Ed’s Golden Nugget Paint is Finished, But I’ve Got A Surprise!

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all right i think we've got this thing done it's back in the booth it is the next day some of you may or may not have noticed the golden nugget wasn't clear we've bolted everything up now i'm going to do what's called a control code i'm gonna put another coat of base coat on the entire golden nugget that way all the metallics orientate in the position they're supposed to be we're gonna get this thing all based out then four coats of clear but before the clear coat it's gotta be taken all back apart laid back down on stands we're going to clear everything in pieces so there's no paint lines let's get to it it's time to blow tech and static [Music] all right i've got everything blown tech and static it's time to put base coat [Music] all right we've got all the base coat finally done we're gonna let this sit for probably an hour we're gonna go get some lunch we'll come back we're gonna take it all apart again set it all out on the stand then we're clearing it now comes the fun part where this thing really pops and this gold gets set off it's gonna be awesome i can't wait for you guys to see all right it's that time we've got the clear all mixed up all the parts are blown off we've got them all laid out so we can clear them it's time to blow check in static and then we're putting four coats of clear the way this works the way you stack clear is your first flash time is 15 minutes so for my first coat to my second coat then you double it so for my second to third we're going to make wait 30 minutes from my third to fourth we're waiting an hour so this is going to be quite the process we'll get this all laid down show you the first coat wait five or six hours and we'll bring you back in and show you what it looks like when it's done [Music] we got it all blow tacky static time for claire a moment we've been waiting for for ten and a half years [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we've got the first coat of clear on now we're going to wait i'm going to come in put three more coats and bring you guys back and show you the final product so we've got the golden nugget all cleared everything turned out awesome it took forever to get four coats of clear on but this gold is so deep pepe for matt's off-road recovery he's going to be coming up giving us the final approval on the color then we're going to be getting it out of the booth unmask it get it around the mechanical shop so we can let it sit for a couple days and then we've got to put it together check this out it looks awesome this is how many times i had to remix clear all these cups that's how many quarts are on this thing a lot all right so jefe came up to give us the final approval to get this out of the booth before we take it over the mechanic shop and get it put together so i don't know how much weight my approval was a lot but i think robbie and the crew has done a phenomenal job on this it's got two thumbs up for me i want robbie to do my car that's how good of a job he did on this and i i've been trying to convince him to do it for like four months he's convinced me we're gonna be doing a corvair for him just we just don't know when i can't wait for ed to see this this is gonna be awesome like that paint job is so nice and i'm with matt like i i'm not a fan of yellow even though i work that's awkward recovery but this like this gold looks so good on this well looks it looks good in here i can't wait to see it out in the sun oh yeah all right so we're gonna get this unmasked and get it pulled out and go check it out in the sun oh hi hey dinner there's big dinner your reaction that was awesome [Music] so at first it just looks like it's mustard color but then you see the sparkle in there and that's just money now you see like where everything's sharp oh yeah that's that's one of the first things i looked down there's no like ripples or it's oh yeah definitely the most expensive suzuki in the world yeah that's not even a joke either think that'll rock crawl it oh absolutely he's gonna take it right down to his mining claim nice [Music] you can wipe it off and it's like gold dust look at the sparkle all right all right we're going to take all the parks over there now [Music] so we've got everything moved over into the mechanical shop it's going to sit here for a couple of days before we touch anything some people might wonder why this golden nugget had to sit for a few days it's a process called gassing out robbie why are you milking this you dairy farmer you why don't you just finish it well internet the reason for that is after you put clear coat on this it has solvents that get trapped the outer layer of the clear coat dries but solvents still need to come out we don't like to touch it for a few days while the solvents are escaping we don't want to scratch it we don't screw it up get it done already you're taking so long it's taking a long time but it's about three-fourths the times faster than a normal restoration we literally work day and night on this thing to get it done for ed why don't you just put a normal paint job on it you need to come see this in person because i really think you'll enjoy it and all the time and efforts that we've put into it will finally pay off you guys are never going to believe who's here let's go see bill what the heck are you doing here i'm on my way to california fancy seeing you all the way out here you guys might remember this guy i'm robbie nice to meet you my name's robert okay so you're robert 1969 dodge charger 440 factory four speed posit track rear end my brother bought it 35 years ago how are you pretty good yourself good man didn't even expect that at all little backstory you guys need to go check out the charger video this is bill i bought the chart the 69 dodge charger from his brother this is robert bill brother's bill don't worry about it ever since we could walk we've been mixed up sorry this is not bill this is robert i had it backwards robert's all the way here from wyandotte oklahoma he's a little ways away from home just a couple hours all right so we got robert in the other room he's been following the entire series all the build videos we're gonna have him come in for the first time and see the golden nugget all painted oh wow that's something else check it out what do you think that's awesome it's gonna and just love that well i hope so that's an expensive paint job yeah the world's most expensive yeah it's the world's most expensive suzuki i can't believe i spent that in person robert you think this looks good wait and see what we do with the charger that'd be awesome this is an awesome project for ed robert's brother bill has most static melanoma he went and had a mole removed did surgery took it out and then he got the diagnosis of melanoma which is non-curable so it's just a death sentence basically and that's why they sold me the charger not only do we want to go get started on the charger get it back here we want to try to get it rebuilt repainted everything so that his brother bill can come out and enjoy it with us as soon as the golden nugget's done we're hitting a jet plane me and hillbilly and brandon we're getting a one-way flight gonna be headed to kansas and we're road tripping that thing across the country one way or another it's driving on its own power let's go brandon and robbie this is unbelievable see it all in videos and intend to come here and personally see it what it's come from being drug out of the forest what it is today oh yeah well that's what we're excited about you viewers wait till you guys see this in person the camera doesn't do it justice all right so we keep talking about our 69 dodge charger that we got from robert's brother bill now's the time we're going to let the cat out of the bag when we hit 1 million subscribers that charger fully restored and redone is going to one of you viewers the quicker we get to a million the quicker the giveaway starts so you do not want to miss out if you're not subscribed you know the drill make sure you're subscribed tell all your friends because we're serious we're bringing that car back and you want to know the worst part about it that's my dream car so i don't want to give it away but i'm going to that's what's coming don't want to miss it okay so it's been fun robert's been hanging out you know what it's time to get back to work so we're going to go get back to what we're doing on the golden nugget and he's off to california it's awesome to be here in person to see this and what all you guys do and how hard you've been working and busting your fences to get this done for ed it's going to be more awesome to come back out when that charger is complete best part we're gonna fly them out and i appreciate that yes i'll let you guys get back to work i'll drive safe i'll do it um cleaning off gold dust gotta get rid of that gold dust we don't want gold dust where it's not supposed to be it's everywhere me and dinner are getting things unmasked because we are going to assemble this front end and hillbilly's gonna get the cera coated exhausted now that it sat for five days this tape it don't want to come off it's just stuck everywhere good thing it did what it was supposed to do and it kept all the overspray out of the inside of it so much gold yeah so what that is is dry over spray that's gone back up under the plastic and just landed on parts it's not like real overspray that's got to be sanded off or wiped off with thinner this stuff just has to be dusted so we just take our little duster and dust it up so one nice thing of having fingernails that's what i'm doing wrong did you just clip your nails yeah oh no i haven't done mine yet robbie got his hair dead and did his petty doing right i'm looking scruffy i haven't got there yet but i will would anybody like a chunk of gold let us know i'll put some of this to the side maybe what we can do is whoever comes into the shop and buy some merchandise we'll give you a piece of the masking with gold on it that's a great idea i think we need to save some of this putting little squares or something yep i'm gonna save these you're really saving this for people well this is like a piece of history dinner would want it so i'm getting all the door hinge bolts ready all brand new stainless but check this out i went and cleared all the hardware stores out in town like i always do when it's time to reassemble something every single stainless steel bolt they had in stock washers lock washers small washers big washers everything if you're need from utah and you need some stainless steel bolts don't even think about it good luck you know what it's gonna look good with all that mud on it ed goes out to his mining stake all right what might seem like five seconds in this video is actually taking me an hour i may or may not have forgot to put a fourth coat of clear on all the hinges and so they have just a little bit of roughness to them i'm going through and i'm polishing them all i have all brand new stainless steel bolts for the doors they're going to look really good muddy i can't wait why didn't they put it on without me it's not on we're holding them look at that we're calling that good perfect beautiful driver's door just as good as done looks pretty good with the stainless bolts this seriously looks awesome up down turn around look at that right where i need it right there looks pretty close it's consistent now all the way around yeah yeah i'm just gonna tighten it all right this is like brain surgery got to be correct hillbilly the brain surgeon how's the ring to that far from a bearing surgeon maybe a heart transplant done a few of those that's what it's called motors oh it's the heart of the vehicle you guys don't even understand how good these doors look this thing is going to look so awesome assembled i just want to sit here and look literally just make it all right we've got both doors on now they're all gapped and fitting good we're going to pull this forward and get the back door on it now perch up my hair there there more he doesn't have hair to guide oh yeah he turtle waxes it do you think of the factory they had a bunch of monkeys like us adjusting doors do they they used to have a guy on the assembly line that had a two by four and a sledgehammer and he'd adjust deck lids and trunk gaps was it too big for a hammer yep i talked to a guy that used to work for general motors cool that looks good that's all we could ask for all right so we got three doors adjusted it's getting super late so we're headed home for the night so we can come back tomorrow all refreshed and get the whole front end put on it it is tomorrow okay so main dinner is going to get the header manifold put in and bolt it up and got brand new bolts first thing this morning so let's get that put in it's a tight fit we may have to drop the steering yep we have to drop the steering i'll try the other way nope it only goes in one way luckily it's only two bolts we go one washer and one nut okay so one washer do you need a lock washer no that's for the bolt okay [Music] since the hoists are full we're gonna be flat backing it to put the exhaust pipe in look at that shiny new bolts and washers on that brand new painted okay now we'll get the steering bolt back up [Music] it's good so go up and over the axle up in and slide it forward putting the bolts in that goes from the header to the exhaust pipe i'll get those all tightened down and the exhaust will be done exhaust done it's i got to get the receivers reinstalled we had to take it off for when we was painting we didn't want to get paint all over it and it'd be hard to mask this up and still be able to get paint inside of the square so we just took it off [Music] don't want to tighten them tight just want to snug them in a sequence so it gets sucked straight now tighten them down it's installed so now i'll slide the ball in and so that way the receiver is completely done [Music] it's not going nowhere all right so hillbilly and dinner got the exhaust system in the header all bolted up that cerakote looks awesome got the receiver done so me and hillbilly have soccer games with our kids so we're gonna take off for about an hour go watch him play and then we'll be back [Music] [Music] so we're getting the firewall all cleaned up we're gonna put the fenders on the boss lady here today i have a joke how many lips does a flower have how many lips does a flower hatch yes two lips knew it trying to not give away the joke did you hear about mr cup did i hear about mr cup no did you hear that his wife left him no now he's a solo cup sorry about choked on that one halfway dinner i have a joke for you what is it let's hear it what do you call fake spaghetti why what and pasta no way it's an imposter that was so funny it's a cute one who's the best food vegetable i don't know broccoli huh that's a good one so we've got some bolts that we're gonna install this fender with so dinner and hillbilly are going to very gently put it on okay hold it hold it so what we're gonna do is just get all these on and then once the front ends all put together we'll go around and actually tighten everything up but we won't tighten anything until all the bolts are in okay one fender on one more to go then the core support these seams look amazing they do look good huh all right one more got it right there nailed it got it all right so now we're going to put the grill well it's the radiator support basically we're going to put it in and figure out what bolts to put in it well we've got both fenders on coming together quick now this is going to take 20 of them all right this is starting to go together there's one [Music] all right so we're going to get the grill put in just temporarily i want to see what this thing looks like complete so we'll throw that on looking fresh so fly oh they're metric huh dang look at that look at it oh sorry all right so what we're gonna do now now that it's just looking fresh with that grill we're gonna put the hood on yes we are you guys got some good-looking shirts on where can you get that hillbilly robbie leighton.com that's right you guys can look as good as hillbilly go to robbie leighton.com help support the channel help support the golden nugget build we appreciate everything you guys do and it goes a long ways when you guys buy some merch hold it um once he gets that started we need to shut it get a baseline for the adjustment shut it it's as good as she gonna get all right i think we've got this thing done the miracle as you can see we're doing an outro outside sun shining golden nugget as far as we can get it next week we're going to be getting all our tempered glass getting all the seals we can get that stuff installed and get this nugget done and back to paul so as always we appreciate you guys if you enjoyed this video go check out this one [Music] you
Channel: Robby Layton
Views: 482,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SanL9iCTxOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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