They Got Stuck In A Van Down By The River

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so we got a call for a ford van that's stuck in the sand up on the kolob terrace road just a few miles up and we're gonna head up there so we can get it out pretty cool this morning it's starting to cool down almost jacket weather time almost so we're looking for a van that is painted with like scooby-doo or something it's like hand-painted they said it's wow the only clue is that it's by the river in the sand in an unusual fashion we'll just say that well we'll go get it out down by the bay where the watermelons grow back to my home i dare not go for if i do my mother will say have you ever seen a horse with uh i don't know okay start looking for the customer there's another spot up here right here [Music] now what [Music] oh yeah yeah they did definitely back up a little too far good morning we're just talking about like two inches of sand yeah yeah that's what we're planning on doing so we're gonna need [Laughter] this is primitive camping for you i guess sand one van zero that's that's where we're at right now okay and i'm going to need to put lizzy in here how are you that's my hand lizzy huh i hit your hand parking brake off and drive okay yep should be able to let off the brake okay yeah the tiniest bit of gas okay you made a call there you go okay lady load up let's go so it took us a little while to find the van but we got it simple little easy pull and it came right out all right we got a call from matt he's on vacation i think he's out with uh at a bike race for his son colin me and naomi were on our way to a family reunion we were running a little late because i smashed my toe nobody cares anyway matt called and told us to go to the yard and drive the jeep to sand hollow so we flipped around and went back to the yard when we got there we ran into ed yeah yeah deer today but it's about 106 matt had called said drive it out there he called back and told me a little more information which was that rudy is out there with the rollback and there's a chevy truck i believe with a broken tie rod at the water we'll have to get the truck from the water to the pavement and get it on the rollback we'll see how it goes they're all full so they're just swinging them around you know yeah yeah sure went up that way yeah i didn't realize what we were putting back go on block this guy you don't need to go ahead of us what do you think of that little car yeah that's name it's like you got a bunch of them they might outsell the bobble heads i don't know we'll find out my kids sure love the little cars they've already tore the front bumper off one of them and it is busy today huh i think i'm making that nervous nervous yeah you know it out of my mind got a truck stuck right there you got him out so he's got his max tracks i don't think you're getting with that strap watch it where's rudy up he's right now you better you like walk you're happy before you get out of here oh yeah maybe you're good are we getting this water all right [Music] where's that friend i forgot you were awkward i'm gonna drive because my toe freaking hurt that's fine that's gonna be fun i think we're gonna try pulling it forward it might go easier backwards but that's a whole another issue um do you think we could do we have a ratchet strap there's no way to strap that though what about a ratchet well we don't really need to we just need to keep it from going past this this will work better like two of these we just need to keep it going yeah i'm going past straight up yeah let me see that already um here is there a hole there we go [Music] yeah forward it wants to go in that doesn't make any sense i tried driving forward i was like oh because you're powering it that's true i can put it into a drive yeah not powering it is gonna want to go out hey maybe with your powering it and me pulling it we can balance it out [Music] because me pulling it's going to want to go backwards you power and it's going to want to go forward so if we can match that two-wheel drive we'll just leave it in four and maybe we can just match down up and then find an opening of one of those cars to go up in okay probably up by the dumpster maybe so when i leave i should go the same way go that way and go out i would recommend it i'm thinking we'll go out like that way because this is super soft oh like try to go around it yeah like up almost by the dumpster or wherever an opening is um no we're out over there clear down there let's pull it and see what we can do with that steering first i'm only going to go like 10 feet rudy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] up on the road not very well but it worked yeah that was awesome is we didn't know how that tire was gonna do i'm surprised it would towed in instead of towed out maybe we ought to guide him to get turned around let me get out of his way [Music] good the sound is super soft here [Music] oh okay now i want you to help i don't want you to run over the rope first thing keep the rope tight okay with the first hit i'm gonna run out and hit the end of the rope and then i'll back up and then i'll hit you and it'll pop right out so i don't really want you to give it any guess okay because i don't want you to keep it buried i want to get on top of this ass okay and then once we do that just a little bit all right tiny bit [Applause] [Music] [Music] i don't know what it's like [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well we got a doubt anyway thank you so much your help did you guys talk to ryan and everything well we got that ford out it took a few hits we got the chevy with the wheels towed in real bad and we got that uh second ford he just wasn't in four wheel drive so i taught him how to lock in his hubs and then pushed out that little razor and then watch that one i think we'll call it a day here we're out oh i'm good my foot hurts though maybe we'll get another one in
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 598,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, We got stuck, RZR, we got a call, sand trap, sand dunes, sand hollow, lizzy, ed, van down by the river, ford van, ford, chevy silverado
Id: Ywze3wcty5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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