These Candylocks Dolls Aren't What I Expected

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hey once I'm back and today we're going to be checking out some candy locks dolls candy rocks why I'm glad you asked even though you didn't because Spin Master sent me this big box and you wouldn't believe it but it is quite heavy the real mystery is why they have cotton candy hair so it should be light as air out I'm gonna put this down on the day low before I hit myself in the face with it again and we'll see what's inside there's not much going on here other than the fact that we have a super cute big white box that is abnormally heavy and has a picture of cotton candy a bow and the word candy luxe written across the front listen to how heavy this is I'm not even kidding no God and candy doll should be that heavy this is why I'm intrigued tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu those gummy bears have yellow a right and another red gummy bear there's also a picture on the inside lid of the box this is candy locks so many sensational ways to style their little hair styling tutorials so the first one is the tour Li swirly twist followed by the sugar high pony and finally the delicious double buns we also got this card if says who's in there with the cotton candy hair I really like the hairstyle on that one and I love this one oh my gosh she's wearing a Kiwi dress next up I've got some really pretty pastel tissue paper and then this stuff oh my gummy bears I think this is what was making everything so heavy looks like I've got a gold and purple sequin bow for us I take that oh I broke it I pulled off the sticky stuff that was holding it on and I broke it and have to fix that and I also took off my damn bow I've also been sent a hair clip extension and it's an ombre pastel rainbow it's so cute with this super gorgeous iridescent rainbow bow clip I've got to candy lots of dolls whoops and lastly some very long plastic curly whirly type thingies with two little earrings on top which have some beads dangling off of them and since the only thing left in the box is about 5 pounds worth of gummy bears I'm gonna save these for later I'm just gonna set up some of the little presents I was sent to set my scene wait a minute I don't know if there's gonna be more than one with the same sort of theme but these guys right here look a bit like that Kiwi girl too do and then of course we have my gorgeous new hair which I'll have to brush out a little bit because it's kind of frazzled there we go wait no that looks terrible now we're gonna take a quick look at the packaging and then we can open luckily for us there's not much to it says candy locks and there's a picture of one of the dolls her hair is teal and pink and she's wearing a teal hair bow with a little gummy bear in the center in behind that picture we see a purple blind bag and a whole lot of hair these are recommended for children who are 5 and up and not for children under 3 because they can contain small parts but on the bottom they make sure to say that this product does not contain cotton candy do not eat it so on the inside back of the cotton candy we can pop the plastic along the perforation that was a really fun alliteration Jen for the win one two three sounds like fireworks Tara oh she's small that toy doll was very unfunny so inside the striped white and pink paper cone there is a small purple blind bag and then this super soft fuzzy wool hair cotton candy mound is our doll and Jen's going in for the sniff smell with me guys I don't even know but it reminds me of a lollipop smell I'll tell you right now whatever doll is wrapped in there as fun as her hair might be may not be very useful to play with I'm just gonna throw that out there we'll have to find out and then behind all that hair is this really cute picture which I'm going to totally keep as a poster if I don't break it come on come on don't break these packages are being uncooperative and then our second blind bag and she's okay ten points for Jen and finally here is our first candy locks doll she's in there somewhere so what this feels like is that big wool yarn that you'll use to knit or crochet chunky blankets with I know that that example is not gonna work for everyone but I knit and crochet so it works for me and that's the only thing I could think of to describe it let's try to find our doll in here hey it's the one from the package that is awesome okay I'm pretty excited right now we'll check out her outfit and makeup first so before I even continue I'm gonna say that these colors work so great with her skin tone which is a nice chocolate brown they've used green and pink to accent everything so she's got pink eyebrows lipstick and blushing as well as bright green eyes and little seed like green shapes on one side of her face which sort of adds to the look of the Kili on her dress I'm not seeing any scratches or defects so that makes me happy she also has molded hair not on her forehead but on the sides around her ears and just in the back I think that's kind of funny considering they don't have any plastic hair it looks like her arms move in one piece moving on to her dress it's bright pink with a big green Kiwi pattern in the center I guess it's not really a pattern it looks like it's legit the center of one Kiwi but anyways the collar sleeves and ruffles of the skirt as well as the back are pink and so are the shoes which are high heels and then everything else is green and there is no articulation in the knees or the waist but it can go up and down into a seated position however this is very stiff I'll have to use it a bit throughout this video and let you know if it becomes any easier to bend as we go right now the hair is tied in knots at the top and the bottom we've got two big strands of pink and four big strands of green and if I were to move it all out of the way you'd see it coming from the centre of her head held in by two zip ties so the knots help hide that so if we keep those in we won't see that so the first thing I'm going to do is going to be of the twist which was literally just a braid and boom she looks fabulous as cool as her hair is it doesn't really allow you to play with her very much because it gets in the way and weighs her down first of all she's still coming out of her posed position and she can't stand even if we hold her her hair pulls her back and it's fun to do but it's not even so you are gonna have some mismatched lengths so the next one that they have us do is literally turn it into a ponytail by taking one strand and wrapping it around the rest I'm gonna wrap it a bit more closer to her head though because otherwise you see the giant got this inside now she looks like she's wearing a towel out of the shower so maybe the giant ponytail didn't work for me one more thing this is probably not the best footage to watch I'm not gonna lie because I can't hold her and do her hair at the same time it's just not working guys okay there's gonna tie that up now I'll do this side this is not easy if you want to play with these toys and do any fun thing to their hair I definitely recommend having a friend nearby to hold her little bitty body whoa what happened there all right she looks cool backwards she looks interesting that's for sure so I'm just going to wrap my poofy buns and tuck them under and this is a short-lived experience I'm gonna say that's good enough I don't think I'm enjoying this very much I'm just gonna wrap it there you have it it looks fabulous if anyone was ever wondering whether or not this would be fun and useful to play with the answer is it's fun for a few but after that it's a little more cumbersome than anything else she's very very top-heavy considering that her hair is so light and fluffy and it's actually quite hard to style harder than you'd imagine because she keeps on moving if you do have someone to hold her it will be much easier but tucking it in and getting it to stay is definitely gonna be a big problem now I'm gonna open the blind bags and see if they've given us anything that will help with that okay I got her to stay but it kind of looks like she's getting eaten by her hair moving on let's start with this little blind bag first it is just purple inside we have a ah we've got a dropped jewel find the jewel oh that was easy we've got a pink heart jewel with a little bit of velcro on the back so I'm assuming it'll stick all up in her hair boom looking slightly better and more cumbersome we also have a light green star jewel also with Velcro we'll put that on in a second and finally a pink diamond jewel with more velcro come back here dully that over there oh it doesn't have very much stick to it you need more stick-to-itiveness and our second and final blind bag there it is we have a pink plastic bow which is a hairpin and we also have a really cute light green Kiwi hairpin and it looks like there's three cranberries on top and then we have a plastic cord elasticy type thing although I'm gonna be honest I have never seen them come this way and lastly we have a checklist so we can finally find out the name of our doll we've got Kiwi kara and it tells us the scent of her as well apparently it was strawberry and on the back it shows us the exact same instructions to create cool hair I'm gonna try to take this out carefully and do her hair one final time making up my own look but I may need somebody else's hands okay I am being super gentle and all of this has come off this doll is gonna be bald before this video is even done oh no my dolls trying to go through my knot no no no that's not what I wanted to get it NoHo and then just gonna stick on some gems and call it a day okay she's done and she's looking pretty tired back there she's so tired in fact that she's sleeping on her hair as a pillow because you would if you could so don't hate now we're gonna move on to this one here but since we've already checked out the packaging and the actual hair type situation we're mostly going to focus on the dolls face and outfit and accessories and then I'll struggle with one more style because it's probably making you really happy to see me fail alright here we go I think I'm gonna start with my blind bags this time since we have an idea of what comes in them first is the small one this time I have an orange gem heart a pink diamond and a light purple star gym and of course each of those has velcro on the back so we could stick it to our dolls hair this is still really cute try really hard not to rip it because I do want to keep them this time we have three pink hearts on our hairpin another corded half bracelet maybe you just wrap it around onto itself and twist it to hold it either way I'm not a super fan of it for this type of hair I'm not gonna try that very much I'm not gonna lie but I am really excited about this one it is a teal hair bow and it's the one from the front of the box so there's a little gummy bear on it I'm so happy and somewhere inside of this big old loofah full of fluff is our Joe well there she is her outfits kind of cute her head looks so weird I don't know if it's just because I could see molded hair and the whole side of it looks really bold because her hair is up or what but look how cute that would have been if her hair was down well that's not what we're here for we're here to check out the doll and there it is this one has purple eyebrows purple eyes long mascara pretty nice quality actually doesn't have any scratches or defects it's really shiny she's got three little hearts on her left cheek to our pink and one is purple once again her arms go up and down at the same time she's wearing a light blue short-sleeved jacket over a yellow shirt and I could be wrong but it looks like there's a little rainbow gummy bear on it her skirt is pink her long socks are light purple and her very high platform boots are orange with a bow right on the front and just like the first doll she can bend at the waist hopefully she could stay in that position let's see she sees more than the other one but she's kind of coming out of it all right there we go I took a whole lot of effort and put it all into this one awesome hairstyle I even used the twisty noodle like hair elastic no my job is falling off anyways the point is this is what she looks like with this super epic hairstyle I gotta say I am a huge fan of the color combo just not so much a huge fan of the doll unfortunately so I'm gonna put her down over there yep just like that and quickly check out what her name and sent to us her name is gummy Bree and her scent is grape if that makes sense then because she has a gummy bear in her bow they sent me gummy bears to be honest the dolls themselves are really cute and the quality is there the idea is there and the hair is definitely definitely there I just don't think the overall end result is the greatest thing to play with definitely fun to style but not so fun to set up and pose because it always just flops and falls now when it comes to the most hairy thing I've ever been sent I think these might win well I'm losing another gym actually now that I'm thinking about it scruffa loves do seem pretty hairy and you know what I was sent one of those too so for no reason other than the fact that it has hair and we might be able to make it cute let's go ahead and open it moving on no we can't move on I got to decorate with the stuff that they gave me how is this look yeah yeah oh no no no no not yeah no right there I think these are supposed to go in your hair but since they're on earrings I don't I don't know but they sent them so I'm just look fabulous obviously thank you spin mess I have one more thing to show you guys and it is a super exclusive notwe're Lee packaging taped wrapped candy lock style let's just open it up shall we whoa look how totally real this is it looks like cotton candy I wonder what it could be it strangely resembles a scruff alas and for no apparent reason I just happen to have a bowl of water so let's see what happens when we put our cotton candy blue ball into the water here is my totally real not fake at all candy locks doll she just you know buried somewhere inside there so I'm just gonna give it a bath and see if I can figure out what's happening this is expanded quite a bit and to be honest I'm not feeling a body in there I do feel something plastic and hard so let's see what that is whoa this is what happens when you let Jen think she could be like other toy channels whoa what happened here this is most definitely not a candy lochs doll in fact this looks like a scruff love snow pal I was also said to scruffa loves snow path you just watch me wash it surprise bonus review all right I have thoroughly used this cute adorable teal little penguin in water now I'm gonna go give it a nice soapy bath rinse it off and dry it but I'm not gonna film that part because it's gonna take way too long if you really want to see me wash your scruff I love then I have two other videos for that and I'll link them down below but I will film me trying to fluff this up because they've changed the brush this time and I want to see what it's like so we'll be right back hopefully much drier okay guys I am halfway done drying my cute little penguin here and although I said I wasn't going to show you some of the drying process I've changed my mind and I am because this cute little blue embroidered heart here is actually heat sensitive so I'm gonna show you that and then I'm gonna brush this little guy up so we can check them out the little blue heart changes to pink when it's warm I'm assuming we'll also be able to do this once the pet is dry if we just hold it long enough but I thought that that was really neat and I wanted to make sure you guys got to see look oh my gosh look how fluffy it is I'm gonna quickly finish drying this out and come back to brush it you know I think I'm actually going to do some real dry wrong way mixed with Doug groom brush brushing just go with it I heard that this might give me a better end result so that's what I'm gonna do Here I am gently brushing of the penguin Leslie a penguin kind of looks like Elvis mm-hmm yeah I definitely just did that again so you could see the color change just trust that I'm doing both blow-dry and brushing but I'm actually gonna switch it up and try the brush that came with this pet which I didn't even show you it looks like a weird oval inside of an oval grooming brush also got a tag and also got a really cute little scarf so when it is ready I'll put that on put in the meantime I brush and dry back in five ladies and gentlemen I feel that I need to point out that for the first time in history maybe hopefully at least for me we have a scuffle up that looks like the sky fell upon the box yay and now we decorate no and now we accessorize wait mm-hmm oh no the scarf is too tight oh you look squashed okay we're not gonna accessorize that was a lie just disregard that last statement you know what instead we'll just check out my scruff I love first and foremost using both the pet brush as well as the brush they've given us has produced a very soft and fluffy that although I wish the underside of the wings was made out of this stuff here so you could actually tell the difference between where the wing ends and the rest of the body begins because if we just do it like that it kind of just looks seamless like one piece other than that though it is very very cute and sheds quite a bit of hair the first time you brush it actually not gonna lie the more you brush it the more hair you're gonna lose but at least it's very very soft and fluffy in fact it's probably the best hair we've gotten from a scruff left so far so I'm gonna do my best not to continuously complaint which is gonna be hard for me luckily we already know that this greville of is a beautiful nice teal white and shiny ribbond mixture of color and it is a penguin with a really cool embroidered color-changing heart so it's really not much else we could check out other than the eyes which still resemble a beanie boos these ones are blue as well as a really cute little yellow nose and little tiny feet other than all the fluff coming off the stitching looks pretty good I'm not able to rip the wings off so that's a plus and the scarf chokes it so this needs to be longer and pretend that it's wearing a collar boom there's our scruff love wears it oh no I dropped all the gems here's our candy locks which hairy thing do you prefer okay clearly I've been here too long all right so I worked really hard trying to make those hairstyles look good and make that scruffy snow pile look super fluffy and I think I deserve a treat so it's time to check in so these five fountain blocks of gummy bears I'm just assuming it's five pounds because it weighs like five pounds it could be a lot less I could be or exaggerating the point is I've got dummies we're gonna need some scissors my favorites are the white ones good news of their edible fun as it would be to sit here and get a whole bunch of cavity as well you guys watch I'm obviously not going to eat these all right now as we put those down and finish the video in the end I think the gems don't stick I think the dolls are really cute but to be honest they're kind of useless their hair is a fun feature but hard to style on your own and once it is done it's hard to play with the dolls after they don't sit they don't stand and even though the dolls themselves were good quality it was really hard to keep them in their bent position because it does come out of it also there was a lot of glue under my Kiwi doll and I didn't even notice I must have been too fixated on the hair in the end am I gonna tell you to buy some candy locks probably not I feel that they're more of a one-hit wonder it's all about the hair and not so much about the play experience but that does not mean that it's not a good doll so it's really up to you I just don't personally feel that they're worth it also I don't know how much they're gonna cost because they're not available in Canada yet so if you have that info feel free to share it down below now when it comes to the scruff love I am pleasantly surprised that it is much better than the previous scruff loves I have been sent so I'm gonna say at least for this penguin that I am a current fan of the new snow pals oh and just so you guys know the scruff love comes in its regular box and this is what it looks like so yeah if you liked anything you saw today feel free to check them out on your own time if you choose to and if you don't then hey that is your choice if you know somebody who loves trying out new doll rescuing sad little scrubs or my videos in general then please share this one with them and if you enjoyed it myself what and if you enjoyed it yourself or my weird hair for no reason then please make sure you remember to comment like and subscribe you can let me know down below what you liked or didn't like about the video and if you've tried these candy locks or the new scruff I love snow piles out for yourself as always thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: NexJen
Views: 375,218
Rating: 4.7999024 out of 5
Keywords: greatbigtoybox, toys, kids, toy, video, fun, gbtb, candylocks, hair doll, scruff a luv, snowpal, stuffy, dolls, plush, plushies, scented, collections, blind bag, surprise bag, mystery, figure, collectable, new doll, hair, goals, lol, scruffy, snow pal, penguin, glitter, cute, doll, girl toy, boy toy, yarn, yarn hair, cotton candy, gummy bear, kiwi, grape, soft, Jen, honest review, beebutts, bebuts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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