These Minecraft Illusions will Satisfy You

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these Minecraft illusions hold the world record for the most confusing and I bet you [Music] this is an illusion it's literally just a normal Minecraft castle bear wait I see it wait how how those blocks are flat how is but she looks like she's walking up higher you can't go down the water because that vertical vertical length doesn't exist right it's all the same somehow okay yeah see the player can't drop down because it's fake that's where it took wait how's the city of an illusion this is just magic Yep this definitely confuses me 100 certified The Twist is even just one illusion doesn't confuse me I will have to drink this bottle of Carolina Reaper hot sauce the world's spiciest sauce ever created no is that the blood Golem bro what this is supposed to be an illusion video it's not supposed to scam you his eyes are following me guys why are his eyes look at him are you seeing that blocks can't move like that in Minecraft they can't even track players I I don't understand let me know in the comments how does this work that is in Minecraft no way is that Minecraft hold up are those candles candles wait but how are the candles making that shape I actually have a headache I can't look I can't look anymore how is this an illusion it's just sweet ah the right concrete how come it isn't there when he moves to the side and how come it's the villager on the side see the red concrete is all around how come when he looks to the side and now the green concrete's disappeared what oh wait I think I understand how this one works they just used tons of black and white concrete blocks to make a really massive chair it's easy how is this an illusion oh no if it doesn't confuse me that means I have to drink the hot sauce wait are you gonna say this is rated 10 out of 10 spicy the most I've had is 0.5 out of 10. okay no but I said if one didn't confuse me I would drink the hot sauce oh it smells so spicy oh my gosh I can't drink it but I have to I have to I have to wait no no there's still more to this video you know what we'll just watch the video and I'll just I'll put it off we can do this we can do this we can do this we can do wait wait how did she just how did they just spin around the chat but this chair was like that this chair no matter which way you look at it still looks like a chair so what we just look at that Center gold block okay I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking at they're just changing the colors of squares I understand how that works oh my gosh I need to Blink so badly but either watering okay I'm staring right at wait do you guys see those green lines on the red hold up hold up wait what guys I see red and green lives on the snow but that's white snow hold up wait wait I still see them and now I don't wait I can only see green lines now but it's just why it's not hold up hold up by chance yeah it's definitely white snow so they didn't it's not like edited on or anything ah this is a pretty Minecraft build I mean it's satisfying don't see how it's an illusion I don't want to have the hot sauce either I really don't want to drink you please tell me there's more to the way why is it moving there is more to this wait what but it's just a flat Minecraft image with blocks how are those blocks moving wait what's going on hold up when does this hallway end does this hallway just keep going on from how is he wait he's getting faster look guys rewind that he's done he started running faster but the hallway is moving at the same speed how is he getting faster and yet the hallway is still the same speed I don't understand how this is illusion they clearly just built that out of blocks wait but there are full-size blocks on the side of the crack how did they make mini blocks and he can't punch them what [Music] so it's a giant model but they with the perfect perspective it looks like it's actually part of the room bro this would take your decorations to the next level hold up this ain't my crop this is real life somebody is just printed out a picture of Minecraft and pasted on the wall how is that an illusion yeah wait are those walls moving for you guys wait what wait is it a 3D picture is it a screen no it it can't be look you can see it up closely and it's still moving maybe he built it into the back of the wall no it's just a picture what it comes out of the wall I thought it was going into the wall that is the biggest plot twist of the 20th century what wait but how how does it sticking out of the wall make it look like it's going into the wall oh yo it's the same thing as Among Us it's like the perfect perspective you can see the block wait I know how it works it means it doesn't confuse me wait does that mean oh chip Goods have mercy on me I'm gonna have to do it okay here goes nothing again wait a minute did he just walk around the block before wait what he just walked 365 degrees around the block that oh my gosh I can smell the hot sauce close that close that that means oh my god oh it's so spicy wait but if he walked around it it means it can't be a perspective glitch which means it's a different a different illusion hold up and this is full stop he has the the full size thing there and they're much bigger than a block but how is it fitting into one bottle I'm just glad I don't have to chug the hot sauce okay some zigzagging lines don't see how that's gonna lose your weight wait it's moving it's moving why is it moving guys it's just a bunch of straight blocks they shouldn't be moving no no no Minecraft things are moving again how it's just a bunch of Minecraft maps nothing else in the picture is moving it's like wiggling it's like goo it's like [Music] manza's just looking at the Minecraft sun how is that confusing okay a sealant and block it wait what wait but that one's big how is that small wait how come when he selects there they're small and then he comes over here and they're big my gosh what bro this is like the Among Us one but on steroid I don't see what the problem is it's just a bunch of spheres connected by lines wait the sphere at the front look at that it's connecting to the sphere in the middle but then somehow that sphere is then connecting to the the Spheres on the outside and the back no that's physically impossible yeah okay yeah use game mode break out of this tell me what's going on wait so they're all on the same level they're literally all the same height and the same level I how stare at the black dot for 20 seconds oh no not one of these ones okay I've got it there My Eyes Are Open I don't need to Blink oh my eyes hurt they're watering I can do this come on I can do this I can do what I can see all the colors oh my gosh the colors are moving and now the blocks look pink everything looks pink why does it look big oh ah my eyes are watering mirrors are something that we still haven't seen added to the base game yeah we could use a mod there's another solution in vanilla these are shows if we make a mirrored version of our build like so and that plays class in the middle between the two we get that mirror effect that we wanted we're just cool to see even if it does take he's explaining it but I still don't understand it commands those might help to speed this up but even if that looks so cool I want to know how to do it but I don't know okay a door and wait why is it moving is that my eyes tricking me no see I see the blocks blocks are straight but but as I fall oh my God what wait did we just do that wait wait but that's where we started and now we're ending guys how many times am I gonna wait is it just an infinite blue okay am I stupid or do I not get what's going on how are they doing the blocks halfway [Music] halfway do that why are they doing that this curse this is this needs to go on cursed Minecraft this is more than illusion this is breaking the laws of Minecraft Mojang would be unhappy somebody sent this person to jail right now right now a bunch of straight lines what's the illusion why are they moving because they're bending wait wait wait are you seeing that they're bending are they bending no they're straight they're straight lines they're like yeah go down I need to confirm they are straight right they're perfectly straight lines but then how are they wobbling bro it's just a cake oh my gosh are you serious I picked a bad clip oh I can put down the hot sauce I didn't even notice there were six cakes the whole time that's actually so easy to do I'm gonna use this to prank my friends Captain Sparkles why are you breaking my brain like that okay so the diamonds are coming up to the front but then it goes up and it's connecting at the same point at the top yes please show me what the truck I don't get it wait is this like a custom mod item this can't be real they're connected at the top hold up wait no that that block is bigger than the than the pillar at the back but why is that another illusion oh because they're not connected all about the way you look at it how did I not figure that out why am I so stupid guys yo what is how is this an illusion this is just a bunch of wacky blocks man's just threw apart random wait wait is that the Rick Roll did I just get Rickroll bite illusion now Minecraft and pranks are almost synonymous give me a moment I'll show you what this one is like as soon as I log into the server at any moment now I'm sure it's gonna happen or maybe not because as you can see here by using custom map art we can actually make a fully fun I legit thought he was wetting the loading screen now look there are some downsides to make this a pretty tough prank to pull off condition wise like if you build it on spawn you actually spawn with an area of a certain point instead of just a single certain block however if you put it next to something more precise like a better respawn complex Rick Roll But like like steroids I don't understand why is this an illusion wait are those pink blocks darker than the ones at the top the same color though there's no different pinks in my what everything look pink and any of this what is this how is [Music] bro I go from seeing pink and now I'm saying is this how are the how are the rails doing that bro that ain't mine you can't do that can you how is this tricking my eyes I don't understand how this is how this is an illusion I don't understand all right we have some water just chilling there and that looks real I'm not gonna lie but considering this is delusion I don't trust that that's Sassy Water right there and yeah I knew it but it looks so real how do they do that they were maps with the images of water placed on them using invisible item friends he's even got like the dirt like goes sideways into the ground by using perspective that's like so 1 billion IQ possible flatness what bro just make a super flat world it's not that complicated by any literally made a super fat world oh man I don't want to drink this here we go again oh the smell what's the illusion they're two holes wait you wait how is that hole on the right bigger than the one on the left they're on the same flatness I'm they're not bro that was so legit I didn't even see like the divide or anything wait is that a house inside a house wait but he just walked in and then he became the size of the house but the house was so much smaller and everything else what how did he just shrink down wait what what just happened he just walked through the side of the wall and now he's in an apartment now he's in another house and now he's in the defense what is going on TIA bro this is more of an illusion this is this has to be fake wait he's going through the house wait it is fake I know this I know it I know how this one works it uses a mod called immersive portals I've used this to troll my friends so many times you guys can watch those videos see and then there'll be a portal there and it's basically just a bunch of portals which make things look bigger or smaller because of the size of the portals but at the end of the day they're just portals it's fake it's an illusion oh hold up I understand how it works wait please please no give me more no the video went back to the start no I needed more please confuse me please I can't drink this stuff right we'll just take take the tiniest bit I'm sure it's not that bad okay ready oh the smell the smell come on come on come on I can do this ready [Music] oh it wasn't that bad enough [Music] ah [Music] please move oh
Channel: EYstreem
Views: 4,489,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eystreem, eyestream, eystream, minecraft, funny, troll, prank, secret, hidden, tutorial, minecraft phone, minecraft bedrock edition, These minecraft illusions will satisfy you, minecraft illusions that will satisfy you, minecraft optical illusions, minecraft illusions, minecraft illusion portal mod, minecraft mod, minecraft immersive portals, minecraft satisfying, Illusions prison in minecraft, testing minecraft illusions, minecraft illusions that feel illegal
Id: lBQmqNWnryA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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