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these guys are building the most secret underground house and they're all doing this the primitive style which means that they're not using heavy machinery they're doing it all in their jungle they're beautiful beautiful jungle and they're just using sticks look at them they don't have a spades they simply don't have a spate that confuse it what they use as a spade is their stick them chop away this beautiful beautiful area whoa so it's two of them before it's always been one which we reacted to and these two guys they are doing this quickly you know they're building a house a secret under gun base and nobody will be able to find this base chopping and chopping away it needs to be pretty deep because I assume do you want a secret underground base you need to have like a bedroom you need to have a swimming pool need to just have an area where you can hang out with friends right you need to have a toilet I mean you could also just like get it out of the secret underground base and do that in the forest that's probably possible too but look at them so they're chopping away and one by one that they're throwing all this stuff out of there this must be one heck of a workout maybe if I stand over here can look around this looks very sick oh no he's digging is digging a hole over there no idea what this holes gonna be like well the other guy is chopping away on the walls see is he like building like a hole or like a tunnel in the walls these guys could probably build some really cool tunnels he's chopping away over there it looks a little bit like a window but then again we're gonna be underground are you gonna need a window what is this is this how they're gonna be climbing out is he gonna have like you know like holes in the wall and then he just climbs out like that that could be cool it bored looks it looks a lot more like just decorative stuff I think that's where you can keep your like your tools safe and everything you need in your underground base you can store over there and whoa look at that sand wall up there that's from all the dudes stuff they've excavated all right now he's gonna be climbing out and that's not working no how do you get out I was just gonna ask that's definitely not one way of getting out up but his buddy is helping him out he's a real look at him helping out okay and then he gets him out a very very nice that's how you do it guys teamwork so what's next guys they're they're running into the woods they're putting their sticks away because I think they're done digging but of course they got a lot of loves now what are they gonna be using the logs for I don't really know I assume to put like a roof on their secret hidden underground base because right now it's definitely not hidden and it's definitely not secret I think everybody knows that there is a base over there so yep I was right he gets the sticks and he's just gonna be putting it up there beautiful beautiful beautiful just put all the sticks up there and this is how you build a roof I don't know how exactly they're gonna be doing it I assume they're gonna cover it all the way so you can not even see that there's a secret hidden underground base over there tighten it up and now they have a beautiful roof where they can even walk on okay this is cool this is really cool they can stand on there it's solid and right over here he's putting a he's putting a pole down oh this is gonna be the ladder of course because there's a hole there it's where you climb climb in and out and then right there is there's gonna be a ladder how else are you gonna be leaving your secret hidden underground base man I wish I had a garden this big where I could build these type of things I just I just assumed that would it starts raiding the base is like ruin or not who knows maybe not maybe it's actually like pretty good when it's when it's like wet okay so his friend is getting all the leaves to cover the base to make it waterproof I don't really know what what the leaves are for maybe just to just like hide it and then the other guy he's going into the base to do some other cool stuff all right so leaves need to be everywhere that's a lot of sticks what is he gonna be using all those six for and that's a lot of leaves put all the leaves everywhere I think he's gonna put the leaves down and then put like stuff over there this guy he's working on something like a floor yep it's the floor of the bed I assume this is a bed now you can sleep here nice and comfortably on the wood man I love sleeping on some wood look at his dude he's he's building the roof probably just to like stop things from falling in like he's doing layers but doesn't want to make it too heavy because then the roofs gonna collapse of course so you need to find a way how to make the roof like waterproof how to make it you know bug proof and everything proof and I think that's what he's doing right over here he's making it wet well the other guy is collecting all the trinkets from probably their previous secret hunter in hidden underground base I think this is just like the tools and and all this stuff you know you need a lot of things in your secret base like you need to have a lot of cool stuff and this guy he's starting to put the sand and and and whatnot the dirt all over the place all over the roof to cover it to make it like so it really looks like it's a hidden base and this guy he's got some rocks very very nice there buddy those are some beautiful rocks cool so keep on just keep just going just keep on going and put one thing there and put one thing there he's like making it look really nice he's the interior decorator of this beautiful project well this guy made the entire basin and nobody knows where the base is but actually you do there's life it looks like a crater so he's starting on the other side now he's just getting rid of the sand dunes they created because you don't want to have those you really do not want to have those in and around your place because everybody's gonna know there's probably something over there oh you got his stick what's the plan with a snake now oh and he has a big rock that's a really really big rock well his buddy is working away on all the sand you know distributing all the scent that's gonna spread over time and nobody once will see it he's like hey buddy help me out okay so he throws this on the ground oh there's so many bugs in there what are those bugs sure termites it looked like ends but I'd swear they're termites why would he need them maybe it's a material they build is it gonna need that for the pool this guy is still digging away digging and digging away oh that's it's that another term I'd like oh he threw that other roof and he was like shaking because it's such a thin roof okay so he gives him another rock of termites frozen on the ground no it please I'd be happy to know what he's doing here he's just slamming it why would he do something like this what kind of what kind of material do they produce or what kind of rock are they located I have no idea I know nothing about these guys so he's slamming away he's breaking up the rock and this guy just finished that the sand finished the roof and that he get his gets his big jug and I think he's gonna be getting water to start throwing it into the pool look at this and He pours it right on top of the termites wait I see a fire in there that's cool they lit some stuff on fire so more and more water is needed now because right now he's working on he's working on filling up the pool of course and he needs all they need a lot of water weight oh so it is it's not just about two termites it's about that this the rock they are in which looks like it's like clay or concrete or something like that which they can then use to make the pool waterproof or like not like mud proof or something well this guy is still working away in the roof so the pool it's it's slowly becoming like waterproof water repellent so it doesn't sip away over time and it actually stays there and this dude oh wow so he's actually doing the entire inside of the pool over there while his buddy is working on making this look legit Wow you'll have no idea there's a secret hidden underground base over there that could be a very scary trap you know for people to find whoa it's such a cool place look at this waterfall so they're going to the waterfall to fill up yep they filled up and now they need to bolt all the way back to their base to throw the water into their pool and to fill up the pool because it takes a lot of water a pool like that a lot of water it's not just your ordinary bathtub it's a lot more than a bathtub look at that and he's pouring it in there they have some candles on this this base looks so cool for me in here too really really really awesome look at that hole that's so cool so they just finished two of those and now they need to go all the way back again yep back to the waterfall guys just go into the water and and once you have the water you've got to go back in and you gotta pour it in and this must have taken them so long to fill it all the way up but their pool it's slowly getting ready it's like almost done look at that that's a beautiful underground pool they got over there that's a really really cool and yeah I can see bugs walking around there that's just all I can think up fills it up that must be so heavy this guy fills it up too and they're back these guys are in impeccable shape they worked out this must have be so hard on your body and they're back at their base they're back at their beautiful hidden underground base under water look at this they got the beautiful underwater camera shot pour the water in there and oh boy is this beautiful this is fascinating and there you go swimming away in the beautiful base Wow Davis secret hidden underground base with a pool and you know they can just swim around a little bit chill a little bit in the water it's awesome they're having an amazing time over here if you enjoyed this primitive bill to make sure you click on this screen right now and check out this super awesome water slides field from scratch
Channel: Kwebbelkop
Views: 2,125,357
Rating: 4.8163061 out of 5
Keywords: funny, child, family, moments, comedy, challenge, kids, kid, family friendly, fun, entertainment, kwebbelkop, secret, secret house, secret underground house, secret underground pool house, primitive, primitive tech, primitive technology, underground pool, underground pool house
Id: G4dF7ok8GbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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