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how many times has this lady broken a nail oh wait you can't see me because I'm camouflage okay I'm not gonna pull that joke right now lady but welcome back to brand-new video my name is unspeakable I hope you guys are having a wonderful day today is a very different vlog on the vlog Channel it's not really a vlog it's an interesting topic yeah let us begin today we're going to be reacting to really I guess you could say weird people keep in mind during this video I'm not trying to make fun of these people these people are human just like me just like you they're just odd I don't know how to explain it I'm not trying to offend any of these people by maybe laughing at them I'm not judging them or anything like that I just want to point that out there you guys should never judge people for how they look either but this is just that it's just interesting it's some of some of these people are world record holders as well like the world's tallest man and stuff like that so let's get into it starting with number 1 oh my gosh okay that's really freaky um okay I think this is like the most Pierce no this is not the most Pierce this is just really really bog I don't know if it's a girl or a guy I really don't know so yeah this is what we're doing this video yeah it's interesting right no okay all right I'm just gonna how about we just end the video here let's just go let's just go film something else I got 60 pounds of gummy pizza you want me light on fire no that's coming soon though next photo we got I'm assuming that is the world's biggest hand oh my gosh holy is that Chuck Norris so I don't know how big that I'm assuming that's a girl's hand I don't know I think that lady's hand is but I'm a student around size my hand so I can only a matter how my gosh that's all I had big hands pretty normal sized hands that's big and that's a really big hand what do you do with the game that I guess you can pick a lot of things up you can also slap someone pretty hard normally when you slap someone it only really covers their cheek or something this guy when he slaps you he's got your whole head or your whole stomach to be five stars you know whatever this so what is that I think you would oh my gosh would you look at that I guess this girl tried to look as best as she can to a Barbie and I would say that she succeeded because I thought those were two Barbie dolls I love you always a spinner on her forehead okay no no no no but this so what I guess that's the world's smallest waist that definitely looks photoshopped I'm not even kidding power I feel like that's not healthy like your stomach and your intestines everything around this area is just like like there's no way that is by any means healthy you know I should be on this list I'm pretty weird let's go to the next one this is is that a Oh at first I thought it was like a baby or a kid but I think that is actually like the world's smallest lady or woman I would say wow that is insane I wonder how old she is next photo that is I'm assuming a lot of plastic surgery I don't know those cheeks in the lips and the nose and the the hair I'm gonna guess plastic surgery I'm not really a hundred percent sure did I guess correctly my hand this party shirt the world's longest beard I'm assuming there could be one that's longer I don't know but that's like super uh how long does it take to grow something out like that oh wow should I do that leave like I should do I takes me about two weeks you get some facial hair man but once it comes in you know they grow on this for 19 years you know I I can I can do it I can do it I could do it out it will probably get that long and then I'll probably be like a hundred ooh do you like my shirt this is Oh so I'm assuming I think that is oh that's the world's tallest man I think I think that is the world's tallest man next to the world's smallest woman I think that is what we're seeing and a holy moly she's not even past his knees that is an insane picture oh my gosh oh my gosh let's see wait huh how tall is this guy good old Google real quick okay the tallest man in history was actually found in 1940 to be 8 feet and 11 inches that was in 1940 I don't think that's the same guy that's not in 1940 that picture I'm assuming this guy's around 8 feet 8 feet tall my gosh that means he would literally be to the ceiling like actually to the ceiling next up this is I'm guessing the world's smallest man I don't have anything to compare him to so I'm not really sure like how short he is but he does look I mean just look at the photographer's or the paparazzi in the background literally some of them are laying down and they're just as tall as them like laying down that's crazy it's just insane I've never really looked into it but I wonder these people that are very very very very short there's very small amounts of them in the world but like do they live in like a smaller house because like they can't reach like countertops and stuff or do they live in a normal house but they just have like ladders and steps tools everywhere like I'm just I'm curious how they live it's interesting it's very interesting I'm interested like how they go about their day-to-day life like how did they drive you know how do they reach like a gas pedal or like you know like it's very interesting now rambling on to the next photo this is the World's Strongest Man pulling a plane that's probably heavier than half of their that's great okay that's pretty cool that's for you man when I was a kid I pulled my whole school with fishing line a my my tooth yep you ain't got nothing on me bro forget it okay that's impressive um then again the thing does have wheels so we're just saying makes a little bit easier take off the wheels and then try it yeah that's not gonna happen that's insane that's insane I'm sure that guy would probably rip me a nap with one hand this is oh my gosh her head is in the ceiling literally in the ceiling or almost in ceiling I'm assuming this is the world's tallest woman and that God is standing next to her it's probably about the height of me he looks like a pretty normal oh my gosh was I sure she where oh my gosh that is just insane that's that's great like no there's no way that's so photoshop's you be just town look at the skin color of her like face or maybe it's makeup I don't know really sketches about this picture it looks really really photoshopped don't get me wrong I know there's really strong ladies or woman out there I know there's a girls out there that have even bigger arms than this I completely believe that but just this photo itself just looks photoshopped I don't know why it's probably not but it just it looks like it I don't know I think it's just the color of her face is so light and then like the arm is so dark let me know in the comment section cool do you think this picture is Photoshop Photoshop or not Photoshop let me know in the comment section below this is the wool my that's his shoes I think this is the world's tallest man or it's the man with the world's biggest feet either way we're looking at some large things here that pair of shoes look at that one of those shoes is like Wayne bigger than that guy's head the guy that's standing next to him like holding the shoes oh my gosh I'm kind of curious like how like what size are those because you know you have like like size 10 11 12 whatever look like one of those is that like size 35 or it just is it like unclassified is it like a custom shoe like holy moley next photo let's see what we got oh I've seen this before this guy is the he's the man with like the world's stretchy skin it's super we I don't know how basically he has skin around his whole entire body I watched a video about a couple of years ago and he can literally just pull it and like stretch it out it's super super easy actually pull like his neck skin and like pull it over his face I saw you beat someone you know you should walk up to him you oh let me let me check if I got any croutons or a Cheetos in here this is Oh what I was doing this is one of the world's smallest ladies a woman and she's standing next to a bottle of soda or coca-cola coke oh my gosh so I think that's it like a two-liter bottle if I'm not mistaken I've had a lot of two-liter bottles of coke or water or whatever and they're not very tall did not at all if this woman was here with us right now she could probably be standing on the table and she'd probably be about this tall that is insane and I just look at the car in the background for example it barely looks like she's the height of the tire now you gotta realize that the car is kind of farther back so like realistically it looks like she's a lot taller in the car if she was to be put up next that car I don't think she would be taller it was higher itself it is insane next photo I'm gonna built with my nose there we go oh okay so we have a human one human or two humans that are stuck together oh my gosh I've seen pictures of stuff like this before and I think I've seen videos of it not of these two girls or what I consider one girl I that is so crazy could you imagine being like molded with someone else I call I I guess you wouldn't put it as molded like stuck to someone I guess that's kind of how they feel or do they think the same they have two different heads which means they should you have two different brains but they're in the same body that it's very very interesting that is that's crazy I've huge respect for them as well I hope they're doing well that is just insane and it's honestly intriguing to me like how does something like that happen you know what has to happen for them to be born like that I wouldn't spend like an allergy to doing research after this video like how do these things happen how do we get the world's tallest man no I I failed science no I didn't I pass I'm kidding guys next photo we have the world's longest finger now how do you do stuff with nails that long like how do you pick up your coffee or how do you scratch your back or how do you wash your hair do you have someone do everything for you like how do you even function cuz like you know all those scenes and movies or honestly it's actually in real life girl walking clips her nail does something breaks announcing how many times has this lady broken a nail or has she never broken a nail and if she has never broken a nail she needs to come and teach me how to not break a nail I don't really care how my fingernails look but it's just annoying when I'm like walking and I like hit something and just like hey Mel how does she oh wow wow there's no way you have broken a nail in at least 50 years I guess this is the lady with the world's tallest neck interesting very intuitive enough yes the world's tallest man in the world shortest man next to each other that is just insane I think the world's shortest man though I think he's on his knees if you take the world's tallest man and you take just this jack or his shirt that guy could probably use it it's like a king size like bed comfort next photo we have the world's hairiest man and this seems photoshopped black that i've seen stuff like this it is not photoshopped this makes me think that humans really come from gorillas I don't know because this guy looks like a gorilla yeah that's a bad thing girls are cute I'm not saying this guy's cute this is super weird why my okay I'm just gonna stop talking I'm saying is this guy super super hairy and he looks like a gorilla I'm not saying people looks like a gorilla as an insult gorillas are cute but I'm also not calling this guy cute cuz that's just weird and I know what are we doing no no no no no anyways what I'm saying is the dude looks like a gorilla there's nothing wrong with that though just look at the hair like coming off on his hand like bro you have to like shampoo and condition that I'm just curious because like that's definitely like as long as like your hair as well you know like on your head like you good you got a shampoo and condition like your your hand so so insane well I think that's enough internet for me I don't know about you guys if you want more Internet you can keep watching other videos on YouTube but I want to thank you guys so much for watching this video this was very interesting I think we're gonna sit down do some research about these people and how these things happen or how long it takes two for example that last guy that we just looked at how long does it take to grow out hair like that or how long does it take to grow up fingernails like that or how was the world's tallest man born like what makes him the world's tallest man like when he was born was he like naturally tall or did he I don't know I'm just interested I have a lot of questions I'm confused and I want answers ladies and gentlemen I want to thank you all someone from watching this video like I said this was a very different video when we react to things and watch things if you guys want me to react to anything else on this channel let me know down in the comment section below what you want me to react to I'm down to react to pretty much it let me go down the composition of all I want to thank you guys so much for watching I wish you guys a safe and fantastic yesterday and I don't be seen guys tomorrow in a brand new video where I'll probably be stuck in a Lego house from 24 hours or I'll burn a 60 pound gummy pizza with plethoric okay let's do it for all unbox fanmail while bathing in 1 million Orbeez that's coming up soon stay tuned stay subscribed and stains be cool [Music]
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 6,901,066
Rating: 4.9006872 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays, car, cars, racing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2018
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