These People Almost Went To Jail

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this woman robbed a bank and everyone loved her for it hi nice daily I am Sally Hopkins and I robbed the bank she went into a bank helped people hostage and took fourteen thousand dollars but here is the crazy part this wasn't a real gun it was a toy and she didn't steal other people's money she just took her own money from the bank in Lebanon there is a big financial crisis it is so big that Banks had to stop people from taking out their own money that's what happened to millions of Lebanese people including Sally's my sister was very sick and we needed to get our money to pay for the medical bills and that's why she robbed her own bank account she became a local hero for robbing the bank people supported her actions they saw someone who didn't stay silent someone who stood up to the banks and to the system to be clear you should not rob banks please don't throw bangs Sally did not go to prison and her sister got the surgery she needed let's build a country where people don't have to rob their own bank account that's one minute see you tomorrow okay I'm going to be honest I broke the law in more than 50 countries around the world and I'm about to confess to millions of people that I'm not a nice person I am not a nice person let me tell you why do you think I'm nice no to make nice daily videos I had to break a few laws for example in Australia I hosted a large mirror before covet at the opera house without getting a permit this was illegal and after one hour security came and stopped us legit legit okay let's shoot let's shoot I apologized after but I made the video in North Korea they said we shouldn't film people in military uniform please do not take photos the person in military units but I still did and I was able to show you North Korea from the inside hi in Copenhagen Denmark they said you cannot fly a drone well I took the risk and flew the Drone with hundreds of locals and I broke the Drone laws in 30 more countries [Applause] I swear I am not trying to be an I am here to share one thing that I learned if you are a nice person that asks for permission for people to approve and for society to agree you will not get far in life I love nice people but you cannot change the world by being nice you have to learn how to say no no to society no to outdated laws no to outdated Traditions if I did everything Society wanted me to do I would still be living in a small village in the Middle East barely getting by this is why I tell people you don't have to be nice be kind but not nice kindness is making sure you don't hurt people kindness is making the world better kindness is giving people a chance to succeed which we do every single day at NAS [Applause] niceness saying yes no you really want to say no the civil rights movement in America started when one person said no Rosa Parks said no to a white man and refused to give up her seat on the bus and that started massive protests in America and changed the world let us stop glamorizing being nice it was illegal to rent your car as a taxi the founder of uber said no and built Uber it was illegal to rent your house as a hotel the founder of Airbnb said no and built Airbnb have to learn how to say no okay you think I'm a nice person not nice but kind very kind what's the difference well in my culture if you say no to people you are not nice so you say no to me all the time at my company nobody thinks I'm nice because sometimes difficult decisions have to be made I have a question why do you think I'm nice no uh many words I would describe you but nice is known for us to the Village kid watching this who cannot get out of the nice trap remember some rules are meant to be broken legit okay let's shoot let's shoot it is better to be honest direct rude and disliked than just to be called nice oh meet Bashar hi my name is Bashar and I got arrested eight times Bashar grew up in navless Palestine and as a kid he would regularly protest the Israeli occupations by throwing the rocks at them but my rocks didn't go far they did however get him arrested by Israel eight times then he realized he needed a more effective way to be heard so he went to the U.S pursued an engineering degree opened 30 businesses got into real estate and got rich rich enough so rich he decided to make the biggest gamble of his life he launched a billion dollar campaign to build a new city from scratch in the middle of Palestine to house 40 000 people and create 10 000 new jobs for Palestinians and his project has worldwide support even from many Israelis this is the crazy story of Bashar who instead of throwing rocks decided to build an entire city out of them and that was the most effective Rock he ever threw that's one minute see you tomorrow [Music] in Egypt there is a woman who is hiding as a man for 43 years she wears a man's clothes Works a man's job and even speaks like a man who is she why can't she be a woman and did she get in trouble when the world found out [Music] in the city of Luxor Egypt I found sisa is sisa didn't always look like this in fact 43 years ago she looked like this with a husband and a daughter but then her husband died [Music] and in Egypt a woman was expected to stay in the house raising kids not working everyone turned their back on sisa including her own family my shadow s she was at the end of the road she and her family needed a man figure to give them food income and safety so one day sisa realized if she cannot find a man to help her she should be the man to help herself literally the man to help herself she cut all her hair she got rid of all her dresses she changed her voice put on men's clothes and started working really really tough jobs like constructions and Shining shoes in her Society these jobs are reserved for men like me so turning into a man was the only way to get these jobs she did these jobs every day every year for 43 years to save every last penny to feed her daughter [Music] foreign [Music] became stronger than most men not just physically but also mentally and after Decades of suffering in silence sisa was finally noticed she got on Egyptian TV and was honored by the president as the ideal fighting mother but in doing so Cesar paid the ultimate sacrifice she forgot how to be a woman [Music] now this 67 year old woman still dresses as a man and shines shoes for a living this story has a happy and a sad ending on one hand seesaw was able to survive financially and raise awareness about women's rights but on the other hand let's not forget there are still millions of women who are suffering in silence who feel like they have to give up their gender just to have the same opportunities as men [Music] foreign
Channel: Nas Daily's Best Videos
Views: 799,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nasdaily, nuseir yassin, channel, compilation, best, people, places, travel, country, technology, environment, nasmeanspeople, Jail, Rules, fyp
Id: aONMKI3O7yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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