They added my character to West Hunt

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POV you meet Smitty IRL West hunt added my character into the game and that was a big mistake like look at this guy he looks so happy that he's about to kill every NPC in every western town he visits oh wait a minute so honestly big shout out to the West hunt devs for even reaching out to me in the first place and offering to do this I really appreciate it it's super cool and if you have the game yourself the skin is completely free it should already be available for you to choose on the game so if you want to run around and just shoot innocent NPCs as my character go ahead I literally cannot stop you but with that being said hopefully you enjoy this West hunt video make sure to leave a like on it if you do enjoy it that and also if you are new to the channel or find yourself coming back on the regular and you aren't subscribed why not you're already coming back anyway thank you so much for watching in the first place and I hope you enjoy the rest of this video oh yeah you're right that is terrifying [Laughter] yeah you're scary looking I did I did approve this to be fair but now that I'm seeing it it's a little daunting sorry the person you were trying to reach no way he's putting you to voicemail cringe oh my God that is so loud it's like a fire drill to school oh my God I'm having a flashbacks my turn can you turn it up I can't hear it it's not loud enough anyway no I'm mad [Laughter] starting up again this is my worst nightmare goddamn smittycon out here all right fellas POV you meet Smitty IRL all right here's another POV it's a nine out of ten oh I don't like that damn listen up lesbian all right I don't know if I can do that I don't condone that you need to get off my skin unfinished quest of flirting with the girl I so I was convinced but uh yeah a whole minute ago but that was a while crime what's up with that you guys were wrong I mean you're the one who shot somebody yeah he's over there called him a lesbian because they were flirting with a girl and they were a girl I was not wrong I just she was innocent and I shouldn't have done it flirting when someone doesn't make you a lesbian it was a girl flipping with a girl that's like textbook lesbian right there who the [ __ ] the Amazon package guy that even says his name on the back yeah as if it was some other guy as a cardboard [ __ ] box Oh I thought you shot an innocent how are you alive I'm wondering the same thing oh did you oh did you up I [ __ ] up did you see that how many balls this is how America should be by the way I'll tell you that I think I killed 10 people there that's right numbers sideways they're gonna stop it there we go there we go oh damn yeah [Music] you guys walk past our building we were standing inside all right so let's crank this setting down don't know why it was on in the first place yeah I'm upset I said anything at all like it was fun hey guys welcome to another West hunt video all right I'm glad he did it before I did dude if I kill this guy and it's an innocent I'm not playing the game ever again oh [ __ ] what are you doing see like where's this guy going this is so menacing this guy's following you in public what are you doing if this dude's following you above like two inches behind you breathing on your neck welcome to another video get him shoot him put a bull in his brain we'll get it I can't hold on check I'm gonna check this out he's gonna fight around the corner now hold hold hold Fair oh okay he's chasing that lady [Music] really [ __ ] with the jacket go man you got pretty you got across there pretty quick are you sprinting [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] wait a minute crap that's a lot of Smitty bro that's terrifying that's like my worst nightmare why are three of these NPCs walking together it's [ __ ] weird admitted a type of Dude to jerk off himself in the mirror buddy you got it let me say a quick prayer here my Lord please please save me from this round please allow me to succeed and everything I do stop holy [ __ ] God bless oh my God have a good day thank you everything about you say it thank you say it say it I hate it I hate everything about you every single part say it say every single little dude who was aiming that the lady that left the church you're a [ __ ] terrifying staring at her bro like I'm scared as [ __ ] right oh really you mean this lady no no [Laughter] no I prayed for that soup I prayed for that brother you prayed for an innocent woman to death dear Lord please please save us from these tyrannous sheriffs we got a lesbian in the town someone was flirting with a girl lesbian in the town have a blessed day Church goodbye dear Lord thank you for letting me come into your church today amen all right that's a good prayer and women to come into this church how many times are y'all gonna flirt with the goddamn girl oh I'm telling you this town is infected with lesbians they're everywhere dear Lord please protect us from these lesbians amen all right leaving the church who's dead on my team mace you see what I've been doing I can't even do it again all right dear Lord don't kill yourself you're too that's a good point I should add that do not kill yourself Lord all right no that's not what happened just don't kill yourself you're too that should be enough amen all right leaving the church in a headdress leaving the church seriously you can get on the train and leave all right dear Lord please give me the strength to win this game are you all let me try this out are you actually in the church you're still praying please give me the strength to win this round amen wait I think you need to do another prayer ain't no [ __ ] way ain't no [ __ ] money he's a shape-shift ready you damn well know it brother here I go wearing a headdress going to talk to the medicine cabinet guy with a goddamn it ain't me that ain't me that ain't me you sure Lord knows it ain't me here I come down the stairs [Laughter] dear Lord dear Lord back in the church again dear Lord please save us this round Jesus we have done nothing but Brady while round for this Victory God oh this is so stupid here Lord please allow me to feed this horse equivalently I'm about to feed you the bottom of my [ __ ] Barrel this says the church might be pissed I was definitely in the church but I prayed for victory so it shall be assured dear Lord let me Rob this bank and get away with it please God he's a dumb [ __ ] Christianity not this bit yeah what back in the church again dear Lord thank you for taking me [ __ ] Jesus thank you for letting the horse be safe innocent person instead of me I appreciate it yes all right I got an idea okay what's your idea he's gonna mess with the settings and have us figure it out on the spot five sheriffs one Outlaw let's do it let's hunt soup down soup oh my God why all right immediately I'm just gonna die we all have one bullet maybe three Smitty's one Arab and a sheriff what dream one rotation sounds like this channel POV s got it got it I see him oh okay only one bullet one Smitty down there's two left um I don't humping his horse to death oh man he's over there too oh my God bro is he just me and you yep all right who plants a bomb and a no way you got a haircut never mind very different activities I gotta walk all the way back to that is that near you can you grab that one of them ain't no way bro get up the street you live off the interstate that ratel guy haircut I literally hadn't there was no way I was gonna do all this stuff so all right who else wants to be hunted yeah Matt said it first to be fair all right I tell you what I heard you were committing heinous crimes in my town I heard you were smoking My boudini's Shadow Garden pack blood [Laughter] you very much I'm gonna show you when you least expect it I'm gonna kill you I'm gonna [ __ ] shoot you blood Stone yeah this is actually Joe Biden [ __ ] yummy can you say something horrendous crazy [ __ ] suck off Ben Shapiro's Chinese [ __ ] I wish they had what I was talking about the other day was how much how bad I wanted to be Ben Shapiro's big old shiny [ __ ] I'm not even paying attention to the game no more you've been covering me thanks yummy I mean thanks Mr Joe Biden not well enough [Laughter] nice shot [Laughter] I love that it just breaks when you laugh yeah I'm gonna break this [ __ ] thing that was your address we would thank you [ __ ] [ __ ] [Laughter] out of context you guys really should have used the Smitty skin for this one nah no I think I look like somebody who'd shoot the president where are you at Biden where are you at I'm over here doing various tasks for the American people leave me alone you think that's actually him never mind I really have no idea where the [ __ ] I'm at or what is going on holy [ __ ] it is Joe I want to kill him so bad I want to kill him I want to be the one to put the bullet in his head you want to kill who well come over to me then buddy what do you got to say huh uh [Laughter] can you scream like you're dying put that on please laughs back to regular West hunt for a bit yay back to regular West Sun nothing weird about this round okay he did something oh great let me say this Sheriff's definitely do not shoot everybody you see when you come out look at that guy oh oh my god really just ruins the point of this game doesn't it yeah it sure does hey go check that backhand corner it might be this [ __ ] leprechaun [Laughter] Smitty has a really cool haircut s cut him off it was Amanda Sombrero he's got our Big Red Hats Square hold on hold on let me come on let me come on let me go I only have run okay I only got one thing to say all right chill fellas Wicked I don't think I've got to be alive for more than three seconds crazy just keeps [ __ ] shooting me I will switch with someone not Sheriff if they don't want to play here I want to be Sheriff have unlimited power okay oh oops I turned it off so yeah [ __ ] you I have three minutes of gameplay better dummy I survived that round one of you Smitty's is [ __ ] oblivious I ain't gonna lie Grizzly I'm coming to kill you [Laughter] where you at who are you guys what are you [ __ ] ass up you think I don't know there's only one left you think I don't know this is you come on now Smitty I'll test it where is he no he's right in front of my ass green one yeah oh it wasn't him sorry but I walked past him and he said that I just you know it was a while ago but he said I was oblivious that's just like spawning circles in front of us that's crazy wasn't me show the replay my ass what's the Declaration of Independence I don't think any of that was right I'm Canadian I have no idea oh oh sing your own national anthem right now [Music] uh you know so proudly you guys will get two shots how many shots do we have John three one okay work on that guy I'm gonna kill everyone you get a little bit more leniency is he it out who can you know am I the only one he's he's a [ __ ] sheriff with us oh you're ready Jesus Christ [Laughter] I don't know how I feel about people having my skin in this game anymore I cannot wait to say a racial slur using your skin type it in chat is being really mean to a lot of women in game yeah they are yeah we're four tests away dude no one two three I gotta be honest that's it I'm gonna let my hunch get the best of me again nope okay you stopped way too many it took all my willpower to not fart inside of you like that in person buddy what oh top hey I know it's you top hat say your last uh whatever you say when you're about to die no I'm not sure I'll Do Your Dirty Work Smitty buddy don't worry it's this guy anyway I'll wipe your body kill somebody I want you to go [ __ ] perish I don't like that green hat you're wearing boy oh he's stuck [Laughter] in color green I feel like it's a one of the prisoner characters or something yeah there's like an AOE area over there I don't like that thing behind you it's a woman yummy never talk to one I don't know being a horse huh nope I'm telling you right now you know ourselves [Laughter] how many times you got left I will be completely honest he's got two he does have two are you heading to the next one right now no I would never yummy I don't know I need you to do another task okay I didn't all right [Applause] whoa whoa whoa what happened take a breather relax man I was just trying to freak him out he freaked me out almost worked yeah you're gonna shoot somebody [Music] what really sold it was the other guy stopped and I was like okay he's probably rushing to the next objective no and the last goddamn second and it only took three shots from each of us [Laughter] why do you want that in February soup you be the sheriff I'm gonna give you 10 bullets buddy everyone should use Sprint unless you already pick something I think Sprint would be hilarious if we were all just like if you're if you're in danger you could Sprint out of there hopefully you just oh you're in danger you're in danger I'm not doing any tasks I'm just gonna see if he kills me go ahead soup or pull on sure thing Jesus what is yeah I got no footage also Matt walks towards man with 10 bullets in the chamber I didn't walk towards him I teleported excuse me yeah there you go there's a man that's printing behind you don't turn around [ __ ] oh who has the squeakiest boots [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] you saw me after I was done sprinting thank you
Channel: SMii7Y
Views: 3,173,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: west hunt, west hunt gameplay, west hunt game, west hunt funny, west hunt funny moments, west hunt funny gameplay, west hunt with friends, west hunt gameplay funny, west hunt smii7y, west hunt steam game, smii7y, smii7yplus, smii7y+, smii7y plus, west hunt custom games
Id: kvXb85XnCOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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