The World's Best Teacher

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[Music] this teacher thought education was boring so he did something crazy he built his own school where all students dance sing and go on slides this may be the least boring school you'll see in america who is this teacher and why did he build this school in america in atlanta usa i found ron hey nas daily what's up i'm ron clark and i build a school where learning is magical 25 years ago ron took up a job as a school teacher in a low wealth area and on his first day his students made him understand that they were not interested my students were bored they didn't want to learn they didn't want to learn out of a textbook and i realized that if my students were bored they weren't going to become lifelong learners so i knew i had to do something i had to find a way to fire it up so one day ron came to class and decided to do something different he put away the old textbooks and started singing 1914 19 world war two there was this popular song at the time called the thong song inappropriate and i said i'm gonna change the words of this song to geography and it was like geography is so good to us we practice and we learn so much we study that map from front to back get on the ball now don't be slack we like to learn about a lot of places that are cool and hot we study every single spot from spain to south dakota and then we went we'll plot our maps and the students loved it said oh this is so cool and so i made myself look kind of foolish to do it but when you're a teacher or a parent you got to be willing to sacrifice all of your humility and every bit of who you are to do what's best for kids and if you do that they're going to thrive they're going to try their best they're going to learn his class went from boring to a broadway show every day was a different performance and just like that his students went from hating school to loving it teachers have got to be better than video games look these kids they got their iphones they're all playing all kinds of technology these students are doing so many different things so you got to really be on you got to bring it to life if you don't the kids aren't going to learn and he thought if he could change a class then he could change an entire school so he built his own [Music] ron went to atlanta found an empty warehouse and started his school during the first six months i've opened our school we were robbed 16 times but we knew we couldn't give up we knew we had to keep pushing we knew we had to make the dream come to reality and after four years the ron clark academy was born welcome here kids learn like nowhere else in the world they learn by dancing and singing they have houses like in harry potter and during recess they can hang out with dragons our slides are very important to us they're very symbolic because we say don't take the stairs like everyone else don't take the safe path take the slide don't be afraid to take a path that no one else has ever thought of before that kind of symbolizes what we do here at rca and that is how we want our students to live their lives don't get me wrong students still have books and exams and the school is actually one of the most challenging schools in the world but because ron has made school a place of joy excitement and magic he knows he can expect his students to reach the sky and they do because 95 percent of the students have gone to college some of them even made it to an ivy league school i think as a teacher it's important to make every child feel like they can conquer the world i tell my staff i said look at our school we got a kid here that's going to be the future president of the united states of america now i don't know which one it is so we best prepare all of them we want them to be compassionate knowledgeable we want to have a cultural understanding of the world and appreciation of other religions we want to raise kids who could be the leader of the free world and if you think i don't know which one it's going to be let me prepare all of them that way you begin to see potential in children and then they'll begin to deceive themselves this teacher is a living proof that education doesn't have to be boring with the right attitude education can be fun and magical [Music] hey youtube did you love that video i hope you did because now we are in a 30-day video marathon every single day for 30 days we are uploading one video from around the world about an interesting person we are flying to remote countries to here to here and to here just to show you interesting story so please subscribe to this channel subscribe to nas daily and follow us because tomorrow there will be another amazing video somewhere from around the world thank you so much and see you tomorrow
Channel: Nas Daily
Views: 6,142,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nas Daily, Nasmeanspeople, 1minute, Travel, Nuseir Yassin, Nas Studio, 英語学習, people, Nas Academy,, USA, Ron Clark Academy, Fun Education, Fun Learning
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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