THEY’RE DOING IT! (One Piece Live Action Season 2!)

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one piece live action has surpassed all expectations and barring some sort of colossal viewer drop off I think that a season 2 is practically guaranteed or just flat out guaranteed because we have some interesting information here which tells us that Netflix may have already committed to a season 2 and production may have already begun or at least begun PRI because for one thing the role of dragon has allegedly already been costed his name is Dean deont and whilst Dragon was technically in season 1 you can see him at rog's execution you do not see his face and to the best of my knowledge this actor does not appear in season 1 but it makes sense that you would have to cast the role pretty damn quickly because Dragon pretty immediately shows up at the beginning of season 2 if we're picking up from Lockdown but in regards to the season two the ratings for the first season have been phenomenal over the weekend one piece was the number one most viewed show in 86 countries but the key factor isn't the initial hype according to what's on Netflix the upcoming weeks are going to be key to the show getting renewed as we've covered before renewals come down to several metrics and we only get our eyeballs on a few of them one is very much the completion rate the number of people who start and go on to finish a show as we've covered multiple times before for week two we'd need to see a healthy increase in viewership and then in weeks three and four it'll be all about the hold of viewing hours if it falls off a cliff more than 60% it could be game over brackets no season 2 closed brackets full stop quotation marks which I don't actually think sounds particularly encouraging because it's like yes this is the number one show on our platform but also we want more but I do get it though it's like YouTube it doesn't matter how many people click your video what matters is the retention and remembering that season 1 cost Netflix reportedly around $18 million dues per episode I can definitely understand their expectation of high performance despite this a lot of fans have already started mapping out the entirety of one piece and planning these 7 89 10 season long expectations to which I say let's just let's just hold up here we do need to remember that this is a Netflix project and it takes something very very special to go even Beyond Four Seasons on this platform especially something that costs this amount of money but also one piece apart from money has a particularly unique problem one that the showrunner Steven MAA has stated in an interview I think that one piece particularly is going to be very difficult to adapt everything uh the to really do the story Justice and hit every single uh kind of moment and location and antagonist uh I think will be very very difficult just by virtue of the sheer size and scope of it not to mention how long it takes a SHO I mean it took it took us a year of shooting after uh two years of working on story and scripts and so I think that process could certainly be streamlined but at the same time it takes a long time so you know I can't speak to to spoilers and to you know future plans but um yeah it's it's it's a challenge basically one piece takes a long time to make those eight hours we saw took 3 years to produce that's not even including development because the project was announced much longer before that but realistically you'd be looking at a timeline of maybe 2 years between Seasons at best probably longer between seasons 1 and two because of the strikes but really that's what we want because if we do get to a point where they're pumping out seasons one a year then firstly I don't even know if that's logistically possible and secondly the quality across the board is going to plummet writing acting effects editing all of the things wherever you think they are right now here that they're going to be here and in my opinion we just got across the line with season 1 so I think that planning out the entirety of one piece is very unrealistic for the live action going forward I personally feel like the series will probably have a lifespan of four or five seasons at Best But even then that's looking way too far ahead because for all of the challenges that they faced in season 1 think about it you got the fishermen you got the stretching you got all the locations you got the stories and the characters all of that is comparatively nothing compared to what they would need to tackle in season 2 and I don't mean to underplay what they've done in season 1 it is legitimately phenomenal but east blue is a tutorial level compared to what comes in the alabaster Saga and actually I think that the alabaster Saga might be the most difficult pre-time skip Saga to adapt because it has a ton of unique locations it goes all out with really difficult to pull off ideas like Giants Dinosaurs continent whales a reindeer crew member and pretty much every new villain is a devil fruit user with their own unique power and let's also not forget an entire Civil War to play out at the end and if there's anything that liveaction one piece has taught me so far it's that they work to avoid large scale battles as much as possible which is very understandable from a cost perspective but then again everything in season 2 presents that scale of challenge I mean for example let's talk about Chopper he is rightfully so the biggest question mark that fans have going forward is he going to be a completely CGI crew member is one of said questions and really I don't know how practical that would be it's not that it can't be done films like detective Pikachu have shown that that sort of style can work but films like detective Pikachu are also less than a quarter of the runtime of an entire television series of one piece and it has a larger budget than the entire television series but having a completely CGI main character would either mean that Chopper scenes get heavily cut and sort of like Luffy stretching we only really see him during a couple of key moments per episode which I think would be very unsatisfying but option number two this series so far has shown a preference for practical effects where possible which I think is the right move I mean the fishmen no they don't look perfect but H you get used to it and I think it would be infinitely worse if they tried to make CGI so is Chopper going to be a practical puppet or animatronic or perhaps even man in Chopper suit boy in Chopper suit child child maybe but here's the third option and this may sound a bit Blasphemous Chopper is a reindeer yes but he's a reindeer who ate the human human fruit so do we get around The Uncanny costly reindeer idea by just turning Chopper into a human yeah he's a reindeer but he's always in his human form that sort of thing and occasionally you see his own transformation and you get some reindeer action but for the vast majority of the screen time is he just a human in his human form and got to be real I don't think that any of these options sound amazing and no matter which one they go with it's going to come with its own unique problems but if I had to bet I would say it's the human one because it is the most cost effective and another big concern I have is obviously pacing because the thing is we didn't even finish East blue in season 1 and not only is the alabaster Saga longer than East blue it now also needs to cover the leftovers from East blue and I genuinely fear how that would pan out in another eight episode series what I'm trying to say is that I think we're going to see some even more brutal cutting in season 2 than we did in season 1 because let recap we've got logtown reverse Mountain whiskey Peak little garden drum Island Alabaster that's already six different Islands over the course of Eight Episodes and they not throwa away Islands either like 6us where we met Zoro in season 1 these are like actual places where things and story happens and not to mention that Alabaster is an entire country with so many different locations within it it is massive but something I could see getting cut is whiskey Peak I mean we meet Vivy at reverse Mountain anyway so you could probably condense it in although from a production perspective whiskey Peak could be quite easy to keep in and do you know why it's because you could just cut all of the outdoor stuff and keep things set inside the various taverns and bars that they have on the island that's another thing that's very much on my mind after having seen season 1 which is exactly how much of one piece for production reasons now needs to take place indoors it's just a production limitation you can't have these big epic outdoor shots all the time or even most of of the time so you've always got to think about how much of the story can be achieved in an enclosed space which makes me a little nervous for little Gard I really really really hope they keep little garden because season 1 missed a lot of tricks with Uso and he is in need of some desperate makeup time for character development which little garden would be a great opportunity to do I'd also say it does some essential stuff like introduce the Giants but with the perspective of knowing that this almost certainly isn't going to adapt all of one piece even in the best case scenario and knowing that the the Giants are a very endgame story element that even the manga hasn't really gotten to yet and knowing that they're probably going to be a logistical nightmare to implement I can see Dory and brogy being cut along with the Baro Works villains as well Mr three Mr Golden week the the others I mean not cut but maybe have their roles heavily reduced to cameos sort of like what Gan was during baratier Mr 3 he pops up he's there he's gone when it comes down to it though I think the reality is that we just need more than eight episodes if the idea is to cover the alabaster Saga Alabaster itself just the arc not the rest of the Saga Alabaster is 63 chapters long I'm talking manga in the anime it feels much longer because there's lots a filler as well but 63 chapters that's at least four episodes right there and even then we would really need to Blitz through them and something we also have't discussed yet is the need for the season 2 B plot because I'm pretty confident that they're going to see a need for it I'm going to talk more about this in detail in a bit because the showrunner steveen Maya had some fascinating things to say about the God be plot in season 1 but in season 2 we would likely be replicating that formula with smoker which should work a lot better because that's what actually happens so the integration it should feel a bit more natural this is natural but even then I would expect smoker and tashiki to be even more present than they were in the manga because even in the manga there are some pretty big gaps where they're absent so they'll have their own thing going on which will take up time and I'm pretty confident that they're going to do this because it was the showrunner who was most intent on putting the go story line in there were a couple of things that took some persuading um and if there was something that oan was really really unhappy with we found a way to change it um but there were some things that we that we tried and got into the show that initially he was a little uh gunshy31 and different villains and and Pirates um but where there was an actual kind of presence organized presence and fearsome presence that was behind Luffy and pursuing so that was a big that was definitely a big challenge so basically Oda was very hesitant about including the C plot line mean the exact wording is he was a bit gun-shy but it was something that the showrunner felt the series needed and I get where he's coming from whether you realize it or not a lot of western tv revolves around that formula following multiple stories at once but I do find it quite interesting that the G plot which is the most commonly criticized aspect of season 1 across the board was something that Oda wasn't really keen on and took a lot of persuading to allow to happen now in Steven maeda's defense for non-one piece fans they do seem to quite enjoy the G story at least from all of the anecdotal evidence I've seen and also a lot of existing one piece fans do as well but they are the distinct minority from what I've seen but I think that one piece fans would be completely on board with the subplot if one the straw hats especially Usopp had gotten the time and care they needed needed because as it is what it looks like is that the Marine plot takes time away from them and it's true because Kobe helppo and G all receive more screen time than Usopp but also I genuinely love Kobe and Helo in this it's just gpp that irks me so I wonder if it would have been possible to do this a little bit differently in disclaimer here I am not a writer I'm not an anything I'm just a dude in a room but here's my shitty idea instead of G pursuing Luffy it's Captain Morgan just stay with me Morgan is the one who allowed the map to be stolen at shells town and so to save face he needs to take action to go and get it back so he sets out with his Marine Squad including helppo and new recruit Kobe I think that Morgan works better as a recurring villain because unlike GARP I actually believe that Morgan can fail but this challenges Kobe because Captain Morgan is not what he thought a marine was if anything Morgan is much more similar to alv they're both incredibly narcissistic dictators and Kobe has very much found himself in the same position as he was before meanwhile over the course of the series helppo evolved VES because he starts to realize that his father isn't quite the Marine hero he pretends to be for example at the end of episode 4 we see Kuro departing s Village and so maybe in episode 5 Morgan ship stumbles upon Kuro but but hang on now the entire reason why Morgan is famous is because he's the one who apparently killed Kura so Hela realizes that his father is a complete fraud and has his Epiphany in pursuit of the map they end up at arong Park because that's where the map ends up so the Marines go there and maybe we replace nz's role with Morgan Morgan because he's a greedy evil mofo accepts a bribe from arlong and steals nami's treasure which Kobe and Helo happen and need to make a decision do they follow orders or do they follow their own sense of justice and during the climax Kobe and Helo do the right thing and are forced into conflict with Captain Morgan and they defeat him through some sort of clever idea and are both arrested for Mutiny so at the very end of the series they're taken to a dark Marine office to be punished only to be met with vice admiral guard who just laughs and decides to take them both on as his apprentices because of their sense of justice anyway that's my Captain Morgan fanfiction because I think that GP is he's just too big a presence for East blue and the Luffy grandfather connection kind of blows that load a bit too early in fact here's the thing you actually need to give a spoiler warning to someone before they watch the live action if they're familiar with one piece at all because you can be 400 chapters or 300 episodes into one piece and this East blue adaptation will spoil you big time but let's talk about Oda briefly he was was quite heavily involved in the live action and I do think it's fair to say that it would have been a complete disaster without him even Steven myor admits that there were proposals that Oda was vehemently against being put into the series nothing against the show creatives but I think that even they would admit that the only ingredient that makes one piece work is odor and if the show goes forward into future Seasons I wonder how much involvement he's going to continue to have because the live action has taken up quite a bit of his already insanely packed schedule which is part of what has led to the manga taking more and more breaks in the last 2 years for the live action to succeed I do think the manga needs to suffer a bit not in terms of quality but in terms of frequency because I don't think that any of us want a scenario where he is not at the helm of this and you know what this does tell me though is that no other anime should ever be touched for a liveaction adaptation because one piece had what I think may be the best possible situation yes I do complain about it for only Having Eight Episodes but that just seems to be the ceiling of possibilities in now time considering that each episode cost more than an episode of Game of Thrones and ET Oda had a lot of power plus the show Runners are genuine fans of the series as are most of the cost you really could not ask for a more passionate team and yet the result of all of that is still quite mixed which tells me that even if liveaction one piece did break the curse absolutely nothing else is going to reach the heights of this series unless it also abides by that perfect set of conditions and also another thing the Netflix release model after watching the whole series I think it is absolutely in saying that Netflix dumps all Eight Episodes at once because I think that's a maneuver you would pull if you weren't confident with your sh you dump it all at once you get as much watch time as possible before people realize ah this is bad but one piece was not that so surely you would want to drip feed that experience and extend it as long as possible with one piece if they'd released episodes weekly I think that it would have exploded more than it already has for example if I was just making a video based on episode one as opposed to the whole series not knowing where everything goes then I would have said it was a 10 out of 10 experience because episode one in isolation is stupidly exciting and shows so so much potential but one of the reasons why I'm so critical is because I immediately got to see the consequences of making those episode one decisions but this really could have been like a two-month experience I think that Netflix severely misjudged its audience for One Piece because whether you're a manga or an anime fan we are used to our weakly injections of fictional pirate content so this would have fit in perfectly with our fictional pirate Lifestyles and every week one piece live action would be trending around the world because every episode has so much to discuss the series is unbelievably packed with fun things to talk about whether those are good bad neutral everything's just generally interesting or maybe if they'd released them in two episode batches because Matt Owens has said that they all meant to be two episode ARS but if they were looking for long-term momentum I really think they should have released the episodes either weekly or in batches but also what do I know seriously what what do I know not a lot and I'm honestly not sure why you will listen to me if you have an answer feel free to leave that in the comments and also let me know what you're most excited about for a potential season 2 and in addition to that what you're most concerned about
Channel: GrandLineReview
Views: 850,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9FQWfhuvDz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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