These People had Unusual Allergic Reactions

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these people had some unbelievable allergic reactions like most toddlers Ivy loves the water but in her case that time can only last a few seconds I want to see your feet her feet turn red with painful blisters I would rub her with a towel that they would kind of break open Ivy is allergic to water get it off of her all water hot or cold caused a severe allergic reaction her parents Brittany and Daniel ingerman told Inside Edition in 2018 that they limit her outdoor play so she stays clean but some things are impossible to control she's allergic to her own tears Ivy's baby sister Grace doesn't have the condition I play with my sister I want to be in the bathtub I want to Splash play laugh and know she'll sit there on the sidelines kind of doomed instead of bass Ivy was cleaned with wet wipes heartbreaking I mean it's you can't even put it into words all that makes you feel is a father when Ivy was born she loved the water no rashes no sign of no pain nothing bothering her then at eight months mysterious red hives began to appear I do anything that every other mom would do and you eliminate all the bath products check your laundry detergent check your fabric softener Brittany says she's tried using distilled and purified water but it didn't work she can feel the reaction Ivy will say mommy ouch her she'll say it's hot we kept going to the doctor like what's going on but they kept saying well she's obviously having an allergic reaction but we don't know to what I've actually never seen a case of it we did a water test in the clinic where we basically took a a rag soaked in water and put it on her and you can really see the longer the exposure the worse she is the diagnosis aquagenic urticaria well at first I thought what is that aquagenic urticaria is extremely rare and affects fewer than 100 people in the U.S its cause is unknown and there is no cure I think it's baffling because a lot of people think our body's made of water how can you react to water we need water so how can we react to it and so that's why so much Intrigue about it Ivy was prescribed antihistamines to help control the severity of her flare-ups luckily she can drink water with no allergic reaction and her parents hope for the best sometimes you just feel so hopeless the future is very scary in 2017 watching her family sink their teeth into juicy hamburgers was pure torture for this mom what's good I wish I was eating that right now Janine Beau Miller was allergic to red meat all because she was bitten by a lone star tick the creepy crawler is distinguished by that little white spot on its back and after it bites you this is what happens when you eat red meat I was just having hives but it was it was severe I mean I was burning on my my Palms of my hands the bottom of my feet my chest under my arms and I was breaking out in hives everywhere doctors say thousands of people had been diagnosed with red meat allergies because of these ticks very very crazy Dr Aaron McGinty is an allergist on Long Island New York and we're gonna do some skin testing she says meat symptoms don't always show up immediately yeah it often happens in the middle of the night for people which is extra scary for meat lovers like Janine this tiny bug forced her to make big changes in her diet now it's all chicken and veggies at first people were like what that's crazy looks good why did this bride look so distressed during her 2017 wedding could it be typical wedding day jitters nope she was suffering from an allergic reaction to her bouquet I was the scariest looking person at my wedding the culprit was this flower called snow in the mountain it can be as irritating as Poison Ivy the night before the wedding she and her bridal party stayed up to finish the floral arrangements they had picked the flowers on her property in Nebraska I washed my face [Music] Christine's face broke out in a nasty red and bumpy rash her eyes swelled shut I was in so much pain nobody knew what to do she didn't want to miss her own wedding so she put on her gown and went on with the ceremony she walked down the aisle to her soon-to-be husband John in absolute agony she was struggling to keep her eyes open and they were constantly watering and she just looked miserable you may kiss your bride she put on a brave face for the guests but after exchanging vows Christina and John headed to the hospital I thought I was dying at that point the nurse administered a shot and they went back to their wedding I had a rash still on my neck and stuff so I wanted to get my dress off because I wanted to be able to be comfortable at least and so he ran into Target and got me a shirt that said bright on it um and then pajama pants and that's what I wore into our reception she was in PJs for their first dance and when they cut their cake one week later they got a second chance to take the wedding photos this time the bouquet and hair piece were hypoallergenic this isn't the Glamorous Chrissy Teigen we're used to seeing look at this oh it's like hard you're all just gonna think that I got lip fillers what in the world happened I like bit an orange to try to open it and I think there must have been like a pesticide or something on it in 2021 she had an allergic reaction after biting into an orange if you notice tongue swelling or difficulty swallowing that's a life-threatening situation potentially so go right to the emergency room and have it evaluated the next day the swelling was gone oh it's like hard for Inside Edition digital I'm Andreas Wendel [Music]
Channel: Inside Edition
Views: 1,406,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ie offbeat, offbeat, animals, food, inside edition, inside_edition, ie newsdesk, allergic reactions, allergies, medicine, doctors, water allergy, chrissy teigen, service dog, hives, mast cell activation syndrome, lone star tick, red meat, wedding, hospital, andrea swindall
Id: xiYTzRVNkIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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