These are the BEST Items & Talents for Mage in Phase 3 | BiS Lists | WoW SoD Mage Guide Phase 3

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yo guys what's going on it's Sho here and today I'm bringing you a guide on the best in slot gear the prebis all of the best talents and runes now we know that all the gear that is available I've done all the simulations to work out what is the actual best in slot and what is really good for the preyss it's a little bit different from the guide I did before but with the guide I did before we hadn't properly done the raids yet we hadn't seen all of the gear available so now this is the best in slot gear before I start I just want to give a shout out to everyone who came to the live stream last night for the sunken Temple raid it was a really good stream and it was good to see so many of you in the chat and I really really enjoyed that that was one of the first really successful live streams so thank you so much to everyone especially those that helped with the new mechanics so first what we're going to do is we're going to look at the talents so these are the best talents for the sun cont Temple raid from what I've seen these are the ones you want to use now it's the talents are very similar to my last guide you're using five out of five impact five out of five ignite now I'm choosing to use two in two of flamethrowa DPS because you can stay further away you can avoid more mechanics and with things like the second boss you can blink back and do a lot more damage without having to kite too much so I found it really useful but if you are going for speed running or something like that then you will want to take pyro Blast for blast wave blast wave is super super good when you're doing trash uh the AOE is huge especially with the crit modifiers but there we go so those are the options really for there if you're focusing more on Boss kills and passing I would go for flame thrwing if you just want to speed through and you want to help with the trash go for blast wave then we've got two in incinerate two in burning Soul three in improved Scorch three in master of elements three in critical mass five in Firepower one in combustion then we've got the elemental Precision cross warding and the ice shards the ice shards is very very important for this build because we're using Frost Firebolt so these are hard loock talents the only really option like I said you can take flame throwing or you can take pyro and blast wave combination any other talents are not worth taking for the head room we're actually using this temporal anony I don't know how to say it exactly but it provides a shield for the raid it's actually the best one before I said about using Advanced warding but the difference is this you can actually throw out there's a few bosses where they do a lot of AOE damage you can just throw one one of these out with a spare Global and it's going to help the whole raid it's going to help your healers because of their Shield going up it's just a really really good talent I know it got nerfed a little bit but it's still good to take if every Mage takes this then it's going to help our healers a lot for the chest obviously we're using burnout for the wrist it's molten armor there is a chance to use Bell Firebolt on the first boss I actually tested it yesterday but it didn't do as much damage as it should I don't know if the script in the simulation is incorrect or whether it's still bugged within the game but it's not performing as it should be so we're taking molten armor for the hand room we're using living bomb for the waist room is Frost Firebolt for the legs we're using Icy Veins but you can swap this out if you choose you can use living flame for the trash just have Icy Veins ready for the boss for the foot Rune we're using spell power so those are the hardlock talents if you have any questions on these or anything just write in the comment below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can now I'm going to start with the prebis gear for the head we're using the tailoring Helm from the last phase if you don't have this for some reason then your best option is to use the emerald head or the blood guards head if you are rank seven if you're very very rich and you've got the eye of flame then use that otherwise the on use on the tailoring Helm is very very good so even if you have some of these better options you should use the tailoring Helm whilst you have the cool down for it for the neck it's the Piston pinit we'll get this Mage Quest neck which is the bis neck is very very easy to do just run with the Piston if you have it if not the jagged bone necklace if you can get it if not then the ghost chars Talman but to be honest even if you don't have any of these just get any neck that you can get just a green one it doesn't matter like I said after one raid you're going to replace it anyway for the shoulders we're using the blood guards dreadweave mantle if you're ranked seven if you're not ranked seven Emerald one is very very similar that's fine just use the emerald one now before we were saying about the ktic amus or the rock grip mantle but actually with the 1% crit on this it works out slightly slightly better so just use this one until you can make your fractured mind pauldrons for the cloak we're using the cindercloth cloak should be fairly easy to get it's uh eight intellect and 13 fire damage for the chest is the irritated robe set again if you don't have this let's say you're a new car you didn't do phase two just get the emerald ones just Farm honored reputation it's not too hard get the emerald Enchanted robes for the wrists is the Warson gch braces if not you can get these from nun otherwise just get the highest fiery raft braces you can get now for the weapon this weapon from Mara from Princess is deys this is the best in slot regardless if you have this it's the best but as you can see is a 0.1% chance I kid you not I have been and killed princess solo over 100 times I haven't seen it so obviously it's on the list because it is the best but you're probably never going to see it so in which case you can get the inventor's focal sword from Tinker in Mara that should be an easier grind 1% crit 11 spell damage otherwise you got the glimmering Gizmo blade between these three you should have one of these for the off hand it's the personal spell book this is part of one of your runes anyway so you'll get this regardless just go and get it 21 spell power it's really nice now for the hands we have the fiery rft hands fiery ra hands are very very good if for some reason you can't get hold of them or you don't have the money like I said go for the emerald ones or the cindercloth ones but the best is actually these 26 fire damage gloves for the belt this is the big belt 26 fire damage belt but it's very very expensive to buy there's one in my auction house right now and it's up for 1,200 gold am I going to spend that no I'm not so the next best is the defilers cloth girdle it's nine spell damage but it's 1% crit now I'll speak quickly on crit versus spell damage I've run quite a few simulations on this and from my findings I can say that 1% crit it equals around 9 spell power so what that means is If an item has eight spell power and you compare it to 1% crit then 1% crit is better if an item has 10 spell power that's better than the 1% crit item I hope that makes sense if not leave a comment I'll try and explain it a little bit better but basically 1% crit is equal to around n spell damage so this would be around 18 19 spell damage while the belt of fiery Raph would give 26 fire damage for the legs again we're just using fiery raft legs 36 fire damage is pretty huge if you can afford them or get a hold of them otherwise honestly it's pre-bis so just get the emerald ones in preis it's not going to matter too much for the boots it's the irritated boots if not can get these in Mara which is 12 intellect 14 spell damage or you can just get the cindercloth these are the boots that I use 21 fire damage is very very nice it will be the B until you can get the set boots for the Rings we've got the Ember blood blood seal most of us have this so we'll just use it from phase two otherwise the band of boiling blood is the new ring it's ever so slightly better because it's got one more spell damage but it's really confusing because if you don't want to farm this that's absolutely fine because it's one spell damage more the other ring you can get from Black Rock depths otherwise just use the advisor's ring if I'm perfect L honest with you I use the advisor's ring because I'm lazy but if you want to farm this one go for it for the trinkets we've got the miniaturized combustion chamber and the void P if you can't get these you've got breadth of the Beast gives you 1% crit like I said that equals to around nine spell power so it's ever so slightly behind the void pole but if you don't have the combustion chamber get the Beast otherwise you'll have to use something like a rune of perfection but I'm assuming that you would have the void P by now for the wand we're using this one from Black Rock depths it's 13 fire damage is pretty nice so that's the preis gear like I said it's not that important if you can't get something cuz it costs too much gold or you don't have the reputation just use whatever you can and we'll replace it very quickly now we're going to look at the bisar for the head it's the eye of flame but like I said it's very very expensive you'll probably never get this so in which case we've got this the hakari Shroud now this starts from a quest in feralas called sunen Temple it will send you off to tanas you'll do a few little quests it will eventually send you into the raid where you can get this item now one thing I will say about this is technically it's the second best in slot that said if you have the tailoring Helm when the tailoring Helm cool down is available it actually Sims higher than the Harari shroud so unless the fight is very very long then the hakari Shroud is better but on a short fight you would use the tailoring Helm even though it's less spell power the on use is just so good you will likely use this tailoring Helm unless you've got the ey of flame but you can pick this one up if the tailoring Helm is on cool down you can use the hakari Shroud for the neck we've got the Arcane crystal pendant this is a quest that starts at your Mage trainer go and get it then you'll do some things in a Chara eventually you'll have to kill more fast in the raid then you'll get this it's very good it's very easy to get the shoulders is the fractured mine pauldrons this is a little bit of a long quest to get but it's a lot better than the phase 2 one I found you get it down a lot quicker and it's a lot cheaper now because the seeds that are dropping in the raid there's loads of them so everyone will get this very quickly for the cloak we're using the haku's hex Cape it drops from gasa 10 intellect 15 spell damage for the chest we're using the set chest you'll want to always use the set chest this one like I said is 23 spell damage 1% crit that equates to sort of 32 spell damage it's very strong and the set bonus is very good as well for the wrist we're using the Wason G races but again if you don't have the reputation just use the best fiery rft ones you can get now for the weapon blade of Eternal Darkness is the B but like I said in the preis it's very very very hard to get I would not put that on you the mental health it it just it's just not good to farm this for too long do it if you have some time here and there but don't dedicate your life to it because you will end up a degenerate instead we've got two options here now technically the best in slot is the modus kakan is 23 SP fire damage but the hubis is very very good as well it's about one point different because you got the intellect on here that said if you're planning to do Arcane or Frost or something use it for PVP specs then the hris is better but if you just PVE and you can't get the blade of Eternal Darkness modus kakan is good there'll probably be less competition on this because warlocks will always go for the hubis whereas we are the only ones that are using all fire spells so you should be able to get this for the off hand is the Drake Stone of the blood profit but good luck getting this one so just keep the personal spell book if you need your healers might want this but if you get it fair play for the hands it's the hex's glove 16 intellect and 19 spell damage very nice gloves for the belt as we've covered in the previous section the fiery raft belt with 26 fire damage is the best in slot you've got the 25 fire damage option as well but it's very very similar to the defilers Glo cdle so if you don't have the gold or you can't find one just get this defiler gloth girdle it's 1% crit and nine spell damage but the true B is the 26 fire damage belt it would be a fool of me to say that it's not because it is but like I said it's very very expensive to buy for the legs we want the set legs the set bonus is too good trick chance is nice in the set bonus as well for the feet it's the same the boots we've got a very nice 15 spell damage on there 1% crit and obviously your damage spells have a chance to your target to take up to 50 increased damage so for the Rings you want the band of boiling blood and the drakeclaw band of the harbringer these are the best combination I've tested it so many times that said if you don't have this then Roar of the dream is the third best option you can get this from being exulted in the new incursions reputation your harmful spells have a chance to increase your spell damage by 66 for 10 seconds on paper is very very good but from the test that I've done on every single Sim 30 seconds 60 seconds 90 seconds 120 seconds 5 minute fight I've tested them all and the Roar of dream is ever so slightly behind the Drake CL FL band of the harbringer so these three rings are sort of your B in any combination that you want to do it if you can't get the Drake claw band then get the Roar of the dream any of these like I said is going to be the best the trinkets we've got the miniaturized combustion chamber from noma in the last phase and the atali blood ritual charm this is an onuse clicky we love this because we're going to pop it with combustion and Icy Veins it increases your spell damage by up to 96 for 20 seconds every time you cast a spell the bonus is reduced by eight now this is great because we'll just use longer casted spells like cross Firebolt it's going to scale really well it lasts 20 seconds so it's very good for nuking so these are the best combination for the wand we've got the fire damage wand with 19 fire damage good luck finding this it's extremely rare and it's going to be very very expensive otherwise you can get the 17 fire damage wand but again people are just going to put it on the auction house for an insane price so you can just get the pyate one from Black Rock depths it's 13 fire damage but hey if you've got money to burn or you come across this then use it so that's the actual best in slot gear and the preist there's no other Alternatives this is the best I'll leave these links for the preis and the abys in the description below if you have any questions or anything just write in the comments and I'll get back to you thank you very much guys have a great day
Channel: SEANO
Views: 17,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, wow classic, wow classic sod, wow classid sod phase 3, wow classic mage, wow classic sod mage, wow classic sod phase 3 mage, wow mage pvp guide, arcane mage guide, season of discovery, world of warcraft, wow classic pve, wow classic sod pve, wow classic sod phase 3 pve, wow mage pve guide, wow classic mage pve guide, wow classic sod mage pve guide, wow classic sod phase 3 mage pve guide, fire mage, fire mage guide, Sunken Temple, Phase 3 BiS, mage phase 3 bis
Id: bB3itYFxsyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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