These Are The Worst Ways 'To Go Out' That Really Happened! (r/AskReddit Top Posts)

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what's the most horrible way to die that you've ever heard of that has actually happened serious NSFW what happened to the petty family in Cheshire CT in 2007 two home invaders severely beat and restrained the father had their way with the 11 and 17 year old daughters the mother strangled the mother and doused the girls with gasoline while tied to the beds and set the house on fire seven hours of this horrific vlad the impaler didn't stab a massive hole in you to prop you up on the stake no they shoved it up your [ __ ] your intestines would be rearranged and eventually you would die of either sepsis or dehydration I read somewhere maybe in a book of deaths at the Grand Canyon about a woman who jumped trying to commit suicide unfortunately she survived because she hit a Ledge that wasn't quite far enough down to kill her she had to crawl until she could find another edge to finish the deed since someone already said scoff isn't my second worst one is strychnine poisoning it can be inhaled consumed or absorbed through wet tissue like the nose mouth or eyes it causes your voluntary nervous system to go into overdrive which makes every muscle in your body contract and spasm uncontrollably these spasms can be strong enough to rip the muscles off your bones if untreated death usually comes within two to three hours either from asphyxiation your chest muscle spasm so hard your ribs cannot expand or from sheer exhaustion there is no antidote to strychnine although if caught immediately you can be put in sensory deprivation on massive doses of muscle relaxants if you survive the first 24 hours you usually live if bucket of rats on the stomach they need to find a way out somewhere that link is such a lovely shade of blue it would be a shame to click it and change it but thanks there was a Roman execution technique known as the body of death for anyone interested this is actually the illusion that the Apostle Paul makes in his letter to the Romans by saying who shall free me from this body of death the punishment was often given to murderers and it consisted of the body of the murdered victim being sewn onto the back of the murderer over time the rot disease maggots etc would move from the corpse into the living person's body slowly killing them furthermore anyone caught trying to help the person being punished would be subject to the same punishment this is why Rome was truly the most metal Empire to exist I'll admit my information here is of apocryphal origin so I looked into it more the most legitimate historical reference I could find was this excerpt from Virgil's Aeneid book 7 published around 30 to 19 BC dude tries to blow his head off with a shotgun the first shot just blows most of his jaw off but he lives he gets up walks to the bathroom mirror looks at himself reloads and finishes the job that moment of looking in the mirror must have been pure hell particularly horrible considering a majority of suicide attempts the person decides they want to live when it's too late it's sad to think after the first shot did he change his mind but then saw his face and thought because he's just made his situation worse the Idaho National Lab incident the no7 shield plug from the top of the reactor vessel impaled the third man through his groin and exited his shoulder pinning him to the ceiling wiki girls hair got caught in a lathe and pulled her in she was alone in the machine shop at night and the lathe kept spinning her what was left of her around until people came in the following morning to universal rules of machine shops never be in the shop on your own and never have loose clothing or hair tie tuck that back knew a guy in the Navy who said he saw someone get cut in half by a snap play ball he was still alive for about a minute after it happened apparently while on a cherry picker training course we were told a guy once fell out of the basket didn't have his harness on correctly and it elicited his entire ball sack open he died in hospital soon after because he also tore a major artery in his leg don't know how true this is but it would be a nasty way to go I saw a video once of someone who had committed suicide by rat poison probably was on WPD but I'll never forget that one he sort of hunched over and there's just blood pouring out of his nose mouth but he's very conscious head in his hands etc over time from blood loss and I guess the effects of the poison he starts to look really delirious and leans back where HGS sitting and there's just blood leaking out of him everywhere I think it thins your blood out and he starts convulsing after a while probably going into cardiac arrest and it's just really long and really drawn-out at some point I think someone tries to see if he's okay and quickly notes out has to be probably one of the worst ways to decide to die was probably very desperate and not very informed about the effects of the poison it was just very horrible to watch not the most horrible way I know or have seen but still one that I hate to think about at my local water park a kid who was ten same age as me at the time drowned now the way he drowned is when he went down the waterslide and at the end when you slide into a pool there was the pipe line that sucks water back up to the top now this pipe line had a great on it but it sucked with great force it used to pull kids towards it as you tried to swim out and it was kinda a fun game to out swim it until one day a kid went under and got held onto the grate of the pipe and could not swim away he drowned and was only found 20 minutes later when HGS mom went looking for him this pipe was probably about six meters away from where you slide into the pool just the thought of being so small and helpless as you get held under and drown and just watching other kids land in the pool and swim to safety all having fun I don't know it just gets to me not even being able to call for help when it is so close that guy that walked 700 meters off the boardwalk in Yellowstone with his sister and slipped into a boiling acidic Giza comes to mind that guy who jumped in a boiling Giza to save his dog also comes to mind when they pulled him out he had third-degree burns over 100 percent of his body while he was still alive and conscious enough to realize he when his friend pulled him out he said something along the lines of that was stupid how bad am i I'm an idiot likely even though his nerve endings were probably shot pretty instantly once he was in there the idea that he was able to realize that he was going to die is up new and old guy who lived alone he had been walking around confused one day asking for someone to help him get an inhaler they got him figured out and took him back home the next thing we knew he had died in the shower with the hot water still running days later it was assumed he was having difficulty breathing and the hot moist air did not help him any and he passed out and hit his head he was found with some parts of him floating in this sludgy mix which had accumulated over the days he was left under the water severe radiation poisoning is pretty horrifying it can take up to two weeks to kill you during which time your body will fall apart at the molecular level while you're still alive in some cases they can't even give you effective painkillers because your veins become so fragile they can't handle an injection oh and just a few you'll start to feel better after a couple days but that's just the calm before your skin starts to die the firefighter from Chernobyl ignatenko I still feel like throwing up when I think about his final form not too far from where I used to live a family all died what happened was that on their farm the fecal lagoon had released a bubble of methane gas it killed one kid who had wandered nearby from what I remember the [ __ ] fell into the lagoon and then each family member tried to get to the kid and they also were knocked out and fell into the fecal lagoon where they all drowned I have seen a video of a man who got his testicles eaten by a pit bull I saw this if it's the same one yes it was cartel and yes it was because he did something to a young girl they hung him upside down and then had the dogs eat out the whole crotch region insane I couldn't watch it he wasn't even freaking out just laying there dead inside my friend worked on the liver ward at the hospital if you were suicidal and overdose on panadol Tylenol it takes three days to die in extreme pain she said they would have people in weekly who had taken a panadol Tylenol overdose and by the time they got to the ward they had changed their mind so this person who now wanted to live died an agonizing death filled with shame in front of their friends and relatives my aunt died in a car fire she was driving drunk and went off the road and crashed her car a fire started and the car was damaged to point where she could not exit firefighters arrived and one tried to pull her out by her arm but only got skin it's awful to think about similar thing happened to a friend of mine many many years ago when she was a toddler she was in the car with her mother they were in an accident and the car was wrecked her mum couldn't get out when a fire started the mum climbed into the back seats and cloaked her body over that of my friends by the time emergency services got there the mum was gone and my friend survived but she was badly injured with burns over the majority of her body that guy that got stuck upside down in the cave for like two days my cousin's baby starved to death before a year old she never got comforted never got any good baby food she just got born into the world to heroin addicted parents in a County with poor services and then she died a friend of mine used to be a crime-scene cleanup guy he was once called in to clean up a car where an infant had been forgotten in a car during the summer in Kansas where it was well over a hundred degrees outside cars turn into ovens he quit after that there was a comment on here about a worker at a steel works who committed suicide by jumping in the molten steel crucible because it was liquid he expected to drown in it unaware that the density of molten metal is the same as solid metal so he just skidded across the surface and fried to death brutal tetanus sounds like a bummer of a way to die only fatal 10% of the time but bone breaking spasms are part of the symptoms this story is extremely disturbing and sad back when I was in seventh grade I had this friend Lazar who was a year older than me he had three siblings two of which were much much younger he also lived pretty close to where I lived it's important to note that we live on the countryside one day while we're at school the principal and the teachers are freaking out kids are starting to cry I asked one of the kids what happened and I just stood there horrified for a moment turns out that lassies father was out on the field on a combine harvester working with his friend when something got stuck in the rotary fresher lasers dad went back there to check it out but after a while his friend thought that he was done and just decided to turn the harvester back on however his leg sleeve got caught up in the Thresher and started to quickly pull him in basically crushing his leg and soon enough his other leg as well by the time his friend heard the screams and stopped the harvester both of his legs were ripped off of his body and crushed completely only his upper half was left his own son Lazar had to pick up what was left of his father and carry him to the car to get him to hospital immediately his youngest child was there watching all of this unfold but I don't think he could comprehend it at the time having lived very far away from the nearest hospital they had to basically meet the ambulance halfway there in order to not lose any precious time since his father by some miracle was still alive though unconscious all the way there his own son had to hold him in his arms and wrap him in his clothing and using his belt trying desperately to stop the bleeding as much as he could you can imagine how much this him up his father passed away a few hours later if I remember correctly and I was at school when this happened lasses dad's friend was an idiot Dean Corll tortured his victims for extended periods of time some had glass inserted into the urethra and broken off he favored little boys I read a story about a man trying to rob a place by crawling through a sewer pipe he became lodged in it with his hands around his waist trying to squirm through a narrow part the rats found him actually just his face they used his face as a buffet for days there were a few dead rats around that he'd bitten to death because he couldn't use his hands other rats arrived to partake of the feast he did not make it in Afghanistan there was a 12 year old girl 14 years old max that poured gasoline over herself and set herself on fire because her parents were forcing her to marry a 60 year old man worst part about it is not being able to do anything to help her there was a video on WPD of a guy who jumped off a building to kill himself he landed on a bollard which broke his fall enough to keep him conscious while dying of impalement or there's always being skinned alive aka flame generally the victim starts with being left naked out in the hot Sun for a day or two in order to get severe sunburn if it's winter or just bad weather a quick dunk in boiling water does the same thing that then strung up by the hands and a very sharp knife is used to make long straight incisions the burn helps separate the skin from the underlying connective tissue the skin is then peeled off from the muscle in large sheets using a hot knife between the burn and the hot knife a guild flare could remove the skin with minimal blood loss meaning the victim did not bleed out most common actual cause of death would then be hypothermia as the skin is a vitally important part of your body's ability to regulate its temperature or if they were super unlucky they'd die of sepsis blood poisoning due to infection as much as days later and of course the victim would be kept conscious during the entire procedure fatal familial insomnia you slowly lose the ability to sleep and begin to physically and mentally waste away as someone who suffers from insomnia it absolutely terrifies me that guy that was injected with adrenaline and was skinned alive in a prison riot [Music]
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Id: a5Te5oGe5vQ
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Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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