These Facts Will Ruin Your Day! - AskReddit

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Bob Marley became the voice of reggae because he bullied intimidated and threatened his way to the top what fact do you know that will ruin the fun for everyone worked in a liquor store the same 25 or so people would come in every day and buy a pint of fifth of vodka every day I would point out to them it is much cheaper over the long run just to buy a gallon they would mostly shrug and buy their pint or fifth I realized later they were high functional alcoholics who knowing they would drink every drop available just bought what they could consume daily and remain semi functional when or if they moved up in bottle size you could see the effects in their dress and speech many were professionals dogs love squeaky toys because it's from their wolf instinct of almost dead prey still whimpering I read about something similar where cats do a lot of similar things like claw out their toys with their hind legs because it's an instinct they still have to disembowel their prey the folds in your a hole are completely unique similar to fingerprints can you unlock your phone with it every year on the anniversary of its arrival the Mars rover sings happy birthday to itself millions of miles from anyone right now someone is starving to death they will die by the time you finish work today you can be healthy exercise live right and still drop dead unexpectedly I had a friend in high school who had this happened to his dad the guy loved marathons drinking seaweed smoothies and nasty healthy stuff like it he didn't do drugs smoke or drink alcohol healthiest person you can imagine he went for a routine run one morning and just collapsed most people will eventually get hemorrhoids this 80 year old guy who always comes out to karaoke told me last week that he couldn't order the mussels and red sauce because my a-hole looks like a ship's hull earwigs can fly and they have characteristic Circe a pair of forceps like pincers on their abdomen and membranous wings folded underneath short for wings earwigs rarely used their flying ability in the movie xxx the part where the main character slides down a line from a parachute to a boat you are literally watching a man die the stuntman who slid down that line did not make it under that bridge he slammed into it at full speed I learned this while watching the director's commentary on the DVD they use the footage still because according to the commentary that's how dedicated we are to entertaining you the search-and-rescue dogs on September 11th were literally becoming depressed because they only found dead bodies their handlers started taking turns burying themselves in the rebel so the dogs could actually rescue someone toddlers don't have kneecaps until they're around three to five years old it doesn't really ruin the fun for everyone I just like to see the look on the parents faces when I tell them their toddler doesn't have kneecaps actually the cartilage simply hasn't hardened yet then I watch in sheer delight as they sprint over to their child and feel their toddlers non-existent kneecaps and wonder what's genetically wrong with them you are born too late to explore the earth and too early to really explore space that no matter what you do in this life all of us are going to eventually die and the majority of us will be completely forgotten to the world once I accepted this I was really able to exhale a bit and not take life so seriously up to the early 17th century people had great fun with cat bonfires as well as a game where a cat is put in a barrel hanging from a tree which is beaten with bats like a pinata you can guess what happens when the cat falls out very exciting as cats are fast and agile men women and children is to attend entertainment events that consisted of seeing how many dogs had to be set on a chained bear to overwhelm it for young people who are obsessed with the superior audio quality of Records unless the audio was originally recorded on analog the quality of the recording will be identical to what you'd hear on a CD or your computer in other words you're wasting your money buying vinyl for albums that were originally recorded on digital your foster the people record is a shyam the above-average effect if asked whether they're above average the majority of individuals will reply they are which is a statistical impossibility and probability realistically you're as average as anyone else in the room some if not all of the crew of the shuttle Challenger were alive and awake during their minutes long free fall into the Atlantic following the breakup of the shuttle the voice actress for ducky in the Land Before Time was killed by her father at age 10 he then killed her mother spent two days walking around the house then set the house a flame and shot himself that movie came on TV a while back and I just couldn't watch it memory errors you forget most of what you learn or experience most of what you remember is corrupted every time you recall something you were lucky enough to remember you corrupted more also remembering something for the last time happens often you won't even remember remembering it the earth is hit by a solar superstorm every 150 years on average and it's been 155 years since the last one we're overdue they don't normally do much damage but they do have the potential to [ __ ] electronic and communications infrastructure what does that mean for you it means that you wouldn't be able to access the Internet apparently Bob Marley and tuff Gong were really aggressive towards other ska and reggae bands when he was a young thug in Jamaica they would go to radio stations throughout the island and destroy other bands 45s and threaten the DJs to play his records over anyone elses the reason he became the voice of reggae was because he bullied intimidated and threatened his way to the top stepping on other performers along the way the destruction of single pressing albums alone was a huge loss to the sky and reggae music scene his whole one loved persona was an affectation after he'd achieved worldwide success and admiration due to his actually quite an a-hole whenever I mentioned this it really bums a lot of people who hold him up as some sort of musical Messiah there's about five large corporations that control around 90% of the media we see no matter how much you want to admit it pretty much everything you read has some kind of agenda to push no matter how small and insignificant it may be almost everything you own has a part component or entire fabrication linked to human slavery in the modern era raw materials mined are farmed by slaves garments sewn by slaves food picked shipped packed or prepared by slaves etc human trafficking is larger and more profitable today than in any other era in human history that one man's decision in the eighties more likely than not is the reason you're not dead petrov prevented a nuclear war between the soviets who had 35,000 804 nuclear warheads in 1983 and the US which had 23,000 305 that one was always a good party killer the tradition of diamond engagement and wedding rings was invented by the De Beers diamond monopoly to sell more diamonds furthermore the price of diamonds is kept artificially high diamonds would be fairly inexpensive if not for a centuries-old global cartel that carefully controls the supply and perceived desirability of them humanity produces enough food right now for everyone to have 2,700 kilocalories per person per day roughly hunger only happens because we can't all get along some hot dogs sausages or any kind of processed meat for that matter is basically all the stuff butchers throw out like ears feet organs etc this is one way to use every part of the animal source my dad's a pig farmer out of a group of ten friends one of you is likely to die before the age of 40 the guys from Led Zeppelin were massively abusive to their lady fans would burn them with cigarettes and all kinds of messed-up stuff just because they could get away with it one of the guys once tied a girl to a hotel room bed and just left her there for days I loved their music but I just can't like them the same after learning this you can live a good life be nice to everyone and still have a random act of violence almost kill you a friend of mine was at home on a Sunday afternoon someone rung his doorbell when he answered the door he was shot in the shoulder he managed to shut the door against the assailant dragged himself to the phone in his front hall and call himself an ambulance he lost all movement in his right arm the shooter was later found and arrested but he had no reason to shoot my friend it was a case of mistaken identity and location he had meant to go to a different house balloons are actually really really terrible for the environment and kill tons of wildlife dolphins whales turtles and many other marine species as well as terrestrial animals such as cows dogs sheep tortoises birds and other animals have all been hurt or killed by balloons the animal is usually killed from the balloon blocking its digestive tract leaving them unable to take in any more nutrients it slowly starts to death the animals can also become entangled in the balloon in its ribbon making the animal unable to move or eat there is something called depressive realism in which we think people suffering from depression actually see the world for how it truly is the rest of us are living in a too happy state ignoring the actual world you could have a prion in your brain right now slowly folding into copies of itself clouding your brain until you can no longer carry out basic functions there is no known method to stop prion diseases the first 1/16 of an inch to three-quarters of an inch of a pools water is actually sweat skin oil and other bodily fluids that have risen to the top but it's still sanitary since it had bonded with the chlorine creating what is known as a chloramine these chloramines are what sting your eyes and make the pool smell like chlorine this is only when the water is holding still for example during a break if the water is moving said solution is not as thick on a long enough time scale everything we could possible do and every choice we make is pointless the very best we can hope for is that any tiny impacts will last only to be consumed by the eventual heat death of the universe only 8% of cardiac arrests survive even with CPR of those 8% only like 10% do not have some type of brain damage all those shows and movies where they perform CPR and the person pops up and is alive is pretty much unrealistic when a heart stops the person is going to die or live a pretty difficult life if you have a roof over your head and AC or window unit to keep your place cool a fridge to keep your food cool and a vehicle to travel around in you're in the top 25% richest people in the world getting pregnant does not mean you get to skip your period for nine months see after you have the baby all that extra stuff has to come out case six weeks of a bloody Claudie mess while you still have stitches are too scared to poop and only pads allowed we dropping the gem on the the group of twenty year old females outside the office on day the pure shock on their faces made up for a bad day women commit 70% of non-reciprocal domestic violence and 50% of reciprocal domestic violence but get hurt more often because men are stronger plus they kill their children more than men do runner up for child abuse mommy's new boyfriend it's called the Cinderella effect a typical pop hit can cost more than 1 million dollars to promote which includes pay for click marketing and other shady tactics designed to gain the sales and the ratings numbers that's with many types of food I've seen it for chocolate and peanut butter as well that they have a limit for numbers of insect body segments that still is considered sanitary any food commodity derived from seed or spice that isn't highly refined like soybean oil or corn starch is going to contain tiny insect parts there's literally no way around it chocolate grows outdoors peanuts grow outdoors there are insects outdoors some insects ride along with the beans or kernels or whatever and they get ground up when the commodity gets melt the processor has a responsibility to eliminate as many insects as possible but it's impossible to get 100% of them the same thing applies to any spice in your cabinets at home pepper cumin oregano paprika etc those all contain a tiny amount of insect parts and animal hairs basically all modern dog breeds are inbred mutants that humans have created for novelty and many suffer horrible conditions with their limbs or breathing as a result many cannot even reproduce without human help but hey at least they look cool mutts are actually very good for the dog population as the species is trying to get back to normal many things that are generally known as Christmas traditions are actually stolen from pagan rituals for the winter solstice Christmas trees and decorations from evergreens lights reindeer magical man in red clothing Holly and mistletoe even the date that we celebrate Christmas on tell that to the next person who complains about the war on Christmas thanks for having your day ruined by radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the Bell for more mood enhancers click the right box for the reddit facts playlist share your thoughts in the comments below bye [Music]
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Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, best of reddit, reddit creepy, radio tts facts, disturbing facts reddit, disturbing facts, reddit facts, disturbing true facts, mildly disturbing facts, scary facts, inconvenient truths, reddit facts you should not know, askreddit facts, reddit crazy facts, reddit creepy facts, reddit scary facts, unsettling facts reddit
Id: KKV6rQKKkjg
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Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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