These Countries Have The Craziest Rules!

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did you know that there is only one country in the world with no government they have no prime minister no president not even a king or queen let me tell you the story of the biggest political mess in the world the country made of ice also called Antarctica it's the coldest place on Earth this country has no government because it's not one country it's actually seven France Argentina Chile Australia New Zealand Norway and the UK all claim to own a part of it and other countries like the US and Russia also want a piece because Antarctica could be full of oil and oil means money but the one thing every country agrees on is to protect it because Antarctica could melt away in the next 500 years because of climate change Antarctica is a big huge mess but it's a beautiful one let's take good care of our planet so that our kids and grandkids can one day take a boat and maybe visit the huge continent May device that's one minute see you tomorrow [Music] there is a country where almost everyone owns a Tesla he owns the Tesla she owns a Tesla her entire family owns Teslas welcome to the country of Norway this country destroyed cars and got electric ones because they wanted to go green but nobody was buying them so the government did something crazy they made it super easy to get electric cars they banned taxes on electric cars they get free parking toll discounts income tax discounts to everyone who owned an electric car thanks to this 75 of all cars in Norway are electric and they're mostly at Tesla because a Tesla can survive and always climb it this story taught me how powerful governments are and how they can make real change that's one minute see you tomorrow yesterday I made a video about taxes you know a government thing only to realize that a lot of Puerto Ricans are angry at the US government this reminded me of the time I was in Egypt where people are also angry at the government but unlike here Egyptians could not express their opinion when I had a meet up in Egypt the government was spying on us to talk politics you whisper and put your phone away to fly a drone you would go to jail to criticize the president openly you have to be crazy a lot of people in the world are too scared to express their opinion and there I was too but here in the U.S I don't have that fear I talk about government dysfunction talk about how I love my drone with the governor and have meetups with no spies so please take a step forward realize that you have freedom then scream I hate the government that's how you know you are lucky it see you tomorrow we found a country inside the US with its own currency its own citizens and even its own president and it's not Joe Biden I am his Excellency president Kevin Baugh ruler of the micronation known as the Republic of Malaysia malosia is a micronation started by President Bob when he when he starts anytime anywhere here in Malaysia they have their own flag language and even a time zone which is 39 minutes ahead of Pacific time they even have their own currency called velora and it's not backed by gold or silver but by Cookie though I know all of this sounds like a joke but trust me it's not president Bar's dream was to be president he created his own country and now 32 people are his citizens if president Bao was crazy enough to start a country then you can be crazy enough to do whatever you want this is your invitation go do something crazy that's a minute see you tomorrow this may be the best citizenship in the world and they all have it out because of this card they get free land free education free weddings free hospitals and even a free funeral it's the citizenship of a country in the Middle East called the United Arab Emirates [Applause] is what life is like for citizens from the Emirates of Dubai and because the city is so generous they get the craziest benefits I have ever seen are you ready for this when you are born your parents pay nothing your delivery and checkups for the next nine months are all free then you grow up and you go to school local school in Dubai is three three so are universities because Dubai will pay for you get a degree inside University in New York University both for free who's gonna pay for that the government then you get married if you can't afford the wedding you get twenty thousand dollars to throw a wedding foreign and after marriage every local Dubai family gets this freelance did you get free land yes did you get freelance yes did you get freelance yes and if you cannot afford the home then you get a grant to build it for free I also can't afford building a house I can get a zero interest loan on housing zero zero if you need to go to the hospital the hospitals are free and if you need surgery that's not available here they will fly you to another country to get treatment for free when you become a senior citizen you get discounts many many discounts and if you live alone and can't afford it Dubai will even send a caretaker to look after you for free when you die well in Dubai that's also free your funeral will be taken care of and Dubai will build a full tent with air conditioning within five hours of your death next to your home so your friends can come and say goodbye to you the point of government is to take care of people and in Dubai they take it to the extreme imagine if every city every state every government in the world did this we would have a much happier world
Channel: Nas Daily's Best Videos
Views: 689,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nasdaily, nuseir yassin, channel, compilation, best, people, places, travel, country, technology, environment, nasmeanspeople, Antartica, Norway, Egypt, Puerto Rico, USA, Molossia, UAE, Dubai
Id: 4nH5gOL3hZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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