Roscoe Arbuckle. We feel that a great injustice has been done to him.' But both Rappe's and Arbuckle's reputations had been dragged through the mud in the highly publicized trial, and in the court of public opinion, neither would emerge guiltless. Arbuckle's career never recovered. We may never know exactly what happened that day, but sadly it was a day when two lives were destroyed. Northeast of Virginia, close to the road, is the grave of Don Adams. He is best remembered for his iconic role as the bumbling Maxwell Smart, aka Secret Agent 86, on the 60s spy comedy series Get Smart. His marker features him talking on his shoe phone, and the line, "Would you believe...?" was often hilariously spoken by Smart in order to get out of an awkward situation. "Uh, pardon me. I wonder if you'd mind working on that shoe for a while." "Hello, this is Smart. Maxwell Smart, Agent 86." "86, report to headquarters immediately." "Just a minute, who is this?" "This is the chief. Who else will be calling you on your shoe?" You may also recognize his voice from Inspector Gadget. Following the road around to the northwest we find the tomb of Cecil B DeMille. He was one of the giants of early Hollywood, and is considered one of its founding fathers. He is best known for his grand period epics. He helped to found Paramount Pictures in the 19-teens and co-directed Hollywood's first feature film, The Squaw Man, in 1914. Traditionally a very conservative man, he drew on his Jewish and Protestant background to produce several biblical epics, the first of which was The Ten Commandments in 1923, which was a huge commercial and critical success. Other biblical epics include King of Kings, and Samson and Delilah. His final film was a remake of the Ten Commandments in 1956, starring Charlton Heston. This was his most ambitious film featuring some of the largest sets ever built, and employing some 14,000 extras and 15,000 animals. His efforts paid off when the film became his most successful and remains one of Hollywood's highest-grossing films. He won an Oscar for the 1952 film The Greatest Show on Earth. Crossing the street to the north just before the fence is Florence Lawrence. She was an actress during the silent era and is considered Hollywood's first movie star. Many often cite Mary Pickford as being the first movie star, and while Mary was certainly Hollywood's first superstar, Florence is considered the first movie star in that she was the first performer to be named publicly in association with a film or studio in order to promote it. She became popular among audiences in her early roles, but in that era performers were not publicly named in order to prevent them from demanding more money for their notoriety. So fans simply called her "the Biograph Girl." Universal founder Carl Laemmle changed that in 1910, planting a false story that the Biograph girl had been killed, then took out an ad saying the story was false and that Miss Lawrence was not only alive but that she would star in his next picture. And so Hollywood's first star was born. Sadly, though, she was also one of Hollywood's first victims of the fickle nature of stardom, her fame and career all but over by the late 1920s. Her health began to deteriorate and she committed suicide in 1938. Her grave remained unmarked until 1991 when a headstone was generously donated by an unnamed actor. Heading back toward the lake, just in from the road, is the grave of Dee Dee Ramone. Earlier in our tour we visited Johnny Ramone - Dee Dee was the bass player for the punk band The Ramones. He is also credited for writing many of their most popular songs. He struggled much of his life with drug addiction, and died of a heroin overdose in 2002 at the age of 50. A little further toward the lake is the grave of cinematographer Harold Rosson. He's the man who captured on film some of Hollywood's most iconic movies, including The Wizard of Oz, Singin' in the Rain, and The Asphalt Jungle. He was nominated for five Oscars in his career. Heading east, just north of the lake, at the base of two tall trees, is the grave of Adrian. He was one of the great costume designers of early Hollywood, principally at MGM. He designed gowns for some of Hollywood's biggest stars, like Greta Garbo, Norma Shearer, Jean Harlow, and Joan Crawford. He is perhaps best remembered for his work on The Wizard of Oz, the ruby slippers he designed for Judy Garland currently rest in the Smithsonian. Adrian was openly gay, but married actress Janet Gaynor in 1939 - some say in response to the anti-gay attitudes of studio heads in that era. Janet Gaynor is buried next to him. She was one of the most popular actresses of the silent era, and was the first woman to win an Academy Award for Best Actress. She won for 7th Heaven, Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans, and Street Angel. This was the only time an actress won one Oscar for multiple films. She had success in the talkies as well in films like 1937s A Star is Born. But by the end of the 30s had essentially retired. Back toward the lake is a Cenotaph to Jayne Mansfield. The buxom blonde bombshell was one of Playboy's earliest and most popular playmates. A film career soon followed, and 20th Century Fox began to groom her as the successor to Marilyn Monroe. And, like Marilyn, she was an incredibly intelligent and talented woman whose feminine curves relegated her to roles of the dumb blonde sex symbol. She found success in films like The Girl Can't Help It, and Too Hot to Handle. And she was the first mainstream actress to appear nude in a starring role in a Hollywood film - in 1963s Promises! Promises! She was rarely mentioned without an allusion to her 40D-21-36 dimensions. One commentator of the era stating that Mansfield and Monroe's breasts loomed across the horizon of popular consciousness. And in a way that was true, as it was indicative of a shift in public sexual awareness that was taking place in the 1950s. Her parallels with Marilyn Monroe would not end there, as she too met a tragically early end. While driving late one night in Louisiana through a thick fog the car she was riding in collided at high speed into a tractor-trailer, killing her instantly at the age of 34. Her young children were in the backseat. surviving only with minor injuries. One was daughter Mariska Hargitay, star of Law and Order. Jayne was buried in Pennsylvania and this memorial marker was placed here by her fan club. As with other actresses it features an incorrect birth year. She was born in 1933. For those whose morbid curiosity isn't fully satisfied by our videos, the car Jayne Mansfield died in can be viewed right across the street at the Dearly Departed Museum. Heading west now, across the street, is the grave of Vampira. Before Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, there was Vampira - the original queen of Horror camp, and television's first horror host. The Vampira Show ran from 1954 to 1955. "Screaming relaxes me so!" She also appeared in Ed Wood's Plan 9 From Outer Space. The character is said to have been inspired by Morticia Addams, the Dragon Lady, and the Evil Queen from Snow White. Just past Vampira is the grave of Darren McGavin. He was an actor who can be seen in many early television shows, like Mike Hammer, and Kolchak:The Night Stalker. But he is perhaps best remembered as Ralphie's old man in the timeless Christmas classic: A Christmas Story. "Holy smoke! Do you know what this is? This is... a lamp!" "It was indeed a lamp." "Isn't that great!? What a great lamp!" "I don't know." Back toward the lake, at the base of a flower bush, is the grave of legendary writer/director John Huston. Many of his films are considered classics today, including The Maltese Falcon, The Asphalt Jungle, The African Queen, and The Misfits - the final film of both Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe. He was also one of the directors featured in the Netflix series Five Came Back, which covers five filmmakers' efforts during World War II to document the conflict from the front lines. He won two Oscars, both for The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. His daughter is actress Anjelica Huston. Following the road south we find composer Erich Wolfgang Korngold at the base of a tree. A child prodigy and a classically trained composer, Korngold was one of the most influential composers of early Hollywood, and along with Max Steiner and Alfred Newman, is considered one of the founders of film music. As with many other European entertainers of the era the rise of the Nazi Party drove him from Europe to the US, where he began composing scores for films like Captain Blood and The Adventures of Robin Hood - both films that helped launch the career of Errol Flynn. He would influence many film composers to follow, including our Giuseppe, and John Williams. Finally we head around to the southwest corner of the lake where, at the foot of a bench, we find Fay Wray. There have been several versions of King Kong made, but for many the original 1933 film is still the greatest. Fay played Ann Darrow, the beautiful blonde who becomes the captive of the great Kong - the beauty that killed the beast. After retiring in 1980 she was approached to play old Rose in Titanic, and to make a cameo in Peter Jackson's 2005 remake of King Kong. She turned down both roles. She died at the age of 97. And that concludes our tour! What are some of your favorite memories of the stars we visited today? Share them in the comments below, and be sure to like, share, and subscribe for more famous grave tours. Thanks for watching, we'll see you on the next one! Hey guys, hope you enjoyed our tour of Hollywood Forever! We're winding down the evening now right here in the cemetery for movie night, to see Marilyn Monroe Tony Curtis, and Jack Lemmon in Some Like it Hot.
Channel: Hollywood Graveyard
Views: 775,045
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Keywords: hollywood forever tour, hollywood forever map, hollywood forever cemetery, hollywood cemetery, hollywood tour, hollywood history, old hollywood, cemetery tour, graveyard tour, cemetery, graveyard, crypt, grave, tomb, funeral, famous graves, celebrity graves, movie star graves, final resting place, johnny ramone, chris cornell, anton yelchin, tyrone power, virginia rappe, jayne mansfield, vampira, mausoleum, arthur dark, movie star map
Id: o1L_YotKyEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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