Watching The BEST Stick Fight MINECRAFT Animations!

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today we're taking out some of the best state 5 minecraft animations look at this during my crafting these guys are all stick figures they're picking up all these blocks I think what they're gonna be doing is you're gonna be doing a build-off who can build the best structure here in Minecraft alright guys throw that button back and now let's build oh wait he just opened up the browser it's gonna go to images I think he's gonna choose something and then everybody has to build that cuz that's flippin amazing ok emoji and X excavate excavator oh they're gonna have to build an excavator but who is the best at building a Minecraft excavator I'm excited I'm curious to see which stick figure is the best at this they have a total of five minutes let's go just press Start that button and then you are good to go alright everybody is ready everybody ready and start alright the timer is going down right now guys get everything ready as soon as possible start building that excavator here we have the red state figure it's looking at the excavator those are definitely the wheels put these yellow blocks on there and this is this gonna be like the body it's gonna put some glass in there I mean it's only in 2d my crafting 2d would you know definitely be a lot of fun definitely be really cool he's doing a different way of building it they only have a little bit of time oh yes very nice I will use do the whole completely different oh no now he messed up okay he's gonna he's gonna reach right what about this color does he like this color no no he hates his color too so he's gonna be breaking that I don't think that guy's gonna be waiting at all I think the other guys definitely stand a chance so about 4 minutes later the timer up timer runs out guys everybody's stopped building immediately it's like you're still building stop it right now ok let's check this out let's climb down there oh here's the first excavator okay that's pretty cool it has though the wheels are the buttons if there's a little pussycat down there he's on top of the excavator all cuz it says cat are you joking I mean sure yeah definitely not too bad all right let's move on to the next one here we have this guy oh wait and this is a functioning one you can pull these levers and all the redstone will activate and it can be stuck up friend down below it's a it's a pretty nice excavator pretty pretty good job there buddy oh this one actually looks really nice this even has a hook over there a hook in the front is this in that odd this one this one so far is my favorite and then the last one whoa are you joking okay there's no way this is really really cool he's 100% the winner I just want to know if it actually works oh he gives that it gives that golden armor trophy to him no don't put the TNT there are you joking are you joking right after it blew up this this blue guy went right back to his farm he realized that if he if he breaks those awesome things blends a few seeds pour some water on there and does it a you know a few more times it gets a it's a nice little farm what'd you just say to one of those that's a big watermelon how about you just bought the entire place barb the in this is a beautiful farm it's a really nice 100 a he's out of water okay go back to the cauldron and yep fill it all back up and pour some more down there very nice so some some nether wart whatever it's called and very slowly his farm is growing this is a nice it's a nice little farm over that what you smells that he's like gonna eat this okay this oh wait it bus is really good ah so what what about if I put this in the water okay and then uh he lights it now he's gonna make some soup he's gonna make some awesome soup for himself he's like yeah I just think that Leisha eyes little did you know that you know they delicious in Minecraft then oh wait he just created an awkward potion how did you do that look do you see that we touches it it says awkward potion what does it do though absolutely nothing to him so but what if he mixes it up with a few more things like if he puts it in one of those things and puts the potion in there and the brewing stand and then he put some blaze rods over there you can brew it it is gonna be fun put the beat in there Oh nope that doesn't work dad does that work what about a carrot nope it also doesn't work oh there you go and now you just made yourself a beautiful potion potion of fire resistance and now you are fire resistance this is a beautiful my craft tutorial over here look if you just lay in the fire it's completely fine Oh his hairs on fire no oh so he's gonna make some more stuff well he's just trying out tons and tons of things to combine he just made a potion of leaping oh you can jump really high right now look at this whoa there's our beautiful jump so good high he's going that's awesome what's next oh he's gonna be making tons and tons more potions two hours later the red guy comes over and is like oh he's playing around with some spawn eggs okay that's a nice little PD over there but unleash on that pig but a beautifully shot that PD over there boy oh I think something is uh yes some somebody drank a little bit too many potions over there buddy just a little bit too much oh yeah no he's oh he made a lot of potions he's still alive hello buddy are you still alive oh no wait is the piggy drinking the potions no the pretty literally drink all the potions drink it he drank everything no oh no no biggie what's the plan biggie calm down biggie chill relax relax piggy the pig is so strong he's way too strong how about you get over here baby oh no nope Aegis does whatever he wants to do for the next three minutes this baby is super super strong come on quickly pick up all the stuff though you guys winners hey guys you just wanna know don't ya a diamond swords not gonna help no you piss them off so mess around with that PD oh I'll buy you gave the posters yourself you fight him yourself let's go oh my goodness fight oh this guy they're fighting us out beautiful it's on the storage hey directly into bacon everybody quickly whoa this is hilarious what an RKO over there that was beautiful is he still alive quickly chop him to pieces to take no damage are you kidding me that's amazing I think they defeated piggy but the red guy he said he grew attached to him he grew attached to pity he misses him already yeah oh no never mind oh you can just Bree spawned an excitable ivied it sure Oh cups if you enjoyed these amazing steep 5 minecraft animations then make sure you click on the screen right now to check out some more amazing stick fight minecraft videos
Channel: Kwebbelkop
Views: 2,084,512
Rating: 4.6922789 out of 5
Keywords: funny, child, family, gaming, game, moments, games, comedy, challenge, kids, kid, family friendly, fun, entertainment, kwebbelkop, minecraft, minecraft animation, minecraft animations, animation, animations, animated, animation stick fight, stick fight, stick fight animation, stick fight minecraft, stick fight minecraft animation
Id: z6NR-oqbCMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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